Connection, Choice & Energy: Are You the Pilot or is Autopilot Running You?

by Rosie Bason, Mullumbimby

I have been a student of Universal Medicine for over 3 years now and have recently had some ‘aha’ moments. We know that Einstein proved the fact that everything is energy. Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine elaborated on this teaching by saying, “If everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy”.

Since this was brought to my awareness I have been really paying attention to energy and feeling into what is happening around me – seeing the effect of one thing on the next.

What I’ve found is that we use energy to run our bodies. We can also choose a form of energy to run our bodies that is loving. And like a good quality fuel that you use for your car – you get great results from it.

On the other hand, you can choose to run your body on another form of fuel and not get the best results. If I am not present with myself, and I am not aware of which energy I am running on, I have found myself eating food that I know is not good for me, but I eat it anyway. In hindsight I can see clearly that the energy I was running on was unloving and therefore allowed me to make unloving choices for me. The other stop sign for me is if I catch myself thinking thoughts of not being beautiful, not being good enough or not clever enough, then I realise that I have once again lost my awareness and am running on a energy or fuel, so to speak, which is very un-loving and not true at all.

Your body runs either way, it’s just the quality of life you end up living is totally different.

Through the teachings from Universal Medicine, I’ve discovered you can also look at it this way – you are either connected with your body and feel it clearly or you are disconnected from it, not feeling truly how it is and therefore just running on autopilot. But if this is true, then who really is the pilot, if it is not you?

For me, I know I am connected when I am aware of how my body feels; I can actually feel each footstep I take instead of just stomping around without awareness of how hard my feet are hitting the ground. If I find myself in another part of the house, or worse, at the destination of a drive somewhere, and I do not know how I got there, it is clear that I have been disconnected and I was not with me for the journey.

Another way for me to see if I am connected to my body or not is to check where I am. If I can feel my body and am aware of my hips or can feel how I am holding my arms or even if I am aware of a little pain in my lower back, then I am with me – connected.

If on the other hand I have a million thoughts going through my mind, busy thinking about what’s for dinner, what I have to do tomorrow, and perhaps also going over that argument in my head, then I am definitely not with me in my body. I am lost in a whirlwind of my mind.

So I am in mind but not in body!

One of the ways I’ve used to work out which type of fuel or energy I am using is to become aware of how I am communicating and expressing.

If I am thinking about what to say next, rushing my sentences, not taking moments to pause; if what I am talking about seems complicated or overwhelming, or there is a need, drive or goal I can feel, I know then that I have at some point chosen the wrong form of energy for me. I have allowed another pilot to run my ship!

If on the other hand, I find myself communicating with ease, with moments of silence that do not feel awkward, that allow me to reconnect and feel my body, then it is clear to me that I am the pilot of my ship and I am steering the course that I choose.

If what I am talking about seems simple and I have no need to pre-plan what I am going to say next, then I know that I have chosen an energy that is loving and supports me to connect back to me. It means I am the captain of my own ship.

This for me is a great little red flag or stop light because now when I catch myself in a feeling of ‘it’s too much’, or I feel like I am running around and there are 6 million things to do, I can stop, take a breath and make a choice in that moment to either reconnect to me and my body, or continue in the uncomfortable rush of energy that is not really me or my rhythm. With the support and teachings from Universal Medicine, I have now found I can take the helm and steer my own ship or I can just check out, take no responsibility and let the autopilot take over. Either way, I get to choose which fuel or energy is running the ship.