The ‘Purple Books’ Scribed by Serge Benhayon

The first presentation I ever attended by Serge Benhayon, in June 2008, was one of those “never to be forgotten milestones” as I was deeply inspired to make new choices in my life. These choices brought many changes to my daily way of living and I now enjoy a level of wellbeing unknown to me before.

There were copies of some beautiful books for sale at the event, their covers a rich purple colour, with white print highlighting the title on display, which I felt drawn to buy.  

There are several of these ‘Purple Books’ by Serge Benhayon, presenting the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. My copies of them have been read and enjoyed from cover to cover, several times over by myself and others.

I noticed that when my hands were resting on these books there was a strong feeling of an energy emanating from them; how they were simply a joy just to sit and hold, as well as read!

Over the years there have been various times where I have felt a little ‘off-colour’, out of sorts, scattered, with racy and relentless thoughts, in some physical pain or slightly anxious over something. This is when I have felt, “Ah Ha! Time to reach for a Purple Book and just hold it and breathe gently with my feet on the floor.” Without fail, in only a few minutes my mind is calmer, there is a feeling of dropping more deeply into my body and an awareness of the innate stillness within expanding.

Recently my husband was in hospital for emergency surgery; before the operation I handed him one of the Purple Books and suggested he just hold it.

He asked the reason why I offered this to him and what was he supposed to do or feel in just holding a book? My answer was just to hold it between his hands for no reason other than just holding it!

He decided to lower the hospital bed flat and he then put the Purple Book onto his chest with his hands on it. After holding it for just a few minutes, it was very obvious his body was relaxing deeply and he went off to sleep for over an hour, still holding the book.

When waking, my husband was very surprised that he could actually feel a certain “quality of energy, like a pulse” when holding this book.

Over the next few days I simply offered the book to be held whenever he felt cold or tired and, every time, he began to relax, get toasty warm and fall asleep very quickly.

This has continued post operation too. He even read the chapter on ‘Men’ in the Purple book ‘Esoteric Teachings and Revelations’ one afternoon! I playfully commented that these Purple Books could be likened to a teddy bear – like Paddington Bear, being held by a child.

In our home now there is a much-used phrase, spoken in a very affectionate and joyful way, regarding these glorious Purple books.

When it feels like the time to reach for a Purple Book, to read or to hold, we ask…

“Hmm . . . where is Paddington?!”

It is now seven years since my first meeting with Serge Benhayon. Over this time I have continued to be totally inspired by the consistent way of love, dedication and humility that this ordinary man and his family live, reflecting to us all that there is a more simple and joyful way to live as we deepen the relationship with ourselves and others.

Naturally I still love reading and re-reading these inspiring Purple Books and enjoying the deep wisdom that Serge Benhayon continues to share through them.

By Stephanie Stevenson, Amazing Woman, Esoteric Practitioner, Home-Keeper, Grandmother,  Sandhurst, Berkshire, UK

Further Reading:
‘Serge’s Books’ Are a Form of Medicine
Serge Benhayon’s Books Have a Deeply Stilling Effect On The Body And Being

725 thoughts on “The ‘Purple Books’ Scribed by Serge Benhayon

  1. I take a Purple book with me when I’m traveling. What is fascinating about reading them is that I may have read the book two or three times, but I always seem to come across something and say to myself I don’t remember reading that. It seems the book expands as we expand our understanding of life.

  2. I have had a similar experience, one night when I couldn’t fall asleep – tossing and turning, racy thoughts running, I thought to myself: “Well, I can’t fall asleep at the moment so I may as well just read a little”. As soon as I reached out for one of the books, I felt the calm in my body, and before I knew it I was ready to fall asleep – magic!

    1. Normally I sleep easily and deeply, however if I have woken up and found it hard to go back to sleep I would read some of a purple book to support my settlement and returning to sleep.

  3. Thank you Stephanie. Such a simple way to bring one back into one’s body, easily and effortlessly. How fortunate we are to have the truth and wisdom of Serge throughout his books.

  4. Thank you Stephanie, it’s a joy to read this again and feel the love, sweetness and playfulness you express with your experience of the books. Serge’s Purple Books are a beauty-ful gift to humanity, I also enjoy the ebook versions which I can access on my iPad. Whenever I open them up to a random page there is a supportive quote or section that relates very much to what I currently am learning. What’s also inspiring is to feel that we all can equally access this beauty that Serge writes from, and bring forth truth and love from our soul for humanity in whatever form we feel impulses to share it with. Being touched so deeply by Serge’s books brings enormous purpose to return to soul.

    1. Wow Melinda, I was not aware that there were ebook versions of the purple books; I will look into getting some of those.

      1. Dear Lorraine, there used to be ebooks, but there are only the paper version of books now by Serge Benhayon.

  5. I love the play-full-ness of your blog! The Way of the Livingness brings any teachings into practical application which is the most empowering and healing opportunity.

  6. Every time I re-read one of the purple books I deepen my understanding of the beauty that is being shared.

  7. The purple books are preceded by a quality of energy, a vibration, that represents our multidimensionality, our divinity, the truth of who we are, and the wisdom contained within offers us the inspiration in how we can live our multidimensionality, who we are, in this world in which we all live together.

  8. These books are unlike any other I have read and as a child I would read voraciously. These books don’t take me into any fantasy world or into my head to cram in lots of information and knowledge. They bring me back to a feeling of being centred and then deeper into what is already around and within my body and life overall.

  9. Paddington what a gorgeous way to refer to your books by Serge Benhayon. I love mine, I’m always amazed how in each moment I can open it at a seemingly random page and find exactly what will support me in that moment.

    1. Yes, the quotes in them are always personally and Universally perfect for the moment you are reading them. It is like they find you rather than you find them!

  10. Thank you for inspiring me to reach for one of the quote books just now. It is so palpable that these books speak to the whole body and offer a kind of energetic platform that I can choose to observe and experience life from. There is something truly magical about them.

  11. Anything written by Serge Benhayon is worth reading, these purple books offer so much wisdom, truth and universal intelligence and bring understanding to all aspects of life, and they are a gift to humanity.

    1. Agree Anna – Serge Benhayon lives and shares a wisdom that represents the truth of who we are and the divine power that is possible for us all to live through our own connection to our inner-wisdom, the love we are in essence.

    2. The purple books are a gift to humanity, we are all so blessed to have Serge Benhayon and his family in our lives, ‘It is now seven years since my first meeting with Serge Benhayon. Over this time I have continued to be totally inspired by the consistent way of love, dedication and humility that this ordinary man and his family live, reflecting to us all that there is a more simple and joyful way to live as we deepen the relationship with ourselves and others.’

  12. I always love coming back to this blog, because there is a great deal in those Purple books, and each time I pick one up I find exactly what I need.

  13. The purple books hold an immense light; a light that does not impose upon anyone and stays in its place, that helps to come back to the body even by holding a book. In addition, the text and the many layers that are there for us. Then the color. The color is one of a profound connection with the all; a perfect reflection of what the book is all about.

  14. I take Serge Benhayons Purple Books wherever I go, I don’t always have time to read them but they are always there with me in whatever hotel room I am in, they the most important part of my travel kit. Passport, Purple book ready to go.

    1. I love that Mary, who needs anything else when you have the purple books to accompany you in your travels.

  15. Gosh – there’s so much to life than we like to assume or believe – when we begin to explore the fact that everything is energy, life is never the same again.

  16. There is an amazing and beautiful stilling feel about the books of Serge Benhayon that I love. It shows how so much in our life is done through energy and that we feel this much more than we commonly realise and talk about. Yet it is actually that energetic part of life that can be so very harming or healing.

    1. The energetic part of life is paramount, ‘ Time to reach for a Purple Book and just hold it and breathe gently with my feet on the floor.” Without fail, in only a few minutes my mind is calmer, there is a feeling of dropping more deeply into my body and an awareness of the innate stillness within expanding.’

  17. No amount of superlatives could ever convey what is in the purple books written by Serge Benhayon, and what you have shared Stephanie provides a good understanding about the power of True Love when expressed in writing.

  18. I have never read a book that presents the truth of who we are, how we have come to the situation the world is in then the books written by Serge Benhayon. And what I love (as well as many other things) is that all the books are the same price ($40) no matter the thickness or thinness of the book. There is so much wisdom that pours out of these books that feels my truth too.

  19. “Over the years there have been various times where I have felt a little ‘off-colour’, out of sorts, scattered, with racy and relentless thoughts, in some physical pain or slightly anxious over something……Time reach for a Purple Book”. Stephanie who would have thought a ‘Purple Book’ would bring you to you.
    There are times I feel I’m struggling with the things you have described and I’m going to reach for my own ’Purple Book’ too.

    1. Ha ha yes, a great place to start and a simple reminder that we have everything we need within, we simply need a little reminder every now and again. At which point we will be more aware of the other practical resources we need to build ourselves back to settlement in the body.

  20. Your openness and innocence are inspiring and I love the simplicity, void of any convoluted explanations or excuses with which you offered your husband one of the books by Serge Benhayon. This is truly a one of its kind Paddington bear.

  21. The love and Ageless Wisdom held within the purple books written by Serge Benhayon can be felt more deeply than words on the page.

  22. I can’t say I have ever felt or allowed myself to feel what you describe here but I love the simplicity and naturalness of what you share here.

  23. ‘I playfully commented that these Purple Books could be likened to a teddy bear – like Paddington Bear, being held by a child’. The difference being that no comfort is offered instead a way out of discomfort.

  24. Beautiful to re read this today Stephanie as it makes me aware how the purple books in our house are a constant reflection and not only when I read them but by the divine quality they hold that is emanating through day in day out. And I am the one that makes the choice to either feel it and align or dismiss it and be lost in my mind.

  25. I love the truth and wisdom Serge Benhayon shares in the purple books, they are the only books I have felt drawn to read for many years now. I travel a lot overseas for work and often I carry one of the purple books with me and you can feel it changes the quality of the hotel room having a purple book next to bed to read and cherish.

  26. The purple books are a gift for us to behold, as every word written carries the vibration of who we are in essence, and the way we can return to living the light we are, here on Earth.

  27. We really do have so much to offer to the world, with Serge Benhayon as our reflection of what is possible, of what each of us can bring to man kind, the possibilities are endless.

  28. So beautiful what you have shared Stephanie about the purple books and the power of love contained in these books felt by just holding them. I read the purple books mostly on a daily basis; sometimes I am too tired to read. So now I will instead just hold one before I go to sleep and just connect to the love and truth contained within.

    1. This blog is a beautiful sharing, and has presented some ideas for me to see how it is for me.

  29. This is such a sweet, innocent and pure explanation of the quality these books hold. You are using the purple books as more than just books and that what I feel they were designed for. As a reflection of what a product we produce can look and feel like. If we entertain the possibility that a book feels like its author and actually holds a pulse, then a painting should also feel like the artist? And if all this is true, what is our responsibility when we produce anything? Serge always has a way of communicating things on many levels at the same time, these books are reminding humanity that what we make/ produce matters, as everything carries the quality of the way we live.

  30. I find the same- when I go into a state of anxiousness, if I come back to reading these books I am able to reconnect to a deeper stillness within.

  31. Reading this blog reminds me once more of the enormity these books are connected to. The constellation of words that are contained in these books is connected to the ancient wisdom that have been with us for ages and because we are from the same source only the holding of a book connects us already instantly to this origin and in that confirms who we are and where we belong. So it s not that strange that our bodies do feel so relaxed and at ease with these books as they give us permission to reconnect to who we naturally are. You could actually call these book religious as that is what they actually do in their activity.

  32. It may sound silly to ‘just hold a book’ but I know what you mean. The books written by Serge Benhayon hold such a deep quality of stillness and integrity that just holding them is helping you to reconnect to these qualities. These experiences you write about are testament to the fact that we do ourselves short when we don’t consider the energetic fact of life and healing.

  33. Love to read this blog today Stephanie. I also have several purple books by Serge Benhayon and am half way through one just now which sits next to my bed, which I am feeling the call to finish. Also when I am travelling a long distance in the car, I always take a purple book with me which sits on the passenger seat, right beside me, just like your Paddington Bear.

  34. I have often read Serge Benhayon’s purple books in bed but have never thought of actually cuddling them in bed – perhaps I should consider it?! They are obviously far more than meets the eye and contain a depth of wisdom and support and understanding that will be studied for a long time.

    1. Or maybe just holding one of Serge Benhayon’s books and seeing how we feel.

  35. It is a blessing to have books that ask nothing of you than being you and present us with the wisdom that we deep down know.

  36. “When it feels like the time to reach for a Purple Book, to read or to hold, we ask…“Hmm . . . where is Paddington?!”- This made me chuckle when I read it then moments later I began to cry. I have a purple book sitting right beside me as I type these words. I am feeling the energy of it’s powerful support also. The power and everlasting love that is it’s author Serge Behyahon. The part I have been reading is related to Energetic responsibility and he speaks about the truth that everything that is manufactured in the world also emanates either a harming energy or a healing energy, just as every persons energy field around them does. Your blog is confirmation of this truth and explains to me why I have reached for it to be by my side in the past few difficult days. These “Paddingtons” are emitting healing energy, without a doubt.

  37. I love it Stephanie, and what I feel very strongly reading what you’ve written is how open to the support you and your husband can receive from the purple books. They’re some of my most amazing and inspiring possessions and often I just open a page ‘randomly’ and always it’s so appropriate to read that page and feel how it’s just what I need to hear and read.

  38. Hi Stephanie, I like the way you name the purple books, Paddington… as indeed you can see these as teddy bears indeed. Something in life you can hold and trust on as it will always bring you back to the truth that we are.

  39. This made me giggle as I had never considered just holding the book! It reminds me of the way I was told to hold the Bible so I was slightly worried I would view it in the same way, but the thought of your household asking where Paddington is – well that makes it much more easy to go with 🙂

  40. We are feeling energy constantly and everything is energy and has a quality to it. It is neither surprising nor abnormal to hear and experience of Serge’s books being used as a healing tool by word and by feel. Essentially, in every word of these books is a way of living that Serge is offering and we can feel this very strongly when there is no reaction in the way.

  41. Every time I see, read or hold one of the Purple Books, I am reminded of the fact that I belong to a grand order, much grander than I am living now.

    1. Beautifully and truthfully stated Nico – we do belong to the grand order and flow of the Universe and are in essence multi-dimensional beings. The Purple Books remind us of this truth whether reading or holding them.

  42. This confirms what we all already know deeply and at times only some of us choose to be aware of, that everything in a world is energy first. The way we make or produce a product or object carries with it that quality ongoing. There is another part I read today and that is also when we share something, no matter the result, again above else the energy or quality we share ‘it’ in is key. So if we share something before there is an opening or an asking then this could have a great looking result but also it will always carry that quality until it is cleared.

  43. When I first started reading a purple book, I didn’t want to put it down and literally took it everywhere with me. No doubt this was from the energy I felt from reading the book rather than the interesting story or plot line. I was never someone who was hugely into reading books and would sometimes enjoy a biography about a band or famous musician, and I occasionally enjoyed 1 or 2 novels but not at great length, these purple books changed my perception of books forever, the evolving and deepening nature of the books is irreplaceable.

  44. I love the purple books by Serge Benhayon – and they keep on coming! They offer so much to humanity. On re-reading them I glean new insights that passed me by before. So many dimensions to them…..

  45. I must admit that reading Serge Benhayon’s purple books up to recently has been a real challenge to me. In fact, I had a number of them for years that were rarely if ever cracked open and know this was directly because of the way I was approaching how to read them. I was initially trying to read them like they were a study book from school, and that I had to remember everything that was being presented so as to regurgitate it at a later time when the relevant tests of life presented themselves. This approach so did not work as evidenced by the fact I could not even finish one page…. Slowly it dawned on me to read the words and just let them flow over me, kind of like in an observational mode with the full knowing that they are sinking in on levels that is not necessary associated with my memory and recall.

  46. I love this Stephanie, ..’where I have felt a little ‘off-colour’,’ and then you add a bit of colour with the beautiful purple coloured books of Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy. Enjoy holding and reading the amazing and growing collection full of Ancient Wisdom, always reminding us of our divine nature.

    1. Indeed Annelies, although I do not always appreciate them as such, they always deliver that what you need in support to where you are at and are heading to.

  47. Thank you Stephanie, so cute to read your beautiful and playful expression again, which also communicates a great truth – we know the essence of love. Whether it is in a gesture of another, spoken words, from our own self care, or a book by Serge Benhayon our body responds to the powerful healing that love brings.

  48. Shows the energy of the books are far more powerful than the words necessarily themselves. Words can be just words. They are after all simply a form of expression, a way of conveying information. But it’s more than just information, it is conveying a certain quality of movement, action, that relates to the information being presented. We all feel it when someone is abrupt and rude and hence the discontent behind that. But in this moment it is more than just the words or the way of expression we pick up, we also read the persons movements and in fact their whole state of being. This shows that for a book to have such an affect on people, there is a certain quality of the way Serge Benhayon is living that allows him the ability to offer such a healing for everyone else. I certainly reckon this is worth taking due note of as this is what living an amazing and full life is all about.

  49. Thank you Stephanie, I have read this before and it’s very cute but it also powerfully conveys how everything is energy and how the energy of everything affects us – whether it’s a book, a person or a forest there is a potential impact from whatever the underlying energy is. It is great to have energetic awareness as we can feel and discern what is truly supportive or what is harmful, as what we see on the surface, or the words we read can sway us so to speak, yet the energy does not lie. Awareness of energy means life can be felt, choices can be made, and truth and simplicity can be restored by the use of this awareness.

  50. Thank you for sharing how your family has been supported by the quality of The Purple Books without having to read a word. If I cannot sleep I have often opened one up and read a short passage which I find incredibly supportive but next time I will place it on my chest!

  51. The purple books as scribed by Serge Benhayon reflect the truth of every aspect of who we are and our relationship with life here on earth and beyond. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, as always have, offers us the opportunity to come to know that we have a choice in every moment, to resurrect ourselves out of our loveless existence and rise to be at one with the divinity that we are, so that we live from the light of our Soul as we move through this life, activating The Way of The Livingness.

  52. I agree Stephanie, the purple books by Serge Benhayon have been an amazing support to me, opening any page of the books you feel instantly blessed by the deep wisdom and true love these purple books offer everyone.

  53. “When waking, my husband was very surprised that he could actually feel a certain “quality of energy, like a pulse” when holding this book.” Beautiful. And now we have two more amazing books to add to our libraries – Space and Esoteric Teachings and Revelations Book 2.

  54. I love reading the purple books just before going to sleep they support me to come back to my stillness for a restful and re vitalising sleep.

  55. I love the trust and surrender your husband had with you, allowing himself to be playful and explore what these purple books offer.

  56. I absolutely love these books by Serge Benhayon, every time I pick one up and no matter how much I read it always leaves me feeling more together and more connected.

    1. Absolutely Fiona, it’s the same for me also. I have found the ebooks supportive too as I can access the immense wisdom of the purple books through my device. No matter what is going on for me the books offer a tremendous healing and as you say “it always leaves me feeling more together and more connected.”

  57. The writings of Serge Benhayon introduce us to a world of knowing we all know, but have not held as our truth or reality, and hence they support the reconnection to the magnificence we are.

    1. I agree Heather – these books contain great wisdom, information and intelligence that we all have access to but have not lived, as you say, as our truth or reality and so they have always awakened something in me that feels already known.

  58. How powerful is a book written with the deepest of integrity, with nothing but the absolute love of humanity. As you share Stephanie,with your experience, deeply so.

  59. The Purple Books by Serge Benhayon, continue to be constant travelling companions. There are also some of these books now available to read online and it is lovely to feel that the quality of the words on the page, are still as deeply healing as on paper

  60. The Purple Books by Serge Benhayon are a constant source of inspiration and reflection on all that is offered with the Ageless Wisdom.

  61. The purple books scribed by Serge Benhayon are without a doubt a gift from God reminding us all of our equally Fiery essence and returning to live the light of our Soul is our purpose here.

  62. The wisdom and healing that is offered by the purple books is beyond what we can humanly comprehend, every page, every word emanate the truth of the universe.

  63. As I deepen my relationship with myself I continue to be deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It is incredibly beautiful and inspiring to observe and appreciate ourselves who are choosing to commit to the return of who we truly are.

  64. This is quite an amazing story that really highlights the fact that everything is energy and we can all feel it all the time – it’s just whether or not we are aware of it.

  65. This blog completely turns on its head the fact you have to do something – like read – to get something from a book. It’s ultimate proof that everything is energy, including books, and that energy can be felt long before the book is opened and the first page is read.

  66. Stephanie it might be time for Serge Benhayon to also create teddy bears! Cute jokes aside, the truth is everything is energy and what is contained in the purple books is deeply healing, harmonising and nurturing. The body feels this and reconnects to the quality of energy the books hold, resulting in feeling something quite beautiful within ourselves. If this is how it feels from simply connecting to the book, what must it be like to live the wisdom written within them – a wisdom we all come from?

  67. These Purple books are an absolute inspiration, I never tire of reading and re reading either. If I am unsettled by something, I know that I have only to reach for a book and hold it to receive a blessing. These books are always read before I go to sleep each night and sometimes during the day too. I find there is always something inspiring that I gain from them and always something new and pertinent for that day. With much appreciation and love to Serge Benhayon !

  68. Every time I reach out for one of the purple books no matter how much I read it by the end I always feel inspired to bring more of the love that is within myself and live it in everything that I do, it is a constant deepening that is constantly asking me to be who I truly am.

  69. The purple books are full of light and truth, I am so glad I have these books in my home too. The purple books will always be in my life, each one has its own purpose and unique gift for the reader. After reading this article I am keen to even just hold these books too!

  70. Recently, I had chosen to put myself under a little pressure and tension and could feel the hardness this was causing in my body. Purple books brought the support required – wise words pertinent to the dilemma of my own making were there on the pages I opened the book on and then, to simply sit and hold the book, I could feel the energetic quality up through my arms and into my chest and all gathered hardness began to dissipate once more. What a treasure these beautiful Purple Books are, the truth of life reflecting back at us on every single page.

  71. This is a great reminder Stephanie that everything is energy and we can feel the energy of a book long before we read it. It also reminds me how everything, literally everything is emanating energy, and even something that can’t move – like a book – can still affect the way we feel. I’m looking at everything in our house very differently!!

  72. An absolute delight to read and a new use for the books not previously considered. Clearly being embraced by the emanation of truth is deeply healing beyond words.

  73. When I hear Serge Benhayon’s voice I get the same feeling- it is a deep settling inside and my body relaxes as his voice carries a lived quality that is deeply honouring and it invites me to bring this same honouring to myself.

  74. There is never a time when the purple books don’t have something wise or insightful to offer. I love how I always seem to open on just the page I need to.

  75. I love how the purple books seem to always have something wise, uniting and sacred to say about life. There is always wisdom that can be gained from looking at these books even for a few pages.

  76. By reading and aligning to the purple books we are saying we deserve to be a loving unified race of people. We are saying we know in every cell of our bodies that we come from as stupendous magnificence much greater than anything we have experienced here on earth.

  77. The purple books never fail to remind us that we come from something far greater than our earthly troubles allow us to perceive at times.

  78. Its amazing to consider that from the first moment i read the purple books, I knew it was true, even though i had never seen that understanding of life and how it is set up, ever before (this life!). if this isn’t proof of reincarnation then what is? I subconsciously recognised Serge too, from the minute I met him, I knew he knew what he was talking about. It was clear and profound, having such instant understanding of his loving fatherly authority, he was the older wise brother I had longed for.

  79. One day the purple books will be in every household. I love my collection, I am so glad I have the chance to read them and allow their energy to make its impact in my life.

  80. Everyone should have a purple book in their life, to hold, to read and to cherish. There is no wisdom anything like that found inside the pages and I have consistently found it so supportive to read and take in the words delivered by Serge Benhayon.

  81. Yes, these books always offer an opportunity to deeply reflect and I know no matter how many times I might read them the beautiful thing is that a new layer of understanding is always, without fail, waiting for me to find it.

  82. I ABSOLUTELY AGREE Stephanie that the Purple Books written by Serge Benhayon are the most truthful inspirational books I have ever read! That is really saying something after all the books I have read on my search for the truth about Life over the past 30 years or so! All I could ever hope to learn about humanity’s reason for being here on this earth and more are contained in his Writing. The truth of who we are and where we came from and are going back to. That all men and women of all cultures are one, a Brotherhood of Love.

  83. It has been the greatest fun to discover the deeper depths that are gradually uncovered in the books by Serge Benhayon – to read a book one month and then reread it a while later to discover a totally different book revealed. And the more present I am with the books, the greater the treasures that unfold.

  84. My children and I have had a similar relationship with the purple books and also with the CDs that Glorious Music produced. I might have to borrow that nick name ‘paddington bear’ as its pretty cute.
    After experiencing the book in this way its my understanding that we have an big responsibility in the way we live, as it can be felt in anything that we produce, wether that be food we make and painting we paint or a book we write. the purple books feel amazing because Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to making sure his quality is ever expanding and not dropping.

  85. For some reading this it might well seem very strange that simply holding a book is enough to bring one to stillness. But once you know the ‘purple books’ there is nothing strange about this at all – there is nothing like them on our planet today. The quality and energy of what is written on the page is beyond the realms of what we see and know in our temporal, earthly existence. It emanates from and through the words into a living expression by the author, Serge Benhayon, and now also many others who have been inspired by his reflection.

  86. A beautiful account Stephanie, about the ‘purple books’. It certainly highlights how everything is about energy, and that there is an energetic imprint left behind in all that one does that can be felt.

  87. I agree Stephanie, the purple books offer so much more than just a book, there is so much we can learn from reading them, and I remember the first one I picked up to read was so powerful I could hardly keep my eyes open to read it. At the time I wasn’t truly ready for all it revealed and shared and I struggled my way through it. Now I love picking up one of Serge Benhayon’s books and getting a deeper awareness and understanding about what is truly being shared.

  88. The purple books are the first books I have read that gave me more than just the words on the page, the feelings that arise in me in reading these books give power to the fact that words are more than just words. Everything we write carries an energetic quality, and that what can be felt in reading or even just holding a purple book is a quality of energy that is deeply healing. When I read the books I am connected to the words through the wisdom they carry which is both age old and very relevant to today’s times. The purple books contain the answers to the world and the woes we have created. Over time I am sure that this will become widespread truth as humanity seeks answers to the troubles that are currently arising. The sooner the books of Serge Benhayon are studied and reflected on in all seriousness, the sooner we can start to arrest the ill health and violence that has afflicted mankind since time immemorial.

    1. well said Stephen G. The purple books are ‘The Ageless Wisdom’ in printed form, making this readily available and accessible to all. They are deeply healing to read and by simply holding between the hands, re-awakening us to what is already known deep within us all – our essence and divinity.

      1. Who would have thought you could just hold a book and be able to feel a change, but you can, and that is what is so great, the obviousness of the clear energy these books provide.

  89. When I read one of Serge Benhayon’s purple books it is a bit like being transported into another world. Except, really it is actually being taken closer to the truth of this world. I often find a deep settling in my body when I read these books. There is a knowing that what I am reading is simple truth, and that coming back to the books is allowing for me to come back to myself. I often find I will read a passage from Esoteric Teachings and Revelations in my car just before I go in to work. And the passage I read will support me in my day and allow me to not get caught up in drama or emotion but instead support me to stay open and loving in whatever situations arise.

    1. Yes Stephen, when I am feeling not myself, I too have always found the purple books support me to come back to myself. They are written in the absolute truth which I find confirming.

  90. This is beautiful Stephanie, the purple books of Serge Benhayon offer everyone an opportunity to stop and truly heal.

  91. Thank you Stephanie for sharing the power and the beauty of Serge’s purple books. We are so privileged in these time to have them available to us.

  92. I loved re-reading your blog Stephanie it’s an absolute delight. Whenever i’m a bit out reading even just a few paragraphs from one of Serge’s ‘purple books’ brings me back into my heart – they are truly a loving connection in themselves.

  93. Stephanie, I have found the purple books very powerful, and each time I find something new in them, very meaningful to where I am at, at the time, very healing and very true.

    1. I agree Sally, the amazing wisdom in these books is always at our fingertips to support us and lovingly bring us back if needed.

    1. I agree Johannebrown – these gorgeous ‘Purple Books’ by Serge Benhayon simply deliver and re-connect us to the Ancient Wisdom we already know deep inside – our particles resonate with this and the healing is activated.

  94. Like you Stephanie I gain great solace from the Purple Books. There is always a Purple book near my bed or favourite chair, ready to pick up and browse through. At random the book unfolds to a page that reveals deep wisdom, a healing especially for me, and or for the day, and or for humanity.

    1. It doesn’t matter how many times I read a passage in any of these books, There is always an ‘aha’ moment that shines light on some aspect of my life.

      1. Many people have commented on this being the case as I too have found in Book 7 ‘Esoteric Teachings and Revelations’ that just by being with the book and opening up a page can bring a another angle and understanding to an aspect of life. So many testimonials from so many different lives and one set of books, just goes to show that Universal Medicine is just that.

  95. A gorgeous reminder Stephanie on the profound wisdom that is within these amazing Purple books by Serge Benhayon.

  96. Stephanie, I only have to look at a Purple Book and I feel the Ancient Wisdoms ! Thank you for sharing.

  97. Whenever I delve into these books, without fail even if I read just a few paragraphs, I feel more expanded, more aware of my relationship with every one and every thing, and life begins to make more sense. At times as I am mulling over something I have read and some insight I have gained, I drift into sleep, and when I wake up I feel all refreshed as if some weight has been lifted. The support they provide is on so many different levels is very special.

  98. Everyday I read a page or two just before going into work and if a thought comes in of ‘I can’t be bothered’ then I know to read it anyway. This has become part of my ritual for supporting myself at work and if I ever need an answer it is always there, no matter what the question. I know these books will be read for many years to come and will assist humanity in more ways than we can comprehend, at least for now.

  99. I love what you have shared Stephanie. I am at present re-reading the Way It Is after many years and with my present awareness since last reading it is like reading it for the first time. It is absolutely timeless.

    1. Yes Jonathan, I find this with reading the ‘Purple Books’ books again……and again…. and again! It is like reading a brand new book them. The perfect book to have if ever stranded on a desert island – one book would be like having a library to read!

  100. Stephanie I love what you shared about the purple Paddington. It is amazing what happened for you and your husband when you hold this books. I love to read them too even if they are not so easy to read for me – as english is a second language for me. I am reading this books every evening as a ritual and it is not only interesting to read about the Ancient Wisdom – it is also very calming for me to do so.

  101. I feel completely appreciated, honoured and deeply loved when I read any of these books, and I feel this is provided for the whole of humanity. Often it feels like these books know me far better and see right through to my heart far more than I do myself. And the wisdom coupled with the love, honouring on every page makes my heart sing.

  102. A lovely loving adoration for the very special Purple Books. It does not matter how many times one reads them, there is always something new discovered in the reading.

  103. Stephanie. After all I have gone through in the past few months,in and out of hospital, and one day you said “just place the purple book across your chest” no sooner doing this, than I could feel the energy passing through my body. Since this I have done it everyday, and sleep at night with it resting on my chest.
    It gives me the feeling of relaxing and caring deeper for myself.
    The purple book is a great healer.

  104. I love all the comments on the Purple Books! Having been a voracious reader all my life, I particularly love these wonderful books, and like many, have read them many times over and always read one before I go to sleep or as some have mentioned awake and find a book on my chest or in my hand .A lovely sharing Stephanie.

  105. An addition to this blog with a further updated personal sharing about these powerful ‘Purple Books’.
    My husband has been in and out of hospital for various procedures since March 2015 and has been there again in the last couple of days, supposedly to be returning home the same day. There were some complications and fortunately he was kept in, as he had a rough night for various reasons plus a fever.
    I took a copy of a beloved ‘Purple Book’ plus a Featherlight Healing Eye Pillow into the hospital yesterday morning and with his hand on the book and eye pillow on, once again, within a short while he fell into a deep sleep which continued for most of the day!
    Last night as I left the hospital he placed his hand on the book again and the eye pillow in place over his chest – he simply slept and slept for the majority of the night and is feeling vastly different this morning.
    ‘Purple Paddington’ is definitely Good Medicine!
    These beautiful Purple Books, scribed by Serge Benhayon, hold a quality of energy that is absolutely undeniable if one is open to feeling this.They serve in countless ways to bring us back to the truth of the Love that we all are, equally so.
    Thank you Serge Benhayon for your dedication to humanity and showing us all there is another way to live which is simply ‘new normal, plain and ordinary’.

      1. So true Francisco Clara, the energy these books constantly emanate is amazing to feel whether simply having hands on its gorgeous purple cover or reading them – “the living power within these purple books is undeniable , as they guide us to find our way back to our soul”.


  106. I feel very supported just reading and feeling the healing that this blog brings, in the wisdom that you share with us all. A heart felt thank you Stephanie.

  107. What a glorious and heartfelt Sharing Stephanie! Love this.
    I’ve always felt the same with the ‘Purple Books’ by Serge Benhayon. I have had one by my bedside without fail every night since February 2007 when I bought my first. And like yourself and your husband, I most definitely don’t need to be reading the book in order to feel that its presence changes something in my environment, and offers me the deepest sense of reconnection and healing.

  108. Stephanie I have always loved reading the purple books by Serge Benhayon but never stopped to consider what you are presenting here. After experimenting I can confirm that just by holding these books I feel settled and more loving. Truly incredible so thankyou for sharing another gift of these amazing books.

    1. These Purple Books consistently amaze and inspire me Sharon. A few minutes of simply holding any one of them brings such a profound sense of change within my body too. They are an absolute price-less gift to be enjoyed and deeply appreciated.

  109. I have found the books written by Serge Benhayon to be very supportive. If I need help with a problem, I just pick up a book and open it to any page it feels to open at, and then by reading the page I find just what I needed. Amazingly supportive, on many levels and very healing too.

  110. Thank you for writing about the power and love emanating from the purple books Stephanie. They truly are a gift from Heaven, whether held or read they offer truth and healing on a grand scale. I am treasuring them more deeply.

  111. I am startin to Truly live with the Purple Books. Recently I’ve started to ask questions and let myself be guided by the text at the page that I opened the book. It is Truly magnificent what it reveals. For me personally the ‘answer’ that I’m receiving is asking me to deepen and widen my perspective. It is making me aware how much I am still looking for solutions, rather than answers within. For me the biggest step is to allow myself to be guided, taking of the deep arrogance and ignorance. Thank God and Serge Benhayon for the Purple Books.

  112. I am deeply graced by Serge Benhayon’s books every time I open them. They are the richest written source of love, truth and light humanity could ever have access to. No matter what is happening in my life and around me, they always offer exactly the support and the understanding I need in those moments. They offer the answers to the myriads of questions we may have about the way life is, the state humanity finds itself in and how we got it wrong. They are a constant source of inspiration as to return to live the truth and love we already are but have sadly chosen to not be.

    1. This is so beautifully put GD and I could not agree more. The Purple Books are a gift unsurpassed and an absolute blessing for all humanity.

    2. Beautifully said with absolute Grace GD, thank-you. Could not possibly agree more wholeheartedly with every word.
      Your comment here should stand as a testimonial to these books in other forums.

  113. I have found over and over again that when I open one of the purple books by allowing the pages to fall open, just the right support comes to me through the words I read.

    1. I agree Jane – it is as if these books are all-knowing of us, all-of-the-time and the truth is available to us through them simply by letting the pages fall open to reveal what is needed in the moment – sometimes a reminder in one sentence or a paragraph of where we are ‘out of true’ and there is work to be done or a confirmation of being true and on track.

  114. Stephanie, than you for sharing that you “noticed that when my hands were resting on these books there was a strong feeling of an energy emanating from them; how they were simply a joy just to sit and hold, as well as read!” While I always have one or two purple books by my bed and one on hand in the bathroom, I have never felt to just ‘sit and hold them’ other than when I have paused between paragraphs to ponder something I have read. I am now off to sit and hold a purple book!

    1. Enjoy Anne! – The simple movement of picking up and holding a Purple Book, even for a short while, sitting or standing, always feels like a true ‘home-coming’ with feeling the energy coming into my hands through the book. Excess mental energy changes as my body just surrenders deeper to the innate stillness within.

  115. Stephanie, I am not surprised in the least that the purple books had this affect on your husbands’ body and being. From the first paragraph of the first book ‘The Way It Is’ I knew I had truth in front of me although I had not yet met Serge Benhayon and wasn’t to for another 18 months before which I had read another 2 of the books. I have never had a book that had the affect on me that Book 1 had. It has never taken me so long to read a book as it did to read Book 1, taking me around 6 months and feeling like I was walking through a metre deep of clay as I read each day. Some days it would take me an hour just to read one page but I could not put the book down as it had like a magnetic pull on me. Everything I read resonated in my body as truth. My body knew this truth and the heaviness and resistance evident in my body was showing me how I had lived against the truth I actually knew.

  116. Gorgeous to read and feel what you deliver here Stephanie. And like you I too get so much from reading these purple books scribed by Serge Benhayon, a powerful role model for us all yet a very loving, caring, humbling man.

  117. Thank you for sharing this Stephanie. A lovely story that demonstrates that everything is energy, and that this can be felt, even in a book that is simply held and not even read. Beautiful!!

    1. This is so true Lee Poole. And this makes me aware that I have not truly appreciated the immensity of the love and support that Serge Benhayon’s books offer with what is being communicated through them. I now look forward to reacquainting myself with the purple books in a whole new way. Thank you Stephanie for this inspiration.

  118. First reading the purple books showed me exactly where I was at – not being able to take in more than a sentence or two at a time. This meant that there was a real known lack of presence – I used to pride myself as a prolific reader but I could barely get through a page! Amazing to make the choice to read and fully – whole body – comprehend.

  119. These purple books are the books whose words and presence changes the world, breaks the consciousnesses we have fallen for and bought into, bring truth and love to a humanity that is increasingly ill despite all the advances in technology, and brings us back to who we truly are. These are practically the only books left on my book shelves. you can read them through from cover to cover or dip into them for a moment of refreshment and re-alignment. Sheer magic.

  120. This is such a great blog Stephanie, it really helps to deepen the appreciation of what these purple books bring. It is fair to say they are more than just your normal books and if I am open to it can feel a lot more from them than perhaps I have been willing to do so up to this point. It is true that in holding them there is a deepening awareness of my body and that in itself is quite remarkable.

  121. Yes these books are amazing and deliver on many levels. I appreciate what Serge has communicated through these books and I agree it can be felt clearly without reading.

  122. I said I would let you know Stephanie, and last night I held a purple book in my hands on my chest and felt myself quieten and warm up from my hands into my body. Finally when I turned on my side I found I was cuddling the book! My sleep was peaceful. This morning I was becoming a bit driven, so I stopped and held a book in my hands, It took a while, but slowly I started to feel a growing presence between my hands, and a power that flowed into me. Then a pulse started to diminish my racing heart beats, and I had a sense of an elliptical anticlockwise circling, the book and me, and felt at one with everything. After that I read some of the book, but it occurred to me that the energy contained within the book, and from which it is written, that is Love and Truth, is far greater than the words used to express it. That we can hold a book containing Truth and Love and feel it through our bodies becomes a real living experience that we can take into our everyday choices and movements. To allow this to happen we have to get ourselves out if the way and come to it in a state of innocence and openness.

    1. How cool this is Joan! A deep quality of rest and changing the energy of raciness and pushing through things by stopping and holding one of Serge’s purple books. Getting ourselves out of the way opens us up to feel and know the truth that these beautiful books offer.

  123. That is absolutely magnificent what you have shared here Stephanie and it makes so much sense to me. Considering that everything is energy, the words in the book hold the energy of the writer of the book, Serge Benhayon, and by holding the book you feel the energy of the pages in it and the words on them and of the writer who wrote them.
    It keeps amazing me how energy works.

  124. How very sweet and innocent. So lovely that your husband got to enjoy and share the teachings within these books, with little or no pushing from you.

  125. Your husband’s experience with holding the purple book highlights the power of the Ageless Wisdom. If this happens when we simply hold the book, what happens when we live it and allow this into our body? It can be very easy to underestimate what is actually going on and shows that it has nothing to do with intelligence because the book hasn’t even been opened, amazing.

    1. Awesome Matthew – what happens when we allow the Ageless Wisdom to flow? Miracles, that’s what.

  126. Every time I read these books I tend to fall into a deep sleep, the same way I would in a healing session. Sometimes I only make it through half a page and I feel myself falling asleep. I’ve come to realise it’s surrendering to the healing power of these books, and also often a reflection of how exhausted I am because I have not stopped like this for some time.

    1. I have experienced this also Danielle. When I read Serge Benhayon’s first book, I would ‘shut down’ – at any time of day – and not be able to read beyond a certain point, sometimes needing to rest after reading just a sentence or a paragraph… No matter how hard I tried, this would repeatedly happen, until I got the point. The depth of wisdom and true power of the Hierarchy (those who have mastered human life before us) that is delivered with every word in the ‘Purple Books’, was something that I had to learn to take in as I was ready. The fewest words could offer the deepest healing within me.
      It took me a year to read that first book, and also long periods for each one to follow, yet I trust my body’s wisdom in the process now – noting how much ‘for today’, and then at times, simply resting with the book. As Stephanie has shared, just holding it, is the most beautiful and deeply connecting experience in itself.
      How deeply blessed we are to have these treasures that will be accessed by many for a long, long time to come.

      1. This is empowering Victoria as I can see how important it is to not give up, and that I won’t always be a sleep reader because at present I’m just getting used to the power and healing in the books, claiming my own power and enormousness, and not checking out and sleeping to this. So I see how sticking with it will bring the healing and self acceptance to stay with this power, even just laying and holding the book – Wow!

      2. That’s absolutely awesome Danielle. No, no giving up, but rather an appreciation of the fact that we are drawn to the depth of truth and wisdom in the ‘purple books’ in the first place.
        I have known people to read one of these books in 2 to 3 days (something I could never do, even if I skipped sleeping and stayed at it 24/7!). Yet in sharing about the book following, what’s been discernible in these cases I’ve known, is that it’s full power has not been felt – it’s been taken in on a mental level and kind of ‘conveniently placed and compartmentalised’ there. Hence, back to the point regarding appreciation of our ability to feel here, and not be attached to a lineal outcome of ‘pages read’…
        For sure also, as I have reclaimed more of the truth and wisdom that I am, my relationship with the books changes also – at times, I can read quite large sections(!), but never do I try to force myself beyond the point where I know that’s all I require for today.
        Every word is a healing session. The power of these books is that profound.

  127. I know the day flows in a more harmonious way when I have read a page or two, which I do most mornings, slowly working my way through the books, giving myself time to ponder and absorb. When I miss out I really notice the difference. I love that moment of turning to pick up the book and opening it at a page. Immediately I am with myself and deeper in my body. Thank you for this blog Stephanie, tonight I am going to hold the book on my chest and feel its pulse. I have felt the sacredness on picking up a book to read, but I have never done this before. I’ll let you know!

  128. The words of the Ageless Wisdom have so many layers … I find once I see or understand one level then there is another to consider and ponder.

    1. Yes lucindag, it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how often I read the words of The Ageless Wisdom I will get a newer, deeper understanding each time.

      1. Yes, I agree lucindag and Rosemary – these books are so multi layered, every read is like picking up a completely new book and finding it filled with more wisdom. If ever stranded on a dessert island with only one Purple Book by Serge Benhayon – one would never run out of reading material!

  129. I simply Love ending my day with reading a few pages of the Purple books. I do not allow myself always the Space to do so, but whenever I do, I feel myself reconnecting to my own Love and surrendering to my body. The energy of the books is saying: it’s okay Floris, just let go, you’re Beautiful, just surrender. Whatever I did, however I feel, this is always the message. Let go, surrender. And because that’s the only thing I actually ever want, I drop, connect with my body and heart (by the fact that I am surrendering – it’s not a doing) and feel myself again or confirm myself in what I allready feel. The Purple Books are to me a testimony of the FACT that Everything Is Energy. In this case, energy that’s corresponding with the energy of my own Essence. I’ve never found any other book that is having the same effect on me. That’s why I love them – apart from the Amazing Wisdom that is shared in them.

  130. I have also read some of Serge Benhayon’s “purple books”. I find them quite different to reading other books which ask you to engage quite heavily with the story or what has been written where as Serge’s books are far more confirming of everything you know and the mind isn’t overworked when reading them, it make the experience of reading before bed completely different. I find other books can actually leave me stimulated and racy which then means I have to spend time “coming down” before I go to bed and consequentially the quality of my sleep is affected. With Serge’s books I find that by the end of reading just a small bit my mind can be far clearer than when I started and so is it greatly beneficial to the quality of my sleep.

  131. I find that I can read the purple books by Serge Benhayon over and over again, and come back to any page, no matter what’s going on in my life and the message is always relevant to me at that moment in time.

  132. I love reading and re-reading these inspiring Purple Books also Stephanie.
    As you highlighted the deep wisdom that Serge Benhayon continues to share through these books is an absolute divine gift for us individually and for humanity.

  133. I wondered today when re-reading these blogs whether part of the magic of them besides what has been mentioned of their source, is also the multitude of people who have read them and thus added their own understanding and lived experience to the consciousness they come from. Perhaps this can also be felt when simply holding the book in ones hands? To me this could suggest that all we bring our understanding and lived experience to can also benefit all others in very tangible physical ways.

  134. Reading your blog Stephanie I could fell the stillness in the blog itself. I reflected on whether it was ‘you’, the experiences I have had with reading the purple books or whether its just by allowing myself to be fully present in awareness. I feel it is all three. I loved your comment – “Ah Ha! Time to reach for a Purple Book and just hold it and breathe gently with my feet on the floor.” – Serge Benhayon has said ‘everything is energy and everything is because of energy’ and this is exactly what is being felt when the book is held or read, a beautiful warm and cuddly blanket of loving energy. Thanks for sharing.

  135. The purple books by Serge Benhayon contain wisdom on every single page and we currently have enough to keep us going for our entire lifetime. The thing about the books is you can read something and it makes sense in that moment and if you ever read that bit again another time, it may hold a different angle and this is what I call 5 dimensional.
    The words apply at any given moment to where my awareness is at and I just cannot stop learning and understanding as so much is offered.
    My search for Truth was over when I met Serge Benhayon and I don’t have the blessing of living next door to him, so I use the purple books if I have a life question and go randomly to any book I feel to and there is the answer and YES it is always spot on. Bit hard to believe or sounds a bit whacky way out there but I know this is true and continues to be so for me personally.

    1. It is sometimes difficult for our minds to accept that it actually works as you describe Bina, that these books give you the answers on any life question we have, and that this is so because theses books are 5 dimensional as you say. Much is offered and there is plenty already available and much more to come, the ageless wisdom in printed form available for anyone who is ready to receive it.

      1. Yes there are no more mysteries of life Nico, when you pick up one of the purple books. Each one holds the wisdom that is also already within each one of us. That’s why they resonate so strongly with many who read them.

    2. I’m with you on that one, Bina! I revisit Serge’s books often and each time no matter whether I have read the same passage before, there is something new there that reveals itself. There are layers upon layers in those books to explore.

    3. It’s true Bina, the wisdom in the writings of Serge Benhayon and The Hierarchy work on many levels. They always deliver us exactly what we need. Sometimes I forget that this ready source of love ad truth is at my fingertips but reading your comment has reminded me that the answer is never far away.

  136. I so agree Stephanie, these ‘purple books’ are truly life changing. I remember when I first read one – I couldn’t really understand much, I would have to read and reread the paragraphs, not thinking I was getting it at all. It persevered and the more I read, the more my brain began to unscramble and actually understand what was before me. It was in my surrendering to how it was written and not judging it that helped with this.

    1. The purple books are impossible to read as we would apply to ‘normal’ book reading. They cannot be understood throughout the mind alone, but are felt and known within the body where the truth is held in our innate and indestructible inner essence which resonates with the wisdom in the books and can be felt in the body as an expansion in our particles. From this we know we are far more than just a physical body.

  137. Thank you for the ‘great reading’ of this blog Stephanie. Reading the purple books is a treat. It is one of the first times I have fully read a book. It is nothing I have experienced in reading a book. It has brought me great revelations and teachings – absolute wisdom. I love Stephanie how you expressed the power and the symbolic meaning they hold just as an object as a book. They sit at my bedside close to my heart.

  138. Often I pick up and randomly select a page to read from the purple “Sayings Book” and always I feel a return to a deep knowing within myself – a spaciousness that awakens the particles in my body.

    1. Yes, I love this too lucindag. Reading a supposedly ‘random’ page and being able to feel the profound effects upon our bodies from this simple action is truly supportive in our ever evolving way.
      “I feel a return to a deep knowing within myself – a spaciousness that awakens the particles in my body”.

  139. I read a few paragraphs of one of the books by Serge Benhayon every night when I get into bed and often am falling asleep before I have read very far. I enjoy deeply restful and rejuvenating sleep. Every time I read one of the purple books I understand the words of wisdom at a deeper level.

  140. I’ve at times complained about the repetitive nature of the purple books, but now find that I can’t but admit I’ve required the repetition. For without hearing a blindingly obvious truth several times, I remain blinded by the seemingly ordinary, everyday, practical exposure to it. The purple books if studied earnestly give anyone the opportunity to greatly deepen their awareness to life and themselves.

  141. Often as I catch a glimpse of one of the purple books, I can feel the energy of it emanating out as a wonderful confirmation or reminder of who I am. To have these markers around me is amazing validation of how I’m being or simply shows me I’ve stepped away from my self from which I can then choose to reconnect back.

    1. Very true Candida. The books can bring me back to myself if I have had a tricky day or event in my life. When I am feeling great, reading them confirms to me the choices I have made to feel that way.

  142. I find the purple books are more than books containing extraordinary wisdom. They are the foundations for a world that is slowly coming to the truth. They are the repositories of our collective futures, here to be lived now, if we so choose. They sit on my bookshelf disguised as books, but they are treasure chests of priceless jewels, honouring all of us with our birthright to know ourselves as sons of God.

    1. Love how you describe the purple books Jinya, you have captured not only the essence but the potential. “They are the repositories of our collective futures, here to be lived now, if we so choose”. Thank you for these words, they are gold!

      1. For sure, the purple books are pure gold!
        “they are treasure chests of priceless jewels, honouring all of us with our birthright to know ourselves as sons of God”.

    2. You have describe it beautifully Jinya, the purple books might look just like any other book but within them is the wisdom of universe available for us all equally if we so choose.

    3. Jinya you have captured it so well. The purple books contain extraordinary wisdom, and I love how you have captured that “they are the repositories of our collective futures, here to be lived now, if we so choose” and honour us as the Sons of God that we are. These books are indeed stupendous priceless gems – a gift from heaven.

  143. Stephanie I felt such a warmth when I read your blog. Yes these purple books are incredible in so many ways. They are light and yet deep. When I hold them I feel an absolute knowingness that they offer humanity the truth. You can read a page or the whole book again and again and always feel something more. They are packages of LOVE. 🙂

  144. Beautifully shared Stephanie! I just went to get one purple book inspired by reading your blog and could feel the beautiful energy emanating by just holding it, feeling more connected with myself instantly.

  145. This is lovely to read Stephanie. I too regularly reach for one of the purple books when I feel a little out of myself and I’ve enjoyed dropping back into my body after reading a page or two of but I’ve never held it just to feel it but I’m going to try it out for sure. They bring so much in what they deliver along with this inspiration to be aware of something deeper via you’re own experience, thank you.

    1. I often choose one of the purple books to read before going to sleep, but since reading your comment Stephanie I have taken to going to sleep with the book on my chest, my hands placed on the book. Hours later I have awoken from the deepest, most restful sleep, having not moved from the position I feel asleep in.

  146. Stephanie I decided to place a purple book on my chest as I lay down to sleep after reading your blog and it did feel very beautiful to deeply surrender.

  147. Yesterday I was feeling a bit anxious about something and had some time just to sit with myself. I remembered this blog and picked up one of the purple books and simply held it. You are right Stephanie, there is an emanation that you can feel simply by holding them. My hands got very warm and this spread throughout my body and I began to feel calmer. Just beautiful.

    1. I was standing chatting with a person in a car park yesterday and she noticed a purple book in my car and asked about it. I suggested she just pick it up and hold it between her hands. A big smile came over her face as it was held and the person said “I can feel something like a strong and deep pulse through this book, how amazing!”.

    2. Reading this blog I remembered when I commenced reading my first purple book. I would often lie like a starfish on my bed with my eyes closed and give myself a moment to connect deeply before I commenced reading the purple book in my hand before bed. I can help but laugh, because often in the preparation I would fall into a deep sleep and wake up in the middle of the night either still holding the book or with it beside me. These books do emanate a divine quality.

      1. I am still smiling from your comment Abby – this has happened to me a few times too – sitting or laying down with purple book in hand and almost instantly dropping deeper into my body and then sometime later finding that I have been asleep in a quality of deep rest and not even read a line!

      2. This is fantastic Abby, the pure joy I can feel while reading this is grand. To allow yourself to surrender to what the books are offering – even if that means falling asleep – is beautiful and no doubt exactly what your body and being needed at the time.

      3. Often in the early days of attending Universal medicine presentations when I was still suffering from insomnia, I would lie awake at night tossing and turning until I remembered the purple books, picked one up, read a page or two, and would lie back down with no more mind chatter and surrender into a peaceful sleep.

      4. Cracker Abby! And so true. I have found myself ‘out to it’ and in the deepest rest/sleep after just moments with one of Serge Benhayon’s books, awakening later to find myself curled up with the book in hand…
        The ‘starfish’ image, though – that will now stick with me, and crack me up next time it occurs. 😉
        What profoundly deep healing these books offer to us all – clearly on levels we can’t (yet) fully comprehend…

    3. These “purple books” support in so many ways. I often flip to a random page and read a sentence or paragraph that I am drawn to and invariably it provides support for whatever I am dealing with at the time.

      1. Yes they’re magical like that Lee. Also I love just opening up any of the books and everything you read offers you moments of contemplation and reflection and opportunity to feel life, understanding it from the deeper sense of ourselves.

  148. After reading this I have taken more time just to feel these very beautiful books brought to us by Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy. These books are alive with a vibrancy it is something I have not felt before in a book, it feels like it is waking up every cell in my body … and this is from just holding it! What we receive from the actual words is something far greater and deeper, and something I feel I need to appreciate far more than I have been. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    1. Could not agree more Vicky. They are the first books I have read that can be re-read again and again and still feel like each time something new and deeper I did not see before is being shared in what Serge has written.

  149. Yesterday I wrote here how I loved the Paddington Bear concept – I relate to it because I have a bear myself whose name is Pinky, who accompanies me to sleep every night. Given I trialled sleeping with a purple book last night on the strength of this blog, it occurs to me I might also now have a Purpley!

  150. So last night I tried going to sleep with a purple book on my chest. I fell asleep quickly and slept well. On the couple of occasions I half-woke I felt the book, which had by then slipped to one side, and quickly went back to sleep. This is unusual for me – often I will go straight into my mind when I wake and then become too alert to go back to sleep. I’ll keep exploring this phenomenon to see what happens over time.

  151. That is so gorgeous Stephanie, I feel joy just reading your experience with the purple books, I guess the quality of the words inside can of course be felt on the outside, just like with people.

  152. Each time I re-read a purple book there is more, it is like I am reading it for the first time. In any difficult moment there is such strength and wisdom to be found on any page opened at random.

  153. These books are a God send and have completely supported me on quite a few levels such as my relationship with myself, my understanding of how this world truly is on an energetic level, how simple life can be and how to truly connect to others on a much deeper level. A much needed way of supporting ourselves I say.

  154. I remember when I came across Universal Medicine and the books.. I couldn’t put the first one down, then I bought a couple more. After that I stopped reading the books. I lost the appreciation I had for them but you inspired me to purchase another book and I look forward to reading it. Thank you.

  155. This story is absolutely heart warming Stephanie Stevenson. I have never finished one of the purple books as each time I pick them up I get so relaxed and sleepy I fall asleep hugging it like paddington bear too. Thank you for you intimate family story, I enjoyed it immensely.

  156. I love reading Serge’s books. When i read them, it is like getting the deepest warmest hug. As if the person who knows you inside out is talking right into the depth of your heart.

  157. I love what you have shared Stephanie about the purple books which hold so much for all of us and I can recall a moment a few years ago where life had got me into a deep state of self doubt – very rare for me but true. I panicked and texted someone I trusted but of course by the time they got me I had come out of it just by going to a book and asking for help. I knew the answer was in there and it most certainly was.
    I have no doubt whatsoever that these books are simply profound and have every single answer me or this world will ever need but only if we are open and ready to receive what is being presented.
    Life without the purple books is not life in my world. They are a constant source of true wisdom and inspiration and I deeply appreciate Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for giving us this gift and answering all my questions – always.

    1. Absolutely true for me also Bina. The Books by Serge Benhayon “are a constant source of true wisdom and inspiration” I also deeply appreciate them.

  158. Beautiful tribute to the purple books Stephanie, they are the wisdom of the universe, love and life and a treasure to read and know. They have become a foundation of my livingness in life. Thank you.

  159. The purple books hold the wisdom of the whole universe, they have assisted me in reconnecting to who I truly am and to experience a level of love like never before.

  160. It occurs to me the purple books are our true bibles – books that emanate energy, wisdom and love.

    1. Yeah it does feel like a bible. When I was asking a practitioner about how we got here and the truth about life, he suggested the purple book The Way It Is. This gave me the answers I was looking for.Some concepts sounded strange because it was so opposite to what we have been taught but I felt the truth of it as I read it.

  161. When my Dad was seriously ill a few years ago I bought him one of the purple books. I don’t know what he did with it, I’ll have to ask. But it felt like it would offer him something solid. I also sent him about six of the healing eye pillows which I know he used and absolutely loved. They helped him get to sleep. There is something about these glorious offerings that resonate deeply with us all – they’re a slice of heaven.

  162. Despite being a swift and avid reader all my life I have to confess I’ve always struggled to read the denser purple books – the quotes have been more my speed – which just goes to show it’s all about the energy (it’s not as if I struggle to read or the words are too difficult or poorly expressed). Recently though I became part of a reading group focusing on ‘Time, Space and All of Us’. I found being in a group and taking turns to read from the book supported me to stay with it – we discussed this later and others felt same. We agreed there was a responsibility that came with being part of a group that wasn’t present when we were alone. I didn’t understand all that was presented in the book but I did enjoy it. Reading aloud brought it me in a different way.

  163. Thank you for this Amazing Stephanie – I had never thought to just hold a Purple Book but I can’t wait to give it a try tonight! I loved your playful catchphrase “Where’s Paddington?” too. As the owner of a much loved bear I can relate to the feeling you describe when you and your husband hold the book – another reason why I’m keen to give it a try. Oddly enough I’d always felt it would be great to put one of the books under my pillow at night but baulked at it as they’re quite substantial. But there might be a slimmer one I could try…

  164. A beautiful blog on the amazing energy of the Purple Books written by Serge Benhayon. They are a true gift from God.

  165. Serge’s purple books are very special there is no doubt about that. As we know everything is energy and the vibration and energy we receive every time we hold these books is just what we need at that moment.

  166. In understanding that everything gives off an energetic imprint of one kind or another essentially of what it is made up of – and these books are a great example of that – I am very much mindful of the responsibility I have in everything I do as I am leaving an imprint of all of me with every step and every breath, let alone anything I make or write or cook …. Your blog Stephanie has bought home how great the impact of what we produce has.

  167. The ‘purple books’ are indeed full of wisdom. When I am not myself I only have to read a sentence and my whole body comes alive. Thank you Stephanie for sharing with us how powerfully healing the ‘purple’ books truly are.

  168. Elizabeth, I had a similar experience with a friend. She was holding and looking at several purple books of Serge Benhayon and without reading them was able to feel the energy they are emanating. These books are so deeply healing, even if you only have them with you without reading them. But boy oh boy, what kind of wisdom is in these books. To read them is a joy.

  169. I shared your very inspiring story about the purple books with a friend who was staying over last night and this morning she told us that in her dream she was in a difficult situation and she was wearing a helmut with a purple book inside it! And for myself, despite almost forgetting until the last moment, I held a purple book on my heart in bed and the next morning I was impulsed to hold it again while sitting on the edge of the bed and just breath gently. Gorgeous gift thankyou Stephanie.

    1. What a gorgeous dream for your friend Tamara. True answers are within and reflected on every page of these beautiful ‘Purple Books”. They are indeed the most gorgeous gift and blessing from God for use and support in our everyday lives.

  170. This is powerful to read Stephanie. What if we bring the same quality of integrity, truth and care, that these books embody? Perhaps then we would appreciate that the energetic quality of every activity is something that deeply affects our bodies?

  171. So much love pours out of every one of these ‘purple books’. I find every word is honouring of me and my deepest essence. It is a delightful experience just holding the books and reading them, even for a moment or two. I love having them around, they are like my personal loyal friends, full of love, support, confirmation and wisdom.

  172. The purple books are the new ‘hot’ water bottles and they never need refilling. There’s nothing wrong with taking a little fire to bed to keep you warm at night.

    1. I love this Matthew! Could purple also be the new black? Seriously though, my relationship with the purple books has always been a little at arm’s length because I’ve found them hard to get into and seen them as something I need to grimly master. After reading your comment and others and of course this blog I now feel I can start to build a relationship with the books that is much, much warmer.

      1. Hi Victoria, I have a ritual every morning where I always read at least two pages of the book after my shower in my dressing gown just before I get dressed. It is an extremely nourishing religious experience for me and sets me up with a yumminess, presence and awareness that supports my day. I don’t feel any need to “grimly master them” and I never read them in a lineal way. It is more of a letting go and allowing myself to reconnect to the vibration and truth that is within these books and equally within myself.

      2. I love your idea of starting the day with reading two pages, I can feel how deeply nourishing this experience is for you, and feel truly inspired by your comment, thank you Nicola.

    2. I have on occasions mathew brown called the purple books a ‘sleeping pill’, if I am reading in bed at night I definitely go into a noticeably deeper sleep. Another gift from the purple books!

    3. I experienced a deep chuckle within my body from your comment Matthew Brown. These amazing purple books are like hot water bottles – always hot and fiery with no need of ever being re-filled as they are from the abundance of God.

  173. I know what you mean Doug. There are parts that are familiar favourites and just as you say parts that are brand new on every read. My very great appreciation goes out to Serge Benhayon for representing Hierarchy and evolution in this way (and many many others).

    1. That really makes me ‘chuckle’ Doug and Helen as I have also reread a couple of the purple books and have had the same experience, in fact if I loose my book mark I’m absolutely gone I have to start again…. That’s magic!

  174. I can vividly recall the first published ‘purple book’ ‘The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth arriving at my home in the mail. My then around 8 year old daughter took the book out of its packaging (receiving parcels was an exciting event), held it against her body and shut her eyes. After a few moments she handed it to me saying “You hold it mummy, its buzzing. I like it.”. High praise indeed from a child who had little interest in books or reading, but obviously a great capacity for reading energy. Just like all of us.

    1. How cool! Thank you for sharing this Helen about your daughter and the ‘buzzing book’ – the wisdom in children is profound. We usually analyse and they just know without question!

    2. Love it 🙂 thanks for sharing that Helen and yes children read much more than we give them credit for and in fact quite often the ones that read the most (energy) may appear to not be reading much (books) at all. Our first lesson should always be to read energy and only after that comes words because the truth is always found in energy not words. Like everything else books are energetic things that are either healing or harming so it is important to discern. The books written by Serge Benhayon are enormously healing and transformational – an absolute blessing to hold and read.

      1. I love what you have said here Nicola. “Our first lesson should always be to read energy and only after that comes words because the truth is always found in energy not words.”

      2. Great point about learning to read energy before words Nicola. Now I know where I took my focus as a child – and where it should have stayed. What a marvellous thing it would have been to have had the capacity to read energy encouraged as a child. The schools of the future will be very gorgeous indeed once we all understand this.

    3. Hi Helen, I had similar experience with my boys when they were babies and toddlers. They would always want to hold the purple books. They would pretend to read them and say the some of the most profound things I have heard 3 year olds say when doing so.
      They respond to the albums that Glorious Music released in the same way. I remember for their 2nd and 3rd birthday they were given a CD, they also got other toys and clothes and the only thing they were interested in was the album. They didn’t even know that CD made music, they just wanted to look at the front cover and hug it endlessly, it made me cry as I was expecting them to find it a ‘boring present’. At that moment everything about energy was proved to me undeniably.

      1. Thank you sarahraynebaldwin – This is so gorgeous about your children’s immediate connection to the purple books and Glorious Music CD. It is beautiful to feel from your words their total knowing, joy, wonderment and response to love in this way. This brings tears of joy to my eyes.
        What amazing teachers children can be – reflecting these innate qualities in such a profound and simple way, exposing what we have often buried and covered over as adults.

  175. When I first brought one of these books, it took be several months before I picked it up to read, my life was full of drama. When I started to read I could not stop, it brought me to space of stillness and life started to be less complicated. I have learnt so much from these amazing books about self, life, humanity and ageless wisdom.

  176. Even though I have all of the purple books it has never occurred to me to just hold one of the purple books. Of course, upon reading your gorgeous blog, it makes absolute sense to do this and I can’t believe I have been missing out for all these years. For starters, I will be taking one to bed tonight! Thank you so much Stephanie.

  177. Thank you for sharing this experience “|He decided to lower the hospital bed flat and he then put the Purple Book onto his chest with his hands on it. After holding it for just a few minutes, it was very obvious his body was relaxing deeply and he went off to sleep for over an hour, still holding the book.” I have felt this myself, I have chosen to lie down on my bed and rest a one of the books that Serge Benhayon has ‘scribed’ on my chest or stomach and I felt deeply supported by it without it reading it. It is true ‘Everything is Energy” I can feel the intention of these books and they are deeply supportive and full of love.

  178. I love what you’ve shared Stephanie, the love emanating from the purple books is amazing as they have been written in such a truly loving and supportive way. It is wonderful to read about how simply holding the books had such a powerful effect on your husband – it shows the true healing quality in which these books were written and thus the amazing effect they have on people simply through being held. What a gift!

    1. Yes Jade the Purple Books have been written in a truly loving way, by Serge Benhayon and they are a gift, from God.

  179. I have to smile at how amazing and powerful constellations are from the Hierarchy – in this instance, the date of this blog being published.
    There is no clue as to when any blog will be published after its submission and “The Purple Books” Blog notification of publication zoomed into my inbox whilst my husband was once again in the hospital undergoing further treatment with another medical procedure!

    Prior to this particular procedure, I had felt clearly that there would be some possible complications (and there were) and there was tension in my body for a short while.
    The notification regarding the Purple Book publication instantly reminded me to reach for ‘Paddington in Purple’ and quickly supported the re-configuration to more stillness within.
    Returning home two days later than planned, my husband placed a Purple Book between his hands on his chest and went into a quality of deep rest almost immediately.

    I love how the Universe simply carries on evolving in its own true rhythm and order and the impeccable timing of constellations from the Hierarchy this brings – magnetically pulling into place the support and new choices for us to evolve with if we choose too.

    The Purple Books are like Gate Keepers in our home, strong and silent on their shelf, yet emanating a consistent quality of energy that holds, supports and invites us to feel and explore more of the truth of our Divine origins.
    Thank you Serge Benhayon for the wisdom, lifelong gems, gold nuggets and treasures impressed through the Purple Books you scribe – they are much appreciated, loved and enjoyed.

    1. What a lovely addendum to your blog Stephanie. Yes the Magic of God is ever present when we are open to it. It is a beautiful conundrum how these daily miracles are actually a normal way of living and yet still deliver such an awe and joy.

      1. Yes, I fully agree with you Nicola, once we accept and appreciate the magic of God – “these daily miracles are actually a normal way of living” and they just keep on coming in so many different ways.
        Absolutely new-normal, plain, powerful and simple, no excitement or ‘ra-ra’ required.

    2. The ‘purple books’ are solid, they shine and I only have to look at them, I feel supported. I have always appreciated the books by Serge Benhayon but thanks to Stephanie’s blog I have a much deeper appreciation as to why I love the ‘purple books’ sitting on the shelf in our home.

    3. How beautiful Stephanie – I so felt the presence of the energy of Serge’s divine Purple Books just by reading your awesome blog and my own appreciation expanded noticeably in my body. I recall several years ago when The Way It Is, the first book became available, the boxes arriving at Goonellebah. We were sailing the next morning and I knew I had to take a copy with me to leave in the ship’s library. There was no question, I drove there and back just to obtain this precious copy of this first purple book. Desiree offered it to me out of the box as they were unpacking, I held it to my heart – the feeling was of a total embrace in Love.

    4. Absolutely can understand what you share here Stephanie…”The Purple Books are like Gate Keepers in our home, strong and silent on their shelf, yet emanating a consistent quality of energy that holds, supports and invites us to feel and explore more of the truth of our Divine origins”… There is definitely a quality with the purple books, that when you see it on a shelf, there is something about it that you just keep being drawn to look at.

  180. It is extraordinary to have the reflection of a family living in absolute harmony, love and joyfulness without any ra ra, it’s just their normal way of life. Incredibly inspiring and forever evolving, we are blessed indeed to have these role models in our lives.

  181. Stephanie, that is such a beautiful sharing here, mediating a playful access to and contact with what Serge Benhayon teaches, that everything is energy. And how we are able to feel energy constantly – but have to open up to that fact – and your blog shows also how trust is a key for this opening. Thank you – and your husband.

  182. It is amazing and beautiful the healing your Husband and yourself received from simply holding the books. I too have found them very powerful and they have greatly supported me in making sense of life and relationships.

  183. Thank you Stephanie for this lovely simple sharing of the magic of the purple books, I too love their presence and have one near my bed as I sleep and handy for me to read before and after sleep. However there was a time going back 9 years ago when my wife would leave them on the coffee table and bedside table around the house and the way I walked around them was as if they were a brown snake, it took a stop through heart disease, when I finally picked one up and began to read the first one and found it very difficult to then put it down and from memory read the first two in weeks. Funny that part of us that evades truth but once we feel it again its like coming home.

  184. I remember reading the first purple book “The way it is”. I simply could not put it down and I think read it twice over. Every page felt to me a revelation of truth which I simply could not get enough of. The purple books are so enriching and I turn to them too when I am feeling off because they are so supportive in settling me back to me again.

  185. I just picked up one of the ‘purple books’ I have and sat with it. I could immediately feel my shoulders drop and relax and a deep feeling of being able to rest. These books are for sure much more than just a book!

    1. I agree Lieke and perhaps what we are feeling is not so much how these books are more than a book but how others books are so much less. All the books written by Serge Benhayon present the living quality and impress that a book written in Soul-full connection delivers. These books are written in a completely different way and from a different energy to the majority of other books we are used to reading. Those too come with an energy as everything comes with an energy – so it is essential to discern which energy a book is delivering. This is quite simple as there are only two energies – one which is healing and connects us back to ourselves and our inner wisdom and one which is harmful and takes us in the other direction.

      1. Wise words Nicola, beautifully expressed –
        “so it is essential to discern which energy a book is delivering. This is quite simple as there are only two energies – one which is healing and connects us back to ourselves and our inner wisdom and one which is harmful and takes us in the other direction.”

  186. I’ve read several pages of a purpel book before bed for years and shall continue to do so. Not only are each of the books fundamental, quite often, a single page contains a point worth deeply contemplating – that sometimes requires a little time to digest (rather than reading them in one big swallow). I feel they have been immensely supportive to my understanding of myself and the greater world around me.

    1. I have the same experience Oliver in that every page and in fact ever paragraph contains a point worth deeply contemplating.

      1. I agree with you both Oliver and Nicola, I often find I will read a paragraph or sometimes even a sentence and will have to put the book down and allow myself to deeply feel and contemplate that which I have just read.

      2. Yes I agree Rosemary and on re-reading this what happens is often even deeper than that. I actually feel my body reconfigure physically as if some healing and releasing is happening on a particle or cellular level – I am not sure what is true scientifically but I have no doubt that it is incredibly healing and freeing for my body as well as my mind and being!

    2. Every word of the purple books feels like it is expansive and expanding, as every word is part of the whole book. You can certainly feel the truth of the universe within them.

      1. Yes and not one single word does not serve a purpose – it is an extraordinary and different way of reading and writing to the one we are used to and yet is completely normal and natural when you are connected to your Soul.

    3. I have found that too Oliver, it is not necessarily about reading a huge quantity of the books, but of taking in the wisdom that is found on each and every page and considering fully what is shared. This is never less than revealing when I am willing to be open to hear and feel what is shared.

  187. There is so much Love, wisdom and support in these purple books, they are lovely to have in our home and I read one of them every night.

  188. I am forever reminded when I read these books about the miricle of God and how each page feels like it has been written for me and It always comes at a time that is very relevant to what is happening in my life.

    1. Totally agree Denise, Since reading the very first purple book by Serge Benhayon until now, whenever and whatever I read “feels like it has been written for me and it always comes at a time that is very relevant to what is happening in my life”. Whenever I have a quiet moment I love picking up on of the books of ‘Sayings’ and opening it randomly to find what it is for me to look at or ponder on at that particular time. The books are a treasure trove waiting to inspire the reader and remind us that we are greater then this life.

  189. Stephanie thank you so much for sharing your own personal experience with these books, and how you feel simply by holding them. I love how we all have different experiences with these books, and how we can learn and feel so much more when we express to each other about this type of experience. It feels really gorgeous the relationship you and your family have with these books, and therefore with God’s expression.

  190. An awesome sharing Stephanie, thank you. These purple books certainly contain something very special… Recognising and feeling this is revealing that it is corresponding to that something special, an originating spark within the human body too…

    1. Thank you Stephanie and Johanne, I agree, the power of the books written by Serge Benhayon will one day be acclaimed for the true amazingness that they are.

  191. This is a very sweet blog Stephanie – and one that contains such a big message – “everything is energy” (Serge Benhayon) and, as you and your husband have experienced through what you have shared here, “everything is because of energy” (Serge Benhayon). Although you have communicated the normality of the healing power of the purple books, it could be seen as miraculous or even magical as we do not generally perceive objects in this way – through their power to communicate energetically. It is beautiful to hear of what is possible when we become open, sensitive and aware of energy.

  192. Stephanie, there is a trust between you and your husband when you suggest he holds the book, which is very inspiring. I love how he was willing to give it a go. I also love the playful banter between the both of you, very beautiful.

    1. Yes I agree marylouisemyers. It was very beautiful that Stephanie’s husband was open and willing to feel the quality of energy while holding the ‘purple book’. When we feel for ourselves within our body, we then know that we cannot deny the feeling and therefore it makes it real for us.

  193. Thank you Stephenie for sharing your experience, with feeling the energy of Serge’s purple books, amazing to hear how open your husband was, to the healing power in just holding these book. I always have a book ready to just open up and read and I am often amazed, that what I read, is just what I need to hear at that moment.

  194. I remember my 4 years old daughter one day asking me if I could read from 1 of the ‘Purple Books’. She’s Dutch and doesn’t ‘speak’ English. When she lied in bed and I read a few pages, she fell Beautifully asleep. This happened a few times and after that she didn’t ask for it anymore. A confirmation to me that everything is indeed energy and felt by EVERYONE. For me a Beautiful confirmation as I have a strong belief that I have to ‘bring’ it to people. More and more I feel for myself that it is not about that, it is about being and living it.

  195. How utterly true in every sense of the word Stephanie, Serge’s purple books are a touchstone – something that one can touch, and something that when read touches you. A loving hand is extended for us to choose to grasp. I can see a stairway to heaven of books offered and people accepting, even if it is to simply hold. Thank you Stephanie.

  196. Thank you Stephanie for this beautiful blog. I love how you introduced the purple books to your husband . . . simply to hold. Some months ago I tried to read a certain book which was up for my students to study and I had a lot of trouble actually holding this book for any period of time the feel of it was so negative. As soon as I was able I put it down and my body just naturally went over to the table and picked up a purple book. Within a split second love and light was flooding through me and I remember feeling, ‘Thank heavens for Serge Benayon and the purple books’.

    1. Yes, I agree with you Lyndy, everything is indeed, energy first and foremost – to be able to discern the difference in quality when holding a ‘purple book’ and another type of book is quite amazing. Being this discerning energetically we can never be fooled by anything.

  197. I love it Stephanie. I have several of the purple books and have not yet managed to finish reading one, even though I love what is written in the books. I was so stuck on the fact that I haven’t read them, I look forward to simply holding them!

  198. Wow I love this! Feeling the energy in the books without even reading them is truly amazing, I never thought to connect to it like this. However I know the power of these books as I can generally only read one or two pages at a time, and all that this offer is so enormous that I end us just laying still or dropping into a deep sleep. I know the more that I truly open myself up to this level of energy, changing the way I live to be more open to it on a daily basis then I will be able to handle more than one or two pages at a time.

  199. What I also love about these books is that they deliver truth, there is not one ounce of emotion or self in them, which allows the reader space to feel for themselves rather than feeling imposed upon.

  200. Thank you to everyone who has taken a moment to respond to this blog.
    All the beautiful and heart-felt comments shared here, are an Absolute Living Testimony to The Hierarchy, the Ancient Wisdom teachings and the true power and healing in these glorious Purple Books (forever AKA Paddington in our household!), that can be felt so clearly.

    The energy they emanate never waivers – reflected and held by their scribe, Serge Benhayon, in his commitment and dedication to living life from Love in a full-ness for all to see and be, equally so.
    You may also enjoy this blog celebrating Serge Benhayon -

    What grace and blessings these Purple Books bring to our lives.

    With Love, Joy and deep appreciation to all.

  201. A joy filled blog with great wisdom on the energy of everything. When you speak of paddington and the purple books, i cannot but feel the joy and smile for these books are packed with Love and wisdom and can be felt from afar.

  202. I can relate to the purple books soothing me. There have been times that I have been doubled over in pain and laid down with a one of Serge’s books on my stomach and within 10 or so minutes the pain has eased.

  203. I haven’t ever just held the book but I can agree that when I pick up a book and read a few pages my body surrenders and I feel like life is just back in perspective again. All of the little things I was holding onto just seem insignificant and I can again appreciate life.

  204. I thought while started reading your blog ‘Oh God, no… don’t tell the world like this about the books… the world will think your are gone crazy. BUT I read the blog to the end and what I confirm is, that the ‘purple books’ which I read have a certain quality and integrity. They confirm, question, bring me to ponder and feel into things which need to be revalued. The ‘purple books’ have many levels and actually hold TRUTH. So why not holding a booking and being connected to what it presents?
    Note beside: Observe books you read and allow to feel in what state they leave you. What they energetically are doing to you. Every spoken or written manifestation has an emanation – and it would be wise to know to what you align.

  205. That is very powerful what you are sharing Stephanie. The purple books are just amazing and they emanate the energy of love, harmony and integrity. Currently I enjoy reading the book “Time, Space and all of us” – so powerful to read.

  206. Stephanie, loved your sharing of the amazing energy that emanates from Serge Benhayon’s Purple books. Lovely that your husband was able to experience this as well. When I first started to read these books I couldn’t read them fast enough as I was so excited that what I was reading felt so true to me and I had not experienced this in any other self help books. There is so much to learn and connect with on how life truly is.

  207. I remember the very first time I read one of these books, I had literally just been introduced to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and was a day or two into my very first workshop with them. I remember lying in bed (well a tent at that time) and reading the book. What stopped me in my tracks, in wonderment was a wow I can feel things moving in my body and pulsing when I read this. I could feel different parts of my body and face actually pulse, and I remember a swirling in my chest, I could feel what can only be described as an anti clockwise movement going round and round. Me being me, decided to test this, and yep I felt it again, very clearly. This has never gone away, it might not be the same feelings but when I read these books they definitely connect on a much deeper level than simply the words on the page. The other night my whole body was pulsing like crazy and I couldn’t get past a bolded part – my body just wanted to keep reading it again and again.

  208. Beautiful Stephanie such a great and timely sharing. My husband had a operation yesterday and I brought a couple of purple books remembering all you said to the hospital and put one under his hand on the bed and it felt really beautiful and so reasuring for him , expansive and restful as was needed.They are very powerful and a gift to humanity.

  209. “My answer was just to hold it between his hands for no reason other than just holding it!” Your husband made a choice from the knowingness, the beingness offered by his beautiful wife.

  210. Indeed the package that is offered by each of these purple books is multi dimensional gift from heaven – they speak to your soul in the purest language; fire

  211. Very powerful and beautiful Stephanie, the purple books are very special, I recall reading my first one… The Way it Is, and feeling my heart warm up within a few minutes of beginning each time. From that point on they have been very special, and I have understood the teachings that ‘everything is energy’ and that what we create contains the imprint of energy it was created in.

    1. I can also remember reading The Way It Is the first time – and falling asleep every few paragraphs as there was so much happening in my body as I read. This book has provided a great marker of my healing as I can now read it without nodding off or needing to go super slowly. I find that each of the books is a different experience every time I pick them up.

      1. Yes agree Helen, in fact whenever I read any of the purple books for a second, or third time I get so much more from them I wonder whether I actually read it first time through. It’s as though no matter where you are up to in your evolution, there is something in them that offers the next step.

  212. I am stunned by the level of output by Serge Benhayon. Apart from doing a full day at the clinic then spending time with his family and doing chores and running events locally and internationally, he has time, or shall I say space, to write page after page of wisdom that he lives by. The books do hold a certain vibration and that energy is received in the way the reader needs it; it could be calming, supporting, inspiring, head clearing, deeply pondering, etc. The books are medicine and could come with instructions on dosage: take everyday and live it because it is your wisdom too.

  213. I had not heard that holding the purple books would be so powerful, but I am not surprised the least. If this is so powerful, how important it is to feel and observe what influence anything has that we hold in our hands, may this be food, clothes, other books, a CD, a computer, a piece of art, flowers….

  214. So sweet. So simple. How could anyone resist the opportunity to be held and supported in this way? (Well, that is a great big philosophical question that we would all do well to consider!) And you have opened up another whole understanding of and relationship with ‘the purple books’, thank you, Stephanie.

  215. A great sharing about the responsibility of energy and what actually emanates from the way we live and the things we produce. I feel the power in the purple books and find that even just by having them around ready to read and seeing them brings a settled feeling and certain quality.

  216. I have the purple books sitting on my bedside table and love tucking myself into bed and reading the lived love and wisdom shared by Serge Benhayon within its purple covers.

  217. When I read the purple books, I feel the Voice of the Masters – strong, firm, playful, graceful and divinely written to remind me of all that we are. They are an absolute gift from God.

    1. I fully agree with that Vicky, these books are a gift from God with the purpose of reminding us that we are from heaven and have to return to this awareness. Every word that is written in these books is there to assist us in reminding us to the grandness we belong to.

      1. They are a gift from God, it’s incredible to realise that every single word has been written with a divine purpose to remind us who we are and to return to God. They are not presenting oh wouldn’t this be nice, they are presenting the truth of who we all, where we all come from and what we all can and will one day will live.

    2. Thank you for sharing this Vicky as sometimes I can forget just the enormity of the love that is all around us and how much we are all blessed. I was going to say these are no normal books, but what if they are – what if we have knowingly accepted less – and that our normal is actually something huge, grand, divine, powerful and super amazing – what if these these books are the future of what we can all write and present?

      1. Yes, I agree Gyl, in the grander scheme of things these Purple Books are simply ordinary and plain, new-normal books filled with what every human being on this planet already knows in their essence – nothing to get excited about, just accepting ” our normal is actually something huge, grand, divine, powerful and super amazing” and these gorgeous books are our future right now if we choose to live it this way.

      2. Thank you Stephanie, Vicky, Nico and gylrae, I absolutely agree, when we live the revelations that unfold as you read these purple books it becomes our normal way of living. When we return and write the next chapter in the return to the glory we truly are then those books will also bring an awesome power for all to share.

  218. This is rather beautiful Stephanie. I too have had a similar feeling with the books at times. I find reading them before bed especially great for getting a good night’s sleep.

    1. Oliver, like you and many others on this thread, I also find the purple books bring a good night’s sleep. If there have been unsettling disruptions, or I have a bit of raciness going on, it only takes reading a few minutes of a ‘purple book’ and I feel re-connected with myself, cosy and ready to go to sleep with a clear head and heart.

  219. Beautiful Stephanie. I rememerber the first time I saw these amazing purple books. I was instantly drawn to them and read them cover to cover, finishing one and immensely looking forward to the next chance I had of buying the next one in the series. I distinctly remember the deep healing I felt from these books and at times I would simply sit with the book and the colour itself offered me a deep healing. To me they are absolutely sacred and I feel blessed that they are part of my life.

  220. I love the simplicity that you bring to the subject of energy Stephanie. Everything has an energetic quality to it, we all feel it whether we admit it to ourselves or not. The purple books have an energetic quality to them that is deeply healing and supportive and are a joy to read and deeply consider what is being presented.

  221. Stephanie, I love your analogy to Paddington Bear here. I too just adore Serge Benhayon’s Purple books, have experienced that energy you mention that they all hold. They hold the energy of the Truth that Serge Benhayon lives every day of his life. Such a steady, holding love that holds us all equally, all of humanity. Such a reflection of that steady, forever holding love of God who loves us all equally. I so relate to your sharing of your saying, “Hmm . . . where is Paddington?!” and will probably be referring to the books as Paddington too, when I feel the need of a little support. Love it.

  222. ‘Over this time I have continued to be totally inspired by the consistent way of love, dedication and humility that this ordinary man and his family live, reflecting to us all that there is a more simple and joyful way to live as we deepen the relationship with ourselves and others.’ The purple books are emanating the quality in which Serge Benhayon lives.

  223. Thank you Stephanie, I love your story at the hospital and sharing the book with your husband. I will often read hold the book or just read one or two pages and it really does suppport me to slow down and to come back to me. On top of that, the wisdom and teachings that I have learnt from within the book are life changing and I cherish these books. I have read many and given many away.

    1. Yes Rosie I agree, I find that reading a few pages every morning is a truly supportive way to start the day and I cherish them too. Every book produced by Serge Benhayon contains a great deal of wisdom I have not come across anywhere else, wisdom that puts me back in touch with who I really am and supports me to carry that connection into my day.

  224. Stephanie this is a beautiful reminder of the support that these books provide. I have not read any other books that hold such truth and wisdom.

  225. Though I know that ebooks are becoming more prevalent and I have downloaded the latest book and read a little on my laptop, I much prefer having the book itself to hold in my hands. There is something about having the physical books to refer to, it becomes an almost ceremonious act as they support me back to a deeper connection with myself and whatever I read feels like a confirmation which is worth celebrating. Love from cover to cover.

  226. One cannot under-estimate the power of these ‘Purple Books’ and your blog has highlighted this to me Stephanie. Simply holding them and connecting has a great power beyond measure, even before lifting a finger to open a page.

  227. I have never thought to simply hold one of Serge Benhayon’s books as a way of reconnecting to myself when I’m feeling anxious or racy, but it makes sense to me that it would be very calming, the same as the quality and love that Serge lives in.

  228. I loved your blog and the healing power you found in Serge Benhayons books Stephanie. When I wake up in the night and there’s nothing that usually works to get back to sleep, I put the light on and reach for Serge’s book of revelations, which I read out loud to myself, this always brings me back to myself and out of my thoughts and anxiety so I can sleep again.

  229. I love reaching for the purple books written by Serge Benhayon and feel how my body changes when I read something that is so perfect at that moment for my own evolution, there is always a smile in my face feeling the power and healing that these books hold within them.

  230. Thank you for this lovely sharing, it just goes to show the power of the books and the wisdom within them and you have shared they don’t actually need to be read to feel this it just takes someone with an open heart.

  231. Serge Benhayon’s “Purple Books” are truly amazing. I love the one you mention “Esoteric Teachings and Revelations”. I have one in reach of my settee and I can open it up at any random page and be revelationised.

  232. I love the fact that your husband was initially dismissive but was open enough to do it anyway and actually feel for himself – Beautiful

  233. I agree Stephanie – these purple books contain deep wisdom – ageless, timeless wisdom. Like a coming home to something truly, deeply known.

    1. ‘Like a coming home to something truly, deeply known.’ Your words Cathy echo exactly the same as I have felt.

  234. The purple books contain everything, much more than most of the world is ready for at the moment. If you are ready to truly learn, then these are the books that will take you right back to the beginning and rebuild a watertight foundation.

    1. So true Matthew. And it is beautiful how, for this who may not feel to read the pages yet that these purple books still offer a healing from looking at them or holding them.

  235. I love the way you have felt the energy in Serge Benhayon’s purple books, Stephanie. They are ‘soothing’ for me too. In my case, I was surprised at first when a strong violet glow came out of the white pages of the books, and of course, scientist me wanted to check it out. So I did all kinds of comparisons in different lighting to check for after-images (which should have been grey or yellow), reflections, etc, but no, those white pages were really glowing purple to me! And I found that the more harmonious and still I was within myself, the stronger the glow from the books….. now there’s something for science to take notice of!

    1. That’s pretty incredible Dianne – there’s no denying everything is energy and that the energy from which the books are derived is felt!

    2. This is just extraordinary Dianne T, a shaft of violet light from those books that also ‘speak’ your depth of connection to its message. Completely magic. Completely energy.

    3. I love your scientific mind Dianne. You offer another perspective and it is always amazing what you discover. I am not surprised that there is a purple glow to the white pages the more still and harmonious you are. Just more of the beautiful energy coming through.

    4. I just love your comments Diane, always such an inquisitive playfulness in what you discover and beautifully share.

  236. Thank you Stephanie, true to your essence this is a delightful, heart warming and playful blog. I always have the books by Serge Benhayon close by and their very presence is a blessing. I can attest to the power of holding these books and finding I am supported to settle and drop into my body and essence which by common standards sounds very strange but available to anyone prepared to be open and surrender a little. To me this blog is also a reminder of the treasure within the books (when reading them) and also having felt the truth, power and healing these books offer there is a madness to taking this for granted which is what ‘being reminded’ can reveal. Too rarely do I deeply appreciate what Serge Benhayon has brought and generously given for when I do there is a sense of celebration and magic being available in every moment with no room for misery ever again. Hence – too rarely do I truly appreciate……….

    1. This is great Deanne as it bring to the front that appreciation is very key to moving forward, whether that be appreciation of ourselves, others, these books, Serge Benhayon for bring this truth to our attention, the list can go on and on and in many ways it should while deepening our relationship with ourselves and of choices to re-align back to this simple truth.

    2. Deane it’s in appreciation of your reminder of Serge Benhayon and the purple books that has had me ponder again on the immense changes I have made in my livingness … that I feel deeply to appreciate constantly.

  237. The first time I read one of Serge’s books I felt like I was having an amazing, connecting, healing experience. We are so enriched to have these beautiful, precious books to support us. I love your story of holding the books. It confirms my feelings about them too.

    1. I can defiantly relate Amanda and boy oh boy these books are divine. It is a sheer blessing to have such simple truth right there for us all of the time.

      1. I agree Amina, to read these books is reconnecting to a source of love and truth which resonates deeply in the body. The wisdom they deliver is divine and reflecting me that we are able to feel energy and as such can live a life of truth and love equally when we choose this.

  238. Stephanie this is such a beautiful sharing. As we have heard said “Everything is Energy” it is not surprising then that everything comes with an energy. Whether it be a book, a shoe, a piece of clothing, a car or food, you have so clearly shared with us that these things will effect us dependent on the energy they emanate. Not something that we speak about commonly but it is a very important topic, we get far more effected by life than we realise when we are not paying attention to the energy of everything that is around us.

    1. Exactly this should be part of our common conversations as it is happening, real and true. The quality of energy we live, are and choose at any given moment is exactly what we crate and are expressing. ‘Everything is Energy’

    2. Caroline, that is so right, in reading Stephanie’s beautiful account I felt that for many it may seem strange that a book could affect one in such a way, yet if we consider the science of energy it is clear that everything has an emanation and we are all of us able to feel everything. From this it is certainly the case that the feelings that come from the purple books are profound and if we further consider that everything either harms or heals, then they are also very healing.

    3. Yes ‘everything is energy’ and so we are feeling energy all of the time, but we have just switched off from noticing it. As I pay more attention to this I am finding I am becoming more and more aware. It is indeed a very important topic, because like it or not, agree with it or not, we are feeling energy 100% of the time.

    4. It definitely should be something we speak about more often Caroline. Sometimes we talk about people affecting us, or how food makes us feel and even the energy of rooms or homes and how they can affect us. But rarely do we speak about how every object has an energy that can affect us. Moreover, learning to discern what energies are truly healing for us and those that are harming. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offer true teachings about energy including presenting tools for developing awareness about energy.

    5. I love the way you have expanded on Stephanie’s blog Caroline – it really brings home the immense importance of “Everything is Energy”.

    6. Great point Caroline. I am going to pay much closer attention to not overriding the energy that I don’t want to feel coming through things (and people) after reading this. And I’m going to make it part of my every day conversations too.

  239. Stephanie. I fully endorse the purple book. It has been a great healer for me, and always will be.

      1. Thank you Matilda, I agree, when these purple books are put in there rightful place in history they will be shown as the true science that have been missing for so long.

    1. What a strong confirmation this is Mike, I can feel the absolute knowing you have about these books. What an awesome gift Serge Benhayon has given us all in producing a series of books that not only contain immense wisdom and essential knowledge, they also heal us just by holding them.

  240. The quality Serge Benhayon has written these books in is pure love, and the truth of this can never be held just within its covers…it is there for all to share equally.

  241. The purple books written by Serge Benhayon do also make me feel more calmer and more centred when reading them, there is many layers of wisdom to read and receive if you are open. I definitely love the purple books.

  242. I loved hearing about your playful description and wonderful healing experience with Serge Benhayon’s purple books.
    They are indeed full of amazing wisdom, and help you connect to your stillness within.
    I often just pick up a book and open it up randomly to find a page or paragraph with words of wisdom just what I needed.

  243. I love the fact that the purple books sent your husband into a deep restful sleep when he held them. He got exactly what he needed as we all do when we read or hold these beautiful books.

  244. Thank you Stephanie I love the playful way you have shared how supportive the Purple Books can be in so many situations just by holding them. I have them beside my bed and feel blessed just looking at them but it had not occurred to me to that I would get a healing from doing this but I can feel how true this is. Thanks for the inspiration.

  245. Thank you, you amazing woman, Stephanie Stevenson for your gorgeously tender and warm blog. Like you I treasure my ‘purple books’ and when I am feeling racy and disconnected inside I read a page or two of one of these books and gradually I can feel the reconnection as my body begins to calm down and come back together and be at one with itself. Next time I will just pick one up and hold it – and then re-connect to your beautiful blog and allow life to unfold.

  246. “I still love reading and re-reading these inspiring Purple Books and enjoying the deep wisdom that Serge Benhayon continues to share through them.” Me too Stephanie and its great that some are now available as e books – great for travelling!

    1. Sue great point I often carry around a book in my hand luggage yet when there is limited space I sometimes leave it out, Ebook option time. The thing I find is a few pages of reading the book and I return back to me and rest deeper at night.

  247. Thank you Stephanie for sharing the healing power of the purple books, and that holding them offers us such a blessing. What a gift you offered your husband to support him through emergency surgery. Reading them has really opened my eyes and my heart to our true nature. I love your reference to the books as “Paddington”. Paddington for grown-ups?

  248. I also love the ‘purple books’ written by Serge Benhayon. Like you just the look of them makes me want to open it and read a bit in it as I know it always makes me feel great and it brings me back to myself when I feel a bit out. Simply holding it I have not done with this much purpose as you describe but is for sure something I will be more aware of.

    1. Me too Lieke. When I feel ‘out’, stressed, anxious or worried I always feel an instinct to read a book.. The beauty of the Purple Books is that they are not loaded with emotions or drama like a lot of others are that I’ve read in the past – none of that, just truth, which is exactly what I need to bring myself back.

  249. These books are like no other and as you say Stephanie they have a quality about them that supports the body to let go of and re-align itself. These words from the Hierarchy and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are deeply healing as they hold the Truth and Love in every word. Serge Benhayon is an inspiration in the way he works with them and delivers book after book whilst still running a full time clinic, presenting course, workshops and everything else. Extraordinary and this is what Serge represents the possibilities when connected to the Soul plane and being in service for humanity. Deeply inspiring.

    1. Absolutely Natalie, possibilities beyond the wildest dreams, but made most solidly real by example in Serge Benhayon – his choice to align to Soul shows us all the truth of who we are.

  250. Hi Stephanie, thank you for this joy-filled blog, it brought tears to my eyes as my body said ‘yes’ to this truth – the ‘Purple Books’ emanate Love and it is palpable. I have copies of these books on my bookshelf, my coffee table, next to my bed and in my Healing Room and every time my eyes or hands are upon them I am re-connecting to that same Love within me – beautiful!

  251. Thank you Stephanie Stevenson for this amazing story about the power of the purple books from Serge Benhayon. Extraordinary they are indeed and when I read them I connect to a wisdom that I know is true and I am naturally part of and is there for all of us to know equally so. A wisdom that equally lives inside me but I was forgotten I am connected with. Reading this books helps me to reconnect to the origin I come from, the Ageless Wisdom of the universe.

  252. It is great to just pick it up and read a bit of one of the purple books and feel how I connect more to myself. I understand the phenomenon of re-energising that comes with holding the books as igniting the spark within me and so the books bring me out of myself. So appreciating how these books are written in the energy of who we truly are, they are never a crutch and more so very confirming.

  253. Thank you Stephanie, I was feeling what you were saying deeply with every cell of my body and I just loved reading it, feeling it and your true expression. Thank you for a moment to re-connect. These ‘purple books’ by Serge Benhayon are prosperous reads in my daily life, there to support, deepen and re-connect. I have also often acquainted myself with these books in times of dismay or stress, and without fail, every single time it has supported me to come back to my breath, my gentleness, and me…walking away with a greater awareness and responsibility. I have never felt just holding it, but this is something I will now try.

  254. I love how super supportive these books are, and how reading them has inspired me to make very different choices in my life. The books have offered me some amazing opportunities to reflect on my life, and also confirm what I already know deep inside. With great appreciation for all that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine bring for us all to share.

  255. Lovely to read your experience with the purple books, I too have felt the power of them, from having them on the shelf, holding them in my hand and reading them.

  256. I have a Purple Book on my bedside table and have now just realised that whether I read it or no I am am always aware that it is there. My life’s meaning and purpose is fully contained within these amazing living pulsing guides. As I write now I am also aware of the thick comfort that I can choose to delay the path of return and that these books eternally support.

  257. I feel the first paragraph of this blog almost says it all: “These choices brought many changes to my daily way of living and I now enjoy a level of wellbeing unknown to me before.” It’s a matter of choice, not comfort.

    1. Well said Oliver, the life we live is a matter of our choice. Not a comfortable truth to hear but none the less a freedom of revelation that is needed to support true change.

  258. Wow Stephanie. The joy in which you write and share about the purple books is gorgeous plus. What I have found is that these are books like no other and to approach them by trying to read them like one would a novel or a text book does not work. There is a quality in them in the way they are written that reminds us constantly of who we are and every word and how they have been placed and each sentence, gives us much to ponder and digest. I feel inspired by your delightful article to deepen my own relationship with the purple books and make them a true part of my life everyday…even if I just hold one.

  259. Reading this blog I had the strong impulse to pick up one of my purple books ‘An Open Letter to Humanity’ and the page I opened said ‘We need a body of love so it is that body that is the human being in all thoughts and behaviours.’

  260. What a truly delightful story Stephanie. The books of Serge Benhayon are a true blessing for us all. They are written with a beholding love, a living breathing truth that cannot be contained within the covers… as your blog beautifully confirms.

    1. I so agree Victoria, the ageless wisdom, so expansive, so all encompassing, so evolving cannot be confined to words on a page. For, being the living expression of absolute love and truth, it can know no bounds.

    2. So beautifully expressed Victoria – true Love cannot be contained in any way, it is there for all equally-so and the Purple Books are the living truth of this –
      “They are written with a beholding love, a living breathing truth that cannot be contained within the covers”

  261. That’s so sweet describing…”I playfully commented that these Purple Books could be likened to a teddy bear – like Paddington Bear, being held by a child.” I can feel the support when I read the words, but I will have a go at just picking one up and holding it and seeing what it feels like!

  262. The purple books by Serge Benhayon are a treasure and a joy to read. They are an amazing reference point to see where I am in life, they have an endless depth and wisdom within them. Even if I were to read them 100 times there is always something new to reveal and unfold.

  263. Each time I read one of the purple books, even if it is the same sentence or same chapter, there is something new that I take from each reading. I’m often amazed how it is like reading it afresh every single time. Sometimes I will pick up a book and randomly open it up on a page and pretty much all the time there is a message that is perfect for me in that moment.

  264. Stephanie, I could not help but re-read your blog this morning. And I must have a little giggle now because last night that is exactly what I did – I held one of the purple books against my chest and just lay there before going to sleep and I thought about how you called it Paddington. Thank you Stephanie for your lightness, humour and beautiful sharing.

  265. I love what you have shared Stephanie. What I felt from you writing this is the facts of energy at play – these books brought through by Serge Benhayon present The Way of the Livingness, which allows these books to take on and emanate a livingness of their own. This is so cool and something I have not chosen to feel or see before now. Just shows how much more is going on in the world than meets the eye when energy is everything.

    1. I feel similar Rachel, ‘these books emanate a livingness of their own. This is so cool and something I have not chosen to feel or see before now. Just shows how much more is going on in the world than meets the eye when energy is everything.’ Reading this blog and all of the comments brings me a deeper understanding of energy and an awareness that there is so much more going on than what we see. I can feel with photo’s and paintings the energy that they emanate but i have not allowed myself to feel this with books and other objects.

  266. “When waking, my husband was very surprised that he could actually feel a certain “quality of energy, like a pulse” when holding this book.” A beautiful confirmation Stephanie, of the fact that we do feel everything if we allow ourselves to do so. We feel if something holds a truth or if something doesn’t feel ‘right’. It’s to our own detriment if we choose not to feel, as we might feel something that could make us feel uncomfortable.

  267. Stephanie, your blog touched me so deeply, thank you. I love this beautiful support you were able to share with your husband, that is just so so special. I too love these purple books by Serge Benhayon and I have them all over my house. I haven’t read them all unfortunately, but I especially remember the first one I read “The Way it is”…once I started and felt the love being reflected off it’s pages and offered to me, I could simply not go anywhere without ‘the book’. I did need to have it with me all of the time, as it supported me so profoundly at a difficult moment in my life. Now, as I don’t get much chance to be reading the books, I make time and space to attend Serge Benhayon’s presentations whenever I can, as I am lucky enough to be within reach geographically.

  268. To someone who is not being familiar with the Serge Benhayon´s books or himself talking about the emanation of a book may sound a bit ‘esoteric’, but actually that is what it is: esoteric in the truest sense of the word. It is the source and quality of energy radiated by the books, lived by Serge Benhayon that can be felt and impress the body that is very receptive for energy, like it or not. We sense every form of energy, are affected by it in some way or another, hence it is of utmost importance to be aware and discerning of the quality every book or item holds and emanates. That is not our common and known way of approaching life and it may appear somehow mystical but in fact is very simple and ordinary when we start to allow for the possibility and experience. We all feel energy all of the time – time to be aware of what we feel and make use of that great ability.

  269. The purple books are a never-ending book. With an absolute wisdom that we never get to the end of, even when read from cover to cover a few times because they are always unfolding a deeper awareness within us . I find myself going to a deeper level of understanding every time I read the same sentence.

  270. Thank you Stephanie, you have inspired me to look again at my relationship with these beautiful books. My copy of the first book is dog eared and marked from repeated readings of it over the years, but what is within its pages never dates. It holds everything you ever wanted to know whilst also letting you know that you already knew it, and here is just a reminder. There are light bulb moments on every page! You cant get lost in these books and the way they are written support you to stay present. As you say they are books to be felt as well as read. They are living, loving books.

    1. Beautifully captured in a ‘nutshell’ Mary. I am in the process of reading this same book, its an eye and a heart opener for sure!

  271. Since reading this blog I am connecting to the presence of these books in my home. Without even having to read them I can feel them. This communicates so much about how powerful presence just is and how we can all be this when connected with ourselves. It reminds me that there is no need to try at things, just be in my doing.

  272. To borrow your words Stephanie, it is the consistent “way of love, dedication and humility that this ordinary man and his family live” that makes delivering these books possible and offering the healing that they do. Thank you for dedicating your blog to the purple Books, it was a joy to read!

  273. I so love these purple books too, and I love how you refer to them as Paddington, Stephanie. I had never considered them like a teddy though, but you have now totally couched them in a new light for me. I have also found that when I pick one up to read I am automatically much more connected and still. The words of wisdom contained therein are pretty awesome too!

  274. Stephanie, as well as what you share, I also have a purple book on the towel rack above our toilet where I can reach for it whenever I am going to be sitting for more than a minute or so! Usually it is “Esoteric Teachings and Revelations’ and no matter what page I open on any one day, it is always something that resonated with me at that point in time!

  275. Gorgeous blog Stephanie, I too now own some of these ‘Purple Books’. The first time I read one of the books I borrowed it from a friend. I couldn’t read beyond about 80 pages. I was reading it from my head, intellectualising it and from there I just didn’t get it, the words seem to be all jumbled up and didn’t make any sense. I continued to attend the presentations by Serge Benhayon and then I started to attend the Sacred Esoteric healing courses. After a year or so I felt I was ready to read one of the purple books, I went to the library and ordered one in. I read it almost every night, I found it difficult to put down. I too was blown away when I started to feel a pulse from the book, it was like the book was alive. It was so awesome to read that you also felt the same pulse. These books are incredible and like you’ve shared they are healing by just hold one in your hands.

  276. Its lovely to read how you have been able to use the purple books to bring yourself back to a feeling of stillness and calmness in your body.

  277. Your blog brings me back to the first books I bought written by Serge Benhayon. I could not put them down, it was nothing I had ever read before. These books we speak of come from a level of Love that is not from this world and yet they are ours as much as they are Serge Benhayon’s. All that he has written we know too but when you don’t get reflected this truth or nobody in your entire life has spoken this truth to you, you forget what you know and who you are or at the least you doubt what you know and who you are. Thank you Serge Benhayon for delivering this to us all, thank you Stephanie for your blog, giving us an opportunity to give grace to what we have received.

    1. Such a beautiful comment Katinka and so true. Stephanie has given us the grace to fully appreciate not only the deep wisdom that resides in all of Serge Benhayon’s purple books, but the rich quality of love and truth that they emanate. And it’s so true, Serge reflects to us something we have either long forgotten or seriously doubted, reminding us of our real essence, our true power and providing us with a fundamentally essential education in energy and universal laws. A phenomenal gift in this world.

  278. What a cool account of the power of Serge Benhayon’s books, Stephanie. I can remember many times when I was feeling very emotional about something, aggravated, etc., and just about as soon as I sat down and started reading one of the ‘purple books’, I had a sense of calming and coming back down from that aggitated state. They are simply medicine for the body and I look forward to using them more in the way you described, because if they are having that effect on our bodies, it proves how they must be emanating some form of non-physical energy that causes that effect, since everything has to be the result of an energy making it happen.

  279. I second that Eduardo, I have felt the same whilst reading the books. I read ‘A Treatise on Consciousness’ on a flight to Singapore and the difference in my body was palpable between take off and then landing.

  280. I have been reading books from prep school through to university and I have never come across a publication like Serge Benhayon’s purple paperbacks. They are utterly remarkable.

  281. These books are like coming home. As I open the pages it is like a huge set of gates opening up and inside is heaven. And when I walk through the gates and start reading, I am reminded of everything that I already know. Even the sentences that I don’t fully understand in my mind, make total sense in my body. And those sentences that are harder to read or accept are the perfect point of reflection, the most exquisitely timed and positioned sirens that there is something more for me to see, and they are then followed with the loving, guiding hand that helps me over that hurdle. In fact, calling them just “books” seems like one of the biggest under-evaluations ever!!

    1. I feel similarly Otto, whenever I have taken a break from reading the books and I come back to them, I always wonder at why I would resist reading them for so long. So filled are they with wisdom that i know I have lived before and can do so again. It is as you say always felt in the body even when the mind doesn’t quite grasp what is said. The purple books are quite simply exquisite and a complete gift to treasure and re-read over and over.

      1. I know!! It’s crazy!! With the gold sitting right next to my bed, I still often don’t go there. Very grateful to this blog for jogging me back in to line. The best night-time medicine that could ever be subscribed.

    2. I agree ottobathurst, it is quite amazing, “Even the sentences that I don’t fully understand in my mind, make total sense in my body”. I have a habit of going into the head so easily, so it is so good to know when things I am reading are resonating in my body, helps me not have to go into thinking about it. No other books I have read have this same reaction in my body. Serge’s Purple books are so, so power-full. I just love them, and can’t wait for the next one.

    3. I agree Otto, they are so much more than ‘books’.
      What is between the simple purple covers is pure gold…

    4. i love what you share here Otto. Yes these objects are more than mere “books” – they are the gateway to the ancient wisdom that we already know in full but have allowed ourselves to forget – a portal back to who we really are and to a different world on planet Earth that is based purely on love.

  282. This is a great story and thank you for sharing it. It is also of huge service to me to be reminded of the power of these books even before the front cover has been opened. Inspired by your blog, I am going to reach for them more often. Thank you.

  283. Beautiful Stephanie so lovely to read about your love for the Purple Books … they do feel like magic and they are magic …. I take my books on all my holidays and these Purple Books are the only books I have ever felt to buy and own .. They hold so much wisdom for all… Thank you with love Deborah

    1. It´s funny that these books have so many fans, and even before reading them! Maybe surprising for a very logical kind of mind, but very understandable when you feel and read what they are about.

  284. I find these books really quite fascinating. I have found lately when reading before I go to sleep that I get a much better sleep, I feel far more rested and reading the book out loud is really nice to, the way I hear myself speak is beautiful as my voice becomes more full and gentle. I love that moment, sitting on my bed and reading…

    1. What a lovely idea to read them out loud and something I will certainly be doing. Thanks for the inspiration Ariel.

    2. I also like reading from the book out loud. I also love it when I lie in bed and my husband reads to me from a purple book until I fall asleep.

  285. “Over this time I have continued to be totally inspired by the consistent way of love, dedication and humility that this ordinary man and his family live, reflecting to us all that there is a more simple and joyful way to live as we deepen the relationship with ourselves and others.” These words describe this truly amazing man and his family.

  286. I love the playfulness and joy shared here Stephanie. The beautiful interactions between you, your husband and the purple books just shows the true delicate power that emanates from within those purple covers. Absolutely awesome.

  287. Serge Benhayons purple books are full of the magic of truth which resonates deeply within me even though sometimes I need to read a sentence several times. Even when I still feel like I am in my head and I don’t really understand it, reading the books still reconnects me to my body and I know my body knows it and fully understands it.

    1. I can concur with this one Margaret. My body knows it even though my mind may struggle to understand it. I sometimes take a purple book out with me to work, even though I may not read it, I feel that somehow the energy of the book is supporting me throughout the day, and if I feel to read a page then it brings me back to me and reminds me of who I am.

    2. I agree, Margaret, there is so much power in Serge Benhayon’s purple books. It is amazing what healing we can receive from them, our body certainly resonates with and from them.

  288. My set of purple books have pride of place around the home, so they can be held or read from anywhere. I find whenever I open a book it always offers me something for my day.

  289. I have read some of the purple books several times and each time it is like a new book – as I evolve so what I read in the words evolves with me and takes me deeper. I always read a page or two before I go to sleep, and at any point during the day I pick up one of the two books of sayings and the page is, as many have commented, always directly relevant in that moment. They are a true resource for future generations.

  290. Absolutely Jane. Each day I feel enormously grateful and blessed to have the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom on my bookshelf. They’re actually the only books I own…and all I ever need.

  291. After attending Sacred Esoteric Healing level 1 six years ago I purchased the purple book, ‘The Way It Is’. I came home and was surprised that each time I read this book I had my left leg shake and tremble as if energy was leaving my leg. I would continually twitch and sometimes it became so intense I had to put the book down. I have never been very fond of reading but the purple books I couldn’t put down. Over the years I’ve surprised myself by reading them all several times over. I finished the first book in two weeks as I felt it was the first book I had ever read that made sense, felt true and was something I strongly connected to. For six years I’ve absolutely loved reading the purple books. I only have to read a few quotes from a ‘sayings’ book and it can create a shift in my day and my thoughts. They’re so incredibly powerful and full of truth and wisdom. I feel truly blessed and fortunate to have crossed paths with them.

  292. I loved reading about how you will hold the book and breathe gently with your feet on the floor when you are feeling anxious or disconnected. How even just holding them is a healing experience. The Paddington bear! I will try this ☺

  293. I know that when I read one of the purple books, even just a paragraph, I can feel myself drop into a deeper stillness and a more expansive space within myself. Yet, I resisted my stillness for a long time and so too I resisted reading the purple books. I found them so repetitive; my mind didn’t like it! Now I look forward to making space to be with them.

  294. I know exactly what you mean Stephanie. When I first started attending Universal Medicine events I to purchased one of the Purple books and I would find myself sitting in the late afternoon sun holding the book. This became apart of my routine and I did read the book when I felt to but at the beginning it was enough just to hold the book and feel my stillness.

  295. Thank you Stephanie for sharing! These books are so precious and really deserve their own blog and all the appreciation through the comments. I am really enjoying to read the newest book ‘Time’ at the moment and you have reminded me to make more time before bed to do that, as they are a great way to put yourself to sleep and give yourself a truly healing and regenerating rest.

  296. What a beautiful sharing. My first experience with the purple books was a friend who I was having Esoteric Healing sessions with offered me Book 3 to read. It sat on my table for 4 months and I simply looked at it from afar for that long. My friend asked for the book back and it was then, that I finally picked it up and started to read it. When I started to read, I couldn’t put it down and in a very short period of time read the whole book. It was like nothing else I had ever read and the healing that came with it was huge. These books are a gift to humanity from heaven.

  297. Wow, I am so inspired by reading this, what a beautiful article. What it feels to me is that these ‘purple books’ do indeed have a pulse as its why I am so drawn to them. I too feel safe and at rest when I read the purple books because I am not asked to be anything, I can just be.

  298. What a beautiful way to share these marvellous books by Serge Benhayon. I too have had the experience of just simply holding the book and within moments, I feel more myself again.

  299. Thank you for reminding me about the power and magic in these purple books. I have experienced this many times but am feeling to make them a bigger part of my daily living. I appreciate the gift Serge Benhayon has given us in these books.

  300. What you’ve shared about how supportive the purple books are is so beautiful Stephanie. I completely agree.

  301. A beautiful sharing on the magic and wisdom of the purple books. I remember the first time I picked up and read the chapter on femaleness from the first book “The Way It Is” my whole body became alive and tingling spreading through my chest to my arms, hands leg, feet and all of me. This was different to anything I had ever read and felt before. Truth and love in all its emanation, glory and the simplicity of knowing this is beautiful.

  302. Stephanie how delightful! I love what you share here. I have to say I too have been blown away by the purple books. They have deeply inspired me. When I first got my hands on book one I used to sleep with my head on it as I loved the feel of it! Now I have a pillow case with a Universal Medicine symbol and absolutely love the clarity these books and symbols present.

  303. Love, Love, Love this article Stephanie! And YES – the purple books from Serge Benhayon are like a Teddybear to me as well – there when I need help to connect again or deeper, there if I am looking for a supportive saying and there when I am ready to develop and deepen my understanding of us and the Universe.
    Help is all around us all the time and the books are one way to connect to it – “Hmm . . . where is Paddington?!”

  304. I have really enjoyed reading this blog and comments Stephanie, and whilst sitting in my car the other day I was feeling anxious about something I had to do during the day, so I thought I will just sit with the the purple book I am reading at the moment called ‘Time, Space and All of Us’, and as I held the book I could clearly feel the anxiousness and was able to then ask myself why and it just left within seconds.

  305. So beautifully expressed Stephanie re the purple books. I could feel your love of the scribe Serge Benhayon as you write and how healing they are for yourself and family and for all of us.

  306. Hear hear Jane, ‘We are deeply blessed at this time to have the Purple books, and to have Serge Benhayon here on this planet’. I could not agree more. The more we appreciate this fact the more we will make more truly loving choices, knowing that life is not about us or being here it is about returning back to love.

  307. Stephanie I loved this, it so made me smile. I know of the wisdom within the pages of Serge Benayon’s books but had never contemplated the healing power that emanates from them like a healing hand…. it does however make complete sense that they hold the exquisite, powerful and loving energy of the man who wrote them and lives this way.

  308. The Purple Books are really magical they offer EVERYTHING and we only receive what we are ready to receive each time, and every time I go back and read I find something I didn’t notice at previous times.

  309. What a gorgeous playful way to refer to the purple books as ‘Paddington’ , and I love your strength in claiming the significance of these books in and among an environment that may question what you know to be true.

  310. Funny Stephanie, and so true, although I have never held one like that, I always carry one of the purple books with me just in case there are a few minutes spare to be able to read, my most constant companion. I have a busy workday, but every now and then, 5 mins with one of the books helps bring a greater clarity and freshness to the day, and to me. I too find that no matter which bit I read, it always has deep relevance to whatever is going on in that moment.

    1. Hello Annie C and I can relate. Although as you say I have used the book like Stephanie Stevenson has or in fact like you have, mine sit on my bedside table and in other areas of the house and at my work. At different points I will pick them up and read on what would seem random pages, but there is always a constant “no matter which bit I read, it always has deep relevance to whatever is going on in that moment.” Thank you Stephanie and Annie.

  311. The books by Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy are a treasure to hold and read, and you have put a whole new meaning to the word ‘hold’ here, a very literal and astonishing one.

  312. I always feel profoundly different after even reading a few lines of the Purple Books by Serge Benhayon. I feel centred, in my body, my mind settles down, and I feel a purity that is quite cleansing. Because the truth written in the books is so profound I can often only sit with one paragraph at a time, and move at a slow reading pace (compared to those that devour books), yet it’s because it’s so interactive speaking to every part of me. The Purple Books are my first experience with something that is truly evolving.

  313. Agree Stephanie, those purple books by Serge Benhayon have a definite feel about them in that they do ‘speak’ to you as if they are living, which to me they are – living wisdom in word. I love opening them at any page and reading what’s there on the page finding the content uncannily what I need to read out of all the c1000 pages.

  314. Love it what a beautiful blog Stephanie. These books are all amazing no matter how often I read the same page of any of Serge Benhayons books I feel like another light bulb turns on and I have a deeper understanding of myself and life.

    1. I agree Margaret, I too have many light bulb moments when I read any of Serge Benhayon’s books and often if I open the book at a ‘random’ page, a sentence or phrase jumps out offering me exactly what I need to support me at that moment.

  315. I was touched to read such a graceful and playful tribute to the ‘purple books’. These books have been a significant foundation in my life and always deliver what I need to hear at that moment. They are unlike any other books. One sentence alone can be enough to ponder and explore in my life for weeks.

  316. Stephanie I have the same warm connected feeling after reading your blog. There is absolutely more than meets the eye when it comes to these purple books, books that bring all back to truth. Thanks Stephanie.

  317. I have observed for myself, and for others, how reading a small passage aloud to oneself instantly brings me back to myself. Expressing in the energy of the words in these books reconnects one to the Stillness and divinity we are from. I know of no other books that have this quality.

    1. I’ve also read the books out loud at moments and there is a special quality that can be felt when doing this. There are so many qualities that the Purple books offer humanity. It is really beautiful to feel here how they are truly appreciated.

  318. The Purple Books are quite simply the best books on this planet, I feel, speaking as someone who has read many thousands of books in this lifetime. That your husband could feel a pulse from them indicates to me the divine living quality that impressed them into life. The beauty and simplicity of the absolute truth and love that is expressed within these books is unsurpassed.

  319. Serge Benhayon’s books really are remarkable and in my experience totally unique. I always come away from reading them feeling a deeper connection with myself and understanding of life. Instead of getting lost in them they actually support me to feel more present.

  320. Hi Stephanie, I have commited to reading Serge’s books every night before I go to sleep, they are beautiful to be with and a great way to wind down.

  321. I have never read aything else like the series of purple books from Serge Benhayon. The effect of reading them is profound and feels more like I’m re-connecting to the quality in which they are written rather than just reading.

  322. I agree with you Jane, and I too feel so, so blessed to be here on this planet at the time Serge Benhayon has been here with us to help us learn just why we are here and help us make our way with our true evolution back to WHO WE TRULY ARE. And the energy that is in Serge’s Purple Books reflects just who he is.

  323. This is a gorgeous sharing Stephanie, and testament to the fact that everything is energy – even writing a book comes with a quality that clearly can be felt well after it is written.

  324. Stephanie, I agree these books are magical and very healing, emanating beautiful light. Just holding them you get a feeling of stillness within the body. They are books with so much ageless wisdom that we can keep reading over and over again, reminding us and deepening what we already know. I love reading them.

  325. This is so beautiful to read Stephaine, the purple books hold such an amazing energetic imprint in them and it is incredible to read how much this imprint supports you and our family. Especially in something like an emergency operation where support is very much needed.

  326. Love your sharing here, Stephanie, especially your episode with your husband when he was going to have an emergency operation. Yes, the energy within these beautiful purple books is quite palpable as I described some time back in a testimonial for the books. When An Open Letter to Humanity was delivered to my home, around the time that I expected a number of things to be delivered through the post, I knew from the amazing energy that I felt when the parcel was put in my hands by the postie that it was Serge Benhayon’s new book. And when read, it is amazing how healing, and at times exposing they can be, but always so lovingly presented. I always look forward to the next exciting, amazing book.

  327. I love the deep understanding and the ah ha moments these purple books provide, they are I feel, a great source of true wisdom and the thing is each time I read them there is always something new that presents itself to me to ponder on. They are like no other, constantly revealing more each time I read them.

  328. A very beautiful blog Stephanie in appreciation of the divine power the ‘purple books’ of Serge Benhayon and The Hierarchy hold and the endless unfolding gift they are to humanity. When I bought my first ‘purple book’ I could not stop reading it. Even though it was not making complete sense to my mind my heart was understanding what was written. I now realise that this was the beginning of rekindling my relationship with my heart and developing a new marker of what was true, through how I was feeling in my body over rather then what my mind was suggesting.

  329. Thank you Stephanie for deepening my awareness of what is around me to support me. It is perfect in its symbolism. We narrow and filter what we choose to allow in. We create the life we live by choosing to constantly fall back on past experiences and what we ‘Think’. This simple sharing has highlighted what is available to us all if we but open and allow. I am part of a group that chooses to select a ‘Quote’ from one of Serge Benhayon’s purple books each month, to read and ponder the offering it brings to our lives. The moment we choose the quote a few weeks before we meet, amazing things unfold in each of our lives for us to observe and heal. I love what you have brought today in your blog on the ‘Purple Books’ and that they are everything and more. It is only in the narrowness we choose in our own way of being, that anything can be limited.

    1. What a gorgeous way to enjoy and appreciate these amazing purple books ch1956 – something I feel would be beautiful to explore with others –
      “I am part of a group that chooses to select a ‘Quote’ from one of Serge Benhayon’s purple books each month, to read and ponder the offering it brings to our lives”.
      Thank you!

  330. Stephanie, this is magic and I love your playful term for your purple books ‘Paddington’, what I feel is how much they are a simple and very real part of your life. These books are just gorgeous and so supportive.

  331. I love just having the purple books in my room and next to my bed – their quality is such that simply their presence supports me, so imagine what it’s like when I read them. I too found them hard to read initially but it was because I was trying to read them in the same way as I had read my entire life – just skimming along taking in every 5th word or so. This doesn’t cut it with Serge Benhayon’s books. They ask of me to be present with every word. I soon know if I’m not because I find myself reading the same paragraph over and over and over again!! Then it’s time to stop for a moment, reconnect and commit to truly reading every word. There are no fillers or throw-away lines – every single word is part of the whole, which includes us, the reader.

  332. Stephanie this is fabulous; thank you for sharing your wonderful awareness. I can’t help use the old pun …don’t judge a book by its cover. You’ve just shown me a truth that limitations come from me and the way I might view something in a linear way. But the possibilities are expansive, there are no limitations with divine wisdom and love.

  333. A great reminder of what is between those purple covers, Stephanie. They are drops of heaven across their pages, a salve for any distraction or irritant, lights guiding our way home.

    1. So beautifully expressed Naren! Absolutely lights guiding our way home! They are a blessing from heaven simply waiting…. for us to recognise it’s power and support.

  334. Every time I open these books I get a healing and offering of connecting more deeply within.

  335. I love how you shared so simply with your husband and allowed him to feel the support that the purple books could offer. A great confirmation that everything is energy first and foremost.

  336. What a testament to the power of energy, that the quality the words are written from and in permeates the physical casing…to the point that it helps restore our colour. What if, when we live in this same energy of deep and profound care in ourselves, we assist others as you do Stephanie, simply by literally being there?

  337. I also love to recite the purple books out loud, and deliver them with the sound of our voices aligned. Whether we read, hold, recite or simply have them near us, the purple books scribed by Serge Benhayon, always provide true healing. In my experience of sharing the purple books, they are either deeply embraced or vehemently resisted, which is all cool.

  338. I was never an avid reader, not reading my first book until the age of 13, and thereafter only ever sporadically. Since picking up my first purple book several years ago I have not ever travelled anywhere without one of them, they sit along side my passport with as much importance. Each and every time I pick one up, whether I read a line, a chapter or none at all, it is amazing the difference I feel afterward, they absolutely are heaven sent.

  339. You are gorgeous Stephanie, and what a gorgeous suggestion of simply holding the purple books, I simply had to try and now I know another way of offering them to others, thank you Stephanie.

  340. Thank you for this sharing Stephanie. It’s amazing that something as simple as a book can have such a profound effect on a person before they have even start turning the pages.

  341. Awesome sharing Stephanie! And yes I too have found the presence of the purple books alone, an amazing support. Of course reading them too has allowed for so much to be shed and a ‘new’ understanding of life and myself to unfold. I love how you have cottoned on to just holding the book and feeling how it holds you back, and I love how you have shared this with your husband too and what amazing things have opened up to you both from that. Thank you Stephanie also for the reminder of how precious these books are with what they bring to us, reminding us also of our own preciousness.

  342. I have felt the absolute truth in the purple books since I opened ‘The Way It Is’ about 8 years ago – after reading your blog I stopped to pause and really appreciate what they hold and offer – even when you don’t open them. Thank you for sharing.

  343. What an amazing story Stephanie and a testament to the quality of energy held by Serge Benhayan. This goes to show that everything we do holds an energy and this energy either heals or harms. By connecting to the book you can receive the energetic impress of that book without even reading it.

  344. Your words are deeply touching me Stephanie. It is literally Magic what you’ve shared here. And how Wonderful how you’ve connected to what your husband really needed. Only holding the book. Wow, the energy of Truth and where we come from is so so strong and profound. We cannot but surrender – if we choose to let it in. Thank you Stephanie for sharing.

  345. Hello Stephanie Stevenson and the ‘Purple books’ was where it all started for me, ‘The Way It Is’ I remember my partner at the time giving it to me and saying I should read it. I read it and then read it 3 times in a row. I got so much out of just this book, that now reads like I haven’t read it before. These books are very much a ‘living’ read and I love how people use them in a variety of ways as you have shown Stephanie thank you.

  346. An amazing testament to the power held within the books. Books can be underestimated to be just something that one would read in their free time, but what Serge has brought through is something revolutionary with the use of a book.

    1. Yes Ben I agree that it is an amazing testament to the power held within books. It has caused me to reflect then on most of the worlds books that are not written from the same energetic source. We introduce books into our children’s lives from as early as we can. They are often the last thing that we read to our kids before they fall asleep. I went to bed as a child with pictures in my head of beautiful princesses that had won the hearts of princes. I dreamt of having golden hair and going to the ball. If everything in life either takes us towards God or away from then we have to consider the energetic quality of everything. How potentially insidiously sinister are books ?

  347. In the beginning, 7 years ago, I found it difficult to read the purple books. Like I couldn’t open myself up for the way things were written and presented. Af if my mind had a struggle with it and fought it. But I did have the strong impulse to take the book to bed with me and lay it next to me and connect to what it offered in that way.

  348. Stephanie Stevenson, the work you are doing is incredible. I love how you have embraced the purple books in this way and essentially shared with us the loving quality in which they have been written and held in. They certainly are living expressions of love.

  349. I LOVE THIS BLOG! It really shows me that I can often overlook or discount the energy that I feel from the books written by Serge Benhayon, but it’s true there is a deep feeling of calmness as you hold them and many a time I have just rested whilst holding the book over my chest, as your husband did. Thank you for sharing Stephanie.

  350. I like to go to bed with one of the purple books every nigth and read as long as my eyes stay open, but a lot of times I too fall asleep, then I know it is time to put the book down, which I do and place right beside me every night.

  351. Dear Stephanie, Amazing Women, I wholeheartedly agree with what you say about the Purple Books. I have them all and have read them many times. It is so true that if I am feeling a little agitated or can’t sleep, after reading a few pages I feel a change in energy. I more I read them the more understanding I gain and I always turn to a page that helps me with something that is going on in my life at the moment. Now that is magic.

  352. A beautiful confirmation Stephanie of the wisdom and healing one can get from these books. I love the playful manner you have with them by calling them Paddington bear.

  353. This is an exquisite testimonial about Serge Benhayon’s books. And I agree, they are powerful and each book opens up the universe to me.

  354. I love the purple books too. They are my night time reading- wherever I am and I am sure support my good night’s sleep. There is one by the loo which gets read by many visitors and sometimes initiates some interesting conversations and other books dotted about the house -in fact on reflection every room has at least one purple book, that’s amazing. Paddington is never far out of reach.

  355. This is a testament to the true quality and well being of Serge Benhayon’s way of life and how living Truth and Love is the real powerhouse behind offering another an opportunity to heal and come back to who they truly are.

  356. Wow Stephanie, it is amazing the quality that these books emanate, i had not appreciated this until reading your blog. I feel inspired to simply hold one of these books for support, thank you.

  357. The purple books are a profound offering for humanity they cover so many topics and offer so much. Each time I read one there is a new thing that jumps out for me.

  358. My relationship with the purple books was a bit different. At first, could not pass the first page of the preface. When I did, I tried to remembered what did it say and could not so back to the beginning. It took me a while to pass that page. The language was confusing and could not understand too much. Over time, I realised that I could feel energy with my body and it was then when I could start appreciating the books in full -when you read a book your body is exposed not only to what is written there but also to the energy of the author. On both counts, the purple books are just divine!

    1. I too had a very similar experience with the very first purple book I tried to read. I couldn’t get past a certain page because all these thoughts was getting in the way of me actually reading it. I was intellectualising every sentence, like I was fighting with it and resisting what it was offering. So, I decided to let it rest for a while until I was ready and for my mind to be in a better space to receive the wisdom and healing these purple books provide. Now, I have them beside my bed all the time and I am reading them over and over again. When I read, it feels like I am reading it for the very first time.

  359. Wow, if this is what holding them does, imagine what happens when you read them… life changing.

  360. Your blog gives me a big smile on my face, thank you Amazing woman Stephanie for your sharing. It inspires me to start reading and re-reading the books again. I will be in bed with Paddington tonight!

  361. They are very special books indeed and the colour is quite captivating. I have found myself just looking at the books marveling at what is written inside. Like you Stephanie, they are around to pick up and read a passage, even a sentence, and always there is a reminder of the path before me.

  362. I am so touched reading this Stephanie. The power these purple books have is enormous; power in such a non imposing, gentle, delicate, yet authoritative way. I too reach for a book when I’m feeling out of sorts, just like my teddy bear. Imagine a world where instead of the bible in the bedside table, one of Serge Benhayon’s purple books sat instead. I will do just this in my spare room at home for guests.

  363. What a joy Stephanie to read this blog, I always have one of the ‘purple books’ next to me on my bedside table. Sometimes I read one or two pages before going to sleep but knowing the book is there feels important too and your writing is confirming how powerful these books are. Your blog is a teddy bear in it self, thank you!

  364. Stephanie this is the most magical of stories. It is so incredibly delightful but also extraordinary as well. It’s easy to read it and to not actually take on board what you are actually saying, which for me is further confirmation that ‘everything is energy’ as demonstrated by the fact that both you and your husband feel the healing effects of simply holding a book written from love about truth. And to add I love your saying of ‘where’s Paddington’.

  365. How supportive have the purple books been for you both Stephanie, that’s awesome. They hold such a wealth of information for the reader, I can open one up and feel I haven’t opened it up before, even though I know I have.

    1. I can relate to this Gill, as it can feel like reading a purple book for the first time even when you know you have read it from cover to cover. There is a depth to them that is forever revealing itself to us.

  366. I hear what you are saying Stephanie, I used to take the books out with me when I went to places I used to find challenging. I just felt they would support me. This shows just how much power these books hold. Thank you for sharing your experience as it has allowed me to once again be reminded of the beauty that is held within these glorious books.

  367. What a lovely account to share with us about the Purple books – so simple yet there is an energy to be felt, enjoyed and appreciated. I can feel the warmth, reassurance and quality of the Purple books – the effect of them with your husband speaking louder than anything else.

  368. Thankyou Stephanie, your words are a great reminder of the amazing support Serge Benhayon’s books are for all who read them. I was never really a bedtime reader before the Purple Books came into my life. Now barely an evening goes by without me giving Paddington a cuddle before going off to sleep. The hard part is putting them down!

  369. Stephanie, I love how these books have become a living, breathing part of your family’s life. These purple books are love made visible in text. And love is so easy to love, if you have made the commitment to be this love once more.

  370. The wisdom contained within the pages of Serge Benhayon’s books is the very same wisdom that is held but not always accessed, deep within us all. They are the writings penned from our inner heart from a man that has lived the depth of what he shares. By sharing such beauty with us, we remember the look, feel, texture, smell, tone and taste of truth. Unless you have a problem with truth, these books help to re-ignite what we long ago walked away from. They are an act of pure grace.

    1. Beautifully expressed Liane. I am remembering more and more what truth actually is as I walked away once and choose not to do it again.

    2. that’s very beautifully shared Liane, You clearly have a deep appreciation of what these books are bringing which comes through in your writing. If we want the truth then we are drawn to it and it can be found in these purple books.

    3. Liane I love how you express the grace that is offered to us all by the purple books. Reading even just a sentence of the books I remember that knowing deep within me, not in words but a deep connection. It feels honouring and intimate and also as vast and as all encompassing as the whole Universe. A timeless remembering which is also very relevant to the present. The books and everything they share are a true blessing.

    4. Thank you Liane, such a heartfelt tribute to the Serge Benhayon’s book. As you say, “we remember the look, feel, texture, smell, tone and taste of truth” – your words resonate deeply with me and are an inspiration to go even deeper when reading the Purple books.

  371. Stephanie, I have never thought to use the books in the way you described but I have read them often and found that so frequently when I open up at a random page there will be something there that is very relevant to what is going on in my life at that moment. Sometimes this may be a reminder of something that I have let slide; sometimes it is a confirmation and at other times it helps clarify something that I haven’t otherwise been able to work out on my own. On re-reading them I find new bits that I don’t notice the first time around. They are very supportive and I treasure them deeply.

  372. Stephanie, what a super sweet blog you have shared! The caring interactions between yourself and your husband and the affection you both share for these “Purple Books” is really touching.

  373. I have a few of the purple books and did also notice how just holding them affected me in a positive way. I am going to experiment with this further as I am sure in times where I feel anxious or racy that holding the purple books will offer me support, thanks Stephanie. I also intend to read them too as over time I have found there is layer upon layer of wisdom within each one that unfolds on each read, something I have never experience before from any of the vast array of books I have read over the years.

    1. I have been reading these books for years and I never noticed this and it is actually true. As preposterous as it sounds, it is true that these books can make a difference. A bit like looking at a Da Vinci painting.

  374. This is such a lovely light-filled blog to read, thank you Stephanie … I’ve not been utilising these inspiring purple books as your family has done, but of course now will do so 🙂

  375. These “Purple Books” as you describe them Stephanie are truly amazing. I have loved reading every one including the most recent “Time, Space and All Of Us”. The wonderful thing is that when there is something going on in my life that I need some clarity on, these books always supply the answer, no matter what the subject or event!

  376. Before I had met Serge Benhayon I had a session with an Esoteric practitioner and I noticed a purple book on her table and was drawn to buy it. When I started reading it my brain could hardly understand it but it was like having a drink of cool water on a hot day – it seemed to quench my thirst – and I could not put it down. If you asked me to repeat what I’d just read I would not have been able to tell you, but somehow it felt as if my body was absorbing the energy of it even though my mind couldn’t fathom it. This is because what is written is profound and reading the books awakens something in me that somehow knows this stuff. These words of truth packed into the covers of a purple book are emanating a vibrant energy that is palpable.

  377. I absolutely Love the” Purple Books” as they are described here in this lovely sharing Stephanie. I can’t wait to read whatever is presented by Serge Benhayon, and Love every book I have read. I too am in the middle of the Purple Book on “Time Space and All of Us.
    There is an amazing event that occurs when I have an issue or just a question that is in my mind and then open one of the beautiful Purple Books and there is always an appropriate answer in what I read. These books are definitely Healers unto themselves and are wonderful tools to use with Love.

    1. I am in the middle of reading the same book, “Time Space and All of Us” and I am loving it.

    1. Yes, Leonne I feel that I can deepen my connection with the purple books after reading this amazing blog.

    2. Me too. I have never considered the benefits of actually just holding the books themselves until now, even though for the first year or so of reading my first purple book I struggled to stay awake, they are so powerful and always supported me to sleep deeply. I always though it was just the words in the book, but them books themselves do feel amazing on every level and have taught me a way to read feeling much more connected to my body.

    3. This blog has reminded me and inspired me of the gold that is sitting by my bed. It also immediately reminds me of another blog on this site “Love Letters from God” which eloquently describes how we need to go to the letterbox to receive the letters. Here too I feel the same message.

  378. What an incredible story, thank you for sharing. They are a real example of how energy is everything. The absolute divine love that has been poured into these books from the heavens creates a magnetic healing power so strong the books just need to be held. Sounds like everyone could do with one or two of these books in their homes!

  379. Such a delightful blog Stephanie about the amazing “Purple Books” by Serge Benhayon and I can totally relate to the feeling that simply holding these books generates. I remember getting the first book, “The Way it Is” and not being able to put it down, and absolutely not wanting it to end. It was like a reminder of everything I ever knew but had made the choice to forget.

  380. What an absolute joy to read all you have written and all that the Purple Books provide for us time and time again … And with such fun and playfulness too. Love it!

  381. I also love that I can open any one of the purple books, at any seemingly random page and whatever I land on feels always completely relevant to me; confirming also that the books are written in a way that offers something to everyone equally at exactly the right time for them.

    1. I love that too, Cherise: the perfect page with exactly what I need to read is there every single time I look for support or an answer. I used to read every night before going to bed and now I start my day with a couple of pages of one of Serge’s purple books. A perfect way to start the day with love and truth.

    2. I have found that too cheriseholt, how magical is that! I have also found that if I read, and then re-read a certain page or paragraph, I gain something different every time and my awareness expands with more understanding.

  382. Stephanie, I love this so much! what I enjoyed the most was the fact that there is no proving or telling of how this works for you or your husband, but instead a sharing of an experience that is deeply felt. This is also an appreciation that I hadn’t yet felt for myself, that I love just having the purple books in my room, even those that I haven’t yet completed because I know they already bring a quality by just being there.

  383. When you become aware of energy, your life changes. If you don’t realise there are two energies you will get stuck on the one that gives you lots of amazing happenings but ultimately you will be worse off. When you become aware that there is a second energy with a totally different quality you notice all sorts of things that won’t make sense otherwise like a particular book relaxing you deeply.

  384. Thank you Stephanie for bringing warm childhood memories back.
    As a child my favourite book for a long time was a book about Paddington writing a letter. The book was accompanied by a small cardboard letter which you could let “travel” through the book whilst it was read out to you.
    This small letter made everything so tangible and understandable – just like the purple books are – they truly are a treasure trove of wisdom.

  385. I’m with you Stephanie, I love reading the books because they are full of so much information and the healing that is offered by reading Serge Benhayon’s books is enormous.

  386. Knowing your husband, Stephanie, it does not surprise me that he could feel such things. He is an amazingly sensitive man. At first this might seem like a controversial claim, but the truth is all objects can be felt in this way, if we allow ourselves to be open to what in truth we are always feeling, and the easiest way to reawaken our relationship with this is to simply walk into an antique shop and feel the essence of the furniture. Mostly, it feels heavy, musty, unless it has been diligently restored by someone with care, and this is not just because of the smell, but rather that it carries all of the emotional imprints of its previous owners. Similarly it is easy to feel the forbidden and alluring stickiness of a porn magazine (no pun intended), or the dingy atmosphere of a pub. The truth is we are feeling the quality of places and things all of the time, and have language that is ingrained in the vocabulary of society to describe such things.

  387. Stephanie, your enjoyment and appreciation of of the Ageless Wisdom, Serge Benhayon and the Purple books is inspiring, I love how you have broken down the usual way to interact with a book. Yes these books are deep and wide, and with a quality that offer far, far more than the ordinary book.

  388. I love what you share here Stephanie, the magic of truth is so high in these purple books that they emanate light in such way that it truly supports one and another to just simpley hold them! I mean that is really special.. I would never imagine that a book could be healing, until I read and felt these purple books by Serge Benhayon and the hierachy.

    1. A magic that can be felt but not understood by the plain mind. So it takes one´s own experience to supersede the mental limitations, but as soon as the body has felt energy the mind can start to observe, explore and understand.

    2. The light is truly amazing Danna and the Hierarchy can be felt. I certainly was amazed, I had never read book like that before.

  389. How extraordinary for you to offer such an insight to another with no shame of sounding weird, but instead claimed in how you feel energy, regardless of how the world around you shuns such understanding. Serge Benhayon’s books are a true treasure.

    1. Yes I was struck by that too Heather. Quite extraordinary. I though the blog was very sweet and cute and powerful. Thanks Stephanie.

    2. I agree Heather, it is wonderful hearing someone speak about energy because the fact of the matter is that we all feel energy all of the time even if we do not put voice to it. The more we understand life in terms of energy the more life makes sense.

    3. I love the appreciation for feeling energy of you Heather, as it is a sharing from Stephanie to the world which confirms that we as human beings are able to feel energy. Reading Serge Benhayon’s books are evolving and supporting this awareness.

    4. The emanation of energy can be so clearly felt from these beautiful purple books, there is little point in denying it!
      I fully agree with you Heather – “Serge Benhayon’s books are a true treasure”
      A priceless gift to be shared.

  390. Thank you for this beautiful blog Stephanie. When I read these books I also feel very still and warm. I also feel there is a joy in just holding them, and I know the healing qualities are the same whether I read one page or many pages at a time. I love the trust shown by your husband when he simply held one of them, and that he felt a pulse from them. I have approached the books a bit like how I used to approach reading – seeing it as something I should do to gain more understanding and insight into the world. Your blog has inspired me to allow more stillness when reading these books to connect to their energy and the energy of what has been scribed.

  391. What is amazing about the purple books is that they’re unlike any other book and believe me, I’ve read many! I’ve read many self-help books, many books on psychology etc etc and for years while I worked in a bookshop the purple books were there on the shelf but I avoided them. Why? Because there’s nothing in the purple books that will give you a quick fix to a perceived problem, there are no promises of transcendental enlightenment or anything like that. What the books by Serge Benhayon offer us for the reader to remember who they truly are, and where we all fond from. They ask us to stop and look at our choices, how far we have perhaps wandered from who we really are, searching in desperate places sometimes when all along within we have everything we need and more.
    When eventually I was ready to stop the looking outside that’s when I reached for the purple books and the gems they contain that ignited the same knowing and gems in myself.

    1. With all the reflections and wisdom that the books present they simply offer self-empowerment through responsibility. That is not everyone’s cake, no cake at all actually, but the key to self-salvation.

    2. Well said Katerina – these books don’t offer any solutions but rather deep reflection and the clarity to make different, more loving choices in life.

    3. It is rare to come across books that truly evolve and inspire…all the writings of Serge Benhayon do exactly this and so much more. These books are a gift to humanity.

    4. Yes it’s true Katerina, the purple books lead us right back to the rich wisdom within our own bodies. The first time I read one it felt so familiar, I kept thinking where have I read this before but casting my mind back over my past I could not remember ever having read the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom in my life. It was later I realised that the familiarity came because my body in fact recognised the wisdom as a homecoming because it was already there within me.

  392. Stephanie this was so beautiful and cute to read. Its amazing that the quality of a book can have such an amazing affect. I have not realised this before. Can you imagine what affect a book can have when it has a not so healing energy ? hmmm.

    1. Yes, and if just holding the book had that effect, what happens when one reads it? Heaven in a book is what I say 🙂

    2. Very true Emily, I bought some very popular new age books some years back. Upon unwrapping the parcel and holding the 2 books they felt so terrible in my hands that I just trusted myself and threw them immediately into the bin. I do not even want them in the bin inside the house. This said a lot to me about what energy the author was using to write the books – definitely not love.

    3. Interesting point Emily. If everything is energy and something either heals or it harms then suffice to say that if something isn’t written with love then we are allowing what we read to harm us.

      1. Yea super true Tracey. and imagine how much we read everyday – instructions, manuals, newspapers, the news, work books, emails, publications… cereal boxes.

      2. What we read, what we consume, what we use…it’s everywhere and hence why it is so hard for me at times to stand up and be love in a world that has so much lovelessness around and in it. But, we all need to stand up and live and express with love, it is the only way we will get out of this mess we all created.

      3. Yes true Tracey. and no doubt there are a million people seeing the world the same way – that there is all this lovelessness. Sometimes people have to be ‘the bigger person’ so that others can see life doesn’t have to be so bad after all. and that there is indeed love to be found everywhere you look, starting in the mirror.

      4. starting with the mirror is a perfect place. For when we see the love within ourselves we are capable of seeing it in others also.

  393. These powerful Purple Books are a gift of absolute love and truth to all Humanity. It’s not the words, though they are of the highest, most pertinent truth, each word holding equal place and value, with not one word, more or less than necessary, used to convey the authors precise, direct, revelatory, all encompassing message. It’s not the subject matter, though this is of most urgent relevance and importance. It’s the energy behind these words and revelations, the true love and selflessness the purity of intent, the deep care and unsurpassed integrity, the dedication of one who lives the fullness of his light responsibly each and every day and shares that light with all equally. This is what we feel when we hold these books, this is what we are offered when we read these words, this is what we arise to when we speak from these pages, the power, grace and divinity of the absolute love we all innately are.

  394. The purple books are more than just books, they hold a vast amount of wisdom and healing to just hold the book as you expressed Stephanie. I will just hold one if ever I need to connect deeper, or hug one when I go to bed. Thank you for the blog.

  395. These books are beloved friends, and like any great friend can be very firm with you when required. They also offer a reflection of what is possible to be lived for us all, without exception. When I open the pages to read them, the words are always pertinent to what is happening to me at that time. The are truly Universal, and transcend time, space, culture…anything that makes us imagine we are not one.

  396. These books are far more than words on a page. As Mark above has shared I too have found that again and again whatever I may read in any of the books relates to my situation in life at any time. I never get a sense of ‘I’ve read this before’ because something different jumps out or becomes stronger each time I repeat a page.

  397. Beautiful Stephanie, what a gorgeous story confirming that the ‘blue books’ by Serge Benhayon are more than just a book and have within them healing qualities. I remember when I read the first book…’The Way it Is’, I couldn’t put it down it made so much sense to me it helped me understand my life and why the world is the way it is. If I am feeling out of sorts the books are one of the first things I go to and I find that the very thing that will support me is waiting there on the page I open.

  398. The truth of life is held within the ‘Purple Books’. No wonder your husband could ‘feel a certain “quality of energy, like a pulse” when holding this book. A testament to the truth that ‘everything is energy and everything is because of energy’. A beautiful sharing Stephanie, thank you.

  399. Thank you Stephanie. I am currently reading the ‘Purple Book’ Time Space and all of us. It is so full of wisdom and each time I finish reading it for the evening, I lie on my back too and place it on my chest feeling that deep connection to truth continue, as I breath. It is such a wonderful way to prepare myself for sleep.

  400. Oh, I love it, “where is Paddington?” such a beautiful and original way of reading books, feeling the energy in them and holding them close to your heart. I had to laugh as it is a very sweet story. Every night I read some paragraph of the Esoteric Teachings and Revelations and it must be like my teddy bear, taking me to a very sweet sleep. And also giving me huge wisdom about my life and day.

  401. I’m a big sucker for books – I love them, but what I find super interesting about the ‘purple books’ is that they’re in no way hooking or distracting. For example, last thing at night I like to do something before I sleep, and for about a year I would always spend half an hour reading something from the school library or online, but I noticed the stories came into my dreams, I began to spend all this time thinking about the story line and not about my own life… But the difference is, is when I read the purple books before bed I actually connect to me more – there isn’t a story to worry about or distract myself with.

  402. Beautiful Stephanie such a real testament to the purple books and all the truth, joy, and love that Serge Benhayon and his family are reflecting to humanity as a way of living .The power and energetic quality of these books and all the ancient wisdom teachings lived by Serge Benhayon is truly life changing and the real support needed by the world today.Thank you for sharing this so clearly.

  403. This is a gorgeous story Stephanie. I love how you shared the book with your husband when he was in recovery and the response, and his response which was nothing short of profound! The energy of truth and love is certainly powerful, and this has been captured by Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy in the amazing purple books you call Paddington!

  404. Wow Stephanie I love what you share here: the massive energetic integrity of the purple books that goes far beyond its “functional” purpose of being a book. This is an amazing testimony of how any product produced is able to hold such an energetic imprint from its producer that it is far more than just a product! An amazing testimony of how the purple books offer healing simply by the integrity of their author Serge Benhayon.

    1. Good point Rachelandras, it is amazing to feel the healing power an object can reflect if its co-creator holds the energetic integrity and responsibility that Serge Benhayon lives his life in. It shows how truly powerful we are and what immense responsibility we hold.

  405. The first time I read on of the ‘Purple Books’ I found it difficult to stay awake, no matter what time of day I would always get very sleepy, which at that time didn’t matter because I was ill. Now I read a little everyday in my car just before I go into work, as this is one of the things I do which helps to set me up for the days work ahead.
    On many occasions I have had a question or a dilemma and have opened one of the books and the answers are there for me to consider, as if by magic.

  406. Thank you for sharing Stephanie, I love reading the ‘Purple Books’, at times I struggle to actually read them but find that when I do my body feels a lot clearer and I have more clarity in my head. I must admit I have never felt to just hold them! I have started reading them every night before bed and find that I sleep a lot deeper when I do. They reconnect me to me and deepen my quality with myself, whilst at the same time clearing out the thoughts that may still be racing around in my head from the day. They are a real blessing to have, thank you Serge Benhayon for giving us such an amazing gift. Reading this blog and writing this makes me appreciate and value them even more. They are not simply books which sit on the book shelf!

    1. I agree. I can finish one of the books and simply start again and gain something new each read.

      1. I too sleep better when I have read the books, I also remember my dreams clearer. Having the Ancient Wisdom on my book shelf is something I’m very grateful for.

  407. A beautiful testimony of the purple books and the quality as well as the deep wisdom they hold. I have never been much of a reader but when I got the very first book I could not put this down and not only read it really quickly but could feel how my body was responding to it .. it was waking up to both truth and love. This reminds me I should read them (or hold them 😄) more often. Thank you.

  408. Stephanie its lovely to hear about your connection with the Purple Books. I’ve simply felt what its like to hold them but I do feel times when I simply take a Purple Book with me somewhere not mattering if I read it or not. However when I open the book and start to read I feel my entire body drop, relax and the tension melt away. It does not matter what the topic is in the book as the feeling I have is the same regardless – as I share this its clear the quality of the energy from the book is what deeply heals and supports my body.

    1. Absolutely David, its the quality of the energy that is deeply healing and supportive to us. And thats awesome about taking the book with you just to have it for support and not necessarily reading it.

  409. Stephanie beautifully said – these books are amazing – and I agree with you, they not only are amazing to read but they FEEL amazing. Most books feel stodgy and old but it’s like these books have a magnetic pull – you can’t help but be drawn to them. I’ve never just held one before – interesting thought – I may try that!

  410. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your connection to these books and how they are so much more than writing on a page. It brings a greater level of understanding to the facts that ‘everything is energy and everything is because of energy’ – to understand this through simply holding a book and feeling our bodies surrender to the choice of energy we allow to run through it, tells me there is so much more going on under the surface that we choose to be aware of.
    I have struggled to finish any of the purple books, but I am recently drawn to reading a page here and there – and the more I accept and allow what is being felt, the easier it is to stay with me and stay with what is presented – absolute love and joy.

  411. A beautiful sharing, Stephanie and reading this also emanates a quality as the purple books do. I find these books hugely supportive and they are definitely books that can be returned to time after time with always something to offer and bringing clarity in that moment. Thank you.

  412. A really interesting blog about the books Stephanie showing a magic that can be felt. Great to hear what a support it was for you and your husband at a time of need.

  413. Thankyou for sharing Stephanie. I love re-reading the purple books and always feel stronger in my commitment to myself and to others during and after reading them. They are a healing – and, as you say, just from holding one.

  414. Stephanie- I love the analogy of Paddington bear to the beautiful purple books written by Serge Benhayon. I also have experienced the instant calm and stillness felt in my body after just holding any of the ‘purple books’, when I have felt anxious or just ‘out of sorts’.

    1. Loretta I had not considered before the energetic effect of reading all of the books on spirituality that I used to read but sitting here now I remember that they used to make me feel very stimulated, excited, emotional, weepy etc. At the time I took these feelings to be indications of the truth. It’s clear for me to feel now that this was not the dry fieryness of the truth in the purple books but a rather damp imposter !

  415. They are very special books indeed and before they came along I probably did not even consider that books and the written word could have an energetic quality – but they do! I often pick one of them up and just read a page or two when I am feeling a bit anxious or off or in reaction to something that has happened and they are very supportive.

  416. Stephanie reading your blog reminded me of how precious the books felt to me when I first started to read them. I would just sit and hold them and felt like being held in a very loving energy. Your experience and many and I’m sure many others show how everything is energy and that a true book does not contain knowledge but an emanation of livingness and in this case Hierarchy.

    1. Snap Carolien, and I continue to feel very blessed by these books and the support they offer. It is like nothing else I have ever experienced and the level of trust I have been able to build in myself has been very much down to these books. I could not recommend them enough.

  417. These books are indeed miracles! I have every single one of them…Every night before I go to bed I read some sayings in one of the books.. They are connecting me back to me if I might have lost or got influenced during the day..It is my “bible” I take everywhere with me.

    1. I do that too sometimes steffihenn. And what I love about the sayings book is that I often just pick a ‘random’ page to read, but the sayings on the page seem to be exactly what I need to read or understand at that moment in time. Pretty incredible.

  418. How gorgeous Stephanie, thank you sharing your ‘Paddington’ moments with us. I had the same experience as you on attending my first workshop with Serge Benhayon, it was quietly and without fuss a completely life changing event. Serge is as you say a very normal, humble honest man getting on with living life, doing all those normal things like working, raising a family, running a business but all with the most awesome quality of love within him and in all he does. Is it any surprise then that the quality of this love imbues all the books he has written, so that as well as benefitting from the words inside, we can also benefit from the deep calm stillness with which the books are written? What a gift for your husband to be able to trust what you were offering him, feel and respond to the quality of the book and allow himself to accept all the love they have been written with.

    1. Yes rowenakastewart, I love these purple books and the quality of love and the deep calm stillness they are imbued with. When we are ready to leave our distractions and start to return to ourselves they are invaluable in the quality and wisdom of what they are offering.

  419. Stephanie, I am so touched by your story and your appreciation of Serge Benhayon’s purple books. I remember when I first read one of the purple books how much my body changed and relaxed within a few pages, it had never occurred to me that this could also be the case just by simply holding one of his books. The next time I am feeling out of sorts, I will come and sit with my very own ‘Paddington Bear’ and feel for myself what you describe. Thank you, this is revelatory.

  420. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your experiences with the Purple Books. I too have read them all several times and read something from them each night. The wisdom and the love from these books assists me to go to sleep easily.

  421. I have got several of Serge Benhayon’s purple books. I like to read a paragraph or page just before going to sleep. I always find something that provokes thought and relates to what’s going on in my life. My current favourite is the one about Time. Loving it, because time is an issue for me – feeling I don’t have enough of it.

    1. I smiled when I read your comment Debra as I am understanding time in a whole new way since reading the latest purple book on Time and Space. Time-keeping has been a challenge for me! Like you and Mary, these books are my night-time reading, even if only a few lines. Paddington is a cute bear, he just needs a mini purple book to go into his suitcase! Lovely blog Stephanie.

  422. My bedtime reading is always a few paragraphs or pages of one of the purple books and I sleep like a baby.

    1. I’ve just started doing this Mary and you’re right. The nights I read a couple of pages before I go to sleep, I sleep better. I also enjoy reading them out aloud.

  423. This is super cute Stephanie, and so true. What I love is the way you have so playfully described the Ageless Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon in the Purple Books. The extraordinary love and understanding these books offer us is not just in words, it is a quality that is felt as an integral part of our daily lives – It is not something up in the clouds or unreachable, it is something you want to treasure, hold dearly and be close to at all times, much like that favourite ‘teddy bear’.

  424. Meeting Serge Benhayon for me was the most life changing event in my life also. I have never felt to just hold the purple books but often just pick them up to read when I have a moment. From now on though I might just try out just holding them and see what happens.Thanks Stephanie.

    1. And an absolute reflection and endorsement of the loving wisdom and healing support of the author Serge Benhayon, and the love he lives… an inspiration to us all…

    2. Yes, Jonathan, and confirmation again, that everything is energy. The energetic imprint of these ‘Purple Books’ is immensely powerful, not to mention healing and of great support.

  425. I love it Stephanie, call for Paddington bear… These books are most definitely with out question incrediblely healing and powerful. The wisdom that is in every word is living Love for all to feel and read. They certainly have a quality that I have not found in other books before in my life. When holding and reading these books, as you say, within minutes I can feel a letting go of the tension that I have been holding onto and naturally drop deeper into my body. These are books you literally don’t want to put down!

    1. I feel this way about the healing eye pillows as well, Natalie. They are much more cuddly than the books and much easier to snuggle in bed! 🙂

    2. Yes I too feel the tension drop away. There’s no tension when I come back to what I truly know and feel. My tension is a result of me trying to hide who I am because I see a world that doesn’t honour how I would live if I were to be me. I fall into the trap of thinking I have to protect myself but the tension between this and my natural expression actually causes more harm and dis-ease than any perceived threat from others. Reading these purple books supports me to be me rather than who I think I should be in order to ‘get on’ in the world and be recognised.

    3. So true Natalie .. Every word is living Love for all to feel and read. That’s incredible and makes me wonder what energy are we getting from other books that are not of this quality?

  426. The first time I bought one of the Purple books I could not put it down. Thank you for your blog Stephanie, a timely reminder of the gems I have in my home, offered to me and all others to support us in our way back to love.

    1. The books are most definitely a support to have in my home, way better than a block of chocolate or bottle of gin. It feels like I have had books like these in my life for a very very long time, ageless really.

    2. Hello Katinka de Lannoy and I agree. At times we need a little reminder to appreciate the absolute wisdom we have right under our noses. These ‘Purple books’ are truly this, absolute wisdom to be appreciated, thank you.

  427. A beautiful blog about the ‘ Purple Books’. I too recently had surgery and took ‘ the Way of Initiation’ which I had had for some time and had not read as I had struggled to read it. During my hospital stay I had such a deep connection to this book energetically, I found it so easy to read and every time I did had a sense of calm and trust that I was held by the Hierachy and then always followed by a deep relaxation. It was a true healing and continues to be through my recovery. I look forward to reading many more of ‘the Purple books or should I say the ‘the Paddington Bear’

    1. I have found that too Susan that initially I found reading them difficult now I love reading them and understand them and with the latest book ‘Space, Time and All of Us’ I am finding it a real page turner for the revelations dripping off each page.

      1. It is true that there is so much gold to be found in these amazing books. Every page seems to have something relevant to feel and understand more deeply.

      2. I have had difficulty reading some of the purple books at times but not others. I find the ease of reading the books relates to how I am at any given moment when I read. The energy held by the books is consistent and it is I who am ready or not to read. This is very interesting to observe.

      3. Vanessa I was just about to write the same thing! I used to find them so tricky to read but ‘Space, Time and All of Us’ is a real page turner! I love the books and it’s just lovely to even just read a paragraph to bring me back to truth.

      4. Absolutely Vanessa; I find I can’t put ‘Space, Time and All of Us’ down. I look forward to experimenting with the healing qualities of simply holding the books too – that was so lovely to read.

    2. Thank you Stephanie, For reminding me how my body goes ‘aah’ every time I pick up a purple paddington!

    3. I will definitely be taking one of these incredible books to my next stay in hospital. What a great compliment to traditional medicine!

    4. This has also been my experience susanmevans during times of immense change and healing. I describe it as being wrapped up or enveloped in a love bubble that is so expansive, light and feels so safe and held.

  428. Just yesterday I opened one of Serge Benhayon’s books – ‘Teachings & Revelations’, with a clear question in my mind, no coincidence the page I opened answered my question so clearly, simply and yet what I read was so profound. No different to any of Serge’s presentations or conversations.

    1. I do this as well Mark – reach for this book, connect to myself and then open at a ‘random’ page. Of course its not a random page… and the wisdom that pops up is a constant source of inspiration as life unfolds.

    2. Mark it is amazing how so often I simply open ‘Teachings & Revelations’ and exactly what I need to read/hear is there in front of me. `there is so much in Serge Benhayons books, more than the mind can fathom. I can read the same quote or paragraph over again and get a whole new meaning, it is as if every time I read or glance at it it is new. Which itself is a living testament to the way Serge lives, ever deepening and expanding his love, just like I feel when I read the ‘Purple Books’.

    3. I can second your experience Mark and have always felt these books to be an enormous support always there to present truth even if at times I have questioned the simplicity of the answers, looking back they have always been spot on. It is a huge factor to know that there is always support no matter where you are in life and at what point you are on your own unfoldments.

      1. It is a huge factor aminatumi, to know there is always support when there is truly will. These books are priced around $40 and will offer you the greatest support to the end of your life.

    4. This happens all the time with me too. The books Serge Benhayon has written will be studied for many centuries to come as they contain deep wisdom about the world we live in, our interactions and our pitfalls as a human species. I for one, am glad I can have them on my bedside table.

    5. That is the magic of these books. They are timeless and forever relevant to what is happening with me. I can just open up to a page and know there is meaning in all that is presented.

      1. Absolutely Donna – the wisdom in these purple books hold many levels of understandings all with the right energetic imprint to support you in deconfiguring your denser choices.

    6. I love this about the purple books written by Serge Benhayon and The Hierarchy. You can read them however you feel too.. from a paragraph here and there or from cover to cover always presenting pearls of wisdom.

    7. Hello Mark Payne and I agree. I have picked up one of the Serge Benhayon’s books at different times for different reasons. At times I have had a questions, other times I have been unsure about something that is going on and other occasions for no reason at all. The books have always supported me to have a clearer understanding in my life. It is great to simply appreciate what we have right under our noses, thank you Mark and thank you Stephanie.

    8. I often do this too Mark. If I am not sure what I want to read, or am having trouble with something or have a question I will open one of the “purple books” to a random page and there will be some wisdom that is relevant to the situation.

    9. Mark I do this also, and each time it’s amazing, and I often laugh, as I’ve long ago decided God has a serious sense of humour, and reading what is on the page I choose confirms this for me – a gentle nudge to see the bigger picture, and to trust and know the love that is there always.

    10. Me too Mark – the perfect quote or page is always there. We are so loved in so many ways.

    11. I agree, Mark, it is amazing how pertinent what we read at any moment is just what we need at that time. What Serge presents in his books is always such absolute truth, and he lives that truth in all that he does.

    12. Yes me too Mark, these books are a constant source of wisdom from which we can always receive the most appropriate messages for any one of our many questions. These purple books are an essential part of my home and my daily ritual, I love them all. Thank heaven for Serge Benhayon and his prolific writing that supports, guides, educates and expands humanity’s awareness and evolution and graces so many homes around the world.

    13. Add me to the list Mark of opening the book to any page and the confirmation for what you require is presented. It is like a magician card trick; pick any card and I will tell what it is… the book is magic but it is no trick.

    14. This is beautiful Mark, ‘ no coincidence the page I opened answered my question so clearly, simply and yet what I read was so profound. No different to any of Serge’s presentations or conversations.’ I know that this happens at Serge Benayon’s presentations, that it is as if Serge is speaking directly to me because what he is presenting is so relevant for me, it is wonderful to read that the books are the same, that what is revealed is exactly what is needed, I love the magic of how this works and I will be opening the purple books much more now.

      1. I agree Rebecca – “I love the magic of how this works and I will be opening the purple books much more now.”. Me too love the magic, and, I will be opening and making more space to read them too.

    15. And sometimes I don´t even have to have a clear question. I open Esoteric Teachings and Revelations as I normally do at night just before switching off the light, I read a paragraph and when I put the book down, I realize it has talked about my day and told me what I was not seeing. Like yesterday: “The body does not need more energy than it needs for what it does. Let the body do what it is doing, do not add to it by bringing in moments of other times that are unresolved or yet to be resolved.” It was exactly what I needed, I was struggling with being present in my body because of thoughts of unresolved issues in a relationship. That intensity was taking me away from my body and making it hard for me. I then knew to let it go, as my body does not need that.

      1. Awesome juliamanbos, I felt the connection in reading the paragraph you shared. The books are amazing and what reading is all about. Why read fantasy when you can feel connection and harmony.

    16. That happens all of the time for me also and others that I’ve spoken to. It’s really quite amazing how that happens. It’s seems so spherical and universal in that way.

    17. Yep Mark – that happens for me too! That book is absolute magic, it always, without fail gives you the correct answer, even if it’s not quite the answer you were wanting or expecting. But you open the book up and it’s like – wow – that was exactly what I needed to hear.

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