Esoteric Yoga: The Joy of True Freedom

by Helen Simkins, Alstonville, Australia

My relationship with Esoteric Yoga is always developing. I have attended many group sessions and practised at home by myself since 2008 and each time the experience is unique and revealing.  Each session rewards me with a deeper appreciation for my own body and what it can teach me, and an increasing sense of what the joy of true freedom feels like.

This modality has supported me enormously in reducing stress, anxiety levels, nervous energy and the relentless drive of my mind. It has given me real relaxation, increased presence and a much greater sense of freedom in my body.  It supports me to deal with the intensity of whatever may come up in the day without losing my connection within.

Sometimes, during the sessions, it seemed unbearably uncomfortable to be still in my body and have to feel the physical results of what has driven my mind, and sometimes a desperate need to “check-out” resulted in a snoring session on the mat!  At other times there was excruciating pain in various parts of my body as they became less numb, or as I began to connect to them – never had simply sitting still (or even lying down) with my body seemed so agonisingly difficult!

There are also times (more frequently now) when I experience the ‘exquisite, nurturing stillness – described beautifully in another blog – throughout my being and body, confirming for me my level of connection with who I truly am and showing me that there is no limit to how deep and vast this stillness can be.  This experience of real stillness is absolute freedom to go as deep as I am willing, and complete support for where I am at: it is hard to describe adequately in words…

Esoteric Yoga inevitably delivers to me the truth of how I have been living and presents an opportunity for me to become more aware of how much my body can tell me if I take the time to be with it.  It gives me the space to release energy and emotions that have been locked deep into my body and supports me to continually connect more deeply to the truth of who I am.

Esoteric Yoga is about developing quality – my quality – of union with me, which is then reflected in everything that I do.  It is so, so simple and yet SO powerful.  There is absolutely no need to be a contortionist or super flexible (phew), and certainly no straining to achieve anything. The only requirement is my own commitment to being prepared to be present and experience whatever is revealed through my body without pre-conceived expectation or judgement.

Esoteric Yoga is a truly amazing modality.

Part 1: Esoteric Yoga: Union & Listening to My Body

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