My search for something more to life…

by Rosie Bason, Byron Bay

My search for something more to life first started when I was about 20 years old and living in the Caribbean. I started going to a guided meditation group, then I decided to learn Reiki but still continued to smoke and drink and eat foods that were not good for me.

I then studied for a diploma in Herbal medicine, learnt Kinesiology and several other modalities. I still continued to abuse my body; I would take drugs, smoke, eat junk food and not sleep properly… even though I had studied about the body and how it works. 

I then tried Buddhism: I would sit for half or sometimes an hour every day looking at a box on the wall with a special script in it and I would chant away, hoping that it would bring me enlightenment and make for a happier life. I got to the honesty that I did not like my life, but I did not know how to change it, other than read about Buddhism. At the same time I also read many well-known self-help and New Age books. I did all these hoping things would change, but without looking at me and taking responsibility… so I continued with my loveless lifestyle. I was not enjoying life and I was still searching for more to life.

It was not until I moved to Byron Bay and was introduced to Universal Medicine that it all changed. I remember having a session with an Esoteric Practitioner and getting really upset because I realised that everything that I had grown up thinking was true was actually so very far from truth. I felt that I had really gotten lost in all the ideals and beliefs that I had learnt about. I thought that I had to keep looking on the outside to find the happiness and to find joy – I had not realised that it started from within. I felt sad that no-one and no book or course had ever made it that simple for me. I felt angry that I had allowed myself to be fooled and that I had invested so much time and energy into all of these modalities that never taught me how to discern energy and how to truly connect to me.

For me the learning has never stopped since; I have become more aware of energy and I can feel it in my body. I can feel it when I choose to be connected to me, and when I am not. I can feel it in my body if I choose to eat something that is not good for me (I get bloated, or cramps, or worse, diarrhoea), I can feel it if I overwork, if I stay up too late, and I can feel it if I am doing something for another that really is at the expense of myself. I feel this as being tired, or my legs ache, or if I take a minute to lie still I can feel how fast and racy my whole body feels.

We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel. There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.

222 thoughts on “My search for something more to life…

  1. It is a choice to open up and listen to our bodies, to become more aware and loving, is an amazing choice to make, ‘make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.’

  2. We have an immense resource in our body, it is like a wise best friend, ‘We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.’

  3. Every experience we have in life can be a great lesson for us to learn, when we open up and let go of the identification with the individual self. No need to be ashamed or apologetic when we are absolutely honest with ourselves.

  4. “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.” All those years in formal education and we are never taught this most important lesson in life.

  5. True knowing lets us know that we do not know it all, that we are a forever student. Life is about learning to move with and in response to the constant expansion. Accumulating knowledge and building a vault and locking it for safe-keeping is not it.

  6. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.” There is a deep honesty and humility to learning, if we can’t let go of something harmful or are staying stuck we may have investments or hurts, etc, preventing us from staying open and going to the next level of learning and understanding.

  7. When we think we have learnt something that will better how we cope with life, to find that it only keeps us further away from who we are can be difficult to accept. It is only through feeling things for ourselves that we get to truly accept and make changes to our lives.

  8. Whats so beautiful about the presentations and courses of Universal Medicine is that they are forever evolving and offering us a chance to do the same.

  9. Yes and that has become the norm so we stop thinking the unease is anything but normal. If nothing else gets our attention, the rising rates of illness and depression mean we must reconsider what we have taken as normal.

  10. There are so many ways we can take on energy. What you have shared here are some very practical ways we can take a moment to consider if we are taking things on or have patterns of behaviour that are, in fact, harming us.

  11. These days if ever I feel stuck or lost in life I know to come back to and feel my whole body. Thats where all the truest and simplest answers come from.

    1. Our body is such a wise best friend, ‘I have become more aware of energy and I can feel it in my body. I can feel it when I choose to be connected to me, and when I am not.’

  12. Those moments when you realise that something you have invested in and thought was the real deal wasn’t can be challenging to accept but nonetheless very awesome at the same time.

  13. “I got to the honesty that I did not like my life, but I did not know how to change it”. I can remember getting to this point in my life, many times, each time upping the search for something that I hoped would fix the mess I saw my life as, but all that searching did nothing but confuse me even further and take me further away from me. And like you it was not until I attended my first Universal Medicine event that my life began to make sense and the need for searching outside of me was no longer needed.

  14. You said it quite clear there, if the modality you’re engaged in is not considering the well-being of the body it gives itself away to be false doesn’t it. It’s hard to be healthy in a unhealthy body.

  15. My life has also been one of searching for what is true and twelve years ago I came to a ‘Universal Medicine’ workshop that presented something different but at the same time felt true in my body. After twelve years I am still learning how energy works through my body and what true energy feels like. The subtle differences at times have been confusing, manly because I am still numbing myself from truly feeling, by either ‘eating’ the foods that numb my body, or over eating those foods that would allow my body to expand. So I am still learning and still on the path of return, and a forever student of The Livingness. I will always bring all of me to everything I can to the best of my ability all the time! There are no short cuts I have found and it is simple to start out with Gentleness.

  16. Finding a happy way of being only at best would last a few hours but finding joy that is so much part of every day for the Students of The Livingness has turned the whole world on its proverbial head with a deepened understanding of true living and the meaning of life.

  17. The search for something more to life is clearly a sign that life is not it as it is. Yet, this search comes from a body and from a being that are where they are and that precisely because of this may knock into doors that are not truly good for them. There is more to life. But also and perhaps more significative, there is also more to ourselves, much more and perhaps this is a good place to start.

    1. Dating ourselves is a much underrated dedication. I can see from Rosie’s blog I have another level to go to with my relationship with myself.

  18. It’s endless what we can learn moment to moment listening and feeling life and our body. Feeling is incorporating the body – thinking is using the mind — a vast difference.

    1. So often if I have thought about something without checking in with my body about it, chances are it’s a dead end and a very bad idea to follow that thought. Following what my body feels has only ever prospered.

  19. My wish for humanity is that we raise our children to keep their strong connection to their bodies. They have it in spades when they are young, they know what they want to eat, they stop when they are full, they respond when they are upset, they are full of joy etc… they know how to listen and respond to their bodies. Slowly they lose that out, they slowly sever their connection to their bodies, their being and they get consumed by the doing – being recognised for what they do, and often that comes at the expense of their bodies.

    The Way of the Livingness as presented by Universal Medicine, is showing people that there is a way to live in true connection to your bodies, and slowly but surely, more and more adults (and children) are re-connecting to their body’s wisdom and inspiring others around them to do the same.

  20. It’s amazing how the truth is and has always been there with us. Never has it not been, it is only obscured by our choices in how we live. Need and desire can blind us more than most could ever imagine.

  21. There is not an ounce of hope, wish or faith in what is presented by Universal Medicine, for it ignites or rather re-ignites a truth and knowing deep within us.

  22. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today” – this is such a wise statement. We often get so identified with what we invest in and It is hard to accept that was really not it and let it all go. And to become aware is to empower ourselves, so why put it off till later? Do it now.

  23. Thank you Rosie, it’s true that energetic awareness brings much in the way of discernment highlighting energetically whether something is true or not. It may be a behaviour, belief, a book, a workshop, etc, things we may have invested in and felt were “good”, but they all get exposed by the energetic truth and how this feels to our whole body. As you say it may take honesty and humility to let these things go, but what we get as a result is to live a true way in life, the way of the soul, the way of truth and love.

  24. Our relationship with our body is an essential key for us to live who we are. That this is not taught to us when we are children is a corruption to a way of being that is rightfully ours to be fostered and encouraged as we grow up. However the beautiful and inspiring thing is that this relationship always remains, always indicating the truth of our choices, so we are guided from within to live the truth of who we are.

  25. I did this to when studying anatomy and physiology and health, drank alcohol and smoked. The arrogance is incredible to think how we are living is okay and that it will not affect our health!!!

    1. We override what our body is telling us, at our expense, ‘I can feel it if I overwork, if I stay up too late, and I can feel it if I am doing something for another that really is at the expense of myself.’

  26. I have been in life searching for the outside aims, looking for distractions everywhere.. What I came to observe since meeting the Benhayon family is that this search is no longer necessary. I came to see how they were living that did not need that aim of searching outside. That you could be truly enough from your own livingness and that actually people that you meet can add to that. But from their loving conversations, reflections and actions I learned that my look for outside was actually not necessary at all. But they held me a mirror of the richness that I was/am, and so I began to take this mirror more seriously and I can say they are absolutely right, and unfolding of truly being me and feeling in my every way that this is enough.. Has started. And I am very thank full for that, so thank you whole Benhayon family.

  27. Thank you Rosie, it can be quite a shake up to find the truth. I have also had moments where I have acknowledged how much I had been fooled, when all along all I ever was searching for was right there within me. The truth is also very simple. It’s true also Rosie what you say about letting go of the past and getting on with choosing, being, and expressing love.

  28. It is our search that then holds tricks us into believing there is something more to life which inevitably takes us away from exploring and living our life from who we are naturally. When we return to the connection to our bodies and our movements day to day we begin to lay the foundation for life from simplicity and the searching for more simply begins to dissipate.

  29. The life we have is all about our choices, learning to not be a victim of our choices but taking loving responsibility by listening to our what our body is telling us and making the changes, what amazing opportunities we give to ourselves to heal.

  30. Rosie thank you so much for your honesty: “I felt angry that I had allowed myself to be fooled and that I had invested so much time and energy into all of these modalities that never taught me how to discern energy and how to truly connect to me.” This could be one reason why it is not so easy to stopp to look outside – we have to forgive ourselves for being so distracted by our own choice . . .

  31. The key is to not fall for the ideals and beliefs and to actually choose to let go of our patterns that seeks those falsities. We hold an enormous strength within us that can actually strip away all the lies and falsities we have created.. all it asks us is to be willing to let go of the evil (falsity) we have allowed. Which brings back the power of allowing the other energy in our lives that is actually free of evil that is: love.

  32. Universal Medicine is presenting that there is another way — but with an understanding of all the ways before followed, so only with more awareness we rise to a deeper understanding of why and what choices we have made. We are inspired by love, as this is what we all have been looking for. To actually find that it is all in you and me.

  33. I also did the merry-go-round of the spiritual new age and personal development, but honestly at the end of it all I was still in the same confusing and empty place. It wasn’t until I began working with Universal Medicine that things really started to change for me, and those changes have been sustained and continually built upon. Life for me is very different now, and continues to become more loving and joyful, and with significant changes to my overall wellbeing thanks to Universal Medicine.

  34. Gosh Rosie your blog is sharing something similar to how my life was, searching for that something. I had a library of books, attempted many other modalities and they just didn’t ever reach that point of emptiness stored within me.

    Universal Medicine has made a difference to my life that I am living my life from who I truely am. Connecting to my body more and more and fleeing what is going on in and around me – am I perfect at it, no, but compared to 3 years ago – definitely. I cannot thank Universal Medicine and the practitioners enough for bringing me back home.

  35. I too learned the hard way, often very hard, that not taking responsibility for my life lead to a very “loveless lifestyle”. I spent a whole lot of time searching for the answers to the messed-up life I was living as there was a part of me that knew that this wasn’t ‘it”. It was only when I found my way to Universal Medicine that I finally found what I was looking for and that was the true me who had been buried under layer upon layer of ideals, beliefs and life experiences. It has taken a while and a deep commitment to peel back these layers but it has so been worth it as I am loving the wonderful woman that I have rediscovered.

    1. Thank you Ingrid, I also knew there was a deeper truth to life, something missing that would explain it all. Thank goodness I did not give up searching as the work of Universal Medicine has been so life changing, with the biggest change being me returning to me, and looking within. Like yourself I have also uncovered and am loving the wonderful woman I am!

  36. As with all mistakes – once we nominate them and take responsibility it is time to move on and do it differently; shame or guilt only keep us shackled to the past.

  37. I remember looking for more in life, as I was sure there had to be a greater meaning. When I started going to presentations from Universal Medicine I realised that the way I was living my life was already separating me from connecting to what I knew deep down was true; it took a lot of honesty to start changing my choices and finding the true connection I hold inside.

  38. Rosie I agree it is a bitter pill to swallow when I started to realize that I have fooled myself for so long but as you so beautiful expressed after swallowing it life changed forever in a way I was always looking for.

  39. ‘We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.’ Spot on Rosie, this simple reminder makes perfect sense, it seems crazy how so many ignore the wisdom of the body – if more took notice I am sure the rate of illness and disease would decline considerably.

  40. It is noticeable that so many have searched high and low, East and West for that ‘something’ missing but when they come to the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom with Universal Medicine they know they have found the key to the door to looking ever deeper within their inner heart to find the truth.

  41. We do not like the world we live in and want to change it. Yet, by and large, we carry on with the same practices that in one way or another feed the ugliness we do not like. Ridiculous, isn’t it?

  42. Thank you Rosie for sharing your journey of coming to the truth of Universal Medicine, I can remember going through a period in my life where I tried out New Age modalities still searching here and there. One day I picked up a New Age book in a book shop and literally felt sick to my stomach, I put it down and never picked up another book until I came to discover the Purple books which I found hold the truth I was searching for.

  43. What a blessing for us all Rosie that, after a long search, you are now a forever student of The Way of the Livingness.

  44. It is sad that we spend our lives, occupy ourselves with our lifestyle choices, in search of that ‘thing’ that will give us a sense of contentment, fulfilment and purpose, when the fact is that ‘thing’ is a quality that is with us the entire time, from the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last, and beyond. Our connection to ourselves, to our love within, our Soul, is the purpose we are here and through developing a relationship with our bodies we can discover and be guided to know what it means to live with true enrichment. A quality of connection that can be present wherever you are and with whatever you do.

  45. You summed it up beautifully Rosie; “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.” And, as you say if we choose to drop our pride and what we have invested in, we can choose to be open and aware to the truth it offers us.

  46. It’s very interesting how we can study so much about some subject yet end up not quite getting connected with it; and how we feel the emptiness and keep seeking something, looking everywhere but our nearest and dearest place. It’s like we know exactly how not to get to where we say we want to.

  47. So often we go into things to take stuff on in an attempt to bury or cover up our hurts. The esoteric asks us to let go of all of this, let our hurts come to the surface to be dealt with so that they no longer dictate our thoughts, movements and actions.

  48. Love is a choice and even when I write this I feel the deepened awareness that comes when the truth is shared. So love can deepen by being more aware, and this in itself is so much more than what is the traditional version of love; as I remember before Universal Medicine that emotional love was considered by me as so called normal.

  49. We can indeed learn much from listening to our bodies but in this day and age where we are all too easily engulfed and caught up in the hustle and bustle of the fast-paced world around us sometimes actually stopping to care for ourselves and our bodies can be relegated to last on the list, a disregard that could well be being reflected to us in our escalating rates of disease and illness.

  50. It makes so sense to listen to our body and to be honest about our choices. Just like you Rosie it took me a long time to come to the truth that was in my body all the time. A lot of spiritual books and courses and a lifestyle that did not support me at all. Until I read a book of Serge Benhayon and I felt the illusion of it all and discovered and reconnected with the love that is in me and in all of us.

  51. It’s a simple thing to look within to find all we have ever been searching for.

  52. Yes we have been tricked. All the spiritual new age searching just takes us further and further away from the truth, and further and further away from ourselves. I was tricked too, and Universal Medicine opened my eyes.

  53. In the very beginning of my search for more I didn´t even understand what it meant to not look outside but inside; the words sound easy, but when nothing really knows to differentiate the outer and the inner by direct experience we can still confuse it. Universal Medicine makes the personal, direct experience the main focus so that we once again get to know and discern for ourselves and no longer accept anything from the outside as a truth without consciously validating it first in accordance with our innermost.

  54. It’s funny how we constantly search outside ourselves, I still find I do this often, in emails, calls, messages, other people, work, jobs etc – when the simple truth is we already know the answers to everything we looking for, and truth is found within us. No matter how much someone else tells you this, it can only come from lived experience, from trusting and empowering ourselves and listening to our body. Making choices, we might stuff up or make the wrong one so to speak, but at then at least either way, correct or not correct choice, we know and grow. We don’t grow by asking other people all the time or giving our power away.

  55. I can remember so many moments over the years when “I did not like my life, but I did not know how to change it”, so like you, kept on looking outside of me but as fast as I found something that I believed would be the answer I realised it wasn’t and on to the pile of discarded hopes and dreams it went. All that finally changed the day I met Serge Benhayon and heard him present that all the answers to my questions were actually inside of me – now that was a life changing moment, and change my life it has, so much so that it is unrecognisable from the one I struggled to exist in for so very long.

  56. We stick our heads in the sands for many years, if not lifetimes, and when we finally come up for air we rage at the sand in our orifices as if some unknown hand had held us under for so long. Learning to accept and take responsibility for the fact that where we are was due to the choices we have made is the first step to returning home to the love within our hearts and thus the truth we in essence are but had departed from.

  57. Everything we need truly is within us, it is all there waiting to be connected with and activated.

  58. Meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has been the biggest ‘aha!’ moment in my life because it was in truth meeting myself, the true me I had been missing for so very long. Being met by Serge is being met in the truest of sense. He meets others in his fullness and that meeting reflects back to the other that ‘this fullness is in you too’. We have to choose it but there is no denying it is within us all.

  59. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame,…”
    Very true and this is exactly what often holds us back from moving forward, which is so silly as pride and shame and holding on to the past are not worth anything when you know your inner heart. The exquisiteness it holds and how much fun it is to forever learn more about oneself and how energy works.

  60. I too decided to learn about reiki and other new age modalities yet made very little changes to how I was with myself and how I was living. I have come to realise through attending Universal Medicine that to truly inspire another I must first be living it otherwise the words are empty. Serge Benhayon introduced The Way of The Livingness and it is through the loving choices I am learning to make that is making a difference; taking responsibility for the way I choose to live and not simply attending course after course and gaining knowledge which is what I used to do, before I came across Universal Medicine.

  61. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.” Absolutely Rosie – so well said. All the shame does is hold us in the old abusive patterns. Let it go and we can blossom.

  62. I had a very similar experience to you as well Rosie having searched many years for truth and spending a lot of time and energy at many different workshops that never made any difference to my life. The turning point for me was meeting Serge Benhayon as well, the most profound thing I noticed first with Serge is he really ‘walked his talk’ and he was consistently loving and truly caring for everyone equally – It was clear my search for truth was over.

  63. What’s worth more, invest time in watching TV or invest time in supporting activities that make life more joyful, simple and loving.

    No hard feelings to all my favourite TV shows 😉

  64. Yes to not feel shame because we have been believing in something that wasn’t true is a big key element of going forward in life I think. We don’t want to feel fooled, but quite often we are so being humble about these things and not be hard on ourselves can be quite a good thing.

  65. Rosie this could be me writing this experience because it was exactly the same for me!!! I would learn about the body .. anatomy and physiology, nutrition etc but still smoke and drink and eat crappy food. It’s like even though I thought I had stopped and come to a point of honesty in my life, I had got nowhere near it! Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine taught me what to actually STOP truly feels like. It was like I literally put the brakes on within.
    I learnt about momentum, and how we live builds a constant momentum that keeps going/repeating the same patterns … and if we do not address this first, or understand the energetic truth with regards to energy, then nothing is going to change, it may look slightly different or feel slightly different on the surface but the undercurrent is the same. Our choices become ingrained behaviours or patterns and our ill ideals and beliefs run us either consciously or subconsciously on a daily basis. This is very important for us to understand as no true change will come about until we have learnt and felt the energetic truth.

  66. I was also lost Rosie, and I was also full of arrogance that kept me from seeing that there was anything different. Over the years I have had differing opinions but in the end everything I knew was like quicksand, it could shift and move and suck me in to seemingly move to the next great experience that was going to deliver the goods. The presentations by Serge Benhayon made me rethink everything I had ever considered to be true. My life now is one of an understanding that no matter what, if I allow the divine connection to God then trust in that there is nothing else.

  67. At some point we learn that we can only learn from the outside. We also learn the outside to provide what we need. And so, we look around and grab what feels that can suit our needs. In doing so, we expect to come up with something so perfect that will fill the void we feel inside. That, however, never happens. The emptiness we feel is an internal feeling. We miss ourselves but we do not realise that we are not just what we see in the mirror or what plays out in life. As soon as we start looking inwards and allow ourselves to expand the feeling of emptiness just vanishes.

  68. When we place money, time, and energy above truth the cost to our bodies and life is so much more than we can ever imagine. The most beneficial choices I have made is to let go of all the courses, self-help books/cards, beliefs and ideals that supported me zilch in knowing who I am. Universal Medicine has played an enormous part in me re-connecting to the simplicity, harmony, and joy we are all from.

  69. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.” Having this willingness and openness is such a free and exhilarating way of living and it was through the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, his family and what they present that I have been able to embrace it.

  70. There is so much in your blog that many could relate to, myself included. Well said and I totally agree with your final paragraph “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel. There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.”

  71. There are so many avenues we can travel down in our pursuit of seeming truth, be it exploring modalities, workaholic, constant traveler, ‘truth seeker’ but all of which are in reality another ‘comfortable’ way to continue hiding out, staying small, not having to take responsibility, and shying away from true engagement. Meeting Serge Benhayon was the re-awakening and coming home to the truth we all know deep within.

  72. Rosie I can completely relate to your sadness, irritation and sense that we have been fooled regarding our investments into ideals and beliefs that have led us up the long pathway looking and thinking that we will find true joy outside of ourselves never realising that the potential we crave already lies within.

  73. I can absolutely relate to the ability we have to get lost in the ideals and beliefs on offer outside of ourselves not realising that if we just simply learn to connect we are ideal and belief free within… a revelation that I am deeply grateful to Universal Medicine for awakening me to and allow me to stop searching for truth and wisdom and just connect to it instead.

  74. “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel. There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.” I so agree Rosie, we can learn so much if we just stop and listen to our bodies. As a past master at keeping busy and distraction – all to keep me away form awareness and feeling what was really going on. There is a forever unfolding, a deepening, once we choose to take the time to truly be with ourselves.

  75. “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.” Yes Rosie, the body is always telling us what is needed and if we override that we become less sensitive to it and consequently the body has to speak louder by giving us some pain or an illness so that we take notice. Once we start to listen and heed the messages we begin a new relationship where we walk hand in hand with our body instead of racing ahead of it.

  76. Rosie, it’s great how you point out that “without looking at me and taking responsibility” we don’t make true changes in our life. It might look different on the outside but the energy that is running us is the same until we say No to it and choose to make our lives about love.

  77. The world is a mess and we all need to unite and roll up our sleeves and commit to life in full to clear the shambles that we have created simply because of how we have been living and the choices we have made in the past. Not sit down and meditate for hours on end for true enlightenment comes from us all lighting up and inspiring the world around us with the love and integrity and expansive way of how we live our everyday.

  78. Universal Medicine healing modalities and presentations are the only thing that has worked for me

  79. Absolutely Rosie, Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team of practitioners bring to all those who are ready true energy healing through the esoteric way of life, which is a Livingness. This Livingness or esoteric way of life has taken energy healing to the highest level of integrity the Esoteric practitioners association assures the level of responsibility that the practitioner lives at. Esoteric Healing in all it’s forms is so simple and deeply felt in the most profound ways. The true health and well being is placed at your own feet because of the self responsibility for healing all that, which has caused dis-ease in our bodies!
    For more about Serge Benhayon go to;

  80. Serge Benhayon present the truth and sadness is in the realisation that it is the truth that I knew for myself but chose instead to absorb the ideals and beliefs that were all around me. Coming back to the love of my inner-heart I know truth.

  81. The simplicity in our choice to feel from our own connection to our bodies is beautiful and so beautifully shared here. Thank you Rosie.

  82. I love this Rosie – beautiful and simple. Life changes in amazing ways when we begin to make loving choices – we also inspire and support others when we make true changes in our lives.

  83. Beautiful honest blog, thank you for reminding me that my body is truly a treasure to behold and to honour it accordingly for it only ever speaks words of love to me.

  84. There is more to life and we all can feel this as the constant impulse to learn more, move on and do things differently… the constant feeling that this is just not it.
    What is interesting to see for me is, that when I observe what I do, I often realize that this is something I do because of ideals and beliefs that I have about how I should live and be. My natural expression would often be much simpler. What I have experienced from more often sticking to the natural expression is that it is not only simpler for me, but for everyone else around me.

  85. There is strength in knowing what you can and can not do, there is even greater strength in honoring it.

  86. I love your honesty Rosie and I find that being aware of our bodies and how they feel is a beautiful way to connect to truth. Thank you.

  87. I really appreciate the way you explain that the body lets us know the truth about the choices we make. This brings up a lot for me as I often feel there is something ‘wrong’ with my body and react to this instead of seeing it for the blessing it is. I can feel that there is no need to try to reach a goal of ‘a perfectly functioning pain free vital body’, sure this would be nice but I can see I have used this notion as a perfectionist ideal which actually causes more issues in my body. I can feel how much the choice to accept myself allows me to embrace the awareness my body offers. Thank you Rosie.

  88. Rosie I love your honesty. I find it fascinating that despite engaging in the likes of reiki, herbal medicine, kinesiology and other energetic healing equivalents – all of which are supposed to clear negative energy out of our bodies and heal us, people continue to smoke, take illicit drugs and drink alcohol. These are all substances that alter our mind and body energetically and if we are totally honest, are not supportive for the true health of our bodies. Why put such substances in to our body in the first place only to have them accumulate until they are cleared? This way of living seems particularly hollow when we are apparently engaging in energetic healing simultaneously. Is there not other things in life we want to heal rather than just adding more to the pile?

  89. Thank you Rosie for the inspirational sharing of your story. I also have found it to be true that it is a choice to listen to the wisdom of the body as it is constantly imparting to us in every moment the way back to feeling that connection that we have been so seeking in the past, and it would seem mistakenly so always then from outside of our bodies. Your sharing only reminds us that we do not need to seek ‘out there’ – for as you express, and I also feel that the book of wisdom that holds the knowing of all things is held within our cells, the very cells that make up our body.

  90. We as humanity have so much invested in the past, the decisions we made and the so-called intelligence we made these decisions from, and planted firmly in the way of acknowledging that many of these decisions do nothing but harm us, is our pride. To be able to admit to this pride and to acknowledge that our body is such a wise and patient friend, and allow ourselves to open up to a new possibility that there is a more loving and sensible way to live, is one of the most freeing decisions that I have ever made. Releasing the pride was like letting go of a narrow cage that had kept me imprisoned for way too long.

  91. I too went through so many emotions of hurt, anger and disbelief. I had all the right intentions of finding the truth and yet felt I was lied to continuously. I even have sadness to see so many others who are living the same illusion as I once did.

  92. Reading you blog Rosie I can see how much in avoidance of responsibility we are. We can learn about our health and what things are doing to us and yet not take any action. It has me wondering is this because it was not delivered in the whole truth so we don’t feel it as we do when it is presented as it is at Universal Medicine, for when the true truth is presented it is felt deep within that a change has to take place.

  93. ‘We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel.’ – Well said Rosie, the wisdom of the body holds all the answers for us, taking the time to truly listen will support us enormously.

    1. This is true Anna, we listen and feel with so much more than just what we hear and see…It is undeniable, we are so much more that just what you see.

  94. I felt an enormous sense of relief when I found out that the answers were inside of me as I felt like the odd one out when everything else I tried wasn’t really providing any lasting answers. While others didn’t exactly seem to ‘have it’, they certainly seemed more sure of themselves than I did, so I assumed that I must be doing something wrong. Self blame was a default fall back position for me when things weren’t going well. The more I am learning to connect with me, the more I am now able to embrace all my strengths and to see all else as just learning opportunities. I wobble many times but these times are becoming less and less as time goes by.

  95. I too have gone down many different pathways seeking the answers or the magic pill to make life better, when all the time it was about reconnecting back within myself, choosing to love and take responsibility for the choices I had made without taking on feeling guilty. I agree Rosie “We can learn so much from our bodies, if we just take the time to stop, truly listen and feel”.

  96. There are so many false healing modalities out in the world, great to see you are on the path of truth since finding Universal Medicine.

    1. ….A path of truth that will inspire many more to come, as more and more people realise what we all have within is what we are all searching for on the outside of us. Well said Joe.

  97. There is a lot to read from the body. It is such a fresh approach to it, and so honoring. Instead of blaming the body to be sick or ache or being tense etc. we can read what’s going on and learn from it. With the Universal Medicine presentations this science of reading the body gets very simple.

  98. Thank you Rosie for your sharing, our body is such a great source of knowledge, it is able to tell us so much when we choose to listen to it, and connecting to ourselves within is the first step. I remember the first time I did the Gentle Breath Meditation while attending a presentation by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I was amazed at how I was able to feel my body, I then realised how much we do in life that is set up to keep us away from ourselves.

  99. I love what you share here Rosie and did the same things in my spiritual quest for a happy life. It didn’t work for me either and yes I felt the same range of emotions you describe especially feeling angry that I fooled myself for so long, and everything I was looking for was already within me! What a blessing then to find Universal Medicine and discover the answers to what was really going on in these modalities and the harmful effects they were having on my body along with the choices I was making in how I lived. Once this understanding occurred I could then begin to feel what really felt true and supportive for my body.

  100. Thanks Rosie. I too began a bit of of a search for truth, at the ripe old age of 15! The give away factor was that I was desperate. I was missing me and didn’t know where to start. I didn’t get into any heavy spiritual stuff or anything, but I still “looked for myself” in other things, philosophy, music, popular culture, national culture, economics, science, grass roots movements of change and some enlightenment philosophies. All of this gave me a lot of words and knowledge, but none of it truly worked. NONE OF IT WORKED AT ALL. The things I was missing most was expressing how I truly felt. On my first session with an esoteric practitioner, I cried and cried and cried because I could finally express myself and that I actually wasn’t coping with life. I thought I had to hold it all in and put on a face to the world that said I was happy and successful, but I was just as hurt as everyone else.

  101. Just like you Rosie I too was searching for that something that I felt was missing in life and did courses in Reiki, Kinesiology and Touch for Health to name a few (but never practiced them on others). I also got caught up in a New Age book purchasing habit in which I must of somehow thought I could get the meaning of the book by osmosis because I could never being myself to read any of them. Just like you none of these alternative therapies had the answers I was looking for but again like you, Universal Medicine did and has – and I must add way beyond what I would of ever thought possible.

  102. HI Rosie, I found revisiting your blog was just as powerful as the first time I read it – thank you for sharing your unfolding story and experiences/

  103. ” I can feel it when I choose to be connected to me, and when I am not. I can feel it in my body if I choose to eat something that is not good for me .” I too am now so much more aware of my body since discovering Universal Medicine. Previously in all my spiritual searching, I spent a lot of my time in total disconnection and out of my body. Coming back to – and inhabiting – my body feels great. And I now listen to it when it speaks to me, eg not eating a food that supports me etc.

  104. I love your blogs Rosie. This blog reminded me how important it is to be loving with myself when I find out that I have been wrong about something. I am learning that shame, blame and guilt get me nowhere. Accepting my mistakes and embracing the awareness that allows me to see them has been key for me. I would much rather know the truth than cause harm while blindly believing I am right.

  105. It is really lovely to be able to stop searching for answers outside of ourselves and instead just listen to the wisdom that unfolds when we feel and honour what our body tells us about each choice we make.

  106. Great post Rosie you write it so clearly: the ability to allow ourselves to feel our choices first and then admitting they haven’t really worked for us is one thing, and also equally allowing ourselves to feel energy through respecting and honouring our body, means that our whole life opens up to the love of truth. So beautiful.

  107. I too had spent all my life searching for that elusive ingredient that would make sense of the ‘something is missing’ feeling I had. My answers came from the first presentation I attended by Serge Benhayon and a dawning realisation that I had been searching outside of myself and for someone else to give it to me when all along the something missing was me that I had lost touch with. I have been a student with Universal Medicine for 9 years and my loving connection with myself, all others and the Universe continues to unfold.

  108. Your experiences here Rosie show us all that something with many of the therapies, practices and modern day way of living does not add up as today we know more about how the body physically works than ever before but we still make choices that are knowingly not honouring of it.

  109. What I really appreciate about your writing Rosie is that you are able to dissect the past without any guilt or shame. Your ability to accept the past without shame allows you to live lovingly and with awareness in the present.

    1. Well said Bernadette, Rosie does indeed ‘dissect the past with no guilt or shame’ beautifully and is an inspiration to us all. Shame is a ghastly emotion that feeds the empty chasm of guilt that works like a straight jacket on our daily life as it feeds and confines us into a fixed status quo that does not support true healing nor inspire any change to how we live our everyday lives. Changes that many desperately want to have the freedom to allow.

  110. Beautifully summed up at the end here Rosie. Learning to feel and be aware of our choices is an ongoing process as I too am learning every day now. Being aware of the tensions in the body gives me a chance to question why that tension is there and why does it hang around, what do I need it for? what is the tension covering up? and most times when I ask this question underneath is a feeling of openness. If I focus on needing anything outside of my feelings it’s like cutting the whiskers off a cat – I stop feeling, which creates tension in the body. Avoiding the fact that I chose to place something ahead of what I am truly feeling is becoming less and less temping, although still a very ingrained habit, because the more I follow my bodies feelings the less tension and pain I feel.

  111. I liked what you said about connecting to our bodies and listening, letting go of our pride and Investments, not with shame. Without judging ourselves it is possible to heal and learn to re-love ourselves.

  112. This is beautiful Rosie, just what I needed to read today to remind me the choice is ours and we can begin to love and take responsibility for ourselves in any moment. Thank you.

  113. Thank you Rosie for this great blog sharing your experiences very much similar in some instances that many of us have had also, with the various dalliances by that part of us that comes from emptiness and disconnectedness from our truth. How awesome it is when one opens up the heart a little and discovers that there is indeed another way – as I have learned by attending the presentations of Universal Medicine, and listening to the wisdom, the Ageless Wisdom that is shared by Serge Benhayon.

  114. Thanks Rosie for your great story of how you have come back to feeling the real you ,through your body and the choices that you make every moment and everyday.

  115. Thanks for sharing your journey Rosie. Our bodies are full of wisdom that is available to us all if we choose to connect to it, and feel and listen to what it’s communicating to us.

  116. I think most of us can relate to your search for more in life. I also tried several things, looking for what I knew was missing. Who knew it was actually my body, listening to it and using it as a barometer to let me know what energy I am choosing? This I only discovered with Universal Medicine and finding this has was the first thing that I knew was ‘it’. The dropping away of things we have been fooled by is constant. It’s not just the spiritual new age, its all the ideals we have taken on such as what it looks like to be a woman, mother, good person etc.

    1. Looking outside of me never worked either. Universal Medicine has literally taught me to re-connect back to myself to feel that it is all within me already. As I keep choosing this, a greater and greater depth of love is revealed to me.

  117. I agree Anne, listening to the body is what it is all about. Our bodies are power packed wisdom waiting to be connected to and available teach and every person equally. Great blog. Thanks for making it so simple.

  118. We can learn so much from our bodies, as you say Rosie. This has been such a revelation for me, how much my body speaks to me when I give it some loving attention. Thank you to Universal Medicine for explaining about energetic integrity and for presenting the tools to show me how to make wiser choices.

  119. Awesome honesty Rosie and there is no shame or regret in past choices, just a beautiful reminder that we know all there is to know from our own inner knowing and trusting that. Thank you.

  120. I have met many practitioners in my time who where living a very less then healthy life style and still continued to give treatment sessions. Some I knew even took drugs whilst giving a ‘healing’ session. Unfortunately this kind of behaviour is common with the new age scene. Rosie what you have written is remarkable, we no longer need to look outside for the answers as they are there deep inside if we are willing to be open and listen to the very wisdom that is in our bodies.

    1. samanthaengland, this is my experience too, that the ‘new age’ spiritual modalities are often mixed with drug taking. I remember being in a yoga ashram where marijuana was common place and trainee practitioners who were heavily into drink, drugs and smoking. It is bizarre that sometimes we cannot see the absurdity of mixing healing with substances that literally kill you.

  121. Thank you for sharing your journey Rosie and the frustration that despite everything you had tried, nothing had ‘taught me how to discern energy and how to truly connect to me.’ It is incredible how many things so many of us had tried and only when we found Universal Medicine were we shown the simple tools to connect to ourselves and feel what was true for us and our bodies.

  122. I love the humility in your blog Rosie Bason. Even though you had amassed a lot of knowledge from all the things you had studied, when you felt the truth of how energy works in your body you overcame your pride and said yes to exploring that truth further. This is not an easy thing to do for any of us and your inspiration here should not be underestimated.

    1. Well said Andrew. Knowledge means nothing if it is not lived. Its like having a library of books full of wisdom and facts at your fingertips that you don’t access let alone actually read.

  123. I really love your straight talking style Rosie. This blog allowed me to drop some of the shame I have carried about my choices and reconnect to the fact that all the answers are within me communicated through my body.

  124. Discerning energy is so important, yet it was not taught in its fullness in various courses and workshops I took part in before I came across Universal Medicine. What Universal Medicine presents is so simple and makes so much sense, and I totally agree with you when you say so beautifully – “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.”

  125. Thank you Rosie, what a beautiful sharing of how you have learnt to honour and listen to your body instead of listening to the head, who doesn’t really care about the body, as long as it keeps going and can carry the head from here to there – where the head wants to go. Our bodies so clearly communicate with us to what’s needed next. Following the impulses coming from our bodies rather than following the thoughts in the head leads to a completely new and true way of living. I know it’s true because I feel completely different after a day lived from my body compared to a day lived from my head. The something more I was looking for everywhere was actually right here with me in my body.

  126. Rosie you wrote in your amazing blog: “I felt angry that I had allowed myself to be fooled and that I had invested so much time and energy into all of these modalities that never taught me how to discern energy and how to truly connect to me.” I found out the same when I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – I always wondered why all the other “modalities” around us did not talk about that in this simple way . . . could it be that this is a way to distract us from this true connection????

  127. Love that Rosie, no need for shame or regret. Just stop and deeply listen to our bodies as they are the beholders of truth.

    1. Exactly Kate, and the next step we take is where our responsibility now lays. Shame and regret keep us walking the same weary track that takes us nowhere and fast.

  128. How awesome that you were open to feeling that everything you had tried before was not it. You could have chosen to defend your previous knowledge and go into the arrogance of all you had learned but you choose to surrender to what you felt in the body. The body does not lie and it forever registers truth. What a blessing that you felt the truth of your re-connection. Your experience is very inspiring ~ thanks Rosie.

  129. Awesome Rosie, thank you for sharing, I was never looking for another way or searching for a meaning of life as I felt I made the best out of it. I new that there was far more to life than I was aware of, but I felt capped and unable to access any true answers and what was presented to me occasionally, never felt true. I always said that I will find out when I am dead… wrong was I!!! When I met Serge Benhayon I wasn’t searching for anything, I just came along with an invitation from my sister and I was curious. I immediately new that he spoke truth and then decided to claim this truth for me too.

  130. Thank you for sharing so well about getting to the truth of what really is true for us and our body. And that there is energy to feel and discern with every thing we do.

    1. Beautiful Concetta, there is far more to us than what we see which is of an energetic quality that we feel and is something that we all feel equally whether we accept the this awareness or not.

  131. I can relate to you Rosie going from Guru to Guru , workshop to workshop, looking for truth about life and love, believing it is outside of ourselves, only to find myself more disillusioned and disconnected than ever. Only since meeting Serge Benhayon did I feel truth in what he said and it all started to make sense. The only thing was I had to deal with my hurts, the fact that I was fooled and start all over. But this has been such a beautiful, loving process, definitely worth it.

  132. Yes Rosie when we let go of our past investments life becomes simpler, the path is clearer and we naturally make the rights choices by listening and connecting to our bodies. Thank you.

  133. ‘but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.’ I love this statement in the way it brings it right to today. As someone who has often made commitments which start tomorrow or the next day, it is always wonderful to be reminded that loving choices can begin at any moment, like right now 🙂 Thanks Rosie.

  134. It seems to be a recurring theme with so many of us having been fooled (or fooling ourselves) about what is truth. Bringing it down to energy and feeling energy and having the sensitivity to feel our choices in our body moment to moment, as Rosie has so well stated, is a truly amazing capacity. Yet coming to terms that this capacity has been there within us all the time and wow getting that sadness of not choosing it out of our bodies, is such an important part of reclaiming truth so it becomes clear, simple and awesome everyday.

  135. I can relate to this Rosie – getting angry at the world for not giving me the answers that I wanted but somehow refused to answer myself simply by stopping and feeling what was there WITHIN me. No, instead I was driven by the complication of the outward search and fuelled by the drama on offer through this. As you have shared, it is all so much simpler than we have made it to be. Ouch and yay!

  136. Thank you Rosie for sharing your story, I can feel how much simpler you have made your life by considering your role in how things play out, not expecting the answers in a book, I often wonder just how many of us are on that constant search for something outside of ourselves, when it us that hold the answer, how we live, the commitment we have to be among other people and live in a loving and caring way. I know when I am committed to working and being of service to others that I feel a contentment and a joy that I could never find in any book or course.

  137. So beautiful and simple, thank you Rosie, love it. Just letting go of all the things we have learned and are not true without feeling any shame.

  138. Hi Rosie. Another great article. I think I’ve tried every thing possible to feel something in my life, to gain a sense of worth and just to feel like I am somebody. What I discovered was that all of that just kept me more away from feeling who I actually am and who that is, never changes, is constant, tender, loving and oh so me and I feel more connected and complete.

  139. Thank you Rosie. I can appreciate how much you wanted something genuine and supportive in your life and simply went to what was on offer with the new age spiritual practises. I feel that this is the case for so many of us who just want something more, have the awareness that there is something missing, and are willing to work and learn.

  140. What I really love about your experience Rosie is the fact that even if you got really upset because you realised that contrary to what you thought you were very far from truth, you have accepted the fact and simply start again. How many people would have chosen resentment towards the practitioner and the institution behind in a situation similar to yours? Instead you chose to renounce to what was not true.

  141. Rosie it’s interesting to read about all the different things you threw your self into to try and find the thing that was missing. I would certainly not have had the patience to sit for 30 minutes let alone an hour staring at a brown box on the wall but I most certainly was looking for what I felt was missing in me. It would dive into any project, complication or “relationship” using these in a similar way to what I feel you’ve shared about your story. At the end of all of that the one common thread was a lack of looking at my part of the picture and that fact I’d never stopped and connected with myself first. It’s quite simple when you stop and consider it.

  142. Beautiful Rosie – and ditto to this sentence “I thought that I had to keep looking on the outside to find the happiness and to find joy – I had not realised that it started from within.” I was running further and further away from myself, only to end up with serious health conditions that medically I was told was ‘for life’. Well – that was before I had met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, which has made a complete turnaround for me both health wise and on every other level in my life.

  143. Thanks Rosie, it’s really highlighted the simple and very practical steps Universal Medicine presents – connect to the self, look within, feel how your body feels, take responsibility for choices, and make it all about love. Nothing in the New Age presents this.

  144. Rosie, I can totally relate to this path and the fury felt when I too realized that everything I had been fed to be true and swallowed was actually false and a poison. As children we don’t need someone to tell us what is true. We just feel it, as you have described, in our bodies. It’s so normal. We don’t even need to name it, it just is. So what then goes wrong? At what age are we choosing to disconnect from this innate wisdom and subscribe to something else?

  145. Rosie I so relate to your article, especially how much we can feel in our bodies. I spent so many years reading different self-development books in a vain attempt to understand and enjoy life but totally disregarded my body. It’s quite the opposite now; gradually I’ve let go the arrogance and now find joy in caring for my body in every way.

  146. It is rather comical to illustrate ourselves as humans and the way we live. Particularly the spiritual search and seeking through modalities, philosophies, gurus etc. when all along what we are actually looking for is ourselves. Thank you Rosie, what you share is very relatable.

    1. So true Marcia. All we are looking for is ourselves and we’re going the long way round.

      1. Yes its like the hamster in the wheel going round and round and going no where.

    2. Well said Marica. No book, guru or therapy will ever bring enlightenment for their words are empty if we don’t honestly look at ourselves and take full responsibility for how we are living our everyday and how all the lifestyle choices we have made feeds our experience of life directly.

  147. Rosie I can so relate to everything you have shared. I too got caught up in looking for something more in life that find myself fat, unhealthy and sick after nearly 20 years different healing modalities, presentations and book reading. It was not until I found Universal Medicine that my life has completely changed as I now like you listen to my body and choose to live from what’s in my heart.

  148. Your story Rosie sounds so very familiar to me and strikes a very familiar chord with so many. Life is so much simpler when all the things that are not our truth are out of the way.

  149. Thanks Rosie. I dabbled in the new age too and studied Chinese medicine in search of truth and healing, knowing there was something more to life. During my studies, we often spoke of working with energy and the body, but, like you, I didn’t learn how to discern energy and how to connect to my body until I came across Universal Medicine.

  150. Rosie thank you for the reminder to let go of our past hurts, investment and pride. I can feel when my mind uses judgment, criticism and shame against myself . This is no place to move forward from. It is far gentler and loving to choose what comes next rather than dwelling on the past.

  151. I too have found that what Universal medicine presents is so simple but absolutely fulfilling and self-empowering. I love your end paragraph Rosie, it’s a real gem.

  152. Rosie, You describe what SO many of us have gone through in search for ourselves, out there…

    I find it incredible looking back (and seeing the same trend repeated in others stories!) at how, under the ‘guidance’ or “care” of so many modalities we continued to abuse and dishonor ourselves and live in much the same loveless ways we had been…

    This is not the case once one is inspired (reminded) by what Universal Medicine stands for to see that what we are missing is INSIDE us and how important it is to take up our own RESPONSIBILITY to be the true and loving people we innately are.

    When we allow ourselves to really FEEL we can know what is true or false, loving or unloving. This is true and empowering direction.

  153. Thank you Rosie. I really love the part about not feeling shame and just making new, yet loving, choices. Like there is always a chance or a moment to start again and that truly we are never judged for our mistakes.

  154. Hi Rosie, I can totally relate here as I had been searching for a true way of living since I was a teenager. The teachings from Serge Benhayon are so simple and I have come to realise that I am simple also, the complicated life I once lived was not me and did not allow me to by my playful loving self.

    1. Love this aminatumi and can really relate, ‘the complicated life I once lived was not me and did not allow me to be my playful loving self.’ I feel so much lighter living simply and feeling the truth for myself and knowing my search is over.

  155. Rosie I can so relate to the seeking on the outside train. This takes us further and further away from who we are and even though many modalities promise a lot of things they never truly support lasting change. This is where Universal Medicine is different. Universal Medicine teaches about energy and that there are two types of energy. Universal Medicine is open. Universal Medicine presents how we can discern whether something feels true or not through feeling energy. Universal Medicine makes no promises, only presenting that we can return to who we truly are and know Love again if we feel that what is being presented is true and we choose to integrate the principles of the Ageless Wisdom into our lives. Simple.

  156. Awesome blog Rosie, thank you for sharing how all the spiritual stuff/modalities ‘out there’ can’t actually bring us the same joy as letting out what is already in us.

  157. What a top blog Rosie Bason. Well like you I had a loveless lifestyle which I would call a spiritual new age addict. I sold my london home to fund courses and workshops around the world searching for that missing thing.
    I agree with you as it was exactly the same for me that when I came to the teachings of Universal Medicine I felt angry and sad that I had been fooled. There was nothing out there telling me it was ok to be the real me and that all my answers are inside me. This to me was the gateway to freedom and my body finally found rest and then the tension started to go. Ninw years later, I feel and look amazing and I know that my search has ended and with the support of Universal Medicine my life is the best it has ever been and I am deeply content everyday no matter what life brings.

  158. I love the part when you describe sitting and looking at a script in a box on the wall for an hour, chanting and trying to gain enlightenment. I am familiar with this practise and I understand how easy it is to fully believe that this will actually work. In one meditation group I attended where we were chanting to a script in a box, one woman shared with me that she was chanting for a new car. The great thing is that everyone there seemed to know that there was more to life, and this ‘more’ is what they were seeking, albeit from a script in a language they could not read, but still, the want and the desire to be connected, or even just to be in a group with people is really quite amazing. And perhaps this is what the woman was truly sharing with me, she knew the box would not give her enlightenment, she had that already, but what she really needed was a car. I respect her honesty, and yours too Rosie, thank you for sharing.

  159. I think it is amazing that after all that searching you found the answer was within you the whole time. How cool is that? I loved the last paragraph describing how much more connected you are to your body, reading it brought a deeper awareness to mine to, thank you.

  160. I can relate to your article very well Rosie, spending many years trying to get well and reach enlightenment via many modalities, spiritual/new age modalities, to no avail.
    Then I came to Universal Medicine and from the presentations realised what I was searching for was inside me all the time, all I had to do was connect to me. So simple and complete and as Sue says, ‘like coming home’.

  161. I spent many years searching through modalities like Rebirthing, Shiatsu, Macrobiotics, Spiritual Healing, even Counselling – nothing brought me to myself in the way that Sacred Esoteric Healing as presented by Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine Practitioners does. As Sue says, it’s like coming home. I have been able to clear so many old imprints of anger, frustration, bitterness, anxiety, feeling I’m wrong, and my body is reflecting my new choices in its continuing vitality and strength. There is still much to work on and my body is now helping me, I agree with your words, Rosie:- ‘For me the learning has never stopped since; I have become more aware of energy and I can feel it in my body. I can feel it when I choose to be connected to me, and when I am not. I can feel it in my body if I choose to eat something that is not good for me (I get bloated, or cramps, or worse, diarrhoea), I can feel it if I overwork, if I stay up too late, and I can feel it if I am doing something for another that really is at the expense of myself. I feel this as being tired, or my legs ache, or if I take a minute to lie still I can feel how fast and racy my whole body feels.’

  162. I remember the first Universal Medicine presentation I went to. I just knew everything Serge Benhayon was saying was true – I could feel it. It was like I was just being reminded of something I’d forgotten – which in truth is exactly what it was. I’d been on a journey to find myself for many years. Like you Rosie, I went through a number of modalities and religions on that search. The funny thing (which made me rather angry for a while too) was that I was there all the time – all I had to do was feel my body and bingo! I hit the jackpot. I am forever grateful to Serge and Universal Medicine for the gentle and loving reminders over the years which have shown me ways to deepen the connection to myself so I no longer need to look. I know where I am.

  163. Taking a similar path to your own Rosie, I tried pretty much every spiritual/New Age book and practice out there, but about as soon as I got really into each one of those (including Buddhism, shamanism, kinesiology, Reiki, etc.) something inside of me would say “but there seems to be something missing here.” It was as if they each answered some metaphysical questions for me, but there was always a feeling that it did not include the WHOLE TRUTH. So I kept searching and searching (and really just indulging in the mystery of it all without taking responsibility for my own life which was very self-abusive through drugs, alcohol, sports, etc.) and finally I gave up as I felt I had tried everything, and nothing really brought me to a deeper understanding or awareness of what life is really about.

    Only after finding Universal Medicine have I come to realise that the whole time I had been looking outward for Truth and Love, that it was inside me all along, and all I had to do was breath my own breath to reconnect with that, and thus to God once again. It seems almost too simple to be true, and I am still in the process of accepting that simplicity in my life and how through little steps each day to be self-loving and nurturing, that I am regaining that knowingness inside that always told me I was enough without doing anything to prove that to anyone. I had let the world convince me otherwise, but we all know this if we allow it. You have shown how simple this really is yourself in your blog here Rosie, and how if we just sit and feel, it all becomes obvious.

    1. I was going to say what you have said Michael. A lot of time searching for what I felt was missing in my life. Taking me down so many winding paths but taking me nowhere. On discovering the teachings that Universal Medicine was presenting my life now has a fullness that I could not imagine. With simple techniques connecting us back to ourselves. I’m on a search no more, I’m just continuing unfolding myself to be more of me every day. Thank you Rosie for sharing your story.

  164. Thankyou for sharing Rosie. I too was on a “spiritual” search for about 25 years – always looking outside of me. Finding Universal Medicine was a coming home for me, as for many of us, To know that we have everything we need inside all of us – and it’s been there all the time – was and is – a bit of an ouch. Now it is a process of a constant unfolding and returning back to who we truly are. Listening to my body and making more loving choices, as you say.

    1. There is a common thread with all the replies to this blog that I and others have had in common, we all felt that there was something missing in our life. Serge Benhayon has shown all of us that what we were missing, was staring at us from the mirror the whole time.

      1. Thank you Steve. ‘Serge Benhayon has shown all of us that what we were missing, was staring at us from the mirror the whole time. I am reminded of a conversation I had with a Universal Medicine practitioner. I recalled an earlier time in my life when I freely gave of myself to others and now where I aspire to live my life in service to others. She said to me do you know the difference between the two. I hesitated. She said when you gave of yourself freely, you were not there, now you are.

      2. Absolutely Steve, I Agree, my life was very much caught up in looking outside myself before I found the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  165. Thank you Rosie for sharing your story. So many of us have spent so much time searching for something outside of us to ‘make it better’. The underlying feeling that ‘there has to be more to life than this.’ Meeting Serge Benhayon and the teachings of Universal Medicine was very confronting to accept that the simple truth and answer to our searching was there within us all the time.

    1. Great comment Mary “the simple truth and answer to our searching was there within us all the time.”
      This one was a great revelation presented to me when I met Serge Benhayon. Never looked back since as once you find truth the search is over.

  166. I recently had an empowering experience about our ability to heal ourselves, and the importance of trusting our bodies. I was supporting someone who was very afraid as some stuff was coming up for them. I suggested to them that they connect to themselves, and offered ways for them to stay in their body. When they did this they immediately started to cry and felt some deep old grief and devastation. I have been doing the same recently, so I understood the process. However I felt some fear that they were still not alright, and I did not know what to do. I focused on my own body, and continued to support them to be in their body. I gradually felt that it was ok, and that they were doing their own healing. It was an empowering experience for both of us about learning to trust ourselves and our bodies. Ken Elmer

    1. That is so amazing – your trust in yourself and in them is so beautiful. It fully demonstrates the power of showing another how by staying with themselves and truly feeling what’s inside, that we do have the power to heal ourselves. Thank you Ken

  167. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today.” Wow thank you Rosie, I too had spent a life searching outside of myself wanting to study all the spiritual modalities and going on a wayward journey to find them. It wasn’t until I came to Universal Medicine and looked deep inside me did I realise how harmful these modalities were on, and to, my body. Universal Medicine is common sense, it is true and is based on a science we all innately know. This knowing is ultimately in all of us if we just swallow our pride and start to choose the love we are from.

  168. In the past I have invested so much time, money and energy on my quest for enlightenment, or even just a ‘happier life’, with spiritual books, yoga, meditation, buddhism, chanting and ashrams when all I needed to do was to connect to me and listen to what my body was telling me. With the support of Universal Medicine practitioners, I am now fundamentally changing how I live my life and with making different choices, changing how my body feels on a daily basis. It is awe inspiring to feel my transition from hard and tense to my truer more gentle self. Thank you Rosie for sharing and Universal Medicine for showing another way.

  169. It’s great to re-read this – that moment when one stands and questions everything in one’s life that has not been based on energetic responsibility, is quite huge. Not everyone is ready for that. Thank you for being so honest about your journey and sharing with true humility the moment you realised that everything you had built your life on was not real. It takes true courage to do that and to choose to begin to live life from a completely new basis – very inspiring, thank you.

  170. Thank you Rosie for your sharing. I too was on the path of searching from when I was around 15. Looking back though in this search and dislike and dismissal of conventional medicine and instead following the spiritual path, I ended up further away from myself than when I started as I just kept managing my health problems and burying the issues deeper in my body. It is truly awesome to have met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and feel that all I am is already there, and the key is taking responsibility for past choices and building a life aware of energy and listening to and honouring my body! Beautiful!

  171. Yes I realised something was missing in my life probably when I was very young, but I buried the expression and convinced myself I was ok and I would survive, and I did do all the things to be part of the world. I realise now I was performing, not being me. This behaviour continued until I was 50 and my body said no more!! It takes huge amounts of energy to not be you!! I did yoga and acupuncture for 10 years (just treating symptoms, basically / I was asking for help!) and by an amazing series of events, I heard about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Three years later I finally found me which what was missing in my life with help from telephone sessions with Bina Pattel and support from UniMed. I am now giving back to humanity by being me! That’s all I need to do. I have much love and appreciation for Bina, Serge and Universal Medicine. Ken Elmer

  172. What an awesome little gem this is Rosie! I can so relate to the anger you went through – as did I, so much so that at some stage I was seriously p…ed off (do pardon my French ;)) with myself and with the world for the same reasons you nominated. Then I realised that wasn’t healthy and it was not productive either.

    So instead, and again just like you, I rolled up my sleeves (so to speak) and decided to predominantly make choices that are supportive of me, my body and my soul. This unfoldment continues… for Always…

  173. Thank you Rosie for sharing. I also have done the trip on the “modality merry go round” and found that I ended up back where I started and no further forward in my outer search for the answer. I have a huge appreciation for the presentations of Universal Medicine for the reminder that there is no outer search required as it is all inside, just waiting for me to be still enough to re-connect to what is already there. Phew, what a great revelation to know that I already am it and I don’t need anything outside of me to make me it. Awesome.

    1. I quite agree Beverley, it is such a revelation and yet at the same time, just feels absolutely normal that the answers lie within us, not in some new modality, book, affirmation or guru, but just inside ourselves, as the Universal Medicine presentations keep on reminding us.

  174. It is great to share with you Rosie how you spent so long searching for the answers only to find you had them all along. I also remember searching to no avail and feeling the hurt of not knowing I already had the answers I was searching for within and I had just not nurtured a strong connection to this. It is crazy how the whole world is geared for us to search outside of ourselves when we already have it all within, thanks to Universal Medicine I was also reminded of this truth.

  175. I agree, Rosie, that we can learn so much from our bodies. Recently I missed an opportunity to listen when I had a slight sore throat on the left side. I knew it was telling me something but I was busy and had guests and did not take some time out to just be with the symptom and ask myself what it was about. The next day the sore throat was gone but I became anxious about not having enough space to myself with guests staying longer than expected and more on the way. I went outside to get time to myself and tripped and grazed my knee. Finally I got the message. I needed to ask my guests to leave sooner so that I could have some peace and quiet. As soon as I spoke up, they understood and I felt comfortable with them. We had a few conversations over the next day while they prepared to leave in which my honesty and their understanding meant we were all closer than ever and the love was really flowing when we said the goodbyes.

  176. Beautiful Rosie, what you have shared is also the experience of many others who have discovered the truth about discerning energy and realising that everything we desire is already there within us. If only we can take a moment to ask and listen – “We can learn so much from our bodies if we just take the time to listen and feel. There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame, but make a choice to be more aware and make loving choices today”. Thank you.

  177. “There is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments in the past and not feel shame…” Well said Rosie. Love it.

    1. Victoria and Rosie, I completely agree, there is so much to learn when we can let go of our pride and our investments of the past and not worry about the shame, but be more aware of making loving choices as we move forward.

      1. Agreed Amita. And deeply honour the strengths that we do have, that are a foundational part of how we live each day, that we may truly build upon them – lovingly and with grace.

    2. Absolutely Victoria. We can view all our investments as actual assets but sometimes we need an injection of honesty to see that they are actually liabilities that we need to simply let go of.

      1. Well said Suse. We can have been invested in social/peer standing and recognition, being needed, earning great money, and all sorts of things, but when it comes down to it, it’s so important to be willing to see if things are true or not. As Rosie has shared, there were things she’d expended a lot of time, money and her career on. When she realised these weren’t right for her, it wasn’t easy – but what a powerful and true liberation, in the letting go. To not do so, would have been to live a lie.

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