For Every Force there is an Equal and Opposite Force

I was always a keen physicist at school and thus was very aware of Isaac Newton’s Third Law which states that:

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Isaac Newton)

In one of the many presentations given by Serge Benhayon, he offered an expansion to understanding Newton’s Third Law:

“For every force there is an equal and opposite force.” (Serge Benhayon)

My scientific mind was immediately pricked, so I began to consider the world through the lens of this scientific fact and it enabled me to unlock a far deeper understanding of the world.

Through the work of Universal Medicine and through the teachings of Serge Benhayon I have seen, felt and now know a level of love that is almost unfathomable in its purity, consistency, integrity and power. That love, and my choice to align to that love, has changed and continues to change my life entirely. I have also seen, felt and know the game-changing effects that love has had in the wider community, in humanity.

But I was just seeing the tip of the iceberg… because I hadn’t fully considered the science.

“For every force there is an equal and opposite force.” (Serge Benhayon)

I know the power of the love that I have felt. It is gigantic. Now I am beginning to understand the forces that counter this love which, as per this scientific equation, must therefore also be gigantic. This understanding puts so much of what is at play in the world into context.

But there is more. The above looks at love first and then considers the opposite. What about the vice versa of that. What about looking at it in the opposite direction. Look at the horrors, atrocities, corruption, greed, war-mongering, desolation, loneliness, rampant dis-ease and illness, abject poverty, extreme wealth and all the other hideous inequalities that affect our world. Every day there are countless examples of it from every corner of the globe.

Look really, really closely. Open your eyes to the all of it. It can be a bleak and overwhelming vision. But keep looking. Do not avert your eyes. And then consider again…

“For every force there is an equal and opposite force.” (Serge Benhayon)

So, if that is the state of our world, if that is the extremity to which the situation has got to, if that is the depths to which humanity has sunk… then, through this scientific equation, we can also know the depth of the love that we are opposing.

Imagine what love, glory and joy is available to us, should humanity choose the opposite force to the one that most of us are currently choosing.

That choice, through the divine right of free will, will always be ours and ours alone.

But whilst humanity tears itself apart, it serves us well to fully contemplate both sides of this equation, and thus the love that must also be in each and every one of us.

Scientific fact.

Our choice.

By Otto Bathurst, UK, 45, Film and TV Director

Otto Bathurst is a man, a father and friend of three kids, a husband and partner of a beautiful woman, an active member of industry boards, local communities and support groups and a lover of people whose days are full of so much more than just directing film and TV.

You can follow Otto Bathurst on Twitter @ottobathurst

Serge Benhayon is an author and presenter and the founder of Universal Medicine. You can learn more about Serge Benhayon at his personal website www.sergebenhayon.comFollow Serge Benhayon on Twitter @SergeBenhayon or on Google+ +SergeBenhayon

Further Reading:
~ Everything is Because of Energy
~ Thoughts, Newton’s Third Law & E=mc2: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Serge Benhayon & Me
~ Similarities Between the Start of World War II and Brexit