From Family Madness to a Miracle Re-union

Back in 2013 I spent a 4-day holiday with my sisters and their families in a 100sqm apartment in the middle of the city of Barcelona with five adults, three teenagers and one child.

We had the most amazing time together, preparing all meals by ourselves, including the grocery shopping, catering to all the different dietary needs, going to bed when the city just wakes up and rising when the city goes to sleep – including the teenagers, who were very cooperative and in flow with the family and took responsibility and cooked their own healthy meals, according to their own needs, which impressed me deeply.

And all this without fighting, bickering or negative talk; everybody including the kids got along.

Now this used to be not so normal in my family.

We would usually start the first big argument by dinner on the day we got together. Hardly ever a day passed by where not at least one person left the room hurt, or someone was crying or screaming. There was constant bickering about who does what and who always did this and who never did that and why does it always have to be me… like a record playing over and over again. You pretty much could predict what was going to happen each time and how the different family members would react.

But over the last years with the amazing inspiration from Serge Benhayon, his family and the Universal Medicine practitioners and students, new choices were made and things in my family and our behaviours towards each other actually changed and other family members got inspired along the way.

Now for me this is a miracle!

  • We were stuck in the same rut, repeating itself for years.
  • We genuinely tried hard to get out of it and to change our ways.
  • We had many discussions on what needed to be done and many solutions were offered.
  • And eventually we gave up because nothing ever changed…

And then unexpectedly through the mere reflection of a different life-style – as we were never told what to do or how to do it – we not only get along just fine, but interact lovingly with each other, including the young ones that are actually passing through the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.

Isn’t that a miracle!?

My niece, who was 15 at the time, parted with the words: “I enjoyed spending time with you” and she meant it – even though she has a different lifestyle and certainly does not share all of my views.

What happened? We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.

By Judith Andras, Beauty and Health Consultant, Cologne, Germany

Published with the permission of my family.

Further Reading:
What is a True Relationship and How Does that Feel?
A true family model for the 21st century
From reactions and tensions, to harmony within the family

481 thoughts on “From Family Madness to a Miracle Re-union

  1. I find the teachings of Universal Medicine very practical.
    I am learning how to observe life rather than jump in to try and rescue or fix something. Recently a colleague was struggling with the reality that the pictures of life that they had built as a child were not coming to fruition and as an adult this wasn’t going down well with them and they blamed life, God etc., In the past I would have jumped in and tried to fix the problem or them or both. This time I just listened and gave them the space to come to their own understanding of how they were setting themselves up to fail in life again, so they could again give up by saying life is just too hard. The understanding I got back from this was that we are very hard on ourselves and the preset expectations which if not realised, then give us the excuse to bash ourselves up which is not only very abusive, but doesn’t get ourselves anywhere except going round in a circle going nowhere. The biggest realisation is that we can do this for lifetimes, and many of us have done this for lifetimes, it the perfect set up to not evolve.

    1. Same here, I am learning how to stay observing life rather than to get involved and try and help people, ‘I am learning how to observe life rather than jump in to try and rescue or fix something.’

  2. Making our way of living about Love at every turn certainly makes a difference in every relationship. The reciprocated Joy and then the ensuing appreciation we can share opens us to deepening in the way we express and communicate without any of the usual reactions we can go into.

  3. The focus of our life being first and foremost about love should be our normal, yet we are so much more accustomed to search for a way to ease the tension. There is a chasm of difference between the two which is evident in the outcomes we live with on a day-to-day basis.

  4. Even though it is a miracle it’s also so simple, as you have described, listening to your body and making life about love.

    1. To say the words ‘making life about love’ sounds very ‘airy fairy’, it sounds like a romantic notion and not much else. But when we truly make life about love it’s actually very practical. Love isn’t a floaty idea, it’s something that comes about through the tangible application of self-care.

      1. That is very true Alexis, as we return to the love we are it becomes a quality present and expressed in every part of life, cleaning the car, taking out the garbage bins, lawn mowing, etc, it’s super practical and a lot of fun!

  5. What you have presented is the fact that we can change, we don’t have to argue, bicker be abusive and all those other ghastly carryings on that goes on within families. This isn’t true family life, its what we have made it to be and then just put up with the outplay. Serge Benhayon has by the way he interacts with his family shown humanity that there is another way to live. You can choose this or not. Those that like you Judith, have the greatest pleasure because it is then such a pleasure to be with family when they can be loving and respectful towards each other.

  6. Finding the harmony and flow within each of you, and as all of you …. feels gorgeous and just goes to show how by choice we can change relationships to be more harmonious.

  7. How much potential for love, harmony and support is being lost within families among the bickering and fighting of old repetitious patterns and unresolved hurts.

    1. Absolutely Suse… and the thing is, we can only change ourselves. By imposing on others how we want them to be is the fundamental problem we face in our relationships. When a whole family chooses to work on their stuff individually and make the individual changes then collectively this can have an amazing impact on the whole group.

      1. Very true, yet what I have seen is that whilst we are so busy thinking it is someone else’s’ issue we simply go round and round in circles.

      2. rachelmurtagh1 I am just beginning to realise just how imposing we are on ourselves and other people. We constantly project on to others how we want them to be so that they fit the picture of our expectations, which is putting them into a straight-jacket of life and not allowing them to have the freedom of their own sense of life.

  8. This really inspires me, Judith, as I can feel how the same can be applied to other configurations, like work place, for example. While we may not have the obvious arguments as we would allow within our own family, less-than-love is often present in many relationships/arrangements. There’s so much more than we can imagine that can be brought through when we commit to just simply being who we are.

  9. It’s great to read this and ponder on a recent visit from my sibling, they were visiting from the UK in December and had dinner with me on Christmas day. I pondered on the morning and I alone cooked from 5am, and cooked everything (as I wanted to), and had plenty of time for me too and I really loved the flow I was in.

    When 6 of my adult family members came, I just loved how they felt at home, I observed a flow occurring. The conversation was amazing, we laughed, no one was bickering and I could feel a joy and an ease of being with each other.

    It only takes one to set the scene, and it takes only one to keep that rhythm going. Reunions are possible without the madness.

    1. “It only takes one to set the scene, and it takes only one to keep that rhythm going” – I love this, Shushilla. It totally undoes our want to blame.

    2. Shushila what you have shared is a great observation
      “It only takes one to set the scene, and it takes only one to keep that rhythm going. Reunions are possible without the madness.”
      There is a family reunion coming soon and there is a member of the family that has become seriously ill and I can feel how everyone has become very emotional about the health issue and has gone into sympathy and wants to gossip about it. This will not support the person who is ill or change anything, so what is it about us that wants to indulge in such gossip? Why do we want to gloat over another’s ill health when actually it may be the best thing that has ever happened to them. It is possible it is a clearing of all the ill energy they have been living in so that in their next life they are clear of that ill energy so therefore have the greater possibility to reconnect back to God and the universe. Is it possible that if we approached life in this way we would develop a greater understanding of life and our part in it.

  10. Often in family gatherings and parties, I have witnessed some form of reaction and conflict. I used to react back by getting upset about it. But now, I realise there is much to learn when we simply observe and appreciate what we are being shown.

  11. A great example of parenting here – if they are constantly watching your movements, when you start moving in harmony together, they can naturally feel and respond to that.

  12. And that is what I love most about love – that the moment you live it, it doesn’t just leave what was not love behind, it dissolves it so more love can be lived in its place.

    1. I agree Lieke and even when we are not being treated with love, it doesn’t mean we should hold back, if anything, in these instances love is exactly what is needed to be expressed and never held back otherwise we easily join the lovelessness. And, love is not soft, submissive or weak, it is deeply powerful, cuts through any form of ill energy when it is fully expressed.

  13. I have always disliked the family hurts that happen at gatherings, only to come way and feel terribly sad that I had not been fully loving and sweet with each and every person. The beautiful thing about life though, is that we are always given another chance, just like in this article, where – eventually – you all got it right and were able to remain open with each other.

    1. Me too, when the gatherings are about bickering there is no pull to put yourself in that situation more regularly; but the opportunity always comes round again and each time we can choose to be the change we want to see in our lives.

  14. What I have observed in our society is that people tend to keep to themselves and there is such a divide amongst us. However, when a natural disaster occurs, people put aside their differences and are willing to see that deep inside, we are all the same and are happy to band together, to cooperate and to be caring and show love. What Judith has shared here is that we do not have to wait for the natural disaster, as we can choose to do this without the calamity as really, it is our natural way of being.

  15. When people come together and genuinely care for each other, put aside their differences and allow themselves to be a part of the whole, magic happens – and yet this magic is our most natural way of being.

    1. Henrietta when we can stop and just give ourselves some space from the fast pace we seem to want to live life at there is a deep magic to be felt it is always there ready to be tapped into all we have to do is give ourselves permission to immerse ourselves in and with the magic of life.

  16. ‘What happened? We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice’ Your sharing, Judith is a very cool example of what can happen when a large group applies the very practical and down to earth teachings of Universal Medicine. From family madness to miracle reunion says it all.

  17. I cannot recall the last holiday I had with my entire family except being with my 3 other sisters just over four years ago. We visited New York and stayed in a one bedroom apartment. We developed a really good rhythm of sharing this one room and one bathroom. But during the trip something kicked off between one of my sisters and I, creating an angst between us that continued for another week.

    After reading your blog, I pondered on this incident. It is a shame that family feuds continue for years over a simple misunderstanding or misconception. I often feel anxiety whenever I hear of a family member coming to visit me, and it all stems around traditional expectations and judgments of how things need to be.

    If we removed these expectations of how things need to be by honouring and respecting everyone’s rhythms, how would life really be, including holidays too?

    1. Expectations are responsible for a lot of angst; we project on to others how we want them to be so that they fit the picture of our expectations, and when they don’t fit that picture we get upset and ratty.

  18. What you describe – the harmonious living and eating together of a big family in a small place probably isn’t normal in just about any family. Amazing that you have managed this!

    1. Spot on Christophe – the current societal “normal” is certainly not that of harmonious relationships in our homes. Whilst the “real normal” is harmonious relationships, we often allow our hurts and patterns and behaviours to interfere with this and over time we have created a ‘new normal’ which is so far from our true normal way of being with each other.

  19. I loved reading this blog, and totally can understand about the bickering and falling out that occurs when families come together. There is no need for this and there is another way to being with family and I loved how it all flowed, respect for one another, sharing with one another and doing totally the opposite to the city you were visiting. The flow of harmony could be felt.

  20. And that’s it in a nutshell, ‘we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ … we can focus on all that is wrong or we can make our lives about love and our bodies which show us the truth of how we live can support us in this.

  21. Through The Way of the Livingness, we begin to transform ourselves and when we do how we approach life changes. Things formerly thought difficult or burdensome no longer are and become effortless. This is miraculous.

  22. If we sincerely want to deepen family or any relationships it has to come from within ourselves first. Deepening of relationship with self supports us to be open, unimposing without expectations. Simply and lovingly being ourselves guides us into true movement.

  23. Interesting thing about family feuds is that most of us can probably remember having them – the screaming, yelling and tantrums by both adults and kids. But do we remember what they were about or why they started in the first place? I know I can’t. I remember the aftermath but not the initial start, which makes me think it was never actually about something in particular, but more the expression of all the angst and stress people are in from their days and lives. The teens with their angst about school and relationships, adults about their jobs and money and their relationships etc.

    1. So often the things we blow up about with anger and rage are often not the cause of these feelings but simply triggers for the ill energy to be expressed and to harm due to the loveless way we have chosen to live.

    2. We remember the feeling during periods of unrest with family, how horrible it all felt, and the lingering of that feeling, that loveless way of being is why so many of us have not relished family gatherings.

  24. Most people are given up to the point where they are convinced there is no other way but to just put up with the hurt they feel from the madness that is the current way of human life. But do not give up! There is another way and this family is living proof of the fact.

  25. Such a divine example of the fact that when we make life about love, miracles actually do happen, and your family reunion was definitely one of those miracles. I absolutely appreciate that in our midst we have a family, the Benhayon’s, who constantly and consistently offer us the most profound reflection of what true family is, as their family has built a super solid foundation for life based on love.

  26. ‘Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love’.- in any language, relationship, culture or life situation this practical and foundational truth does not change. I loved this Judith – Thank you so much for sharing.

  27. Yes Shirley-Ann, what we offer another when we are in connection to our essence is powerful, we can brings so much to ourselves and others when we make this a ‘normal’ in our life.

  28. ‘We started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ Beautiful Judith, our relationships transform as well as our lives, when we make everything about love… magic happens.

  29. We are blind to the fact that there can be another way, and only till we are open to the possibility and try it, do we see/feel the full effect of it.

  30. To embrace a way of living that takes responsibility for ourselves means that when we come together we are more likely to be respectful and in harmony with each other. What you share here is very inspiring.

  31. We are born into the families that we have for a reason. Once we understand this then we can begin to heal what is there to be healed and that is what brings a family constellation alive.

  32. This sounds so gorgeous especially the rhythm of you all rising and sleeping together with nature rather than the city. I am loving the summer mornings in the UK right now .. really appreciate this time of the year ☀️🌳

  33. I love how true love in the family is so understanding and naturally harmonious with everyone no matter where anyone is at or what is going on for them. It is emotional reactions and judgement that get in the way of this natural way of living.

  34. Beautiful Blog Judith, it is indeed a miracle – families all around the world go through the “who’s turn is it”, “why is it always my job”, “you never do..” every day of the year. I have lived in many share houses and although my housemates were not blood related we still went through the same “family dynamic” – it seems it is a human condition, an ill-held one. If I ever have an issue/problem with another and cannot get along with them or at least appreciate something about them, it is always because I am unsettled within myself. It is as you say Judith, the moment I bring love in, first love and appreciate myself I cannot not love and appreciate another.

    1. True, we have to have a foundation of love and appreciation for self before we can share this with the world.

  35. Love is what we need in practise, The Way of The Livingness is support in your daily living of building this love, it has been for me all these years and continues to do so.

  36. I have noticed this for myself with a friend I have known for a long time who has also embraced the teachings presented by Serge Benhayon. There is so much more love expressed in the way that we live that when we come together there is a harmony that is like an underlay to our interactions. This is a very beautiful development and allows us to continue to deepen our relationship, supporting each other in way that was not possible before.

  37. Sometimes when I look at family relationships or small groups of people in general that cannot get along, I am not surprised that the world is in the state it is in, but as you have proved here Judith, through different choices we can get along fine in the micro which in turn will eventually bring on change in the macro.

  38. Thank you Judith, what you have received here is gold, something most families would love to experience. It’s another amazing confirmation of the integrity of Serge Benhayon and his business Universal Medicine and what his services truly offer to human beings.

  39. When we deepen our relationship with love for ourselves first, we bring to our relationship this quality of love which is free from expectations, need, protection or hurts allowing the space for another to feel this quality of vibration that also represents who they are.

  40. What a beautiful simple sharing Judith, how different to how a lot of people choose to be with their family members on a short holiday. Not choosing any distractions but living the love together, a foundation upon which you can build when you meet again and as another after effect, it will also have changed other relationships around you.

  41. Simply beautiful. Make the focus of life about love and the drama of who is right and wrong and who is to blame drops away.

  42. This is such a relevant blog to me Judith. I have yet to try another holiday with the extended family. We have the same scenario when we do. I do know that when I holiday with them all separately it’s becoming more enjoyable; I know this is because of my own livingness which has changed how I am with everyone. I’m so much more relaxed, accepting and loving and all get this reflection.

    1. Yes so true. We have to be careful not to consider ‘our way’ as the only way as that is incredibly imposing and it is everyones ‘our way’ butting heads! However, the beauty of knowing that what you do affects another means there is more willingness to offer each other space and more understanding.

  43. This is you living who you are – the truth of family – supporting each other not at each other. What a beautiful evolution of what is possible in being together as a group – all allowing each other space and seeing each other as equal.

    1. Agreed Hannah. What is offered here is the opportunity we all have to embrace what true family means, the power of evolution that is offered through every family constellation if we are open to truth and love.

  44. When we can allow others to be and share ourselves fully with others, there can be a natural joy and harmony where each person is left the space to be more of who they truly are.

  45. So beautiful to read Judith thank you for sharing you and your family’s miracle ‘ We started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love’

  46. How many families hate the sight of each other after a few days? Family fall outs are such a common occurrence, but as you have shown here Judith they really needn’t be, a few simple changes can turn the frowns upside down and restore harmony and joy where once was smouldering annoyance.

    1. Oh I so agree. I know there are times when we can ‘last’ for about 6 days, but after that all the pretence goes and there is a realisation that everyone is on their ‘best behaviour’!! It could have gone unnoticed if only we have stayed a shorter time in each others company!

      1. Ah the pretense of being on our ‘best behaviour’. In fact our ‘best behaviour’ is actually among our worst, because it’s dishonest to the core and supports no one.

    2. Such as when everyone gets together at family gatherings and the unresolved issues from the past come bubbling up – so instead of using the time together as an opportunity to heal their past hurts, fights and disagreements manifest and perpetuate those patterns all the more.

  47. ‘ We started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love’ what a simple yet power-full message, thank you Judith.

  48. Feeling unsettled in the family unit is something I reckon a lot of people experience, I know I have on many occasions. And I love to read how this can be turned around and that it is not dependant on any special tricks or knowledge or new code of rules or theory from a book. That simply by changing the way we treat ourselves we can bring love in to the family, which in itself has a transformative affect.

  49. I am inspired whenever I read this because I know what you say to be true. I know it is not always easy but it is simple – do we want a life that is undramatic, do we want this level of love and connection with each other? If so it takes a commitment and a dedication to be responsible for what we put out. Each and every one of us in a family.

  50. Lovely to re-read this Judith. I’m sure all families want to get along deep down as we all want to be accepted for who we are. When we accept and live ourselves thus can be an inspirational reflection for others around us. No need to speak or impose, just be……

  51. There is no one in this world who doesn’t deeply want love in their lives, no matter how hurt they are or how they behave. The turnaround in this family is a miracle and yet it shows that it’s never too late to heal relationships, as long as we are willing and have the love within ourselves.

  52. It is gorgeous to feel your appreciation for yourself and your family Judith. This is a beautiful example of how family reunions can be, with no dramas, no issues or conflict, but to just come together to connect, share and be who we are.

  53. Such a beautifully inspiring testimonial as to what is possible when we make the “focus of life first and foremost about love”. In fact, miracles can happen as you can easily attest to. Yes, changing our lives is possible if we make the choice to commit to living in a way where love is the foundation of every relationship, starting with the one with ourselves.

  54. When we let go of struggle so much opens up for us to enjoy and be a part of for the support of everyone.

  55. Yep I can also say my relationships have greatly changed for the better after putting the teachings of Universal Medicine and the Ageless Wisdom into practice and its is great your niece now has a different reflection as to what true relationships are ✨

  56. Love is truly the Universal language we all innately know, forever is it unifying and never is it divisive in any way.

    1. So true Thomas, I love what you’ve shared and this universal language of love is accessible everywhere we go, and all we have to do is just connect to it and it is there waiting to be shared and expressed.

  57. I have learnt to observe the family, and no longer voice my opinion or have a view as to how it should be, but I am more accepting, because when you come from love we don’t impose, and the harmony, love and joy can be felt by everyone.

  58. You get a sense from your writing of the enjoyment the teenagers had in taking responsibility for cooking their own meals, children love independence when we give it too them.

  59. Harmony in action, beautiful to read and integral to this I feel, is letting go of control and allowing others to be themselves.

  60. The sense i get here is of a family gathering where everyone put down their defensive cloaks, were at one with themselves and opened up to each other: no competition or comparison, simply together as one. Beautiful.

    1. Yes, I got that too. It is hard to do when that way of behaving is all you have known but why would we want anything else – I am SURE we don’t want the drama, the hurt, the pain of perceived rejection, so ultimately we have to commit and be that change. Communication and expression and a willingness to love each other so much that everyone leaves their pictures at the door.

  61. An inspiring blog Judith. I recently had some of my family and granddaughter come up to stay around here for Christmas holidays. I was looking forward to seeing them as I probably only see them twice a year. Over the almost 3 weeks that they were to be here, I was allocated three days or mornings for visits, one of which would be without my granddaughter with whom I have a gorgeous relationship ( as with all the family). I was surprised that there wouldn’t be more shared time, but aligned to drop all images and expectations which I did, and this was very healing. Then what happened was once they started spending time with me they actually wanted to increase the amount of time spent together, so the connection and shared time just naturally expanded. Dropping images around family visit is hugely beneficial for all!

  62. It is an important point to consider the level of harmony that we bring to our interactions in life. Whether it is family, work, friends or people we meet in life, it is the quality of our own steadiness that we can bring that can contribute to harmony within groups.

  63. ‘we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love’, isnt this the magical formula to life – a deep commitment to sharing all the love that we naturally are and come from, instead of holding love back and riding through life with all our hurts and issues that affect everyone including oneself. We have one choice, choose love or choose all that is not love – which turns out to be the horror movie of life.

  64. When I truly honour myself in how I feel and what is needed I naturally give space to another to be themselves. Family can expose where I am at regarding this way of being eg. If I feel a reaction in my body when another chooses different to me I know from this marker there is a greater love within me that I am resisting. Surrendering and letting go of that which I am holding onto I choose me and the love that I am and any control, imposition or/and neediness falls away.

  65. When our relationships are true we can spend time with any number of people and have a great time connecting.

  66. How beautiful it is to share our presence of being with others. It is the greatest gift we can offer and yet it also gives others the opportunity to also be at ease with themselves too. A joy indeed.

  67. Yours would be a very beautiful family to be around at Christmas time for a holiday Judith – with each one in actuality nurturing the Christ child in their hearts as they find their rhythm and live harmoniously with all.

  68. With Christmas on the horizon this blog is such a timely reminder that what matters and counts is the quality we are with ourselves and others then everything else takes care of itself. If we want love and claim it in full and live it then that is what we will have as our movements will inspire others around us to be the love they are and then the magic happens when we come together simply being the love that we are. It may sound too simple and that’s the point, it is and it works. 🙂

  69. Brilliant blog Judith! ‘There was constant bickering about who does what and who always did this and who never did that and why does it always have to be me… like a record playing over and over again.’ How extremely accurate is this description of the world of disharmony and conflict! It is a cracked record that goes round and around over and over again playing the same story, the same song, the same drama, without any evolution. I love that your family has come to love and has lit up the heart and centre of Barcelona. Beautiful!

  70. Love is the key ingredient to family/life, without it we have drama, complications like, blame, jealousy, anger and frustration, but when we add this key ingredient, everything works in harmony. Our bigger family (humanity) is starved of this key ingredient and I am seeing love in your example Judith, it is being shared and lived.

  71. What a beautiful blog Judith. Thank you! I loved the part where you said that in the past you had altered to discuss what was going wrong and try new approaches, but it was really only when you embraced The Livingness that things natural turned around. Brilliant.

  72. The pure joy of connection, and not having any picture about how anything or anyone should be, truly frees us.

  73. I had a similar experience recently, and there was not the chaos, the tears, the tantrums and what not of the past. It was the best time I have ever had with these people.

  74. If listening to our body and making the focus of our life about love can change so much about the way a group of people experiences each other’s company, considering the way of the world we are currently living, we should all give it a go.

  75. The inspiration of the changes that are possible when we are willing to take responsibility for the reactions and hurts we still carry is immense. Thank you for sharing this story, Judith.

  76. I can’t help but think how amazing the world could be if we were to all live our lives connecting with our bodies and others without all the unnecessary nonsense most of us get tangled up with. You have shown here Judith how this is so easily achievable with just a few simple life style changes.

  77. There is nothing like the real deal…it works because it truly does work and is natural to us all.

  78. We seem to learn from early on about competition rather than cooperation, looking after ourselves at the exclusion of others rather than taking care of ourselves so that we can be responsible, the importance of being right rather than being an expression of love, our right to have what we want rather than the oneness that ensures everyone is honoured and looked after….. When we realize this was all back to front and we start to turn it all round, our relationships also reflect the loving quality we have chosen.

  79. Thank you Judith, the power of what you share is felt and the brotherhood of love is palpable and makes me teary. Simply what I feel is that all the patterns and ownerships we might have been identified with as a form of protection instead of the great union of love that we are all part of and are from..

  80. ‘Making the focus of life first and foremost about love’ may seem like a throw away line, but if we stop for a minute and consider what that actually looks like in day to day life, it is in truth enormous and will indeed make a difference.

  81. What’s beautiful is this shows that a fresh start is always possible no matter the behaviours and patterns that have owned the relationships previously.

  82. The power of reflection I’ve so under estimated until I experienced a family holiday that was transformed through it. We are never not being noticed or noticing what goes on around us. Offering another way can be hugely inspiring without any solution or trying in sight.

    1. True – what each of us are contributiong to the whole is always felt by all, albeit not necessarily consciously.

  83. All our issues in life take place because we forget that love truth, harmony and joy are our actual innate quality and essence. When we remember to hold this foundation in relationships or any other aspect of life, the space opens and miracles happen as a mere fact.

  84. Following on from our recent trip together the ‘girls’ in the family have set up a family WhatsApp and now we are in constant contact with each other which feels very supportive for us all. And we have all agreed that next year to meet up again to be with each other for a few days. This for me is really cool how the family can come together after years of isolation with each other. This has come about by me changing the way I live this can be felt by my family and they are attracted to the possibility that they can live this way too.

    1. I am part of a family what’s app and I love being part of everyone’s daily lives – one of the bonuses of technology.

      1. I too have felt the coming together of my siblings through using what’s app, cutting out previous dynamics where individuals only heard part of the communication.

  85. No more intense a time is there with family than at Christmas and the lead up into it. This is where the steadiness and love that has developed through those changes you share Judith reflect a strong and different way.

  86. ‘And all this without fighting, bickering or negative talk; everybody including the kids got along.’ – Whilst it is our natural way to live with harmony and joy, fighting and bickering, particularly within families, seems to have become the norm in our society.

    1. How true Mary-Louise – when we make love the priority, it affects our health and wellbeing, our relationship with ourselves and others as well as every other area of our life and way beyond.

  87. Judith I can say the same for my family, it would eventually always lead to tension and disharmony in the past. But these days, by changing my own way of living, and because of that the way I relate with others in my life, it is actually really lovely to spend time together.

  88. family dynamics can be quite strong and repetitive making us feel there is no way to change them. But I have witnessed many times how even just one person in a family choosing to not be in the same energy but reflecting a different way of being can transform and entire families dynamic.

    1. Absolutely Carolien – well said. You highlight just how each and everyone one of us brings a quality of energy to the family constellation we are in. And so we are all responsible for the quality of energy we allow in, which contributes to the quality of the dynamics we experience.

      1. Yes Carola and not only are we responsible but it breaks with the notion of things being ‘just the way they are’ and holding ourselves as powerless to change things because others won’t change.

  89. An interesting aspect of blood families is that we continue to perpetuate behaviours within them, generation after generation repeat the same issues, hurts and beliefs; and most families have some sort of dysfunctional behaviour called ‘normal’ because the group says so…so what happens when some one chooses another way, and breaks the repeat pattern, every one gets shaken up, the ties that bind have an opportunity to be broken, healing can occur. What a blessing to a family and all of us to make the choice to self heal, lead by way of responsibility and stop the blame and collusion.

  90. What a beautiful coming together with true love as the focus and a real inspiration to how life can be if we choose to listen to our bodies, connect to ourselves and everyone from our innermost and simply be love collectively .

  91. My experience of relationships have been enhanced a lot over the years, I have been inspired to take responsibility for my part, what I bring to them, regardless of what is offered by another. In this way the pressure and anger I used to once feel towards others, has melted away and I am pleasure to be with, I say so myself….and others say so also. Inspiration in relationships, Universal Medicine is amazing it is an organisation of the highest integrity and through inspiration changes lives.

  92. Choosing the symphony and joy of the bodies true movements is music to my ears Judith and inspires us all that madness can be shifted and true love and harmony can be re-discovered at anytime. A beautiful reflection offered here for us all. Thank you.

  93. It takes responsibility for what we bring to our families in the way of undealt with hurts, not speaking up and holding onto things – is it any wonder that when we get together there is this underlying tension which surfaces? It does take work and commitment to out these hurts that get in the way of having a harmonious time together, but it is worth it.

  94. Yes, the same has happened for me and I now enjoy being with my family rather than it being a duty.

  95. ‘Listen to your body and make the focus of life first and foremost about love’ – a motto for a truly fulfilling, joyful and love filled life.

  96. There is a false belief that family has to all do the same things and have the same choices. But it is not what we do, but a deep respect of each other that we can live together in harmony even though we may have very different choices and in this respect there is naturally a pull towards what is true, and even if there is delay or resistance, it would still have the lovely foundation of respect and flow that we cannot but appreciate.

  97. I recently wrote about family matters as well. You’re not alone on this one. No matter what family is family and everybody experiences these hardships, because no family whether it be blood or not can create chaos or get together to make the best memories. If you’re interested in reading my post its called “Family is Family” on my blog.

  98. When one drops the expectations and ideals that just because one is blood related that one should be harmonious together and instead respect, honour and inter-relate as equal human beings, whatever the age, without investment or expectations then miracles can happen.

  99. Judith what I am appreciating is that it is never too late to heal within our families.I am building with my family a sense of trust and companionship that has never been there before. We are putting to one side our jealousies of each other and one upmanship and instead we are building a foundation based on love and appreciation of everything we bring to each other. I know I’m very blessed to have such sisters in my life.

  100. There is a lot of power in reflection and a reflection of true love and care is not often seen in this world, so no wonder we all keep on having issues with our families without thinking it can change. Universal Medicine offers a very different reflection and it is deeply confirming and encouraging to make the changes you always felt are true in your family.

  101. We cannot underestimate the power of our livingness. Even if we think no one is watching, no one is seeing how we are with ourselves and the relationship we have with our bodies – everything is being reflected in every movement we make and word we speak. So, people see this, our families see this and it can spark an inner knowing that life is about love and not all the little ‘human’ things we can get caught in.

  102. When one person in a family chooses to deal with their hurts and change their approach to life, this can change a family dynamic. When many members of a family chose to do the same..oh wow… just watch the harmony and love flow… family dynamic… what family dynamic?!

  103. ‘What happened? We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ Gorgeous Judith – and it truly works!

  104. When ever people come together, it is an opportunity for celebration, renconnection and evolution, and by not letting personal dynamics get in the way, it makes the experience quite different an refreshing.

  105. This article myth busts about the stereotypes of families… very particularly the idea that teenagers are disengaged and disenchanted… so not true when they are supported and inspired by the adults in their lives.

  106. This kind of family re-union doesn’t come by chance, but it is something that is built based on everyone’s choices and responsibility. I know this change is possible as my family too is gradually transforming, from continuous complainings to a mutual and caring respect. This wouldn’t have been possible without the constant inspiration from the Universal Medicine teachings, which are great support in this amazing change.

  107. It is so cool to read about the transformation in your relationships and how you spent time together as a family… a point of inspiration when so many of us are still caught in complicated, un-nurturing family dynamics.

  108. Such a beautiful change and such a pertinent example of true appreciation. A change like this is something we could easily take for granted seeing how normal and natural such a way of living can become. We should never dismiss the smallest change in our way of living that brings about true love and vitality into our lives.

  109. The power of reflection and inspiration – so much stronger than trying to think our way out of problems or issues.

  110. Amazing what can happen when we simply let go and live what we have been so blessed to see and receive. There really is so much more to life than the status quo that most of us settle for which you aptly describe in the first part of your blog of how family get togethers were.

  111. ‘You pretty much could predict what was going to happen each time and how the different family members would react.’ – This is a very common behaviour, it is interesting how we seem to find family dynamics perfectly normal instead of addressing it with honesty and attempting to deal with it.

  112. Sometimes when I do not listen to my body my mornings would be cramped with no space to breathe, and that would always lead to arguments in the home, because I do not want to feel my own irresponsibility I create dramas to distract myself.

    1. Indeed Adele – we can all have our moments of drama, key then is a willingness to take responsibility for what we each contribute to the whole.

  113. As the shops are preparing to sell people Christmas cheer, I am wondering how many families are planning their festive season, how many hopeful that this year they’ll be able to express their love for one another without unexplainable things getting in the way. I know this: ‘…we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love,’ is the way.

  114. Often when families get together there is an underlying tension so that even if there are no arguments one can feel the lack of harmony. It is very inspirational to hear about a family gathering that includes so many coming together and it being free of this especially when this has not been your experience in the past. Letting go of reactions and living from love is surely the way to go.

  115. Beautiful, it is true when the principles which Universal Medicine is based on are practised, harmony returns in family being able to live together in harmony, I have recognised as well that it doesn’t matter how different our views are, we can still be in harmony and in true connection.

  116. “What happened? We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice.” It is remarkable what can happen in any relationship when we apply this very simple but profoundly loving and wise teachings into practice.

  117. A gorgeous sharing Judith. What a lovely outcome from a situation that in the past would have been chaos . And all this through putting into practice the teachings of Serge Benhayon of the Ageless Wisdom.

  118. This just goes to show the power of reflections. Especially when they are consistent as I know the Benhayon family and Universal Medicines’ are. With more people living a steady and consistent way, listening the their body and making it about love just think how many more inspiring reflections can be given to others.

  119. When we allow love into our lives miracles will take as in your case Judith. Love brings connection and a deeper understanding of the purpose of us being and living together. The purpose is not to fight or have arguments amongst each other but instead to learn to live harmoniously as one

  120. As a society we seem to accept it is normal for families to not get along or live harmoniously but the truth is, what you’ve shared with us Judith, this awesome miracle should be our everyday norm and you are showing us how this is possible.

    1. Yes this is key, Chan Ly, what we are accepting as the norm in our family dynamics, is not natural or supportive, so it is very inspiring to have this reflection from Judith.

  121. A true Brady Bunch (an Australian TV show that depicts family life). Only myself and my sister have attended Universal Medicine events yet I have experienced the same in our family, it is a miracle. I feel when we feel an easement and contentment within ourselves this is shared with all those around us, family or not.

  122. How we come together for family gatherings with ‘all our stuff’ seems to be accepted as the normal in many instances. So beautiful to read how you felt love and stayed with the connection Judith.

  123. It seems like what you describe is what everyone would wish for from their family, and it is clearly possible for any family who chooses to put love first within their family, and with everyone else in life.

    1. Indeed Heather, this way of living is not only for a few ‘blessed’ people but available for everyone who chooses to have love again as the basis in their lives.

  124. Wonderful example of the difference our choices and movements makes in our relationships. Work places could also do with a healthy dose of what you have shared here.

  125. It is interesting to observe that in some families they find in very difficult to let go of the emotional way of being with each other. So used to have issues and problems that the simplicity of love is sometimes difficult to handle and not fulfilling the need for stimulation.

  126. It’s amazing what a little bit of awareness and understanding can do. And ultimately communication is paramount for experiencing the ease that is now present in your family.

  127. At least your family was mad enough to realise it. There are many who continue on with everything swept under the rug playing the sweet family game. More dangerous than the openly crazy ones if you ask me.

    1. Is there ever a sweet family game…? To the outside world it may appear to be that way, but within, there are tensions, criticisms, jealousies and comparisons even if there is no outward show of anger. The dangerous thing for me is that we accept the normality of tension, jealousy, criticism and comparison as normal.

  128. When we make our lives about love first and foremost then it can be felt by others as a deep source of inspiration.

  129. Judith this beautiful sharing just shows us the power of reflection and the amazing effects our movements then have on others. Truly inspiring indeed.

  130. What a beautiful harmony to share and live which is gold for us all and the teachings of Universal Medicine are the key to this .It is changing the way of being in the simplicity of our homes and the world as a whole.

  131. This sounds like a wonderful way of spending time together. I hope we will have this way of being rather than the stresses that often can happen. Especially now around Christmas-time.

  132. Without being anywhere near perfect I would have to say that the teachings of Universal Medicine have completely changed my relationships for the better. I now know what true love is and what it is not – a very good start when having a relationship! Now knowing what is possible has made it possible in my life.

    1. Ditto Fiona – letting go of the neediness and expectations that comes with the picture of how a relationship should be has been very liberating.

  133. “we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” This is so true Judith, love can move mountains (and families) and shift and expose some of our most stubborn patterns and ingrained behaviours.

  134. I recently had a deeper realization regarding things I still held from earlier on in my life and today it became so blatantly obvious just who these play out with people in my life now. The way life will constantly give us opportunities to have another go and heal the past is to be truly grasped with both hands.

  135. What an amazing inspiration of the power teaching not by knowledge and instruction but by example. “And then unexpectedly through the mere reflection of a different life-style – as we were never told what to do or how to do it – we not only get along just fine, but interact lovingly with each other, including the young ones that are actually passing through the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.”

  136. We can have amazing times with others who have a different lifestyle and sometimes don’t share all of our views as long as love and connection are the main focus.

  137. Making ‘the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ is all we need to do. Truly that simple. Thank you Judith.

  138. If we’re really honest, how many times a week do we approach conversations with our family members – at dinner or in passing – where we already have an argument or point packaged and ready to go even before we say hello?

  139. To apply the teachings of Universal Medicine to our life is simply making it about love as you have shared Judth, being loving with ourselves and connecting to our body and the wisdom it carries and from this our relationships can transform.

  140. It is amazing what a little self responsibility can do to change family dynamics. It certainly worked for us in our family also. Although we still have our times of tension the difference now is that we are prepared to see where the tension is coming from.

  141. Judith what you have shown here is how Love can be such a simple and basic movement between people with nothing more or less to give, it just is what we all can share.

  142. People bottled together in a small space can be a recipe for disaster – but Judith, you have shown that indeed there is another option, a different way to be together which is not some far fetched utopian idea!

  143. When we are in close quarters and in each others faces over a short period of time or longer periods, we either deepen our relationship and hold ourselves beautifully or on the contrary we can feel like we are about to explode. It is our choice as to how we respond or react. When we respond the outcome can be very beautiful…and this is the way for us to learn and to realise that there is a way in life that allows growth and beauty.

  144. ‘We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ And voila there you have the simple recipe for a miracle.

  145. I have learnt in my life that while we cannot do much to change what happens around us, we do have full control over how we respond to it – so while our family may not change, we can change how we relate to them, bringing more love and understanding rather than reactions like frustration and annoyance

  146. What you have described here Judith, does not feel like there was a trying to be harmonious or making an effort to get along with each other, as many of us vow to do leading up to a family gathering, but a reflection of what you all live in your day to day.

  147. The fact that this blog was published with permission of your family Judith confirms they are all truly on board with what you’re presenting and how you’re living… and have been inspired to live it for themselves. That’s powerful.

  148. A beautiful account of the simplicity of living with a quality and integrity that inspires others; bringing respect, love and care back in to our relationships with ourselves and others. Thank you, Judith.

  149. This story is monumental in the sense that it would be difficult for most people to share a space like that, let alone a family unit that included teenagers. Making life about love sounds simple and in a way, it is but what we all interrupt the word Love to mean something different. The way that you describe this holiday is truly touching as you seemed to accept those differences in each other whilst keeping the shared living way very decent loving and equal. Great sharing of what is possible if we commit.

  150. Over the last few years I have also experienced a renewed closeness with my family, and a return to the deep love I have for them. Interesting though that last week I found that I still carried some of the same resentment for them which used to play out – it just felt old rather than current. Like hurts form the past which I thought did not affect me anymore as things are now very different but in truth I could not escape the fact that they are still there and are therefore having an affect, just not in the way that they used to. This has meant more focus on unpicking this to really heal and remove that which has been there.

  151. Not just in family but in every community big or small reunification is key for all of us to evolve to what it is all about. What we master in family we can master everywhere.

    1. Absolutely, how we are with ourselves and with our family has an impact on each and every relationship or group we are in, whether that is my ex-husband, with whom I used to fight over everything or my work colleagues. They are all people and every relationship is a constellation and an opportunity to evolve.

  152. What a wonderful inspiring sharing Judith! So many of us in families could make those changes just by following the lead of Universal Medicine and the teachings and example of Serge Benhayon and family.

    1. Spot on Roslyn, there is much to be inspired by! And the larger our own families are, the more there is from others to be reflected back to us and for us to learn from…this is the blessing that allows us to grow more and more each day…

  153. ‘ What happened? We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love’. This has been so beautiful to read and the comment above when held and lived means the it can be so simple. How often is there a temptation when going away to put down lots of ‘ground rules’ to make the time together work. This blog shows that by taking responsibility for self and living the love we are everything flows.

  154. It is beuatiful how your family gatherings have turned from madness to harmonious Judith, something that requires loving commitment and willingness for all involved.

  155. Listening to our body helps us to connect with what is truly loving and supportive for everyone rather than getting lost in an ideal of what we think love should look like.

  156. Your article, Judith, is showing how it is possible to change chaos into harmony and to appreciate this deeply. The power of love is felt and how the connection to the inner wisdom is a huge supporter when we listen changes can happen without effort.

  157. “we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” When love is our primary focus then everything else gets taken care of.

  158. Very beautiful when we stand back and observe what’s going on and realise that it is possible to change family dynamics if you are willing to look at your part in the problem and move on from there.

  159. We often think harmony is beyond us or not possible, there is too much set in stone and we accept the ways things are. But you have exposed that none of this is true. Harmony is something we all know, it is simply a choice to allow it.

  160. I experienced a little bit of God’s magic on the weekend, when I was staying at my mothers and the telephone went. My mother asked me to get the phone, and I ended up having a delightful conversation with a member of my family who I had no contact with for almost 2 years. And now we are going to meet the next time they come home ( they live abroad).

  161. Famalies offer a constant reflection of how we are doing. As I have cleared and healed my own hurts, all my relationships have improved including those of all my family members.

  162. Bringing harmony to family dynamics is the beginning to bringing harmony to humanity.

  163. I have experienced both the madness of family gatherings and the miraculous rebirth of togetherness. One is complete madness, and the other is joy, I know which feels better in my body.

  164. This is beautiful – there is so much potential to live lovingly in families and relationships that when they are disharmonious this is not realised.

  165. The ‘miracle’ that transpires is taking responsibility for our actions, choices, behaviours, thoughts, wellbeing, self-care, self-love, self-respect, respect for others, self-value, valuing others… and this brings exponential miracles to our home, family, and our world. Your sharing shows how transformational doing the work on oneself can be, Awesome sharing.

  166. Judith, this is gorgeous to read about – and how amazing how our choices can rub off on others like a ripple effect all around!

  167. Interestingly, this ‘family madness’ is considered perfectly normal.

    1. Tolerated and even encouraged at times, and when one might want to put a stop to it, it is this person who is considered mad or having the problem in some cases.

  168. This phrase is rarely expressed by teenagers to the adult folk in the family : “I enjoyed spending time with you” so how delightful that your niece said it and meant it. And reading about the harmony, honouring and genuine care of one another, regardless of age or any other factor, I can see why. We don’t often offer each other or ourselves this level of care, but what you have shared is so natural. It could easily, if we choose, become our norm.

  169. If we start with “we are love” and returning, than it’s a lot easier to deal than if we started with nothing and tried to become something.

    1. Yes, to accept that “we are love’ returning to it rather than striving to achieve is a complete ‘game changer’.

  170. Family madness is, I am sure, recognisable for the majority – could it be that we somehow identify with it and that we seek it becuase it has become something to ‘belong’ to? As well as seeing it as a norm and so we play along with it?

  171. When we make love the focus before anything else we treat ourselves and others with loads of respect as we see ourselves and the other for who we innately are – Sons of God and our behaviors are in their rightful place as minor nuisances that easily get sorted out.

  172. Many people would say that family is one of their most stressful areas of life, and yet what you are sharing is it doesn’t have to be this way – family can be synonymous for real love and harmony.

  173. Making life’s focus love allows miracles to happen. What if these miracles could become our every way and every day lives?

  174. Very inspiring though very possible to live this way with each other… as you share Judith. We are naturally harmonious beings and this powerful reflection is contagious.

    1. Yes, it leaves an imprint with those who observe it, especially when the observers are young.

  175. Through the teachings of Universal Medicine we have been given the capabilities to live in a way that offer a true reflection to another, holding them in love with no judgement -just simply the understanding that deep down we are all craving the same thing and that is to be met for who we truly are.

  176. I can very much relate to the family madness with lots of abuse and hurts repeatedly played out. If we contribute to it, we feel exhausted and things will never change, but if we stay connected with ourselves and observe, there is a lot to learn and opportunities to evolve from these situations.

  177. There is nothing more exquisite than being in relationship with family and friends in a way that is open, flowing, loving and genuinely caring. This is a true joy in life.

  178. ‘We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ Love this Judith, very inspiring and true. I have also experienced ‘family reunions’ where the greater understanding that true love brings rises above anything that is there to potentially put a spoke in the wheel.

  179. Family madness can also act out as manipulation, sarcasm, setting others up, substance abuse, checking out, ignoring, shutting down etc. There may not be any yelling or out right fighting but abuse just the same. Do we play into the madness or reflect another way and contribute the possibility of change. There is so much we can learn, grow and love about each other.

  180. This is a miracle. If a reflection and application of a different life-style can change how an entire family can be together, what could be possible if more of us looked at the way we live and started to listen to our body?

  181. So very true, our interactions and being with each other has changed enormously thanks to the reflection of Serge Benhayon and his family. A testimony of how much we live by reflection and how strong true inspiration is.

    1. ‘A testimony of how much we live by reflection and how strong true inspiration is.’ – Well said – when the reflection comes from people walking their talk, we cannot but feel the inspiration. What we do with it is then up to each and every one of us.

  182. So true, the normal we call family life is reflected in our world’s affairs of fight and struggle and hate and war.

  183. Whether family life has its arguments and bickering or pretending that everything is fine and it isn’t (which in my opinion is much worse) it is one of the same, neither is true love. We may have to dig deeper to be open to receive the truth in the ‘good’ or ‘nice’ family but we cannot ever be fooled by this way of being.

  184. It does indeed feel like a miracle when entrenched patterns and hurts are no longer playing out within relationships, and yet we are simply returning to the loving harmony that is our true nature.

  185. The changes within one multiplied that by each family member who in their own way make the same / similar changes equals an incredible group family unit. Recognising how humanity is like one enormous family, the potential of global harmony / brotherhood is possible.

  186. The reflection of a way lived, words spoken, feelings shared and movements made speak louder than solutions and ideas that generally stay just that – solutions and ideas with a dash of quick fixes for seasoning added while the main dish, the old rut, stays the same.

  187. It was a beautiful revelation for me to understand and appreciate that love is for everyone equally, no one person is any more deserving or any less deserving of our love than another. This immediately squashes all those expectations and special privileges that can be felt within families. We are all one very large gorgeous family and everyone deserves the same love and consideration.

  188. The thing about change is that we have to want the change more than we want to stay in our ‘comfort’. This can come about very naturally when we re-connect to our gorgeous selves and start to appreciate how magnificent we truly are.

  189. So gorgeous to read and feel the miracles of family lives changed and why that changed “that we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” what a testament to the truth that we are all innately love when we connect to our inner hearts, thank you Judith it brings joy to my heart to read your story.

  190. Wow! This is a miracle and one that so many families around the world would love to have happen for themselves. It is amazing the ripple effect when we see people living in a way that genuinely works and is loving and responsible. This is one of the huge gifts the Benhayon’s have offered all who get to observe them. My family has similarly benefitted over time and it has been through each of us being more aware and connected with ourselves and understanding the effect we have on each other.

    1. Yes I agree Fiona, I have been deeply inspired by observing the Benhayon family. The family conflict still exists pretty heavily in my family I visited recently and I noticed a huge difference in how I felt around the conflict and how I handle it. I was more steady, felt more clarity and less emotionally caught up. The tension in my body was less severe because I was observing more than absorbing. The dread, heaviness and sickly feeling was not constantly present. To me this was a miracle too, to be able to observe and not absorb the abuse so I was more able to stand up to it.

  191. ‘Family madness’ is so common these days, and for some, probably ‘normal.’
    To re-unify a whole family proves the power of love.

  192. So often we know that something needs to be changed and we want to but as long as we are stuck in the old patterns whatever we try simply turns out to end with the same results. Universal Medicine offers a chance to identify and put an end to the endless repetition of the same patterns so that we set ourselves free to really initiate something new and fresh.

  193. When our relationships are based on love, harmony is restored and our life transforms.

  194. Judith, this is a beautiful description of how a family can be and you have proven that it is possible. Now for the rest of the world…

  195. There really is another way to live our lives but we can often not want to see beyond the ‘normal’ because that would mean we have to make real changes and be responsible for our choices.

  196. It is incredible the number of solutions most of us have chucked at the various issues that we have noticed does not work, yet it can all be so simple when we have a foundation of love, care and making it about people.

  197. Applying the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, which are the teachings that The Benhayon Family live by, has brought transformation into so many of our lives. These teachings bring our wayward way of living back into alignment with our true way of living. Our bodies are subsequently brought back into a harmonious way of being and that, in turn, supports our life to return to the naturally harmonious joy-filled expression that it is.

  198. Working towards a common purpose is the key to group work. When that purpose it to unite people in truth.. well that is the recipe for brotherhood on earth.

  199. When we make our life about love, the many hurts, grudges, expectations and pressures that we unknowingly place upon our family members begin to be seen, felt and understood as ourselves needing to be loved, so sort of trying to force that love to come from another. To see and understand what is behind our ways is paramount to us stopping them and instead making our life first and foremost about love of ourselves, this then naturally expands to be love for all.

  200. This scenario and cycle is not by any stretch of the imagination, unique:
    stuck in the same rut, repeating itself for years, – – genuinely trying hard to get out of it and to change ones ways, – – having many discussions on what needed to be done and many solutions being offered, – – yet eventually giving up because nothing ever changed…
    With a pattern like this it is indeed a miracle that you brought about a lasting and loving change to it, and with huge appreciation of Universal Medicine teachings, put into practice.

  201. When families meet at big events such as weddings and funerals, emotions can run high and old patterns of behaviour can be regurgitated, old resentments still seething barely hidden. Where money is involved there can particularly be issues, but when everybody is met with calm understanding the negativity can be cut and harmony restored.

  202. Thank you Judith. It’s amazing the inspiration we can bring by changing our choices, as you have shared how your family became inspired by you changing yours and how this can affect so many.

  203. Simplicity is a powerful thing, because it’s often complication and self created problems that delay, manipulate and mess with our relationships as well as purpose and activity.

  204. “We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice.”
    I can absolutely concur Esther, as we restore the Universal Medicine teaching into our lived way, life begins to flow with a unifying simplicity and ease.

    1. Rachel great point, everything is affected when we allow the inspiration that is offered through living truth.

  205. Families can be where a lot of reaction, conflict and even abuse occurs, as we can get locked into dynamics and blame. What you have shared, Judith, is really important as a model of how families can be together once they make love the common denominator.

  206. With Christmas on the horizon, how awesome would it be to have families getting together with this level of harmony – this is a model for the future.

  207. It is truly beautiful how such issues melt away when we begin to live in connection to what is true and making our choices more loving in every way. I don’t think there will be anyone, who has done this in their own life, who will not have experienced such amazing changes around them.

  208. The Ancient Wisdom Teachings presented by Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine are known within the innermost essence of all. You bring a real and solid testimony of this choice in way of Living Judith.
    “We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love”.

  209. Without a doubt the reflection that the Benhayon family has given, continues to do so and which you Judith have implemented is a game-changer to what is meant and lived by ‘family’.

  210. For many, family is a ‘boiling cauldron’ of emotions, issues and hurts. Thus, it is totally understandable that family gatherings can often be explosive affairs. But they are also an incredible opportunity; all our most pertinent issues reflected back to us, all our most sensitive buttons pushed hardest. Not an easy environment and super challenging to deal with but, if we are understanding, patient, honest and loving then even the most burnt bridges can be rebuilt.

    1. Beautifully said, Otto. There are endless opportunities to learn from each other, once we can see beyond our hurts and commit to love.

    2. That is so true Otto, it is the closest and dearest to you who “press your most sensitive buttons”, and families are an opportunity to recognise and change very long held beliefs, ideals and habits. There is also something about being attached to them as a special relationship, whereas the whole world is our family, and if we can come to feel that everyone is equal and equally to be loved, and begin to lose our attachment to them all being perfect and instead look after our own responses, then things start to change.

      1. The use of the word ‘special’ is so pertinent – and so dangerous! It is exactly those kinds of ideals and beliefs of family that become the illusionary foundations on which so much of the false and abusive behaviours are built. There are things that we accept from our family members that we would never accept from another member of the public; yet because we have painted it as a ‘special’ relationship, we allow it. I was talking with a friend just yesterday about how his father-in-law behaves when he comes to stay – sitting around, doing nothing, not helping with the household chores of looking after the kids etc…and I asked him whether he would accept that behaviour from a friend or neighbour who had come round to his house. When you look at it with that equality, everything becomes very clear.

    3. I love that you say family gatherings are incredible opportunities, Otto. This is so very true and yet we do not learn to see them that way but learn to struggle and put up with things. Understanding that especially family and people we are close with or work closely with are pushing our buttons the most, and not out of sheer bad luck but because there is so much to learn for us on offer, is so super important and opens a door to a totally different view and engagement.

      1. Our family members ‘push our buttons’ for a very specific reason; so that we can evolve – if we are willing and committed enough to see and work with that. Sure, it may be ‘easier’ to hang out with a couple of friends…but do we grow from that?

  211. Our household has also changed the way we live, as you have said Judith is making life simple by being in tune with ourselves and everyone around us and making love our foundation. Life becomes harmonious.

    1. Well said Steve. It really is that simple. It’s crazy to think how much we can fight the harmony that is always there, and how much time and energy it wastes.

  212. When we make life about love there will be some that open themselves up to it and some that resist but whatever the response I am learning to be and hold love.

  213. It’s interesting what we accept as normal when it comes to families, and how madness and fighting and disharmony have become accepted as normal, what if it’s not normal, but simply a clash of individual choices to not make life about quality first and foremost?

  214. What a difference in a few years. it really is a miracle. It’s great to read of the turnaround and how you are now experiencing harmony. Just beautiful.

  215. The very idea of spending time with my family in such a confined proximity in the past would have sent me running for the hills as they say. However, thanks to studying with Universal Medicine, I love spending time with my family because I have been able to heal the ruts I was stuck in. Consequently it has empowered me to bring an entirely different quality to the family dynamic, a light hearted honest playfulness that supports everyone to engage with each other from a new prospective.

  216. Gorgeous Judith and I can so relate. When our family got together in years gone by it was the same madness, now it is as you say a complete transformation. And I agree it is a miracle . . . the living miracle of love in action.

    1. “… love in action” lived within one, lived within a family unit, shows us the potential of how this love in action can be lived with everyone, that we are part of one global family.

  217. I think that we have created a false picture around the word ‘miracle’, believing it has to be some elaborate and rather grande spectacle but in truth, when people change fundamental patterns of behaviour and ways of being, this is miraculous and Universal Medicine has supported many of us to be part of and witness many of these miracles.

  218. If a family is madness and chaos there can not be true family there. For family is about supporting one another hence why I consider myself blessed to have family all around the globe, some whom i’ve only spoken to in person once or twice!

  219. This shows that life is all about choices… we can choose to be loving with ourselves and others – or not… it is simply a choice.

  220. ‘we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ – when we make our movements about love first, there is an innate grace with which we treat each other, an unspoken consideration and depth of care that permeates everything.

  221. When there is an honouring of ourselves and all equally there can be nothing sharp so to speak to push or poke people therefore resistance and barriers drop. There is a total allowing to simply be ourselves. This is beautiful to hear in a large family group, thanks for sharing.

  222. Serge Benhayon and his family are leading the way. Showing us all by the way they live that there is another way possible. A path that is much deeper and richer than we can imagine. Your trip to Barcelona is living proof of what is possible.

  223. Relationships can be so simple and amazing in life and they are really the foundation for great expansion and evolution in ourselves as a person. No wonder that we find the most issues in relationships and that this is the place where we see ‘the worst come out’ of people. It is just that we avoid this expansion in ourselves – as soon as we start to heal and let go of issues and saying yes to expansion these issues disappear. It is really cool.

  224. It’s sad how in today’s day and age we cannot just use the true meaning of words to expose what is not true because we have such a thing as debate and this creates justification for why things are as they are instead of exposure of them. We need a reflection of a loved way. That’s what brings back truth to words.

  225. How simple it actually is to have everyone feel taken care of and enjoy being with one another. “We started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love”. The first step is always our one choices.

  226. I love the expansion from ‘get along fine’ (which most would accept as a great marker for family relationships) to ‘interacting lovingly with each other’. That may sound like a small step but it makes all the difference to what it feels like to live together as a cohesive, supportive and deeply caring group.

  227. Simple and so succinct Judith ‘we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ … and that’s it, it starts with us and when we stop worrying about what others are doing and take care of how we are and listen to how our bodies feel, naturally we present a body to another which is less loaded and more open and there is space in our interaction with others. This is beautiful and so accessible to all of us, thank you for sharing.

  228. Judith, this is really lovely to read, it makes me realise that families do not have to stay the same, that relationships can change and evolve, it is very beautiful how your relationships are now based on love first.

  229. What an amazing time to appreciate. Families coming together can sometimes mean chaos and tension – but this is an amazing example of how it does not have to be this way, and it is as simple as us choosing to let in more love. That is so confirming that family dynamics are a choice.

  230. That is definitely a miracle the world of families could do with experiencing ! It is really beautiful sharing with people and for harmony to be the majority of the experience rather than arguing.

  231. Being away from our natural surroundings can support us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. A connection we can then take back home with us to enrichen our lives.

  232. Many people I know, including myself, tried for years and years to change their lives to no avail. Life only changed when attending Universal Medicine Workshops which supported us to deal with the underlying root course of our issues which then supported us to make different choices and connect with the love we innately are.

  233. Powerful, for when we make life about love it dispels that which is not from truth- offering a reflection that truly inspires another to be who they truly are.

  234. ‘….through the mere reflection of a different life-style – as we were never told what to do or how to do it – we not only get along just fine, but interact lovingly with each other, ‘
    Reflection of people who are living the love they are, is so powerful because it’s not just what is seen, it’s what’s felt on a particle level in our bodies. Our bodies feel and register the truth of who we are and we can return to love too – it’s who we are. It’s natural and easy when we allow it to be.

  235. This is amazing – I think most could relate to your description of family being a love hate relationship of bickering and fights and many express their wish that they could get out of family reunions at the holidays for example. What your sharing is that it is possible to all come together and despite differences truly get along.

  236. How simple life becomes when we are listening “to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” Being Love in every situation is the Key to a full-filled life that needs look no further than what we already have. As you say Judith, miracles or a “miracle” is only just around the corner if we all at least start with decency and respect towards one another as your family has shown in this evolving and expanding relationship.

  237. Beautiful sharing Judith. I know you and your family and it’s awesome so observe you together.

  238. Miracles are traditionally thought of as extreme, freak, unexplainable occurrences. But to me, this blog is the true version of a miracle; something that changes the world and the way we live – forever, and what you are all living will do exactly that.

  239. This certainly proves how unifying love can be… imagine if all of humanity put…”…the teachings of Universal Medicine into practise?” Going by your family’s experience Judith, there would be harmony in brotherhood.

  240. Family dynamics is an accepted part of normal life and up until I met Serge Benhayon I didn’t know it was possible to live without the squabbles, hurts and disappointments. He has shown and role modelled an entirely different way of living with others that becomes possible to apply when we deal with our hurts and bring greater love into our lives. When a whole family (or a larger portion of it) make the same dedicated choices then, oh wow… watch the old dissolve.

  241. Commitment to living love first and foremost, and dedication to following our bodies wisdom, brings about so much positive change for everyone.

  242. I started attending Universal Medicine workshops about ten years ago and have been incorporating their teachings into my life. At exactly the same time, I started my own new family and now have a wife and three children. I am in constant awe and appreciation of what we have all learnt, the patterns of ‘family life’ that we have broken and the ever-evolving support, love, appreciation and purpose that we all have as a collection of five people living together. None of this, absolutely none of it would have happened without Universal Medicine and the living inspiration that is the Benhayon family.

  243. It is a miracle Judith. When we live together in harmony magic happens, life opens up and offers us so much more, than the confines and restrictions of constant bickering and arguing. Make it about love first and foremost and everything changes, especially our relationships.

  244. I have always had family issues, and yet I can testify to the same experience, a miracle has happened in that I now enjoy being with family and sharing all of me.

  245. When we make the shift from being in our heads to being in our bodies and listening to all they have to communicate – it’s a life-changer, a relationship changer and sometimes a new career changer – it is amazing how much I have embraced change – thanks to listening to my body and all its wise guidance.

  246. Yes wow, that is a huge change for no family therapy or obvious intervention. Just shows the power of reflection… and the responsibility we have to be the change we want before we expect it from anyone else. A beautiful testimony to the flow on affect of living the principles of the Ancient Wisdom.

  247. I have my brother and family of five staying with me at the moment and we are getting along famously. I know this is not necessarily because they have changed but because I have, in the way that I am honouring and loving in relationship with myself and therefore with others too.

  248. To shift from constant bickering to a flow and harmony with all members taking responsibility for their part in the re-union is indeed a miracle. A miracle which is possible for all families when the foundation comes from love first.

  249. That is a beautiful miracle to have everyone together and being able communicate and enjoy each others company, especially where there is teenagers.

  250. “…we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” When love comes first, there is no end of possibilities as to what can change.

  251. ‘We genuinely tried hard to get out of it and to change our ways.’ I wonder how many people have genuinely tried hard to change but found that ultimately it doesn’t truly work. It is certainly so for me. My life really changed when I learned about ‘being love’ rather than trying to get it from other people. If we are all trying to get love from each other, who has the love to give to another? Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine reminded me that life is about choosing to ‘be love’ and reconnecting to the source of love within and then the trying stopped and the being began. No amount of trying can achieve this. But the choice to reconnect to the love innate in us can.

    1. It’s an interesting point that you nail here. “if we are all trying to get love…” Ultimately that is what family dynamics often are. A collection of people who all bring their individual hurts, unresolved issues and lack of lived self-love to the gathering, added into which is a mix of expectations, ideals, beliefs. Then the fact that everyone there is “trying to get love” from someone else and what results is a volatile and doomed concoction.

      1. Yes – who is bringing the love to the ‘party’? It seems we expect it to magically appear from somewhere.

      2. But is this the problem; that we feel that love is something that we ‘bring’ or that we have to find or go and get…all of which pull us away from the eternal fact that love is innately within us all and who we all already are. The irony is that for so many the dynamics of a family make it one of the hardest environments for us to actually be our true selves.

    2. When I try to get love from another things go awry immediately – arrangements are made within relationships – you do this for me and I’ll do this for you and if we break this arrangement then we feel hurt because that person (especially if a family member) should be doing this for me if they really loved me etc. But when I come from love, see we are all love, then there is an understanding of myself and others and a love there that holds a space for them to make their choices, for them to be themselves with no imposition that they have to be a certain way to fulfil my needs. Then magic can happen, where life can be wonderful and fun.

      1. It seems to me that something happens the moment we get into ‘seeking love’ from others. In the act of seeking love we are in fact confirming that we don’t have it, and then all our movements and actions henceforth simply confirm what we at first chose to believe. It is what might be termed a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. ‘I want love because I haven’t got it’. What we must have the courage to do is to question the basic premise itself – that being the assumption that I don’t have love in the first place. What if we do? Then our seeking is in fact a negation of the love that we already have and are, and our pursuit of it obviates this truth.

    3. Great point Richard, we keep chasing after love, hoping for it, asking for it, even demanding it from others until we realise that we can connect to it within us and that it will shine out the more we allow it to be.

      1. It has been a miracle in my life. Start being love and stop seeking it in others. Life turned inside out.

  252. The amazing thing is that none of this growing circle of families is not special, many if not all had disharmony as part of their norm. We all can all make new choices and make disfunction a thing of the past.

  253. When we put aside our ideals and beliefs about family and how things should be and then make it about love instead family dynamics change. Thank you Judith.

  254. So true Doug, the Benhayon’s have pulled Love back to its purest source & that flies in the face of the reinterpretation we have all been fed.

  255. I was people watching yesterday in a city while sitting in a coffee shop with my family looking out at everyone walking by and feeling the disconnection of society. No one says hello to each other as they pass, eyes are diverted. Everyone seems on a mission to get somewhere as quickly as possible with as little communication as possible. Inside the coffee shop families and friends had gathered and were chatting, but there was still that lack of intimacy with each other. You can actually feel the protection that everyone seems to be in, so they don’t get hurt any more than they are already. So my question has to be what are the hurts that we carry around that prevent us all from fully interacting and communicating lovingly with each other?

  256. The way that the Benhayon family move and live is counter to anything else i have ever seen, their humility, their embrace of humanity and their dedication to living love offers a reflection that is the future lived today and your experience together Esther is the glorious power of their lived example.

    1. Yes. The cycles of momentum within families are so super strong; each generation living in reaction to, or the shadows of, whatever was lived before them. So it is a true game-changer to have families like yours Judith and the Benhayons and the other families who have been inspired by Universal Medicine, of which I count my own to be one, to be living in a way that can begin to break these cycles and momentums. True, deep, forever change.

  257. Squabbling, bickering, fighting,foul mouthing, back stabbing, bitching, quarrelling, arguing, sulking, brooding and many more similar behaviours have all become accepted and normal ways of behaving, so much so that many people feel decidedly odd when they don’t have these things on their relationships. However normal these things might feel, none of them are part of our natural way.

    1. This is very true Alexis. So much so that when I stopped these behaviours I wondered how I was going to live without the drama! But without the drama there is so much room for so much more. Our natural beautiful qualities can then shine through.

    2. So so true Alexis, they do become normal, and it is not until we get a reflection of another way that we get to see that yes there is a different choice here for me to make, there is a different way to relate to myself and then to all others.

    3. Alexis, I feel exhausted just reading your list here! The fact that we have accepted them as normal is a massive indictment on the daily choices we make that are contra to the natural love we are in essence.

  258. A beautiful reflection of how easy it can be for us to cohabitate together when we all choose to take responsibility for the way we are choosing to live and share the love that we all are.

  259. How gorgeous that you were able to spend that time together in a busy city, and not a very large space for nine people, with everyone holding their own flow within the flow of your whole group.

  260. Indeed Judith we tend to behave “like a record playing over and over again” and the funny thing actually is that we do not recognise it as such because we think we are pretty intelligent and stand far above such silly behaviour. But the reality of life shows that we are not that smart and intelligent at all.

  261. When I think about all the dysfunctional families in this world that carry on in this way needlessly for it has become their normal, I take great joy in the knowing that this doesn’t have to be the way as you have shown here Judith. Add love, take away competition and start deeply caring for ourselves first and the world can change overnight.

  262. This is gorgeous Judith, we can get stuck and stubborn in our hurts and keep repeating the same patterns believing that it can’t be changed. You have shown how powerful being inspired by another living truth and love can be.

  263. What a beautiful family holiday! It makes my heart feel warm, it is the way we all long to be together but at times do not allow because of our own hurts or judgments.

  264. I too have noticed that the more I have applied the wisdoms so fluently shared by Serge Benhayon, the more normal and gentle my family relationships are becoming. When we bring an open and willing heart to the every situation, we have the capacity to transform habitual reactions into a light-hearted response and from there anything is possible.

  265. Judith that is indeed a miracle what you have shared about the changes in your family. It is also very inspiring to read that it is possible to change such ingrained family behavior. Love without emotions or solutions seems to be really the best medicine ever and my feeling is most of us need more of this medicine in every angle of our lives.

  266. That’s it Judith – it is so very simple to make our interactions and our way of living come from love. when we do it is amazing what unfolds.

  267. Amazing how what once seemed so permanent and stuck, could change without intense planning and trying, and become a flourishing celebration of love. A beautiful lesson for us thankyou Judith.

  268. This is deeply touching that by seeing a different perspective on life family relationships can become harmonious instead of a war zone. Thank you for sharing you story.

  269. Even in cases where the whole family is not on board with what’s on offer in terms of another way to do life, and remain challenging to be with, our willingness to embrace change for ourselves can mean we react far less to what’s going on.

  270. How wonderful that your entire family has taken on board the principles presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. This is proof positive of how long-entrenched patterns – patterns so ingrained you give up on trying to change them – can in fact turn into something altogether different. Now image these principles applied to not just families, but to all groups everywhere.

  271. “Hardly ever a day passed by where not at least one person left the room hurt, or someone was crying or screaming. There was constant bickering about who does what and who always did this and who never did that and why does it always have to be me…” – you’ve captured my own childhood and probably everyone else’s too with this line Judith. And they say this is typical or normal family. It is far from normal though closely the reality. The addition of love as you show us takes it to true family. The way it is.

  272. That is miraculous Judith! I understand how it is when family reunite together each year etc. For all to be in harmony and hold it is a great feat. I would say one of the greatest feats. This is our future together as a One mankind in brotherhood in harmony. It’s proof that it can be done through the power of love. Great sharing!

  273. It is remarkable what is possible when we hold our own rhythms with a loving consistency. When we look after our own and listen to the body every one receives the benefits. When we heal our own hurts we do not have the expectations or pictures of how our families should be.

  274. I love this Judith, the simplicity we can live in when we make life about love.

  275. I recently had a family reunion after not seeing everyone together for 11 years. There were challenging moments of experiencing abuse, disharmony and a lot of shouting. Also there were experiences of love and laughter. What I have learnt from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine supported me to stay steady, not react or get emotionally caught up to the best of my ability. The difference in my experience from 11 years ago and my recent visit was a miracle too. When we departed, one of my family members thanked me for bringing love to the family. This was a gorgeous appreciation and was very confirming to me that we are here to be love, to reflect love to our families, friends, colleagues, neighbours and humanity no matter how much disharmony is around us because love is the only way.

  276. Very inspiring Judith, there is always the opportunity to re-imprint family gatherings with the honouring of what our bodies are willing to show us and our hearts truly know.

  277. That is inspirational, thank you so much for sharing. Family relationships really don’t need to be about confrontation, we do however, have to take ownership of what we bring to each and every relationship for that to come into any kind of activity.

  278. “…we started to listen to our bodies…” – the body naturally seeks harmony, truth and love and is very aware of the absence of these qualities but the mind has a bunch of good reasons why to continue the righteous arguments and behaviours although we are suffering from the consequences.

  279. That does sound like a miracle! I don’t have a very big extended family, but even within the immediate family unit of 4 it can be my worst nightmare in terms of how everyone treats each other. We are always amazed if an event together ends without some kind of major disruption. But, gosh to simply respect ourselves and then one another…what a world of difference that clearly makes.

  280. When you attend Universal Medicine courses you offer a reflection to others close to you, thus giving them an opportunity to change the way they are living if they so choose, without any need for them to have anything to do with Universal Medicine.

  281. Outstanding sharing and a pretty simple recipe for a glaringly powerful result. I wonder how many of us can relate to this, I certainly can and when you try and try to fix something but it continues to come back you in the end just give up. When, “we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.” then it changes the view on the situation, you don’t spend time trying to fix or make something better but more take charge of how you are in it. You bring a different quality to the situation and almost by osmosis or alchemy things start to change. Then all you need do is keep expanding or deepening the same ingredient, love and the change is continued and in place of being in the mess you stand firm and keep bringing all back to that love, miraculous.

  282. Yes it is very joyful to be living, walking, loving miracles and yet that is who and how we all are at essence so the real miracle is how abnormal and rare it is to live this normal.

  283. This is so beautiful to read. When we come from love and not solutions miracles happen!

  284. Super simple but a great Way that we can all be inspired by and learn from; “we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.”

  285. There is a simplicity in what you share and that makes it so profound. We often see life as complicated and think it is as it is, but it must not be that way. All that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon bring and present is a simple way of living where the focus is on true love and people and the effect and benefits are enormous towards a true good for all, as you share here.

  286. Judith what a great example of the how living the principles of what Universal Medicine present, taking care of ourselves in the true meaning of the word and being responsible for the quality of energy we are in actually changes the entire foundation of relationships and allows something that should be normal but is rare in society. A footprint for the rest of society.

    1. Yes, a great example of putting of how it is not knowledge that brings about change, instead it is through how one lives based on love, “…. and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.”

  287. Judith we have come to accept the ‘family madness’ that you describe, as our everyday normal. In fact not only that but we view the same ‘family madness’ as ‘happy families’ purely because in comparison to many other families that level of disfunction is preferable.

  288. There are many, many families in this world that could take a leaf out of your book Judith, so many living out misery when it so easily can be turned around.

  289. Universal Medicine has always inspired me to put aside differences and disagreements, and to love unconditionally (as is the only way to love) so.

  290. Thanks for sharing this Judith – a super read. Yes, this transition is miraculous and yet entirely possible when we inspire by being role models rather than simply through words and intention.

  291. Being open for a change needs absolute innocence in meeting each other again. When we pin down people, how they used to behave, how we “know” them, they will never get the chance or support to be actually who they truly are.

  292. Thank you Judith for documenting this simple way of truly changing something in relation with others. No relationship is cursed to stay troubled, no matter how long it was disharmonious, everything is possible to get new imprinted, as long as we are willing to do so.

  293. The more I see my family as people and not ‘my’ family, the easier I find it is to be loving with them.

  294. A clear example of the wisdom shared by Serge Benhayon and his family, a way of living way that turns what we have accepted as ‘normal’ completely on its head.

  295. What a beautiful sharing Judith. The joy in reading your words is felt deeply within my body.
    “We put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice. Which is really simple – we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love”.

  296. The powerful reflection of love reunites families and inspires them to interact in the way they always wanted to but could not maintain without introducing self care and thus healing the deeply embedded hurts that were up to then always just under the surface waiting to be reignited.

  297. When we truly make it about love anything is possible; this is a great reminder for me. This also shows the power of reflection one someone, in this case Universal Medicine, lives in a way knowing that all they do in every moment .. even when no one is around or watching, affects others.

  298. Thats cool Judith and I can say the same. My family had much bickering and blaming and these days there is none of that. All the heavy emotions and dynamics I thought would never change slowly but surely melted away the more each worked with the teachings of Universal Medicine.

    1. Awesome Leigh, your family is a miracle too. Many of us have experienced family issues and fallouts and not know how to change from being in disharmony to being loving. What you and Judith shared shows us what is possible and how we can live together in harmony. You are showing us the way and inspired by the teachings of Universal Medicine everyday miracles are happening globally.

  299. That’s an amazing turn-around and it strikes me how you didn’t get there by attaching to an ideal of how you wanted your time together to look but by focusing on what truly felt loving from your whole body…

    1. Yes and accepting where everyone is at and just loving them and connecting to who they are and not any stuff that gets in the way.

      1. So true, Karin. I have found accepting where a person is at and not setting out to change or hoping to change them is really vital when developing relationships with everyone – no matter whether it’s with people in one’s family, with friends or at work. In fact I have experienced a real blurring of the lines of demarcation that used to separate these groups, as I’m now feeling the word ‘family’ encapsulates so much more than what the world currently sees it as meaning.

  300. Wow, yes a modern day miracle indeed! Harmony is innately within us – how wonderful when a group can surrender to it.

  301. It sounds very simple but when put to practice with people and family around it takes steadiness and loving tenderness with ourselves and others to surrender to the body first and foremost but when the focus is love as your family has testified it can be done. The true power of Livingness needs no enforcement and it can be felt and there is a natural pull.

  302. I agree, Judith this is a miracle. There are not too many families in the world that could get-together for 4 days without any mishap, bickering or old hurts rising up to disturb the peace. Arguing often takes precedence. To be together in a different way is truly possible.

  303. Families are notorious for bringing up old and ingrained patterns. What you show Judith is how simple and easy it is to change when we make it about love first.

  304. This is such a great reminder that we are not our patterns or behaviours, and that we can change. Relationships and how we are with each other can be ever-evolving and deepening, and are as only as set in stone as we make them to be.

    1. Well said Bryony we are not our patterns and behaviours and we can change these with our movements. It is a matter of choice and what we choose to align to will allow further changes to take place.

  305. I love the simplicity in what you share with us about this miracle. When we apply the teachings in our own lives true love determines our movements and we cannot be but harmonious and enjoy being with each other regardless what our age is.

  306. When we hold ourselves in love and reflect this out to others it’s beautiful to see the subtle changes that people make.

  307. Thank you Judith, this is very awesome to read. Your piece especially speaks to me about when there is an overwhelming sense that it can feel impossible to get along as a family, or even just as a group of people, when we are all put together and made to share living space. But then to have this tension and turmoil completely turned around quite simply because love has been made the priority in each relationship. This is gorgeous and touching and showing of the true power we all have to transform our relationships because love is always there ready and waiting to be expressed.

  308. Very inspirational Judith and this blog is a celebration and appreciation of how your family have made different choices that have lead you all to a more harmonious way of being with each other.

  309. Thank you Judith. Great to hear how your family gatherings have really blossomed. Generally, relationships that have been difficult in the past for me have eased hugely and there is so much more love. Some ‘family’ relationships are still very challenging and to remind myself that it is the deepening of my own relationship with myself, and how I conduct myself, listening to my body, that really counts for the most is humbling but also very welcome.

  310. Judith this is truly a miracle well worth celebrating considering how almost every family is dysfunctional and abusive in one way or another these days. It would seem the key to getting under the issue and truly healing there must be a clear understanding of what true love really is. Most say they have love in their family but whilst under the illusion that love is in anyway abusive we are not going to change anything

  311. There is nothing quite so ‘heart-meltingly’ beautiful as people reconnecting to love and humbleness and expressing from love with each other. How wonderful it is when we set pride aside and allow ourselves to speak lovingly and with appreciation for ourselves and each other. A recipe for harmony in our families – and in humanity. Thank you Judith.

  312. Very beautiful Judith to read how you and your family members have come to this through your own individual choices because you have all been inspired by each other. It is only in this way that we can ever make a difference, by subtly living by example and without having to shout it from the rooftops to make sure everyone will know. Its very inspiring.

  313. Judith, I am spending a few days with my family and this is the 2nd year we have got together in a rented cottage by the sea to spend a few days with each other. And we have just naturally fallen into a gentle rhythm. We cook together, everyone seems content to more or less eat the same food, and more than anything we enjoy each others company. We had such fun last year we decided to have another go this year. For our family it is a miracle and I know this would not have been possible if I had not put the teachings of Universal Medicine into practice.
    Written with the permission of my family

  314. ‘we started to listen to our bodies and made the focus of life first and foremost about love.’ Judith, this article is really lovely to read and shows the potential there is for relationships to change, making the focus about love feels key.

  315. This is an absolutely gorgeous testimony that The Way of The Livingness works, thank you Judith.

  316. Life simply works when we put our principles and the truth at the forefront of our lives and we make our life about quality and live with an understanding that everyone is here to learn. That makes it so much easier to not take things personally and to give people the grace and space and understanding that they need, regardless of what has occurred.

  317. When we become the love we truly are and begin to live it, it inspires others be the same. I’ve noticed similar changes in my own family, when one person changed the way they communicated and related to each family member. Now, it’s as if we’ve settled in ourselves, connecting more with each other and as we do battles and tensions are falling away.

  318. Brilliant Judith and honest too. Nothing like bringing families together, for example at Christmas, to expose simmering resentments and tensions. To observe it is one thing, to work with and through it a blessing. Universal Medicine inspires each one of us to work as one, not individuals. And as one family, a microcosm of the one human family, we are called to live in a way that fosters co-operation and harmony. As you say a miracle or blessing when this new energy of Love becomes the embodied way.

  319. How beautiful Judith. What a powerful example of the power of reflection – the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine. You and your family are now an inspiration.

  320. I love your simple sharing here Judith, of what it is like when we come together without any of the old patterns and hurts that create disharmony, but instead with openness and love.

  321. No one likes to be told what to do, but to be shown how you can live through reflection, there is no reaction to that, only a strong feeling and a consideration for another to choose or not if they want the same. If we live with integrity and love emanating, then very often the other person will respond in the same way. Beautiful sharing Judith.

  322. This is a great example, which shows that families do not have to be in conflict with each other, and can enjoy each others company no matter what the age range is.

  323. Isn’t it awesome how, once we are reminded of who we are and the grace that resides within us, we gently begin to change our relationships with ourselves and with one another, allowing the God given miracles to appear before our eyes. And then one day we realise these miracles are normal and this is how everyday life should be. I too immensely appreciate the reflection that Serge Benhayon offers us all, the grace of his family and work colleagues that perpetually re-establish what true normal is.

  324. This sounds amazing Judith. If I didn’t know anything about the teachings of Universal Medicine I would want to know more about what it was that inspired you to change, and what you put into practice to support that change.

  325. How absolutely beautiful Judith what an amazing place to come to with true connection and flow within you all as one with the inspiration and way of living from the teachings and understandings of Universal Medicine in your lives and true love lived. A real joy to share thank you.

  326. Changing our lifestyle is not only beneficial to our health it is also very beneficial to our relationships. Less agitation in the body also results in less agitation in relationships.

  327. Your old normal is an apt discretion of a majority Christmas family get-togethers. The annual gathering becomes one of Dante’s rings that never ends. Our family has also changed, as has your and many others by also putting the teachings of Universal Medicine into daily practice.

  328. Wow. True family life and makes me consider my family life when I grew up.

  329. What we call miracles in this way is actually our normal way of living, but unfortunately have forgotten about and in that loss of connection the most horrendous can happen. And that is that we start to argue and end up bickering with raised voice in complete denial of the love and deep care we actually feel for one another. Returning from that ingrained way of being together we indeed may call a miracle, as a miracle it actually is when these changes seems to be actually so simple.

  330. Who in their heart doesn’t want to experience harmony and love with their fellow human beings? As you have shown even with the best of intentions to change it can feel impossible, yet the change happened with your focus on self care (led by the body) and love, all via the support and inspiration of Universal Medicine. I’m sure your article would be of interest to millions of families.

  331. Yes Judith this is a miracle and one that is being mirrored in my own family. There is nothing that I could wish for more than this, I feel rich beyond measure.

  332. ” including the young ones that are actually passing through the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood.” We have noticed this ease of transitioning with the members in our family also, there is less friction and complication, without perfection and more joy, ease and flow as we choose to live ‘ The Way of The Livingness’.

  333. What your experience essentially highlights for us Judith is that there are two ways to live life and be with each other – one is simply to connect with one another and be in the rhythm and flow of life, moving in harmony with each other, and the other to move against this and by so doing create a disturbance that will then create separation between us.

    1. It is true there are two ways to live – one is harmonious and one disharmonious. I only experienced many, many different flavours and versions of the one disharmonious way before I met Serge Benhayon and his family. They were the first family that showed me the truly harmonious way which is what I always knew deep within must exist. Once you experience the joy and freedom of the harmonious way, you experience a marker in the body that opens up to a whole new seemingly miraculous and yet normal and joyful way of living and relating 🙂

  334. I have often found myself reacting to unloving behaviour within my family, yet, when I stop and allow myself to be honest, I realise that I too still have the very same pattern of behaviour – a gorgeous reflection to always be open to what life is showing me.

  335. Beautiful and inspiring to read, being respectful to one’s own body transfers over to respect with one another. You show how building a relationship with ourselves naturally raises the quality of relationships we have with one other.

  336. Some of my most treasured moments with my extended family is spending a weekend together, just hanging out, playing. It is an important part of life that is disappearing. Thank you Serge Benhayon and family for supporting me to remember what it is like to have true relationships with everyone. I have missed it so!

  337. Great article, Judith, I can very much relate to the patterns of behaviour that can exist within families and how when we take things personally, the situation can quickly escalate and become very inflammatory. I am appreciating more and more that the greatest change comes through the power of reflection. People being inspired to change the way they are living, not because they are being asked to do so, but from being around others who are living the truth of who they are and feeling the same foundation of love within themselves.

  338. Judith what an awesome and simple blog that shows that living with harmony is the natural cohesive way and that this way can be so at any stage of family life when there is the openness of just one truly loving person that can allow another to turnaround and see the beauty of togetherness over any fight.

  339. I enjoyed reading this and feeling how families can be with each other. So often there are many issues that are given preference over really holding and respecting each other and being able to see beyond the surface level stuff to really just enjoy each other- which is what we all want.

  340. Beautiful Judith. The simplicity of the way in which we move our vehicles of expression i.e bodies and how their voices make a symphony within our connections and ignite harmony in every step. Truly inspiring thank you.

  341. This sure is a beautiful way of lovingly living.
    I can totally understand and relate to dinner time conversations where theres blame game rather than responsibility and someone or few people’s feelings getting hurt and eithrr react or leave the dinner rather than seeing it as an opportunity to see what is there for each of us to feel deeper on what affected us and talk about that.
    We all each hold a key to bring harmony and love first and foremost for us & from there it just naturally emanates from us and does have a natural flow on affect on others. Your miraculous way of being with eachother in your family is very inspirational and you make it seem it’s possible to have that a normal.

  342. Awesome Judith. It is so common to have arguments, disharmony and people getting upset when families get together but if we all like you shared, live love first and foremost we would have a different experience, one of deep connection and harmony. What I have observed recently in one of my family visits is that blame and hurts get in the way of us expressing love. Until we heal our old hurts they will replay again and again like a broken record interfering with true connection.

  343. Thank you Judith – showing us that family re-union is possible, and so we have the key to re-imprint our lives ; the relationship with ourselves and with eachother. This is a blessing of love.. For each and every single one of us !

    1. There is much to inspire in the blog and the one that we re-imprint our lives is beautifully shown here.

  344. A powerful example of how adults role modelling in a true and loving way will naturally inspire children and teenagers to be their innate loving selves too.

    1. Indeed Paula and I can feel that we as adults have a responsibility in that. If our young are not doing well we have to consider our way of life too as it has an direct effect on how we raise our children by way of reflection and role modeling, in other words how, up to that point, have we conducted our lives and taken responsibility for all of our behaviours in life.

    2. Yes, true parenting starts with us and always includes us in our development and learning.

  345. Beautiful Judith… living proof that love changes everyone, and inspires many more.

  346. The power of what is taught only comes to fruition when we stop talking about it and start living it. Knowledge is not much use, it needs to be put into practice and when that happens – magic can happen quite naturally.

    1. I agree Simonwilliams8, all the talk in the world makes very little difference, but I see clearly how children pay close attention to how the adults around them behave and then copy that.

  347. Beautiful Judith, sometimes it can be tempting to think we need to tell other people what to think or how to behave. But we so greatly underestimate the power we have in our own choices and the moves that we make. These communicate everything in the strongest way. We are already expressing so much whether we realise it or not – the question is more what is the quality of what we let out? Whatever we choose certainly has a huge effect on our 7 billion family members here.

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