Our Delicateness

There is power in delicateness, and we feel this when we are moved by the beauty of a flower.

The beauty of a flower lies in its delicateness. The tender petals, often tissue thin, the tiny stamen, and the arrangement of the petals that seem to barely hold together.

There is fragility in something so delicate and beautiful, so we know to handle a flower with care. If we were to try to protect it with some kind of armour we would simply crush the flower. Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.

The beauty of a flower is there when it is fully open. If the flower were to keep itself closed to protect itself from possible harm, the world would be missing out on profound beauty. Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?

We also cannot force the flower to toughen up to protect itself, because all the beauty is in the delicateness. Flowers that are hard, brittle or rigid just would not work.

We, as human beings, are also by nature delicate. As babies we express an exquisite and unadulterated beauty that is the essence of who we are. We live this essence fully until life alters us, but before that time the delicate and gorgeous being we are easily melts the hardest of hearts. We inspire, bring joy, open hearts to love, remind what life is all about, and bring healing to those feeling battered or worn down by the harshness of life. Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to. Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious.

As we leave the tender years of babyhood, we may harden our body in an attempt to protect ourselves from the onslaughts of life. Over time this hardening encases the beauty within so that no one can see the delicate person inside. We may even forget that we ourselves are beautiful.

We may toughen ourselves, preferring to meet the world with aggression or defensiveness, portraying a false strength, forgetting that our innocent inner beauty is much more powerful. We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.

And, just as it is with babies, our body communicates a fragility every time we mistreat it, handle it roughly, neglect it, or push and drive it. Like a flower being battered in a storm, there is only so much that it can take before it shows the signs or becomes completely tattered.

We rarely see flowers alone; they grow everywhere in all shades, shapes and colours, ready to share their light-hearted playfulness, their sensual depths, their fragrance and inspiring beauty. There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful.

I have seen whole fields of flowers… an ocean of colour, form, and beauty so moving it completely stopped me. I could not be more with my heart to see such grandeur – so simple and so powerful.

Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show? What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, out?

And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within, so we were always present and on show? What kind of world would that be?

Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.

What would it be like walking in that field every day?

By Melinda Knights, Self employed in the construction industry

Further Reading:
Nature: The Ultimate Reflection
All of nature is here to support us to return to who we truly are

703 thoughts on “Our Delicateness

  1. I feel that many of us harden our bodies as a way of coping when we are young because no one has met us for the sheer beauty of who we are, so we put a protective encasement around our delicateness and forget it is there. Consequently we all go around in hardened shells forgetting our delicateness, and then we all miss out on our divine and delicate nature.

    1. We build a layer of protection to supposedly protect us when young, and as we go through life we can add to this layer of protection, building layers and layers, ending up with us being protected and hard, not a great place for any of us to live life from.

  2. One thing I find that helps melt hardness is when I connect to the warmth in my palms. It’s enough to melt anything!

  3. The more we allow our bodies to feel the more we realise how delicate we innately are and thus tread carefully as we can easily harden again if we are not attentive to how sensitive we are.

    1. What I’m discovering gregbarnes888 is the stillness that is innately within us all. I was on a zoom call with a friend and they supported me to shift some old ideals and beliefs I had taken on from childhood when these had gone I was able to feel a stillness in my body that was matched with the stillness within my friend. So that we were able to sit with each other with no words spoken but we could both feel the fullness of our bodies united in the stillness which was so rich in the holding of both of us. From this stillness it is possible to feel our sensitivity and our delicateness. The way we are currently living does not allow for this deliberately so.

  4. ‘Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away’ how wonderfull would it be if we all connected to both the magic within both ourselves and others as well as the fragility, beauty and love ✨

    1. Absolutely Lucy. Living and feeling how delicate and sensitive we are opens us to deeper relationships with everyone in the most Loving ways. Is this not a great strength we all can obtain by being open to our essence/Soul or “our beauty within”?

  5. A couple of months ago being delicate was brought up in conversation and I all but ran away from said conversation. That doesn’t mean I escaped discussing my relationship with delicateness and over time I’ve become less reactive to considering and facing the fact I haven’t been as delicate as I truly am. It’s easier than ever these days to get over that “nope don’t want to face it!” attitude and get on with it.

    1. When something comes up in my body to be looked at, rather than going into immediate reaction of not wanting to know or feel what’s being offered by checking out, I am now able to hold steady and just allow the feelings to surface with no self judgement or condemnation, so that when the feelings are released I can actually feel more space in my body. All these years I have lived in the fear of not wanting to face what was there, but actually there was nothing to fear in the first place, just me playing games with myself and holding myself back from actually evolving.

    2. We see what happens to a flower if its delicateness is being squashed, I wonder if we are aware of all the harm squashing our delicateness does to us?

      1. Alexis and rachelmurtagh1 I totally agree with both of you retuning to our sensitivity and delicateness is our innate birth right and this quality can be felt in the stillness of who we truly are. It’s Interesting that currently the world is set up for us all to be in motion so that we do not realise that actually we are stillness first. If we connect to the stillness within first then move with that stillness everything changes, it really is a complete life changer.

      2. I love feeling my delicateness, I am still learning to consistently embrace that quality in all areas of my life.

  6. To maintain and honour our delicateness requires dedication and consistency which brings an ever deepening awareness that is empowering.

  7. I reflected on flowers earlier this morning … well blossom. In that this tree, I think it was a magnolia tree, was out in full bloom yet this week its been really cold. What came to me is flowers/blossom don’t hold back it doesn’t wait for the ‘right’ condition if it’s ready, it just blooms fully in all its glory. Pretty cool and a great reminder for us to do the same.

  8. Melinda this is divine. Truely divine. You have reminded my body on a felt cellular level of it’s and everybody else’s delicateness. And this sentence ‘Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience’ evoked in me a similar feeling to that which I have experienced when standing in front of a field of flowers. Glorious. Truly.

  9. “We live this essence fully until life alters us”. Is it life that alters us or is it us that change as a result of the life that is around us? I know that for me, it was me that jumped ship from my naturally delicate self and chose to toughen up and change the way that I was with others in an attempt to protect myself from the verbal attacks that I was receiving at school. Life is life, moment by moment we are choosing how to be in response to it.

    1. Alexis as children we do shut down as a result of the life around us and we can remain shut down life after life. We are not taught that everything happens because of energy and that if we were to sense what energy is impulsing us to move, which you say is a moment to moment choice, then we would know when we are choosing abusive energy because we would be abusing to ourselves and others too.

  10. This is so true; ‘Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious.’ What I love about this is that we adore them just as they are and would not expect them to be any different.

    1. And yet somewhere along the line, for whatever reason, we start to build layers of protection, and so lose the delicateness we were born with.

  11. It is very lovely to see children who are delicate, sensitive and open, they show us how natural it is to be this way and that we too are this, it is us in our true form without the protection and hardness.

    1. We do adore the delicateness in babies, ‘Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to. Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious.’

  12. ‘And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within…’ This would have a huge impact on our health, wellbeing and community interaction. What a transformation to the whole of society if we all chose to live with the preciousness that we are.

  13. Being met with someone who is in their full delicateness is truly gorgeous. It gives permission for us to be in delicateness also. Discarding those layers of hardness and brittleness is truly restorative.

    1. Rachelmurtagh1 I agree with you that there is something truly gorgeous in being met by another person, they can just be going about their day however their movements convey such a flow of beauty and it is possible to feel a vitality that is missing in other people, so that they are arresting because there is something so delicate in the way they move that you cannot but notice them. they may not see you but you know they have met you on a cellular level because they miss nothing when they are walking everything is seen, felt and known.

  14. ‘Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’ This is a very sobering statement Melinda for when you apply this analogy to ourselves of holding back from showing the delicateness and grace in how we move throughout our day to day lives, it is a bit of a wake up call.

    1. It’s just as well flowers don’t do that, otherwise, we wouldn’t have a reflection of such unrestrained beauty but confirmed that having a wall is natural.

    2. Maybe we are here to reflect that light, that delicateness and beauty, just as the stars continually shine their light for all to see and feel.

  15. With young children I observe that their openness and delicateness and sweetness is on show and it is a beautiful reflection to all of us.

  16. This is the second blog I have read about delicateness today, so it is very clear that there is a message waiting for me to ‘open’. And I am not surprised that this has happened, as over the last few days I have found myself hardening a little in response to a situation in my life. The hardness, which I used to continually live with, doesn’t make an appearance very often these days, therefore I can tell that the message is super important, so I will say yes to it and open my heart to whatever it is offering me.

    1. I find blogs find me too when there is something to consider so go you Ingrid!! I feel also that delicateness goes hand in hand with sacredness and if we can be delicate with ourselves we appreciate how sacred this is and how worth nurturing we are so this becomes our normal and anything other becomes jarring.

      1. Now that delicateness is more normal in my life than ever I too have come to feel the ‘jarring’ when I begin to harden. It is so uncomfortable in my body to be anything else but delicate; definitely a most sacred of feelings.

    2. It is interesting isn’t it Ingrid that in a reaction to a situation we immediately go into hardness to protect ourselves rather than staying open to fully asses the energy that we are in reaction to. It is because we cannot see the energy but can feel it that sets off the reaction of defence. However we cannot protect or defend against the negative energy, but by staying open to it we can let it pass through us without harming us. Like water off a ducks back.

  17. “We may toughen ourselves, preferring to meet the world with aggression or defensiveness, portraying a false strength, forgetting that our innocent inner beauty is much more powerful” – and there’s immense sadness underneath that seeming preference, grieving the absence of that innateness.

  18. I loved reading this blog, and the analogy of the delicate flower and us. We are innately delicate, divine and delicious and this is then covered up by a protection that presents the opposite.

    Underneath everyone our structure is the same, born from the one and we are part of the one and together we are the whole in the making.

    I have been connecting to this delicateness and it is so divine to feel and be with. Without perfection it is being included in my everyday life, it has to start somewhere.

    1. Shushila I was visiting friends recently and it was really interesting to observe how delicate and sensitive the man was and how hard and shutdown his partner was. When we are moving in hardness it is possible to crush other’s sensitivity by poking fun of it as though too much sensitivity is hard to bear because it highlights the lack of sensitivity in others.

  19. “We may even forget that we ourselves are beautiful.” Try to pay someone a compliment and you will see how unfortunately this is very true. Often when you say someone looks beautiful today, or that outfit looks great on you etc….and it is met with a rebuttal (this old thing???, i just threw this one etc…) instead of confirmation (thank you, I feel it today, or yes I am etc…).

    1. Sarah recently on a sales call on Zoom one of the team said I looked amazing, I thanked them and said yes I am amazing, I heard a voice say dripping with sarcasm so no humbleness here then. It was so funny because in the past that would have hurt me, but this time I just let the comment go because it was quite clear that it comes from jealousy and I’m not going to turn down my feeling of vitality to make another person feel more comfortable which is what I would have done in the past. I have changed my attitude and behaviour so much since attending the workshops and presentations of Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom teachings, so that now I do not take any notice of what people say about me because I know who I am and can now hold steady within myself when such negativity is directed at me.

  20. ‘If we were to try to protect it with some kind of armour we would simply crush the flower.’ wow, such a great analogy when we apply it to ourselves. Protection crushes and doesn’t protect.

  21. I can’t help but smile when I imagine “a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty”, all sharing their delicateness to every other person. No more hard cases of protection, no more hiding away our beautiful selves, just a simple expression of the gloriousness that every single one of us is, and have been from day one.

  22. Through Sacred Movement I am enjoying, appreciating and getting to know true delicateness a lot more.

  23. We deny delicateness being a strength and a power and yet it is every bit of that. Far from being weak, it enables us to sense and feel others, know where we, and they are at and it keeps us in touch with our inner heart and the wisdom that is found there. Being in touch with delicacy is the very thing that can move mountains, so to speak. We greatly underestimate what being delicate brings.

  24. “What would it be like walking in that field every day? – seeing that you are working in the construction industry I was wondering how delicateness and everything that comes with it would change this industry, the way and purpose of building for people by people, the quality of such buildings and thus our suburbs, streets and cities and so much more; actually it is beyond imagination but it can be sensed as the paradigm shift it would and will be.

  25. I could not imagine asking a flower or a baby to toughen up. In fact of they did they would lose the qualities that make them melt our hearts. So why should we as we grow up have to toughen up and lose what made us adorable?

    1. The absurdity of ‘toughening up’ is exposed brilliantly in your comment, Fiona. It is a bizarre thought to ask a flower or baby to toughen up. Picturing a flower to go ridged and dull, or a baby to lose shine, chubbiness and softness would be like asking the sun not to glow. Yet, as adults that’s exactly what we do.

      1. I love what you have shared here Rachel. It makes so much sense while at the same time making it very clear how crazy it is that as adults we feel we need to harden up, stop being delicate and then wonder why life doesn’t seem to flow as well as it possibly could. How could it, when we are living as the hardened versions of who we truly are?

  26. Imagine if flowers had self worth issues. Imagine if they compared and thought they were not beautiful. The beauty of the whole is then tainted. Indeed lack of self worth and comparison and most definitely NOT natural to us in any way shape and form.

    1. Bringing tenderness, love and care to our bodies is healing, ‘We inspire, bring joy, open hearts to love, remind what life is all about, and bring healing to those feeling battered or worn down by the harshness of life.’

  27. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show? What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, out?”

    Onto. It.

  28. To walk in that field would be inspirational. The power of delicateness arises from the ability to surrender to freely express its innate exquisite quality. The more we honor and express this quality within ourselves the more we live the power of who we naturally are.

  29. Being open and letting all protection and guards down feels so lovely, we think when we toughen up to protect ourselves it is helping us but actually it ends up really hurting our body when we do this.

  30. Wow what kind of world do we live in if delicacy is not normal and in fact squandered out of us at a very young age. No wonder so many carry so many hurts!

    1. And Joshua no wonder the world is so sick both mentally and physically, how we are raised as children is reflected back to us in how we are as adults. Currently it seems to me that as adults we are not coping so well as we seem very stressed by life and use an array of distractions to get us through life. Checking out because we feel we are unable to cope with life. The sheer amount of people using opiod drugs in the USA alone and the devastating effects it is having on families, the work environment and society in general tells us all that something is very amiss with humanity.

  31. Just imagine if we were raised from young to know the delicateness and preciousness of the human body; how different our lives would be. Would we choose to eat foods that harm our bodies,would we pour alcohol, a poison, down our throats, and would we push our bodies until they were hurting and exhausted? Somehow, I don’t think so.

  32. When we reflect any delicateness to others, some will receive it well and some will not, it is simply a choice.

    I’ve observed how I used to disregard this for many years, and it would show up in my body with aches and pains. Over the past few years, I’ve softened and my body would soon indicate when I have gone into drive or over ridden the delicateness, it is still a work in progress. What I love is that I listen more and more to my body as it is forever speaking a truth.

    1. I have found that delicacy, sensitivity and awareness go hand in hand. My body used to be incredibly hard, mostly from strenuous exercise but also from self protection and I found it difficult to feel things, be they physical or what was going on for me energetically. But what I have found is that the more aware I become, the more sensitive I become and the more delicate I am. It’s a beautiful reverse process.

  33. I loved the analogy of the delicate flower and when I pondered on this, it really makes sense, we are no different.

    I see newborns regularly and I observe their delicateness, they are such pure love and their only needs are to be fed, cared for (for their physical capacity) and loved, they ask for no more. And I observe how sooner or later the impositions of religion, cultural beliefs will soon be upon them, but inside always resides that delicateness of pure love ready to come out, when ready.

    1. Babies are naturally delicate, a bundle of love in expression, ‘ As babies we express an exquisite and unadulterated beauty that is the essence of who we are. We live this essence fully until life alters us, but before that time the delicate and gorgeous being we are easily melts the hardest of hearts.’

    1. I worked with a gentleman whose movements were always gentle to the point of tender. My body registered his movements very deeply and there are many times that the memory of how he moved comes back to me and I am inspired to reach for a file or walk with the same quality. Our bodies know which movements are true and which are not.

  34. In honouring our genuinely delicate nature we can honour our sensitivity and the depth of awareness that we can connect with that can truly be our guide in life.

  35. To have our beauty on show, and to feel what the world would be like if we did. That would change everything and present the truth of who we all are.

  36. What a beauty there is in us — how much of a reflection do we need, as our flowers simply show us.. Nevertheless the inspiration of love inside us is always greater than what we can see by our eyes.

  37. We are all delicate and tender beings, to learn to express this in a world instead of becoming hard and protecting ourselves is a beautiful quality that supports us in so many ways.

    1. Being delicate and tender is a beautiful quality, just as we see in nature, in flowers etcetera, ‘The beauty of a flower is there when it is fully open. If the flower were to keep itself closed to protect itself from possible harm, the world would be missing out on profound beauty. Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’

  38. Our delicacy and our tenderness are our greatest strengths as they keep us open to life. Open to our own fragility and strength. Open to other people. Open to the joy and wonders of life. Open to our sensitivity which connects us to our own inner-wisdom.

  39. ‘We also cannot force the flower to toughen up to protect itself, because all the beauty is in the delicateness. Flowers that are hard, brittle or rigid just would not work.’ This is a stunning analogy that makes it so clear as to why remaining delicate as a human being is so important.

  40. We are used to playing small, playing so much less that who we are, no longer even aware of our beauty as shared in the blog previously. I am wondering how much of our energy goes to neglect, abuse, purposeless living, dis-engagement, lies, hate, emotions etc. What would actually happen if we spend that effort into our current existence, on love?

  41. It is not until we read blogs like this that we then realise just how much we have toughened up .. without even truly realising it! The irony is to live in this world we don’t have to toughen up at all in fact toughening up or allowing our bodies to harden to be ‘protected’ hurts our bodies even more. As you say if more and more of us allowed ourselves to be in our delicateness and truly appreciated this that would give others permission to do the same. Then the world would be a far less ‘tougher’ place to be in.

  42. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to”. So where is it now in our adult life, this innate purity and delicateness that for all was our normal expression when we were born? I found it is still there, under the armour I had built around it because of my choices in life, and armour that I could let go too, by making different choices in life supported by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  43. For both women and men, when we start to appreciate, value and claim back our delicateness, the world will become a complete different place to live in.

  44. I love that this is written by someone who works in the construction industry, an industry known for hard hats and steel capped boots. It shows me that we all need to bring our delicateness to all industries.

  45. “Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?” – protection of any kind leaves no room in which to hold anything else and hence any space to enjoy the scent of a bloom whether that’s a flower or a person.

    1. It is to me even impossible to imagine how life would look like with no roses or lilies because they choose to stay closed. But I do recognise it in people that only show that outer surface, the armour or wall but rarely the delicacy they are. Is it possible that nature can be seen as a reflection to show us the way in how to live life and contribute to the whole?

  46. “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.”

    I know I have done both. And for much of my adult life, I did live with my coat of armour and kept people at arm’s length. Even though I appeared open, friendly and engaging. I had forgotten my true beauty. Since reconnecting with it, slowly but surely, and starting to live that more and more – combined with my preciousness and delicateness – I am starting to choose to move people with my beauty. It is quite stark the difference. I know it also from the receiving end and it is quite something to be moved by someone’s beauty. It can stir up quite a bit, be a bit challenging when you have not chosen your own beauty, and also be something very divine.

  47. Thank you Melinda. I have for too long not cared about my delicateness, as I have payed so much attention to my hurts and making myself small (holding back my truth). T I am now returning to who I am more, and letting go of the hurts, protections and contraction. For me to feel what is being written here about our delicateness feels yummy. To actually come back to that beauty and love inside that is precise. No hurt or protection or contraction fits in there. More reason to let go..

  48. Today I saw a beautiful picture of a flower and I was touched by the light, the purity and how shameless it shared its beauty, the power of the absolute delicateness it was. And then I read this blog and this line ‘We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’ So true and lets go for the last option!

    1. Absolutely gorgeous, thank you for bringing this out ” We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’’ I am often moved by another’s beauty and now I am more aware that I can bring that to others…something to appreciate and continually activate.

  49. I love flowers and so the analogy to what if flowers didn’t open or if we all did is clear. I’m growing a rosebush whose roses come out, flower and then lose their leaves in only a few days. I was quite surprised by how quickly the cycle happens and wanted the roses to last longer in flower than they do. But what I’m noticing is how graciously the petals drop and to appreciate each flower in its beautiful delicacy is something very lovely. Each rose is enough, it doesn’t have to pretend to hold itself together when it’s letting go. There is much grace here to observe and appreciate. A way of living that doesn’t get in the way of its cycles and rhythms.

  50. ‘Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.’ If this were so we’d be super joyful going to work, work meetings etc. and being with people. I’d be out of a job in social care: they’d be no need for it as it currently stands with concentrating on protecting children and young people. And yes, the world isn’t like this but it just takes a few to start living what’s possible. I know I’m going to keep coming back to transparency and experience the world without going into protection. It maybe a few seconds at first but I know it’s possible to live this way and inspire others.

  51. One of my favourite moments is when I come across a tiny, delicate flower growing out of a crack in the concrete, its innate delicateness in stark contrast to the hardness of the matter around it. It is always a moment to stop and appreciate the strength that there actually is in delicateness and fragility, a strength we too have naturally within us, a strength to be embraced not cast aside as a weakness.

  52. Just the title of this blog brings me to see and feel my delicateness, to appreciate the still pulse of my heart and how powerful it actually feels. Thank you

  53. Melinda this is so beautiful to read. I always loved the ability of the flowers to regenerate. When the bloom finishes there is a time of repose where the bud is closed and then they start blossoming again and again with no stop…This shows me that it doesn’t matter what we did in the past, how protective, hard or dismissive we can be, our beauty and delicate nature is there, untarnished within us always ready to be shown.

  54. “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty” I have done both and still do at times. One is quite isolating and one is quite inclusive. such a different feel in the body.

  55. In reading this article I get a sense of the delicateness that is me, the being. And in doing this I get a sense of each person also having this same delicate being-ness inside. And so it makes me both wonder why we live in such harsh and abrasive ways, but also it inspires me to bring more of this delicate nature out so that there may be real change in the way we treat eachother and in the systems that we currently have, because I reckon that it is through the expression of our delicate nature that what will need to change will change, naturally.

  56. When we are hurt we often lash out as protection so that we do not put ourselves in that position again, and as a way to keep others at a distance. The sad thing is this way of being is so harmful to ourselves and to others and a complete lie; we do not need to protect ourselves from anything as the more open we are, the stronger we get.

  57. The potency of a flower’s beauty and perfume is dependant on how well it is nurtured by the quality of the soil, the sun’s rays and the falling rain. In equal proportion so too do we need to take great care of ourselves so that all that the inner exquisiteness is available on the surface as well.

  58. Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?” I love that analogy and yes it would be a tragic day indeed if the flowers refused to open, just as it is a tragedy when we refuse to open up to all the preciousness and delicateness that we are.

    1. Very true Elizabeth. My body always felt very tense when I tried to protect my delicateness. Thanks to being open to listen to it, I could understand that being protective is not my natural way of being. How powerful is being honest to make significant shifts in life as since this realization, I made the choice to bring more of my gorgeousness out whether it is liked, approved by others or not. This simple choice feels very loving and honouring and I really love being me 🙂

  59. What an gorgeous example. And so true. We are just as delicate as flowers if not more. Thank you for highlighting who we are in truth.

  60. Such a beautiful analogy Melinda, offering us much to ponder as to how we treat ourselves. Do we care for ourselves as we would a precious flower or a new-born baby? Maybe if we did then our body will reflect that level of care, as would our lives. It is never too late to begin to treat ourselves like the gorgeous and very vulnerable little baby we once were.

  61. And flowers only show us a small part of the incredible delicateness inside us – as human beings we are infinitely more delicate than any flower, it’s something that’s worth taking the time to really explore.

      1. Yeh – nature is incredibly beautiful in its’ delicacy and intricate detail and order, but nothing compares to looking into the eyes of another human being and seeing the universe, or hearing someone speak the absolute truth.

  62. The delicateness we are at one with as babies is no different to the delicateness we still are today, we only think that is is not who we are as this quality is not commonly lived or accepted as normal in our world today – it is in fact considered a weakness. Yet, the truth is that this is who we innately are and our resistance and denial of living with this quality is why we live in such a tension and unrest. When we live in connection to who we are within, our delicateness is a natural expression, reflecting the true power of love in all its beauty and grace.

  63. The delicateness and likewise strength of a flower are a great reflection and inspiration for us; strength and power go together well with being delicate, not just for flowers.

  64. ‘We rarely see flowers alone; they grow everywhere in all shades, shapes and colours, ready to share their light-hearted playfulness, their sensual depths, their fragrance and inspiring beauty’ True Melinda and a beautiful observation of the light flowers bring through, a reflection for us all to share our light, the delicateness that we naturally are, grander than anything we see in nature.

  65. There is a misconception that we have to have it altogether and to do this we have to be tough and strong and put on a brave face. In my experience this actually keeps us from being honest with ourselves and thus with everyone else and no true relationship can develop this way – let alone the relationship with ourselves.

  66. Melinda i just love your observations of nature: “We rarely see flowers alone; they grow everywhere in all shades, shapes and colours, ready to share their light-hearted playfulness, their sensual depths, their fragrance and inspiring beauty” – observations that reflect the truth of us as human beings too.

  67. We cut flowers to beautify our houses, tend gardens so we can look at the blooms and yet we don’t care for ourselves so well at times. Our delicateness is there at any moment to connect with, honour and cherish.

    1. This is a bit of an ouch, we can have flowers in our house and look after our gardens but do we connect to, honour and cherish our own delicateness as much as the reflections the flowers bring to us, do we feel and care for the innate beauty we are?

    2. Exactly. Just one delicate movement is more exquisite and more beautiful than even the most beautiful bloom of flowers. Flowers are gorgeous but nothing beats the preciousness inside us.

  68. I love what you present here, a sea of people appreciating and honouring their own delicateness and in doing so showing it to all … it would be a very different world.

  69. What I love about this flower analogy is that the flower opens up to the world when it is ready. It doesn’t rush to get to the petals stage, it just steadily and surely builds and strengthens itself, and allows the magical unfolding to happen, according the the bigger rhythms of nature and the universe, of which it is an equal and integral part of.

    As humans we create so many distractions and dramas that get in the way of us reaching our full potential. There’s a lot we can learn from flowers as they just get on with it and do their thing, without fuss or fanfare, or need for reward, recognition or acknowledgement. They flower because that is their purpose and their job.

    1. I love this Bryony. We humans have so messed with the natural order and harmony of things. It is beautiful to feel that we can come back, little by little, to the purity lost and forsaken in our youth – and align to “the bigger rhythms of nature and the universe’ and that we can do this by just getting on with it…….by getting on with living our delicateness in all we do….with no perfection.

  70. I remember a few times over the years spending some one-on-one time with young children, and feeling this overwhelming sadness. I hid it from the child (physically but I am sure they felt it energetically) and I never really understood it. It only happened a handful of times and I have spent many a time in the company of children. When I read this line “babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to” I realised that I was feeling the sadness of abandoning that innate purity. Now thanks to The Way of the Livingness, I am learning to live that more and more and that feeling of sadness is not so overwhelming.

  71. Thank you Melinda that actually touched my heart..
    And so it is true what you shared in the sentence bellow, a beauty we actually can not resist..
    ‘Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’
    This is reflective of the way we can be with ourselves moving forward — unprotected and unguarded, letting out the beauty of who we are.

    1. Imagining a world without flowers makes my heart weep. Literally. There is so much that flowers bring to the world. Not only all of the qualities that Melinda has mentioned but colour as well. Oh my goodness me the colour that we have in the world because of flowers is beyond description. Be that the colour of a whole field of flowers or the breathtaking colour of a single flower. And the scent of flowers, imagine a world without their perfume. The smell of a rose is impossible to describe in words , I can stand literally rooted to the spot smelling a rose for ages. I find it totally intoxicating.

  72. The more of us that are able to live openly from our delicateness, the more people it will inspire not to live from that protection that most of us build, due to the hurts we accumulate along the path of life.

    1. I agree Kev. it feels like a call and response when we are in our delicateness. As if our delicateness is saying ‘here I am abandoned and raw, where are you, will you join me’?

  73. Delicacy is another word for our light – that which dissolves the shadows beneath our feet. And just as the flower is dependent on the sun’s rays to unfurl its petals towards the warmth of such light, so too must we learn to respond to such a call from within and surrender the walls we have built that have stopped us fully relating to the world and our place in it.

  74. It brings a warmth to my heart reading this blog and imagining the hearts and faces of others opening up and blossoming to the warmth of the sun.

  75. As we come to treasure and share our delicateness more we will feel the changes in our relationships with ourselves, each other and life. A properly world changing affair it will be.

  76. Many years ago we had a cactus and out of the blue, it flowered one year, presenting us with one perfectly delicate white flower. The flower was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, but only lasted for one day and it never flowered again. What blew me away, was how unimpressive the cactus was on the outside, but could produce something so beautiful.

    1. We can all be spiky, hard and appear a bit ugly on the outside – but the potential within us all to share the beauty we all hold equally within is immeasurable.

  77. Its true we would miss out on so much beauty in the world if all the flowers kept themselves shut in protection, but this is what we human beings do protecting our inner beauty just in case we might get hurt.

  78. It is true that there is great strength in our delicateness, but for many there needs to be a sense of safety in order to let this out and for it to be expressed. For many people, delicacy has been something crushed and then hidden for fear of being hurt again. And as I understand this, for I was there too, it is possible to see how life becomes hard and arduous through the experiences that we have that shape us and make us into what we are – perhaps not always what we would like to be. Trust and security therefore are paramount in letting delicacy be seen. And the greatest lesson I have learnt about this which I am honoured to share with you, is the fact that we are the source for the most stupendous levels of trust and security. It comes from within yourself, you have within all that is needed to live delicately – even in the face of difficult times.

    1. “And the greatest lesson I have learnt about this which I am honoured to share with you, is the fact that we are the source for the most stupendous levels of trust and security. It comes from within yourself, you have within all that is needed to live delicately – even in the face of difficult times”. Beautifully said Shami.

  79. ‘Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.’ I love this Melinda, innately we know how to handle our fragility and to enjoy the magic we are too when we allow what lives on the inside out again.

    1. Which would have to be our commitment to life – to be there in full but cherish and nurture our innate qualities at the same time.

  80. Melinda i love how the flower and everything you so gorgeously say about it.. is equally about us as a human being – for what we see in nature is but inside us too.

  81. This is beautiful. When we are very much in our power we are then very open and can feel our fragility, so power, openness and fragility go very much together.

    1. I agree. In our connection to who we are we are in connection to God, and in our Godliness emanates a natural expression of the true qualities of who we are such a delicateness, grace, tenderness and fragility. Never are these qualities or our connection them a weakness but rather a strength, as what can be greater than living with the power of all that we are, and are here to live.

  82. Connecting to nature as a perfect reflection for us to learn something about ourselves from it is beautiful… a constant teacher and sign poster to guide us through life.

  83. Yesterday I was part of a group all receiving Esoteric healing. The quality in the room after we each came around was so precious and vulnerable. The feeling in the room was like kids who sleep over. There was an intimate innocence of letting our guard down. It showed me that I don’t have to wait to be in a safe space to be this delicate way in this world and this is what I feel you writing here to say Melinda.

  84. Melinda, reading this I can feel how protecting ourselves and hardening up just doesn’t work and also what a shame it is that we hide our true selves rather than being on show and allowing our fragility, delicateness and absolute loveliness to be seen by all, in the way that babies and young children do.

  85. Melinda what you have written is a huge reminder of our innate delicateness something I feel most of us have forgotten.
    Your words stood out for me
    “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty”
    I know someone in my community who moves with such beauty and grace as they quietly walk by, and it is felt by everyone on a very subtle level. I know as they walk by that I have been blessed by heaven and yet nothing profound has taken place, they have just casually walked by. That to me is the magic of God

  86. I always used to try and hide my delicateness, yet I have found that through my delicateness I am able to move more gently and naturally which has in turn helped me drop the protection I used to hide behind as it serves no true purpose.

  87. I love your analogy with the flower. Imagine if we, as people, all bloomed and blossomed in the same way how different life would look, and feel? The joy, lightness and beauty abound would be stunning.

  88. Nature beautifully reminds us of our innate qualities and expresses them so generously for us all to be touched by. How confirming of our own true beauty and gloriousness.

  89. “We may even forget that we ourselves are beautiful.” I know that when I lived a super hard life on myself, I totally forgot that I was beautiful. But as the hardness melted, it revealed my beauty that had never left.

  90. “There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful.” what a great reflection, I love this as it makes me look at life in a different way. What if we are all beautiful? It takes away the societal construct of beauty and allows us to connect with the essence of each person and in that the equal beauty we all are.

  91. A beautiful and apt analogy Melinda. Just as the flower unfurls its petals accordingly to the warmth of the sun, so too do we when touched by the Soul’s light, peel back our layers of protection and allow all the beauty within to unfold out.

  92. I am feeling much more the delicateness in my body as a woman and there are things that I once did in the garden that I cannot do now, physically I could at a push do them, but my body no longer wants to be treated that way, I am more and more wanting to honour my innate delicateness.

  93. We discount our own delicacy and beauty and then get angry at others and blame them for our difficulty blooming and being in this world. When we appreciate truly who we are, never will we look to offload responsibility for our growth onto someone else. Thank you Melinda.

  94. As I observe my young daughter I see her delicateness – it is a natural quality she holds and carries and when she pushes herself, she totally changes and we have to talk to her to bring her back. It shows that we naturally know what delicateness is and that we resist it as we learn the opposite movements.

  95. How gorgeous it is to surrender to our own innate delicateness and beauty and within that movement inspire another to do the same. One flower never blooms alone, as we all can support each other to flourish and share the beauty within outwardly so.

  96. We deprive ourselves of our natural connection with our delicateness but reconnecting to it is as simple as making a choice.

  97. It’s not often that the word power is equated with the word delicate! But as you describe the reflection we offer when allowing ourselves to be naturally delicate is powerful, it reminds us that there is much more to us than just physical beings and that the quality in which we are and do things makes a big difference to all.

  98. This is a beautiful metaphor to open ourselves fully and show our delicate and precious nature to the world, unprotected and for all to see.

  99. Melinda this post is such a delightful capturing of the beauty of our world and this being a reflection to us as humans. “There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful” – and so it is for us too without the dreaded thorn and suffocation of comparison or jealousy, but instead full appreciation for all shapes, colours, sizes we do see.

  100. Gosh we are extremely delicate, far more so than we often care to admit to others or even acknowledge to ourselves.

  101. Flowers never hold back their bloom, no matter how many others are blooming as well. A great reflection for us to not hold back our beauty and delicateness.

  102. Divine Melinda – I can truly feel your delicateness in the way that you write. When we get into struggles and strife, imagine if instead of looking for answers or things to fix, we embraced more delicateness in our body? What if instead of trying to ‘nut it out’ we said yes to that preciousness inside and out? I know when I am hurt I often move and act or speak in a harsh way. Your words here inspire me to choose differently.

  103. Delicateness is found in nature everywhere and it is so exquisite to appreciate and reflect on this quality because it not only resides in nature but it resides within us also. Nature is a beautiful mirror unto which we all can bask in its glow and appreciate that it’s same qualities are instilled within us all too.

  104. There is such a beautiful inherent order in nature where things not only co-exist but support each other, reminding us that we if we were to choose we could follow that flow and order as well.

  105. I love your description of a field of flowers. Flowers don’t compare or tell other flowers not to open, they just show their magic and remind us to give ourselves permission to do the same.

  106. Nature is always guiding us to see what is naturally inherent within. A constant messenger of what we have forgotten. Everything is a message to us leading us back home to who we are.

  107. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to.” I have taken to reminding new mothers – in my work volunteering on a maternity ward supporting new parents with feeding their babies – to treat themselves with as much tenderness as they treat their newborns. It is shocking to see how roughly some women treat their own breasts (whilst massaging them to express breast milk for their babies). Delicateness is not something we have been taught to embrace as women.

  108. Tenderness and delicateness are palpable in this blog inspiring me to drop any protection I might be holding and allow a greater unfolding of my own sweet delicacy and tenderness, allowing for a greater honouring of these qualities and appreciation too.

  109. I love this analogy of human beings to flowers and this fragility and delicateness is something I am recently learning to appreciate in myself as a man. The power of tenderness is very profound and life changing.

  110. The smog of illusion leads us to believe that we are concrete and tough. The truth reveals everything as beautifully delicate. Including us. Thank you Melinda for opening up.

  111. “Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?” – what misery. The joy of an opened rose or scent of a lily… is the joy and scent of us as a human in our essence.

  112. It is an endless spiral..we toughen to protect us from the hard world around us, but the world is only hard because we have toughened, and in that have left our sensitivity and delicateness. So waiting, as we do now, for the world to change has taken eons and will take eons more, for only if we return to our delicateness will the world change as well, for we ourselves are what this world is made of.

  113. A flower invites us to appreciate that delicateness is part of the whole; part of what sustains the whole; part of what confirms the whole in silent and vibrant dialogue to itself.

  114. This is a discussion that we need to have and continually have as there are many many people, old and young that feel their innate delicateness, sweetness and tenderness but do not feel they can show or express this within the world. The more we make this normal the easier it becomes for people to just be and allow themselves to be all of this and more. Also being delicate, sweet or tender does not mean anything fluffy there is actually great power in this.

  115. When I watch another person being delicate in the way that they do something it is something to be cherished and deeply appreciated.

  116. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to.” I was on a plane yesterday and at the end when we were all waiting to get off, there was a baby behind me, and I watched about 5-6 adults in front me of, totally melt when they made contact with that baby. It was quite something to watch because you are right, babies do connect us back to that purity, grace, joy, and playfulness that we were born with. So when we connect, we melt back into that state, and so easily as well. So that says to me that it is always there, it just waits for an invitation to come out. So what if we invited ourselves? and did not wait for those brief interactions on planes or in supermarkets etc…

  117. What a great question to consider ‘We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’ …. so do we show our beauty or hold people away with our hardness, and in doing so we’re hardening our selves too, so we miss our own beauty, feels a loose loose for all of us. So back to showing our beauty and learning to live and be this each moment.

    1. This sentence really does make you stop and consider Monica, to move people with our beauty rather than move people away. The difference is huge and to move people with our beauty is all encompassing and inclusive.

  118. We tend to get on with life and forget to stop and feel just how delicate we are, in essence and in body. I love this article because it calls me to stop, remember and embrace the delicateness I am and have always been.

  119. In our delicateness there is a strength like no other. It is one born from the exquisite knowing and absolute acceptance of our beauty and our place in the world.

    1. Like all true qualities there is no end to the depth that we can go into with delicateness. Deeper and deeper we go, getting ever closer to our origins.

  120. Beautiful reminder, Melinda. It may look like the world currently is not be making it any easy for our true essence to be lived and expressed, but the world is as is because we are not living who we truly are. It is our choice.

  121. I find protection is what stops me from connecting to and living with the strength of delicateness. When I let this protection drop delicateness is always their to warmly greet me. I find I hold the protection in my shoulders and over my chest area by tightening my muscles and hardening my stance. To connect to my delicateness I allow myself to feel the warmth I feel flow across my upper torso, and I melt. I highly recommend connecting to one’s delicateness.

  122. Having now felt my delicateness, I know without a doubt that being hard and going into protection is not natural to us and goes against nature. Having a field of people open and unprotected would be a sight to see and feel, and would change the world as we know it today.

  123. Thank you for sharing this Melinda, I have felt like a battered flower myself today! Protection and going hard, closing up and not expressing is debilitating, whereas I have had the experience of feeling like a flower in full bloom, not hiding and beauty on show. I know which one I prefer.

  124. We are drawn to the delicateness that nature has to show but tend to run away from our own delicateness. We forget that delicateness has a beauty of its own and the power to melt a hardened heart.

  125. As we all are equal in essence, we too are equal in our tenderness and once we choose to live that all together as one, the glory of humanity will be restored in such a grandness that we collectively never will choose to abandon this quality of our being ever again.

  126. Melinda, great question; ‘what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within?’, I can feel that this is what young children do, they honour and express what they are feeling, if they are cold they let you know, if something hurts they cry, they put themselves first and honour themselves, this feels very natural.

  127. Being a gardener I can fully appreciate this blog, I often stop my daily toil to gaze at the beauty of a flower and smell the fragrance if there is one. The delicateness of a flower is always a reminder to me that there is a God, like the delicateness of a feather as well. What a beautiful world it would be if we could all relate to the delicateness that we all are, but until that time comes, the more of us that can live it, the more others will be inspired to connect to it as well.

  128. In embracing our delicateness, we discover the true power of who we are, and the greater whole that we are intrinsically part of, through which we are unified and moved by the pulse of love. When we all surrender to being, emanating, expressing, and showing all that we naturally are in essence, without reserve as does a flower, the ‘global field of humans’ will be an awe-inspiring reflection to behold, with every breath taken being blessed with the sweetness of our Heavenly scent.

  129. Flowers also do not have any issues or problems. Yes things may go wrong at times but in no way do they create it. Perhaps part of the keys to living true delicacy is letting go of issues. Something many of us seek to create.

  130. A gorgeous reflection of nature’s majesty and how to mirror this divine quality. Thank you Melinda.

  131. A beautiful blog to return to and remind ourselves how beauty is everywhere. And especially when we are in our delicateness. Thank you Melinda.

  132. ‘And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers,’ Feeling anxious about some of what I have to do and the people I am dealing with and the energy that is being played out I can go hard in protection and I can neglect myself in my concern for the outside world. This doesn’t help anyone but when I allow myself to connect to the loveliness within which has that quality of a precious flower I can move again in and from that beauty and feel the power and authority that is naturally there to be expressed.

  133. The word . . . delicateness itself evokes a responsibility to honour, treasure and handle with care.

  134. What an incredible questions. True ones. Beauty is in the depth of questions. When we are being asked to deepen our truth — beauty is.. A more so element we need to truly get beyond as human beings (that are more then flesh, we are energetic first). To appreciate all that has been given – even if we have chosen to step away and try to do it without. It is for us to Return. Return to who we are — where we are from.

  135. Thank you Melinda loved reading this article and it makes me wonder how much we avoid our delicateness in our lives and it is only when we face an injury or pain that we suddenly become gentler and aware of how delicate our bodies are. But why wait until something goes wrong, when we can simply connect to this lovely quality within and move with it in every possible way reflecting truth and trust to others that this is the way forth for us all to receive more of the beauty around us and that life then becomes a constant joy and flow of that which is divine.

  136. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show?” I’ve seen this time and time again when students finish a Universal Medicine course or workshop… the beauty, delicateness and playfulness that may have been hidden or held back for years is then beaming from their eyes and from their whole body.

  137. I love the delicateness of flowers and how you reflect our innate delicateness with their nature. Delicateness and having the courage to live it in todays society is huge for, I would say, almost everyone. What a blessing and gift, to have flowers in our lives that remind us, what we carry inside us equally. And that it is worth it of letting it out, appreciating and re- discovering it.

  138. Gorgeous Melinda, what your sharing here reveals to me is that delicacy is not the unusual rarity we think it to be, but more than we realise it’s the natural way of life. Just because we have lived life like our body is jackhammer, this is not proof that ‘life is hard’. We might experiment with being a bit more gentle but what on earth would life be like if we fully investigated how delicate we might actually be?

  139. When I am in touch with my delicateness a part of me wants to hide away from the world and protect it. But it is beautiful to go about life as normal with this delicateness. Without the usual protection we can have a very different experience.

  140. With their delicateness proudly on display, flowers also remind us to stop and enjoy who we are for a moment. When we make space to do this in our day and bring that sense to what we do, it makes for a very enjoyable and enriching day-to-day life. i.e. stopping to smell the roses.

  141. Thanks Melinda. When reading your blog, I can feel the glory it could be when we all would live in our delicate beauty, just gently emanating our unique essence together. Yes.. I can imagine it!

  142. It is interesting and sad that in our society we are made to believe that being delicate is a weakness or a burden in life, so we avoid it like a plague, when in fact embracing our delicateness is our natural right through which we know the divine within ourselves.

  143. It would feel pretty amazing and I cannot wait for that day ✨ Currently we are living in a world where boys, girls, men and women do not feel on the whole they can be open, sensitive and delicate. But this is absolutely possible and there is a true power in living this way.

  144. Reading this it occurred to me that if we did not have delicateness, tenderness and gentleness as part of our makeup, we would not be able to just call on it when we are presented with a newborn baby or a delicate flower.

  145. The natural beauty of flowers is a joy to behold. I’m currently in Portugal where wild fires have devastated so much of the countryside. Returning back to my relatives home after evacuating to see their house still standing and to see the flowers surrounding it are a joy that a few days ago I took for granted.

  146. There is such a beauty in someone who expresses their delicateness, it is like being in a perfumed garden.

    1. What I realize on myself and on others, when people are expressing from their delicateness, they are so beautiful instantly. The whole face looks different : soft, open, inviting, much more attractive in a sense. The way my eyelids move then reminds of the lightness of a butterfly. Lets have many perfumed garden with a lot of butterflies. 🙂

  147. I love this Melinda “Imagine an Ocean , a global field of human beings, glorious in their natural beauty , emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience”. I could see that in my minds eye and the effect would be and explosion of Love.

  148. My favourite flower is a rose, there is something exquisite and delicate about a rose, I have a few in my garden and it brings me great joy to see them in full bloom.

  149. Preciousness is indeed apt for each and every one of us – regardless of the exterior, facade and chosen living way. Who we in truth are can never be corrupted and awaits nourishment and honouring of our divine quality.

  150. When I think of the beauty of all different kinds of flowers and leaves it makes comparison and jealousy seem so out of place in our world – as in all those emotions do is get us to negate the beauty inside of us rather than truly appreciate what we have to offer and appreciate the reflection offered to us by others…

  151. I simply love flowers and being in nature and being able to take a moment to appreciate what they reflect offers us a great awareness about our own connection and how we in turn all connect to one divine way of being and that is truly awesome to consider.

  152. Nature is healing on every level – it is little wonder that we seek natures many forms to return us to a rhythm of inner-harmony be that momentary or lasting.

  153. A world in which we shine our true beauty, in our full gloriousness, without excuse will be a world knowing of joy and true inspiration.

  154. Yesterday I felt myself harden and start to be harsh with myself, so I stopped at the flower store and bought myself a bunch of delicate peachy pink roses which are here in my bedroom to remind me of the delicateness that is me.

  155. It is so rejuvenating to go for a walk in nature as nature just leaves us alone to simply be ourselves.

    1. And this is such a stark contrast to the world in which we live in, noticeably so – where we are pushed this way and that and incessantly never let be.

  156. Sometimes you may find one flower rising up through the cracks in concrete which shows us no matter what is put in its path it still allows itself to be all that it is and reflect this out to others.

  157. ‘We may toughen ourselves, preferring to meet the world with aggression or defensiveness, portraying a false strength, forgetting that our innocent inner beauty is much more powerful.’ Its interesting to observe how readily I will leave connection to my delicateness in exchange for toughening up and going into drive. Being aware of this and my movements supports me to stay connected to my inner world.

  158. We do appreciate flowers for their delicateness and fragility, and yet we do not associate these qualities with ourselves, and even though they were there as a baby and plain for all to see and feel. And then later on when we are reminded that these qualities are within us and never left us, we find it hard to accept that this is part of our natural nature. This to me shows how far away from ourselves we go when we choose to harden and use protection as a shield.

  159. Like a flower, when we allow ourselves to be truly tender and unhindered by our hard ways, than a relationship will truly blossom.

  160. I’m only now re-connecting with delicateness, something I’ve not previously associated myself with, but beginning to appreciate it as a quality we all innately have.

    1. Me too kehinde2012 and it is beautiful to feel the delicateness expand within my body as I let go of the hardness and protection exposing that this quality has always been there patiently waiting to be uncovered to come out and reflect to all.

  161. Two things stand out here – how deliberate we are and how we suppress that delicate-ness and one of our tools to do so is self-neglect …. your question brought me pause…. what if I lived without self-neglect? How would my life be different? This I will explore.

    1. How delicate we each are, how strongly consistent in our divinity and grace and how harmonious our true flow when we connect to the truth of who we are.

  162. “Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?” – Great point and analogy! And staying closed doesn’t actually protect our delicateness – we are in effect crushing it ourself rather than simply allowing ourselves to be all of who we are…

  163. Just imaging this “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show? ” brings joy to the body and a smile on my face. Wow if we just stopped to celebrate our delicateness how amazing would we feel and what beauty would we reflect.

  164. I look around a city and see the lack of nurturing. Fast food consumed at lunchtime, people in not enough warm clothes, people with their heads down just getting on with it, security chasing away homeless men, a huge us and them divide in the class system, a general lack of awareness, care and exhaustion. It shows that we are living far from who we truly are.

  165. A gorgeous blog Melinda thank you, we are all plants in the field of God, some already in full bloom showing their delicate beauty for all to see, others are at different stages off blooming showing promise of the glory to come, other plants are just at the tiny budding stage with no sign of what it holds within as yet and other plants have no buds or blooms anywhere visible, but within the seed of the plant lies the potential that at some time a glorious bloom will appear.

  166. There is a difference when a person walks wanting to attract attention in need to be confirmed by another, than when one walks in their fullness not holding back the power of their true nature as it is then that people can not resist to notice and be inspired by such magical presence in another.

  167. I am very reminded that delicateness is a strength, we don’t think that it is due to how the world currently operates. But I have found that when I am in my delicateness, those who are not have an opportunity to also feel their own delicateness.

  168. What if as the flower developed and blooms, and it radiates out its delicate essence or perfume then we also can allow ourselves to be in our delicate essence so we radiate all that we can be, so this is felt as a Loving reflection? Unlike the flower, which is sharing a valuable lesson, as the flower always will return to remind us what is possible from to our essence, we can always stay with our essence. Thus we can always deliver a divine reflect or connection to stay in full-bloom with our Loving reflection.

  169. It would be truly beautiful if everyone opened their hearts and allowed their natural tenderness to unfold. What I’m seeing is that when I am open with people that they start to open up too and it happens even without anything being said. It is a natural way we return to, sometimes even without realising.

  170. ‘We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’ Hmmm, now there’s a choice. First of course we are to be connected to our beauty and that is really the choice we are making. If we don’t feel it straight away it is for us to allow it to surface and this happens when we are connected to our body and surrendering.

    1. I recently clocked how much I was choosing to hide, something that I had not wanted to see. It is a choice after all to show our innate beauty or not.

  171. Walking in greater awareness of oneself is often offered when we walk in nature. We are constantly reminded of who we are… But we are just choosing to not see.. The more will there is in us of wanting to see and feel – the more we will see. Simple. Grandly so.

  172. When we feel the delicateness in babies we are reminded of that same quality in ourselves which is so lovely to feel.

  173. I have this image Melinda of all these flowers or people surrounded by tinted glass, protected from the world but not seeing the light of day and in fact not meeting their purpose. Flowers are delicate and beautiful and show that naturally, and so do people, and as you note it’s why we love kids so much they do not hold back on this, so yes the world would be such a different place if adults did the same too.

  174. If we embraced our delicate nature, Gosh, we would even raise our voices. It would eradicate abuse.

  175. When will we realise that being vulnerable, accepting our sensitivity and moving with delicateness actually energises and powers the body, whereas hardness, push and drive exhausts it.

  176. When we allow ourselves to unfold, connect and express our delicateness then everything feels completely different. Then we are able to really be the truth of who we are, not these hard and disconnected beings that we have accepted as our normal way of being.

  177. When something is delicate we hold it with preciousness. We are naturally delicate, but don’t always see it so. What would happen if we held ourselves in the preciousness that we deserve?

  178. It is astounding how we can treat ourselves when we were once so open, delicate ,loving and joyful. I love that we are seeking to return to this though. How can we not honour the cycles of nature when the flowers continually hold their love,delicateness and beauty and have not succumbed to protection and hardness in their little bodies.

  179. I love your flower analogy Melinda. Having grown tall early on I never felt delicate as a young girl, or as a woman, so accepting my own delicateness was something new to me. Every single one of us is delicate and sensitive, yet we strive so hard to hide it in and from society.

  180. “And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers”? I think you are onto something Melinda. This is a great place to start, by nurturing the delicateness so you feel how precious you are and nothing can make you live otherwise.

  181. ‘There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful.’ This is a true statement and we can further say in relation to that; every one of us holds the same amount of equal beauty. We need to live the truth that makes it so.

  182. “And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within, so we were always present and on show?” I love it when an analogy supports me to understand what it would feel like to change my patterns, as in this example here. I’m left with a powerful image that i can very easily relate to. Thank you.

  183. A beautiful blog Melinda on delicateness – I’ve noticed that feeling the minutest detail within me reminds me of the natural delicacy I am, that we all are.

  184. It seems to be easy to shut out our delicateness because this is what is being reflected to us by a majority of the people we meet. But when we look at nature it is constantly reminding us and reflecting to us its beauty, its delicateness and magnificence, and that these qualities are also within each and every single one of us.

  185. Isn’t it wonderful that we have so may reflections in life and on this planet to remind us of who we are. Everything is about us re-connecting and returning to this from each and every animal, plant, flower and person on this planet. There is a depth of wisdom and understanding here, deeper than the ocean that we are still floating on the surface with.

  186. Amazing Melinda, to honour ourselves and each other as delicate as a flower, is deeply healing for us all.

  187. I absolutely love all of this blog and tonight this line stood out for me: ‘We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’ Wow, what a choice we have in every single moment of the day. Glory awaits and is – pending on our own free will.

  188. Why do we resist cherishing ourselves deeply like the precious beings that we are? It is such a foreign concept and behaviour for most. It’s like we are wired up to resist this. It takes time to turn it around and consciously choose to love ourselves.

  189. Melinda, I love this article, reading it I can feel how crazy it is that we collectively toughen up and harden up when we are so beautiful and delicate just as we are, we try and change ourselves to fit in rather than stay with our beauty and fragility; ‘Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show?’

  190. Esoteric Yoga is just one of the Universal Medicine modalities that have supported me to understand the hardness I choose to live every day.
    Esoteric Yoga is supporting me to reconnect to the delicateness that is naturally in my body that I have hidden away. I was very sensitive as a child and as this was not appreciated with in the family so I felt I had to hide and protect my beauty, delicateness, fragility, and preciousness. So I hid them away toughened up and then forgot all about them became a tomboy, aped my brother and so life continued to the present day. Being in contact again with my inner self and just lightly touching on this immense beauty within me is the best medicine I could ever give my body as it has been starved and cut off all these years from the most basic and natural part of who I truly am.

  191. ‘Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.’ Beautiful Melinda – the flowering of humanity.

  192. Confirming each other’s delicateness allows for a greater level of understanding and intimacy in our relationships regardless of gender, as it is our natural way of being that once lived offers us access to the wonders to the universe.

  193. A beautiful article. I know from my experience that I have not ever lost the delicateness I have within. I have, however hardened and lived not feeling, connecting to, or expressing from it. I recently became aware of a time where I actually chose to shut it down. The beauty in this is that I can again now choose to unlock this door and allow my sweet, delicate natural, self to live and enjoy life.

  194. The other day on my walk I saw just one bright and very delicate flower, no other flowers in sight. Seemingly it came out of nothing out of the paving stones, it was next to a green shrub but the flower was from a completely different very beautiful colour and its delicacy reminded me of my own ‘colour’ of delicacy.

  195. Thank you Michelle I so love this blog, it continues to confirm me in my own delicacy and to remind me to connect with that in others, to honour it and live it in full.

  196. Imagine a flower that attempted to be like a brick. I’m sure if I scoured enough David Attenborough shows I would probably find that this already exists, but still isn’t this pretty absurd? After all, how hard would it have to be to try to ‘bulk up’, to be strong, tough and be so solid it could be used to build buildings? It could never work and is so futile to me, and completely misses the true power and beauty of a sweet flower. Now consider that the same may be true for us, and we are not the physical hulks we’ve been told we should be. We don’t need to fit in like another brick in the wall, but every moment we open up and blossom a little inspires others to finally unbind their petals too. Thank you Melinda for helping me see I am not part of a human blockade but the worlds biggest bouquet…7 billion flowers and counting.

    1. Your words so very beautifully Joseph, connect us to our true essence – allowing us to feel that hardness is something completely foreign to our body and it’s being-ness – and that innately we are quintessentially delicate and powerful when we are in full bloom.

  197. If we truly celebrated our delicateness then the rose would have no need for its thorns.

  198. It does not always feel so easy to let people see the delicacy that lives within, the delicacy that is me. Even though in truth it is very easy and simple and actually the most real I can be. So it is only my head thinking that it is difficult and or challenging, whereas my body would just show it, naturally and simple.

  199. To focus on our delicateness and honour this in our daily movements and expressions, is a powerful choice that counters the ways that we live in denial of this aspect of our being.

  200. And when a flower opens, that is when we are blessed by its beautiful smell, otherwise hidden if the flower stays currled up – and in the heat of a summers days, the air carries the sent so that it can stop people in their tracks or brighten their day just walking past.

  201. I am at the airport this morning and was in appreciation of myself, and my beauty, and when I checked in, and went to connect with the staff member, she was not having it. I tried a few ways but same response – it was very perfunctory. . When I sat with it, I could feel some jealously there. And I know that feeling because I have given it as well. The ‘trick’ for me was to still hold myself, and not harden up and remain in that appreciation. But I could feel some hardness come in as I sit here and your words of delicateness melted some of that hardness away. Thank you.

  202. The reflection of another in their delicateness can be very confronting. It exposes all the hardness another may be living in and you can feel the strength and exquisiteness of how it is to express delicateness.

  203. Melinda this is so beautiful to read and imagine and the truth of this is felt inside deeply. What an amazing embrace of all our beauty and light shining the delicateness we are and the responsibility we can all inspire.

  204. I like the analogy that the flower doesn’t put a protective shield over it to mask its delicateness but allows it to be seen. I have recently been quite sick and had some time off work, in this there has still been a tendency to play it down and put on a brave face and wanting to go back to work sooner than my body was ready for it just to prove to others that I was okay and wasn’t being slack. In the end I had to surrender and listen to my body and just allow myself to rest. I still am learning to show my delicate side- I have not found this easy.

  205. What I find super encouraging is that when we have gone into the protection the delicate sensitive beings that we are never leaves us, these qualities are always there just waiting for the next moment when you can make the choice not to be hard and protected but open and sensitive. This is who we are.

  206. To me, delicacy is embracing the level of sensitivity that we have in feeling life and how we move through it. Being delicate and sensitive asks us to understand life on a very subtle, energetic level.

  207. I really love the symbol of a flower being crushed by a suit of armour as this is exactly what happens – protection crushes our delicateness. Discarding the armour and nurturing ourselves is how we allow our delicateness to be. As someone who was heavily into protection I am exploring how nurturing does indeed allow delicateness to be on show without hiding or being imposed upon.

  208. I am super delicate and have spent most of my life denying this. My whole body surrenders when I move in this quality, the fight stops and I have so much more energy. It is absolutely irresponsible to not live and therefore not be able to reflect back our natural qualities so that others can know that they are this too.

  209. We are all delicate underneath the hard exterior that we seemingly use to protect ourselves. I love the reflection you offer Melinda that a flower is willing to show its beauty and delicateness and stay open so that we can all have the reflection of their beauty, grace and delicateness.

  210. Humans have been so deeply hurt throughout the ages, so our armour is sometimes very hard to penetrate, but the more of us that are able to totally drop the guard and shine, the more others will feel they are able to and hence us all shining like flowers in all our beauty is not just a pipe dream.

  211. The fruits and seeds are the end result of a flowering plant and they can be edible or not so nice, to sweet or just right depending on your body’s tastes. So could it be like a fruit, we develop in all flavours until we start to live in harmony so we can all “celebrate our delicateness?”

  212. “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.” This line is a cracker! Even though I have appeared confident, outgoing etc…for many years I chose to move people away, or keep them at a distance that was comfortable for me, letting them as far I wanted them.

    But more and more, as I accept my fragility and delicateness, my beauty has been coming through more and more and so has my love for humanity and I am choosing to not keep people at a distance/push them away and to be more in my essence, which can move people in beauty. I know when I meet someone being them, I am moved by their beauty. And that beauty has nothing to do with the beauty we are sold through the ‘beauty industry’. It is much more deep and beauty-full than that.

  213. ” Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to. Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious” This is so true and thank god for those beautiful babies and their reminders in full that we all once were full in every capacity not that long ago!

  214. I love the flower analogy; what would happen if flowers around the world one day chose to stay shut? What if they decided against blossoming this year, or the bees wanted a ‘year off’? It sounds ridiculous, but in essence it is ridiculous that we give up on ourselves so easily when we have the same capability of making a difference, being gorgeous and working in teams to support a bigger picture!

  215. Such a beautiful analogy, that we are indeed as delicate as a flower, but do we treat ourselves with that same delicateness? No we don’t, I know I certainly haven’t over the years. I was always very super critical and super hard on myself, not being tender and delicate, not at all. These days I am much more considered and have much more awareness as to what it means to be in my delicateness, this is a definite ongoing process.

  216. How much we try to toughen up and make us hard to withstand and cope with life, fact is that we are delicate sensitive beings always, which perhaps is a better place to go instead.

  217. Do we dare to allow ourselves to be as delicate as a flower? If we are still holding on the the fear of being hurt we will not allow ourselves to go there. It is a barrier that means we miss out on the exquisiteness of our own beauty.

  218. I had the absolute pleasure of working with a group of people with their voices yesterday and the quality of the whole day was extremely delicate. It was absolutley gorgeous and as a result everyone felt so supported to express themselves that they were able to open up and share the beauty of thier own delicateness with the whole group.

  219. Melinda this is very true
    “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.”
    There have been countless times when I have walked passed a group of people and the energy they were emitting felt aggressive and very uncomfortable to walk past. And there have been people that feel so beautiful you just want to engage them in conversation so that they don’t walk past without a connection to the quality they hold.

  220. Often delicate and strong aren’t words that are used together and yet in my experience that is what we all truly are in our essence! And I think you make a good point about how rigidity from trying to protect ourselves doesn’t actually help – it reminds me how brittle bones break more easily than healthy bones…

  221. Flowers reflect to us the beauty of not holding back any part of us no matter what is coming our way. I can only think of the health benefits for us all if we did this and chose not to hold back our truth and love. Imagine if flowers did!

  222. The expression that comes through a man, woman or child who has claimed how delicate they are, is simply divine. What is expressed is held in that exquisite quality and it cannot but be felt by the other. What takes place is pure alchemy when we do not cower away from expressing how delicate we all are.

  223. What a loving reflection flowers are giving to us. You brought this so simply into words. Celebrating our delicateness instead of our toughness. How different the world would be and on a consistant base how different would we feel.

  224. Whilst we prize our ability to manipulate and control above everything else, our delicateness and sensitivity are not qualities that are valued. Ironically this means we shut ourselves from feeling the multi-dimensional intelligence that is flowing through us in every moment.

  225. It is true, we grow up denying our sensitivity, delicateness and vulnerability, and tell ourselves and each other that these things are weak, but it is so far from the truth. There is a strength in allowing these things to come back to the surface, instead of the protection we live with in order to get by in this world everyday.

  226. A flower holds the delicate seed to life and these seeds transforms into a new plant with the same beauty. Could it be that when we see our true delicateness and live that beauty then we trans-form that into our next life?

  227. Living without the constraints of past experiences, perceived and real hurts and our reactions to them, is an incredibly inspiring, life changing and expansive way to be.

  228. I am feeling a new level of delicacy emerging as I read your words describing so precisely and beautifully the full delicateness and fragility that I connect to when seeing a flower, as I allow the outer vision to become embraced by my inner heart – and connecting me to my own true inner beauty. Life is so very fully of wonderment and awe when we stop and take a moment to connect to a deeper level of understanding and majesty.

  229. When we deny our delicateness, this is when we easily allow hardness, competitiveness and abuse to creep in. Currently I feel our society has forgotten how to connect to our delicateness. I too have myself but now learning to reconnect to my delicateness more and more. Your beautiful blog Melinda is an awesome reminder for me.

  230. Yes, Melinda. Delicateness and sensitivity are words not used so much these days, and yet these are the qualities that are going to re-connect us back to ourselves, so we are able to make sense of the world again in truth.

  231. Melinda, this is very beautiful to read; ‘And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within’. I love your analogy with us as human beings and flowers, it feels true that it is natural for us to be open and ‘on show’, rather than protected and hard.

  232. When you observe a baby and child move they are so gentle and flowing, I work with massage for a job and every day people come in because of their posture and habits, very rarely is it and injury or accident, but a body issue that is self created. There is a hardening in the connective tissue and posture that attempts to ignore, hide our natural sensitivity, delicateness and softness, we are like that in essence and moving away from it is disastrous for our health.

  233. I did a night shift last night and felt the power of delicateness in the way we can work in a very intense setting without selling out to the intensity or harshness… and that delicateness held, is a clear sign post for everyone.

    1. I love this – delicateness can not only survive but thrive in the harshest of environments, it’s simply up to us and the way we choose to hold ourselves in these situations.

  234. I am learning more and more how powerful it is to claim my delicacy. In having rejected it for so long it is taking some time to re-explore but I know how precious it is and how empowering it feels to allow it through. Observing its impact too on others around me is also incredibly confirming.

    1. Indeed Michelle, delicateness is often perceived as being weak but the truth is, it is very powerful. I too am re-exploring and reconnecting to delicateness again, because we are all born naturally delicate in every way.

  235. The beautiful thing about flowers is that they do not hold back their beauty not matter how delicate they are. Their inner strength supports a complete openness to the world regardless of what the outcome may be – perhaps we could take a ‘petal’ out of their book and do the same. Thank you Melinda.

  236. “The beauty of a flower is there when it is fully open. If the flower were to keep itself closed to protect itself from possible harm, the world would be missing out on profound beauty.” This truly captures one part of the essence of a flowers symbol on earth. When l ponder on a flower’s purpose l realise it has so many. So simple it is and unassuming yet so profound in its reflection to the world. This could be each one of us too, as you point out so delicately Melinda.

  237. “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.” It really is that simple isn’t it? We have a choice to either protect and isolate ourselves from the potential hurts we may feel from others or we open ourselves up to loving and being loved, which ironically is a far more powerful way of not being hurt than any defenders and protection we can cover ourselves with.

  238. It’s great to read this, we can easily become toughened to life and re-interpret being strong with being tough, but like you correctly say we are naturally delicate and this should never be forgotten.

  239. I feel my fragility all the time sometimes it is expressed and sometimes not. It feels like delicateness and fragility are accepted to be expressed by certain people and situations only and if this is expressed naturally it could cause a lot of reaction in people. What this reaction is about is we know delicateness is our natural way but we have not chosen to live it, and the hardening we have chosen is our irresponsibility.

  240. It is beautiful to appreciate the reflection that nature brings us, reminding us of how exquisite these qualities are. Feeling the delicateness in our bodies is gorgeous and affects the quality we bring to all we do.

  241. In the past I would never have imagined for a moment that there is “power in delicateness”, these two words simply didn’t belong in the same sentence. To have now come to this understanding has turned my life upside down in a wonderful way and these days I can feel the power in delicateness; a power that is not intrusive nor is it controlling but an offering to see the world through very different eyes.

  242. A very beautiful offering you give us here to understand our own beauty and delicateness.

  243. To observe a women moving delicately is profoundly beautiful and when we move in this quality our whole being remembers that this is who we naturally are and all other movements feel jarring.

  244. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to. Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious.” It is really interesting to consider that there then comes a point in any childs life, that we stop treating them in this way, the delicateness and tenderness of how we treat them seems to fall away as we have expectations that as they grow they somehow no longer hold these beautiful qualities and therefore we treat them differently.

  245. To be and remain in touch with our delicateness is truly a real challenge for me, but one that I add-hear to in my daily life. I ask myself your question Melinda, “What would it be like walking in that field every day?”. I also noted that you are self employed in the construction industry, what an reflection you have for all.
    Thank you for your blog.

  246. This reminds me of how I sometimes view looking after my pot plants. I can leave them in a ‘survival of the fittest’ mode where only the tough survive when I forget to water them, then other times I connect to their beauty, fragility and delicateness, and take much greater care of them. It reflects how I can treat myself as well – sometimes I do the basics and survive, other times I take greater care and I thrive.

  247. Your words touch on a deep sense of sensitivity that is held inside. We are incredibly delicate, but toughen up through the experience of life we have all created together. It is the analogy of the flower in the field of flowers with a similar beauty that is showing me the nature in which we can live, when we let go of the hurts we have done to each other, and the separation we have chosen.

  248. There is a known saying among those involved in work that requires holding the attention of the public: “never compete with animals or small children!”
    Ironic that we tend to undervalue delicateness and so many of us close off this area in protection at the first signs of it not being appreciated. Quite unnecessary when most of us are actually showing that we are drawn to delicateness and enjoy the love that is openly and transparently expressed in such circumstances.

  249. ‘What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, out?’ Delicateness and tenderness is our true nature.

  250. Nature is just an exquisite reminder and reflection of the delicate beauty that we are and when we allow ourselves to see it in full and let it in I feel my body melting with it.

    1. And nature is also a reflection how powerful delicateness is: plants grow in the most inhospitable places including through concrete, butterflies fly thousands of miles – the list of such examples is endless – yet throughout all their travail they maintain their fragility and delicateness surmounting what appears an impossible feat.

  251. Nature serves us by providing the most glorious reflections and reminds us that we are more than human.

  252. One of the greatest things I have ever re-learned to do in this lifetime is to be more gentle with my self and my body, meaning to really honour my own natural fragility and delicateness and sensitivity.

  253. As a physical therapist I see every day the physical consequences of people losing touch with their delicateness and fragility – it takes a real physical toll on our bodies which has yet to be quantified by medical science but nonetheless is a real medical condition that causes many other more recognisable health conditions.

    1. I can so understand that if we are not living our delicateness and fragility, which is our natural state of being, that illness and disease will prevail, as we are depleting our self consistently, by using so much energy to suppress our natural movements. No wonder humanity has a huge problem with exhaustion.

  254. A beautifully sharing on our delicacy, thank you Michele, reminding me that this delicateness is a natural part of who I am and embrace it as a beauty with a tenderness of holding a baby or a beautiful flower.

  255. It’s ironic that we lock our delicateness away to ‘protect’ it and in that we shut an innate part of our expression down just in case someone else might reject it…

    1. And it is even more ironic that by “shutting down an innate part of our expression” we are fundamentally betraying and rejecting ourselves! If someone else was forcing us to do this we would be outraged and would call it abuse!

  256. Our delicate way of being is one of our greatest strengths, unlike what many think who are of the belief that you cannot function in a tough world without getting squashed if you are delicate….not true .

  257. It is very beautiful to honour and allow ourselves to feel how delicate we are, and that we can and do get bashed and bruised so easily when we dismiss these feelings.

  258. Our body calls is to be delicate each and every time we feel aggression or jarring. Over time as we honour our body’s calling for this we become more and more attuned to a higher level of aggression and abuse which may come through the slightest intent to express anything that is not loving. It is a daily offering we have each and every day and our body is our friend never our enemy

    1. And, as you have expressed Joshua when we re-connect to the fragility within us all and our feeling anything that is not, this is a reflection to everyone around us that there is another way to live in a world that is not.

      1. It is true we are living in a world that is not reflecting the fragility, love, and beauty we all naturally are. One of the reasons we avoid connecting to it is because it shows up all that is not of that and we don’t like to see all the hurt and abuse that is in the world. However, as you say it is up to each of us to let out our love and show there is another way and that it is not only ok to blossom but absolutely awesome.

  259. When we harden up in life it does indeed hide our beauty away, our body shows how its been treated in many way like being overweight or extremely toned, having a lot of scars or a very rough skin. The beautiful thing is that even though we can do this and our bodies might not be fully able to recover we can always open up again and show our true beauty and delicateness as whatever our body looks like that openness and delicacy can shine through.

  260. I have seen whole fields of flowers… an ocean of colour, form, and beauty so moving it completely stopped me. I could not be more with my heart to see such grandeur – so simple and so powerful. I know this feeling, nature is abundant in the divinity it reflects.

  261. There is such a vulnerability in our delicacy but there such an honesty there if we allow ourselves to feel it. It does seem like a paradox to be delicate and yet powerful, but the power that is there is one that enables others to be tender, to take care, to respond lovingly just as much as we would when we are honouring our delicacy for ourselves. This is power indeed because it supports us and to support others to get closer to who we really are – to feel love and truth.

  262. I am reading this over again as it is so supportive for me to really feel the power in delicateness and vulnerability. Something I have fought and resisted. But feeling how intrinsically part of our ability to be all we are illustrates how important it is that we live with this open heartedness.

  263. There is so much beauty and grace in delicateness… when we honour our bodies they naturally know how to be all three.

  264. “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.” Wow this would be amazing.

  265. It is so important to be aware of how delicate we are. We so often trample ourselves into the ground. We don’t need anyone else to do it for us! The pushing and the driving, the overeating, the abusive thoughts. All of this is far too much for our delicate bodies, yet we expect it to be able to handle it, and we expect to be able to keep going. Respect for our delicateness is in order. If we respect this we can blossom like a flower and shine for the world to see.

  266. Being human when in ‘essence’ we are ‘precious and delicate’ Souls who are eternal, then is it any wonder that we get lost when our spirit treats us like disposable throw away objects. The transmogrification that has taken place by The Students of The Livingness, who are “human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience,” is profoundly sacred for those involved.

  267. Our true protection is to allow ourselves to be delicate, to surrender and feel the fortitude of truth in our bodies, to drop our protection so everyone can feel how gorgeous we are. It doesn’t mean we have to put up with abuse, being open and vulnerable doesn’t stop us from speaking up, there is a different resonance, a power, that comes when words are spoken with an open heart as opposed to from protection. It’s way more impactful and more likely to be heard being delivered with love – a blessing offering truth and wisdom.

  268. When we live from our essence … ‘we inspire, bring joy, open hearts to love, remind what life is all about, and bring healing to those feeling battered or worn down by the harshness of life’ – how beautiful. We always have the choice to share this gift with each other, or to choose to live from a different place, with different energy, offering a different quality that is so much less than who we truly are.

  269. I agree flowers that are hard, brittle or rigid just would not work. Given we are innately as delicate as a flower how is it that we can be hard, brittle and/or rigid and not think something is profoundly wrong.

  270. When I started to drop self-neglect I then started to realise how much was actually taking place and that I had accepted a level of normal that was in fact very abusive. Now many years on and a lot of self-Love I still get to see layers of neglect only before I couldn’t see them as I was so far gone in the abuse. The more you allow yourself to see and be honest about the more you get to feel how delicate and precious we really are on the inside.

    1. I find this true also Natalie, and when I feel abuse I know that dropping into the delicateness more deeply is a very powerful way to face it, so that it is addressed rather than left to become ‘normal’.

  271. Melinda, I love this; ‘What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, out?’ Reading this I can feel how natural it is for us to be delicate and fragile and not tough, hard and protected.

  272. Melinda this caught my attention
    “We, as human beings, are also by nature delicate.”
    But we have lost this most precious attribute and instead we have replaced it with abuse, bullying, deceit, lies, etc. And I do wonder what it is about us as a human race that we have allowed this opposite to everything we are, to occur?

  273. There is such beauty in feeling the delicateness of another. There is an open surrenderedness that allows the delicateness to be. All hardness and protection gone.

    1. So true Vicky, then there is the deepest depths of the universe once the depth of the oceans of delicateness has been revealed. Could it be possible we are to explore more that we can fathom.

      1. Absolutely Greg. The depths of the ocean are nothing on the depth and expanse of the Universe. How grand we are!

      2. Agreed Vicky! Are we not grand! And could it be that the universe when felt proves that and then there is an understand of how much we can explore when we connect to that essence within, which opens us to the truth about the universal intelligence that we all equally come from. And when we show a baby universal intelligence they respond “with depths that we are yet to explore.”

  274. ‘Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.’ Allowing ourselves to be delicate – fragile and magical – and be seen in this light is usually confined to our childhood years but rediscovering this quality and giving it space in our bodies and not letting the harshness of the world frighten us from expressing it, is rare. It is also very beautiful to feel whether it is in oneself or another.

  275. I love your description of flowers, Melinda – “they grow everywhere in all shades, shapes and colours, ready to share their light-hearted playfulness, their sensual depths, their fragrance and inspiring beauty.” They are a great reflection for us of how we can have so many different gorgeous qualities co-existing in their fullness, for me the exploration of being sweet and playful, bold and strong and deeply sacred all rolled into one.

  276. I bought a necklace recently that is very delicate with a small globe on it, I did it to remind me of my delicateness, beauty and the spherical nature of life and the universe. It is really important to remind ourselves of what we are, in a world that tells us the exact opposite in stereo and big images and constant repetition of what is not important in life. We only need to look up to the sky and the stars to be reminded by the absolute perfection and order we belong to.

  277. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to.” I remember so many times being stopped in the street or at the check out at the supermarket by people just mesmerised by my daughter as a baby, they would just melt in her presence, sometimes her skin was almost illuminous she shone so bright. We know everything about our purpose in life when we see a baby and feel a babies quality.

  278. In my day-to-day I come across circumstances and situations that feel horrible to me. But what I notice is that I tend to get angry or defend, to joust back at the opponent opposite, who I thought until then was my friend. Pretty quick before you can say ‘reaction’ I find I am on my high horse. How different could life be if I allowed myself to feel and stay in my natural delicateness? Perhaps I would share with other people then, ‘oh that really hurts’ or ‘I find it difficult to hear what you say’ – but all the time keep the tenderness in my expression the same way. Thank you Melinda for this precious blog bouquet.

  279. Connecting to the delicateness and to who we are is true strength and power we all have access to. When we allow ourselves to live and express this, everyone gets the reflection of delicateness just like the flowers in nature.

  280. Thank you Melinda, for this gorgeous reminder of our innate way of being. When we do embrace our delicateness, our true strength and inner-wisdom is known and felt as such. For in our connection to our essence there is an openness, ease and surrender in our bodies through which we allow the essence of who we are to flow through in all its majesty.

  281. I’m feeling how my beauty is in my delicateness and how the efforts I’ve made to not accept this but become hardened instead are such a recipe for illness and resentment. So being open to love again from my body, from my fullness is what will return me to the beauty of me in my delicateness. Part of this journey seems to be acknowledging just how abusive the means of toughening up have been and bringing loving understanding with myself as I do so.

  282. Men often adopt a hard, aggressive persona as a form of protection and to fit in with how they perceive a ‘real’ man to be, however these protective layers quickly disappear when they are handling a baby to reveal the beautiful, delicate and tender men they innately are. The world would be a far different place if men felt able to live and express their natural tenderness in all that they do.

  283. It is quite incredible how being delicate with something can have more power and consequent positive outcomes than when we use brute force.

    1. I have been noticing that when I open a heavy door with my finger tips and use my body delicately supporting the opening, the door opens with ease and my whole body remains open and beautiful.
      When I push the door open with force, it is harder to open and my body hardens and feels awe full.

  284. Melinda, this is a great article, I love your analogy with human beings and flowers and how both are naturally delicate and beautiful, reading this it seems so unnatural that we as human beings do harden ourselves and try to protect our delicateness – when in fact this is our strength and our true way of being; ‘Flowers that are hard, brittle or rigid just would not work.’

  285. Seeing how delicate someone is when they hold a new born is quite a treat – yet it shows a potential in each and every one of us that is undiminished no matter what and can instantly be connected to when we connect to something delicate. If only we thought that way about our planet and each other!

  286. Delicateness is really something most of us have to re-discover just as you so beautifully expressed Melinda. It would be the best medicine as it would simply help to change this world.

  287. Beautiful Melinda. We really get to know how delicate we are when we get a little paper cut on the finger and it hurts so much. Or we get blown ago in the wind. Or when someone raises their voice at us. We are indeed very delicate and we need to recognise this and treat ourselves accordingly.

  288. Delicateness and awareness from a particular level onwards go together. It is similar to measuring instruments – the more sensitive, the more delicate they can be.

  289. Imagine if we handled our selves the way we handle babies, why don’t we? We are as precious as a baby just in a bigger body.

    1. We have created a culture that poo poos delicacy. When we speak about delicacy, fragility, emotions, feelings, vulnerability is is usually with a negative slant. It is common for us to say things like ‘I promised myself I wouldn’t cry’, ‘man up’, ‘don’t be such a sissy’, ‘I’m being strong for everyone else’, ‘my kids have never seen me cry’. We have turned some of the most beautiful ways of being into states to be avoided and in avoiding them we also avoid a depth of beauty and honesty that can be found in us all.

  290. I am struck by how resilient delicate flowers are, have you considered it? They can deal with all sorts of weather patterns – some better than others, but roses, for example are incredibly hardy. Yet, they are also incredibly resilient. Nature is a reflection of our potential, I walk outside and appreciate the gift it offers and will never take the reflection of a flower for granted again.

  291. We you consider what life would be like if we weren’t guarded in any way it is quite shocking to feel everything we have created from defence and protection.

  292. It’s understandable why we go into protection. We are indeed so delicate, and this world is so harsh. We automatically want to protect the beauty that is inside us. But this does not offer the world anything different. It just means we enjoin the thousands of others who are in protection. And protection against each other is not the way forward. We need to be radical in the sense that we have the courage to show the world our delicateness and be transparent and open. When people experience this it helps them to drop their guard too. We all recognise this way of being, for this is our natural way.

  293. I think we will all get there in time, some flowers are already blooming and that is needed for all the other flowers to realise that they can do it too, opening up showing for the world to see how beautiful they really are.

  294. We tend to think of power as the ability to force something into reality or to crush another. Yet how much true power is there in having the ability to deeply inspire another to open up their heart, breathe the breath of God and know themselves more fully?

    1. Beautiful point Golnaz. There is far greater power in being who we innately are, than there is in trying to be someone that we are truly not. When we allow the love of our beingness to naturally emanate, we light up the world with the truth of who we all are in essence.

    2. Beautifully expressed Golnaz. There are so many words we use that we misinterpreted the true meaning and the word power is one of them.

  295. It can be tough staying in one’s delicateness when there is so much drive, competition and abuse around us – we can tend to want to harden up and go into protection – but when we experience true delicacy we know that herein lies our true strength.

  296. When we are connected to our delicateness, we can more easily connect to the delicateness and sensitivity of others. I find naturally this brings out more caring and considerate expressions.

  297. Feeling our own delicateness is amazingly beautiful as it is innate inside us all and something we all know however hard we try to hide it away.

  298. Seeing delicate blades of grass push through hard concrete is a great example of how powerful delicateness is. Nothing can stop the living energy and vibrancy of a young plant growing into its full expression. A true reflection for us.

    1. Nature gives us a great example of determination to bloom in full – despite the odds, chances or obstacles. Plants and flowers know their purpose and they stick at it.

  299. I am discovering for myself that when we are open to the world, the world responds with openness to. It’s as though humanity is crying out to feel that level of openness that can allow them to feel they have the same qualities. So the more we surrender to our sensitivity and delicateness the more the world gets to feel this and just may be if we can tip the balance the aggression and defensiveness that we are all living in will start to fall away naturally so.

  300. When we are delicate we may also feel fragile until we realise that the increased awareness from both means we are powerful.

  301. Delicacy is something we will let be seen if the conditions are right, if we think we are ‘safe’. But in reality, how often is this? And how crazy is it that we make our preciousness so conditional? For what your words remind me Melinda is that the typical way we tend to live is not even close to how we are designed to be.

  302. Beautifully said, Melinda. As someone who definitely worked hard developing “false strength”, my body is very much enjoying the re-emergence of the “innocent inner beauty” that was there deep within me all along.

  303. Delicateness is an exquisite quality to feel in the body. We appreciate it all around us yet we sometimes forget this quality is our own. Beautiful reflection Melinda.

    1. So true Victoria as innately we are all delicate, we just need to shed the armour and return to this exquisite quality.

  304. We cannot fight evil with fierceness. We dissolve it with delicateness. Delicateness is our ‘light’ – our love lived. Thus, there is more power in our delicateness than there is in a heavily fortified body, armed and ready for war. Perhaps this is why there has been such a great bastardisation of this word so that we are led to believe it means ‘weakness’ and are therefore kept unaware of where our true power is found.

  305. It is just as beautiful to watch people around a baby as it is to watch the baby. The protection is dropped, the gentleness comes in and the way people move and express becomes so much more tender. The power a baby holds in its delicateness can melt a whole room.

    1. This is so true Jane, this is a great example of how powerful delicateness is, it certainly is not any form of weakness we are often lead to believe, quite the opposite.

  306. Spot on Susan, I have seen many men who are delicate in their movements and it is beautiful to watch and be inspired by this.

  307. This is beautiful to read Melinda and be reminded of the delicateness we all have within, dropping our protection and allowing others to see this delicateness is needed in a world where so many have be told to toughen up and harden up, expressing our delicateness in the world we confirm to others the power and strength in living this.

  308. ‘There is power in delicateness’. Absolutely true, and those moments that I have felt my own delicateness, I have felt so open and innocent like a child.

  309. As a man who used to be armoured to the extreme, I now love feeling the delicacy of my true nature, and the innate strength that comes from this re-connection

  310. This is so true, Melinda – “There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful.” I am enjoying the fact that there is total equality amongst flowers and yet each of them is blossoming in their absolutely unique beauty and fullness.

  311. Often it is only when delicateness is either reflected by someone else or when we find back to it ourselves that we realize the hardness we have been living with to such extent that it has become the norm. True qualities, ie qualities that are natural to our body and being, expose those qualities that don´t belong to us but are taken on.

  312. It is a gorgeous opening up to feeling the delicateness within us all. Even when facing the most gruff and harsh expressions, to know that the exquisite tenderness is still underneath the tough exterior, just being held back and smothered by layers of protection.

  313. Our delicacy is a strength. When we drop the hardness and protection there is a body that is naturally delicate and sensitive, in that sensitivity we can know and understand far more. This in itself is a million times more inviting than the hard body armour that just wants to keep others at bay. In that invitation we will invariably find and ally and not an enemy

  314. Hardening up to ‘protect’ ourselves and in that denying the expression of our delicateness hurts far more than rejection from another; I think sometimes we just get so used to or ingrained into living in a certain way that we don’t question how it is that we are choosing to live…

  315. Melinda, this analogy is exquisite and so very insightful. To me, it describes with wonderful simplicity how important it is for us to open ourselves up like a flower, every day, every moment of every day. Thank you for the inspiration to do so.

  316. Being a student of The Way of The Livingness, as presented by Serge Benhayon, it has been remarkable to walk in these fields and it certainly has inspired me to appreciate how delicate and precious we really are. Taking this into the world can at times be difficult with everyone around you closed in the armour of protection. But the more we walk in this glory the more people are able to see that there is another way of living that shines bright with beauty and ease.

  317. When fragility is obvious e.g. with a flower or a baby then we innately feel how to respond so as we reconnect to our own delicateness we are a blooming reflection to others of the possibility of living in this world without the armour of protection that suffocates our delicacy.

  318. Thank you, a beautiful blog to start the day and be a reminder to always stand tall in our delicate exquisiteness as all flowers and nature does. Maybe gently swaying as the elements change but always standing tall no matter what 🙂

  319. Melinda, I love this very inspiring article. I can see with babies and young children this very precious fragility and delicateness and as adults we respect and honour this in them, it seems unimaginable that these beautiful, delicate beings harden up and toughen up and yet this is what happens – what a great shame for us to loose these beautiful reflections, the world needs more people willing to show their delicate qualities, we don’t need more people hardening up and hiding their beauty, this is not inspiring and will not change the world; ‘Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.’

  320. When feeling especially lovely within myself I am drawn towards flowers. There is something very confirming about them. And yet in life we wait around for someone to tell us we are amazing or for them to do something that proves such. When all along nature shows us how beautiful we are if we stop to take notice.

  321. The beautiful emanation of flowers touches me, they never hold back enjoying and sharing their beauty even when they are not perfect, or their fragrance and their delicateness. It is a reflection taken to heart would turn our lives upside down and we would handle life and each other in a different way.

  322. it would be amazing to be together like a field of flowers and share the beauty and tenderness we all are one unified. And for me this is not a ideal but a reality that one day will be our natural way of being once again.

  323. After reading this article it has inspired me to drop my protection even more and be in my delicateness, and this inspired those closest to me to want to be closer. Although when it got too much they wanted to close off and protect themselves again, the opening that was so beautiful all along felt shock, and there was a reaction experienced. It is very beautiful to simply go through the process of what has happened and to understand each other and this drops me back to a deeper delicateness and humbleness without closing myself. There is always a relationship built with the world, and this is forever a deepening in respect and understanding.

  324. Babies are naturally beautiful, we can feel their cuteness from deep inside, it is only as we get older that we measure ourselves by our external appearance and judge ourselves by our actions.

  325. “Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?” – i always feel it, ‘something’, sad, disappointment when one flower bud from a bunch of flowers doesn’t open up and bloom like the rest — reading your post today brings the reminder of how disappointing and saddening protection is, and so too the absolute joy, colour, scent, display of one in blooming splendour.

    1. That is true Zofia, we do feel each other in every way, and it is a true joy when another allows their full splendour to be, it is a blessing for everyone.

  326. ‘We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.’ wow – this is lovely and an awesome way to consider the power of our delicateness.

  327. The gift of nature… there is so much magic offered by nature in every moment – are we willing to see and fully appreciate what is constantly being presented – perfectly constellated just for each one of us?

  328. Thank you for your inspiration Melinda… the analogy of the flower is something I will take with me through my day to remind and inspire me to bring more delicateness into my daily living.

  329. Gorgeous analogy Melinda, another great reflection that nature is offering us. As in this case reminding us that we too are delicate, tender and fragile and in that there is true power. When we build up walls for protection – that hide our true nature we are not only hurting ourselves we are living in separation from each other. Like a field of flowers “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.”

  330. How long have we trapped our tenderness in order to be seen but never felt by others? Without the moments of stopping and smelling the roses on our journey, are we not sealing away our true essence from everyone?

  331. Handling flowers is a very insightful way to have a reflection of where I am at in myself. Most weeks I unpack a few dozen orchids – handling each plant at least three times. They reflect such amazing beauty and delicateness I am called to be at least equal to their quality. This is a task I totally love doing and now I can see that with this foundation of care and delicateness I can actually apply the ‘orchid handling’ to absolutely everything and everywhere.

    1. Gorgeous that we are constantly offered opportunities and the reflection of our true essence. As a humanity, we are already a mess and how much more of a mess would we be without them?

  332. If we as humans celebrated our beauty and didn’t try to protect and squash it, we’d not be having wars or conflicts everyday on a macro and micro level. So if I ask myself what is it about my delicateness that I feel the need to protect it? Is it a belief that something delicate isn’t strong and robust? And who and what am I protecting it from? Delicateness is a quality. It’s not something another can actually destroy unless I quash it within myself and even then it is still present beneath. Do I fear other’s seeing it and wanting to harm me as a result?! Perhaps I think they are sad seeing it reflected and knowing they are not living it at present and miss it. But rather than choose to reconnect their self-fury is taken out on the person who is celebrating their delicateness. But what a wonderful reflection to be blessed with. A reflection that asks is it worth constantly trying to stamp out an eternal quality or just admit the sadness of missing it and start to live it again.

  333. The delicateness of a person exposes any hardness, contraction, holding back, protection etc just by its presence, movements, flavour.

  334. The other thing about flowers in nature is how they are often having to with stand a lot of elements, wind, rain etc and they surrender to the wind and droop with the rain, no protection or force to survive, a real surrendering to what occurs. Very beautiful.

  335. Just the title of this blog is powerful – the claiming of a quality that is universal, from heaven and within every human being. It is ‘our’ delicateness and this simple statement calls us back home.

  336. When we express in full we begin to realise our potential anything less than full expression is stifled, like the battered flower.

  337. Flowers are one of my favourite things to photograph, along with the sun. There is something about them that emanates that delicate quality.

    1. I will never, ever get bored of looking at flowers, they are so deeply delightful and the range of them is beyond belief. They have so many different personalities with an unlimited range of colour, shape, temperament and scent. Oh the scent alone calls for words that I can’t find to do it justice. It’s not possible to describe the deep scent of a rose or the heady smell of frangipani. The smell of flowers taps into something so deep in the body that it defies description, as does the beauty of a flower. In fact anything that has true meaning defies description.

  338. It is almost inconceivable for men to consider themselves as delicate, but is only when we start to shed the armor we carry for protection that we then get to feel the real beauty of our true nature.

    1. Indeed Francisco, although men are not used to be with their delicateness, let alone to show it in public and when they are are with other men, fact is that they are tender and delicate. They only have lost their connection with it and can choose any time to reconnect and live it in all its beauty.

    2. I agree that in their minds men would find it hard to imagine that they are delicate (and why would you when you know you will be taunted!) But our bodies can still give away our delicateness. I see men like tradesmen who should be hardened, who move with grace and touch things in such a careful, delicate way. This is a beauty to behold.

  339. Connecting to the delicateness of a flower is bringing a stillness within me. And also the remembering of that same delicateness within me. It’s a beautiful and precious feeling! Very known and familiar, yet I’m also realising how many times I haven’t connected to this quality of mine. Thank you!

  340. Our world is a dull shadow of what it is meant to be, because most of us cower in protection instead of being in the fullness our delicate selves to shine for all to see.

  341. Melinda, thank you for the timely reminder that our inner beauty is here to be shared with all, no holes barred, for what use is it to treasure something so precious whilst hiding it behind bars. Life is to be lived, and lived in full and this includes letting all see the All that we have to share.

    1. I agree that it is such a waste to have the treasure of who we are hidden behind a fortress of protection. Not only do we not get to enjoy it when we do this but everyone else misses out on what could be seen and appreciated, like a delicate and beautiful flower.

  342. Truly beautiful Melinda and very worth waking each day with the inner appreciation and purpose that we can be part of this – inspiring humanity.

  343. I love to have flowers in my home, the colour, the order and the delicacy. I love coming into a room filled with the sent of flowers and how welcoming they are. It’s daft because I still feel like they are an extravagance that I can’t afford but there are flowers available which aren’t expensive and you’ve just inspired me to go out and get some.

    1. This is certainly a different way of relating to flowers, rather than having them in the home for their beauty and smell, but also a reminder of our own beauty. “Yes you are this beautiful”, says the flowers on the kitchen table every morning.

  344. I was visiting a family with a young baby boy yesterday and it was so gorgeous to observe how he was not holding back his beauty and delicateness.

    1. I’ve always been amazed from a young age how babies trust and love the world and all who are around them knowing, even then, that I had lost that trust and couldn’t imagine how to surrender to what was around them. But for most babies they inspire connection and love and come to no harm.

    2. We have turned something so unnatural like ‘holding back our innate qualities’ into something routine. So much so that if an adult were to dare to not hold back their innate nature then they would be pounced on by those who have long since forgotten that they too have the exact same qualities within.

  345. Interesting how we can see something that is so natural and innate within us, our delicateness, as a weakness, yet it is the complete opposite.. strength and power in it’s truth, as so exquisitely reflected to us from flowers, for us to embrace.

  346. I just keep coming back to these words that you have expressed to me they are so magical
    “Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.”
    To me there is such profound depth to these words, they are asking us all to stop and remember who we truly are. So much so I have printed them out to sit beside my computer as a constant reminder that we cannot hide away.

  347. “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.” I love this analogy Melinda. What a truly beautiful sight this would be.

  348. “We, as human beings, are also by nature delicate.” indeed we are and to celebrate and appreciate this delicateness is something that changes the entire way we approach life.

  349. What a beautiful sharing and analogy of babies and flowers and the delicateness and preciousness we all are. To truly imagine ourselves all showing our glory and shining as a field of flowers in the sunshine as one togetherness is an amazingly beautiful sight to feel. Thank you for sharing this heart warming delicateness of simply being who we are.

  350. We all love this delicacy and fragility it is innate within us but so often hidden in the world today. Allowing others to see and feel this delicacy in full inspires others to re-connect to their own tender qualities, because after all, it is what we are all yearning for.

  351. It is very true that we cannot separate a flower as being more beautiful than another and neither can we single out a human being as being more beautiful than another. Every single one of us is beautiful and it depends on how much of this beauty we recognise and have claimed within ourselves. Every time I see a flower, woman, man or baby/child radiating their beauty from within it is a confirmation and a wonderful reflection of the beauty and gorgeousness that lies within me… it is my choice to accept it or not.

  352. Melinda, it is so gorgeous to read about our natural delicateness and beauty, I can feel the truth that as adults we often hide these qualities away and do not allow them to be on show. Observing babies and young children and how naturally open, delicate and lighthearted they are I can feel that these are our natural qualities as adults too, we have just become masters at hiding and protecting them.

  353. A beautiful and inspiring blog. Allowing ourselves to feel our delicacy and drop outer protective guards is a worthy place to start.

  354. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show? What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, ”
    How different would it be to live from our hearts instead of from our head and thoughts.

  355. Thank you Melinda for such a delicate blog in the middle of what has been a rather intense day so far!

  356. I love the description of a flower in a storm. This makes me realise that ‘storms’ For humans are entirely self created. When we appreciate our delicateness nothing can touch us when we neglect ourselves we create a storm and batter ourselves.

  357. So absolutely well said thank you Melinda
    We have a lot to learn from this message, I know I certainly do, I love living honouringly to the delicateness that I am and it just simply hurts me and others when I don’t.
    Thanks so very much for the reminder and the inspiration to live the lovelyness that I am.

  358. ‘There is fragility in something so delicate and beautiful, so we know to handle a flower with care’ …. yet we so often don’t show the same level of care to our gorgeous selves, even worse, we abuse our bodies as though it is of no consequence and are then ‘surprised’ when we become ill, or sustain an injury. We have buried ourselves under so many layers of protection that we have lost touch with how, fragile, delicate, sweet we truly are.

  359. As with the flower, our ‘beauty’ is felt when we open in full, allowing our essence to be felt by all.

  360. An ocean of flowers, even a field of human flowers, would be a sight to behold – it would inspire so many more to also be the open, gorgeous, delicate and powerful beings they innately are.

  361. This is a great analaogy of how we can be in life Melinda… imagine all flowers remaining as buds and never opening! And yet that is what most of us do – we may reveal a few petals now and then but all that true beauty and glory, including the perfume, we hold back from the world… and the world is in desperate need of all that beauty, delicateness and glory.

  362. “What if we collectively dropped the armour, hardness, toughness and masks, and simply let the true, beautiful and delicate person on the inside, out?” What a joy that would be. I can’t imagine anything more divine.

  363. There is such beauty, intimacy and depth when we express our fragility and allow this to be seen and felt by others. It is also very freeing to let go of the masks and hardness and allow our tenderness to be our leading way with life.

  364. To answer your question I can see how inspiring it would be and how it might inspire others to consider their own delicateness and see it as a strength. I am also struck by the fact that you work in the construction industry! Your delicateness would be so wonderful to reflect back to those who work in construction so they too could see that there is a delicate side of themselves to bring to work.

  365. The key is to come back to that delicateness, that fragility and realising that vulnerability is a misinterpretation of fragility. Being fragile feels much nicer than feeling vulnerable even though they may only differ by their interpretation.

  366. I did an exercise yesterday at a Universal Medicine workshop where for a moment in time we were asked to drop our layers of protection and to connect to the person who was standing in front of us and to see what happens. I felt an undeniable pull to be with that person, to be closer, and to connect. It was like a magnetic pull, which showed me that under the layers of hurt and protection there is such beauty and we want to connect with that beauty – both in another and in ourselves.

  367. “There is power in delicateness, and we feel this when we are moved by the beauty of a flower.” When l first read this l overlooked the truth of this sentence. It seems so easy for us to overlook and dismiss our delicate essence, as being of little worth to us or others, in a world where protection is so highly prised.

  368. Delicateness is often thought of being weak but when I think of a baby its tenderness has nothing weak about it, it is very solid, there is a strength and emanation of beauty about it instead. So we don’t have to be a softy when we show our delicacy, it has instead a huge beauty and strength that we all deeply love to have.

  369. I know and feel exactly what you share, how it can be exquisite to share our inner beauty, but when I allow old behaviours and habits to come in it simply stops because this overrides. It is now becoming a turning point in my life that I am saying no to this and saying yes to my beauty and when I am choosing this it is certainly something to celebrate because everyone one is receiving my all.

  370. One of the powers of delicateness is that it invites others to open and trust that it is safe to be themselves with you, it openness the door to be close and intimate in the most natural way.

  371. I love flowers and giving and receiving them. There is a simplicity to them that reminds me of how simple I can make my life.

  372. I like your analogy, Melinda, of a flower being battered in a storm, as this feels like what we put our bodies through when we force it to move in ways that are harsh and disregarding.

    1. This is so true Janet. If we appreciate that our body is equally as delicate and beautiful as a flower, we may start to treat our body differently and perhaps less likely to treat ourselves with harshness and disregard.

  373. Have you ever noticed that when people attempt to improve the colours of a flower the beautiful scent is often lost? What do we lose when we attempt to change how we look?

  374. It would be the complete opposite to what many of us experience everyday, that is, being treated poorly by others who are struggling to deal with their issues or stubbornly fighting or ignoring them.

  375. “Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.” Its amazing how we can see beauty in nature and can treat a flower with such care yet don’t see and live the same beauty that we equally are. Nature is an amazing gift to help us appreciate that the complications we call life need not be that way. Time to open up to our delicateness.

  376. If we all dropped our protection it would change the world enormously. As a start there would be no defence and no need for defence forces.

  377. “As we leave the tender years of babyhood, we may harden our body in an attempt to protect ourselves from the onslaughts of life.” When we start to let go of the hardness we begin to reveal the truth of our bodies as it unfolds the steps we taken in protection – against a life we perceived that would not accept us in all our beauty and delicateness.

  378. When we’re reflected delicateness (or any other quality), we’re far more likely to also connect to that quality within ourselves. As in the example of a flower or a baby. What I’ve mastered in life to have a kind of ‘safe’ life is walking around in life measured. Practically this means that if someone is showing their delicateness, I show that too. If somebody’s quite hard, I harden too etc. Flowers and children offer us a reflection that we do have the innate quality of delicateness within us and that it is a choice to be with it (in full). Allowing myself and others the space and time to come back to bloom again is very important. Pushing myself to become delicate again doesn’t work. It’s an unfoldment, a process of accepting AND living who I am.

  379. ‘Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to.’ It’s no wonder that most people love to be around babies.

    1. Yes, we love to look into their eyes, hold them, touch the, and feel their innate quality because it reminds us of this same quality within ourselves.

  380. We as women should learn a thing or two from flowers, how to stand tall and show our beauty without worrying or outdoing another. We all have so much to share when we don’t compare and we just are open to blooming in full.

    1. Ah Rosie, I love this, flowers do not shy away from showing their equisite beauty as they stand tall and come to think of it none of nature does. Peacocks come to mind with their impressive span of brightly coloured feathers, claiming their beauty in full and with every intention of being seen.

      1. Yes and as I thought of the peacock I also pictured the cute little willy wag tail or fan tail bird who shows off and gets caught up with himself in a car mirror. They have no shame in adoring themselves or another.

  381. The flower does speak and reflect to us the delicacy we are and there are times I also witness amazing strength. Like the flower it is our responsibility to ooze with love and precious always reminding those that are looking on that they too are all this.

  382. It is exquisite when we meet someone who is not afraid to show their delicateness. The beauty, elegance and magnificent they emanate is heavenly and they remind us that we are the same too. We see this in babies but when we meet adults who shine in the same way, it is equally magical.

  383. If the flower were to remain closed the world indeed miss out on profound beauty. And this can be said of us all. When people let themselves be open, even for a moment their beauty is obvious.

    I’m realising as I visit my childhood home decades later, all the self imposed definitions of beauty I have tried to conform to; those pictures and attitudes of what it is to be beautiful I haven’t fully said that is not it, that is not me. But today, reading this I do know and can feel what beauty is. And it’s not having a certain nose shape or size, legs that look a certain way. It’s a beauty within, a delicious delicateness that is just so sweet and lovely. Allowing myself to feel this I can see the years of stark hardness I’ve subscribed to and am saying no more.

    1. A beautiful realisation Karin. There is such an exquisiteness in us all that we all do miss out should just one of us not show this aspect of ourselves, let alone the billions of us who live in some form of contraction. However when one flower chooses to bloom it offers a gorgeous reflection for us all – the reflection of what is innately ours that can never be damaged or taken away, but that is always there to claim.

  384. ‘We may even forget that we ourselves are beautiful.’ As a teacher who has worked in both primary and secondary settings, I would say that it is incredibly rare to meet a child or a teenager who lives with a claimed sense of self-worth and a bodily knowing of just how beautiful and precious they are. To support our children to retain that delicacy from birth, to not shut it down requires us as adults to re-find within what we have shut down to so that we can reflect back to them who they truly are.

  385. Nature is always available to reflect back to is our own beauty. It’s a great tool to turn to when we’re looking to reconnect.

  386. “What if we dropped the self-neglect”? This is an excellent question. What IF we actually treated ourselves with decency, love, care and respect? And made choices about what we did, ate and spent time doing that we’d be comfortable making for another person? Why do we always purposefully deal ourselves the worst hand?

  387. We surley are surrounded by the refelction of the beautiful quality of delicateness everyday. It is a choice as to whether we will allow ourselves to observe and feel it, or not.

  388. These words resonant to me
    “Something that fragile and magical is not meant to be contained or hidden away, it’s meant to be on show.”
    This to me represents humanity that we are fragile and magical and are hiding ourselves away, completely distracted by the bright lights of creation. We have become so completely immersed in this false light that we have forgotten our true origins, that we are meant to shine as brightly as the stars in the night sky. Our light is so bright and powerful but we have dulled ourselves down and fallen for the lesser light of creation.

  389. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show?” Absolutely, the world would be a very different place if we allowed our beauty to shine through instead of the armour of protection we carry around with us every day.

  390. ‘Like flowers, we handle babies with great care, honouring their sensitivity and never questioning their fragile nature. We accept them as they are – delicate and precious.’ And these qualities never leave us, More and more I am valuing my fragile nature and accept how delicate and precious I am, nevertheless it’s work in progress as patterns of disregard are coming to the surface in this process of accepting and appreciating who I innately am.

  391. I love how delicate we naturally are – we are incredibly delicate, the part of me I notice it most in is my fingertips – I find if I start to focus on the tips of my fingers the delicateness starts to ripple through my whole body.

  392. There is power in delicateness. Far from being weak and pathetic, as I used to think, being delicate holds a glory and sacredness that is real and tangible when connected to.

  393. Allowing ourselves to be delicate and to show who we really are supports others to do the same. How beautiful is the analogy of us all being this together and co-existing like a field of flowers.

  394. As you say there are no ‘average’ flowers, there is also the saying, ‘there is no such thing as a weed, just a flower in the wrong place’. Perhaps that is why most people are not the glorious flowers they can be but are living as ‘a weed’? The Way of The Livingness is how to find the ‘right’ place.

  395. A childhood memory was recalled yesterday as I searched within to understand a particular cycle I was in. Recently as I sorted and cleared years of history, this memory came from two photographs of myself as child one aged four, the other eleven or twelve. The depth of sadness in my eyes as a child in both photographs was shattering. Already hard, already in protection. It hurt to feel this, and yet there for all to see. There was no delicateness or preciousness, only an unloved, sad lost child. Yesterday, I was able to understand how this internal picture of myself still impacts on me deep inside. To acknowledge this was a breakthrough as it helped me to see why I’ve been holding back and why I have found it difficult to fully love myself. And yet everything can be transformed and with this knowing, I can gently parent myself back to fully embrace my inner divinity and beauty.

  396. An ocean of flowers… a room full of people that are open, tender, gorgeous. I’d like to see that more often than I do, but I witness it from time to time and it is breathtaking.

  397. Such great points here, and such great images. Yes why would we hold back our beauty out of fear? When we look at flowers we can see they put all of themselves out there with no holding back, but their delicacy is so apparent. A great analogy, thank you.

  398. Feeling the impact on all of closing off our delicateness and the joy of reconnecting and sharing this with the world.

    1. Yes, that is a numbness or a nagging absence of something important missing.

  399. Melinda, I love your analogy with us as human beings and with flowers, reading this makes me realise how crazy it is that we all have this beauty and delicateness and yet we close up, toughen up and do not allow others to see our beauty and delicateness. If we open up and show others who we truly are this will then inspire others to do the same.

  400. Reading this blog is like a gift from God. It tells me that even if we’ve experienced neglect and lack of love in our early years, this does not have to be a given: we can drop any deep seated belief that keeps us trapped in cycles that perpetuate self neglect. Its as if deep down we tell ourselves, this is all I know and feel worthy of. We can lovingly discard all that is not truly of our essence. We can gently nurture and parent ourselves until every protective guard comes down and we connect to our precious and delicate selves once more.

  401. Flowers are an amazing reflection to us, showing in abundance and without shame the beauty, delicateness and tenderness they are as they just are.

  402. Often I feel a wave of delicateness impulsing my movements and I feel a deepening of this while reading this article. This delicateness feels so natural and beautiful. Delicateness is not only a physical feature, as petiteness or a small frame can still convey hardness, but delicateness is an openness of oneself, to receive but also to give, to be in the world as who we are without protection.

    1. I love what you have shared Adele as it conveys a movement within the quality of gentleness, very similar in fact to the gentle back and forth movement of a flower in a breeze.

  403. I love how nature can reflect such things as delicacy, I remember looking at a feather once so fine, delicate and perfect in every way and thinking to myself that there must be a God for something to be so amazingly simple yet complex and beautiful in every way.

  404. I love the reflection nature offers us of no resistance. It flows in harmony with all life in the apparent awareness that even its own demise is not the end and there is a natural cycle to all things. There is a deep feeling of surrender in this.

  405. Melinda, just love your observations of the beauty of flowers and the very same nature and quality that they reflect for us too as human beings – “We rarely see flowers alone; they grow everywhere in all shades, shapes and colours, ready to share their light-hearted playfulness, their sensual depths, their fragrance and inspiring beauty. There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful” – completely true, all flowers are exquisite in their bloom.

  406. When you speak of flowers and how their nature and delicateness would be destroyed by armour, it’s such a great analogy, and when we consider us, our delicateness and how by arming ourselves we in fact crush ourselves just as we would crush a flower and that destroys it and similarly us. There is a beauty in all of us that is there to be seen, and is to be cherished.

  407. The association between human beings and flowers is spot on Melinda, and like every single flower has equal beauty, so too do people have this equal love and exquisite essence deep within, irrespective of colour, culture, nationality and personal choices.

  408. It is extraordinary to consider that delicateness can be powerful but that is very true. We do not have to live in a hard way to be powerful, we simply have to express our truth in every moment.

  409.  “We may even forget that we ourselves are beautiful” not only do we forget that we are beautiful but we get ourselves into the ridiculous situation where we actually think we’re ugly. What an absolute bastardisation of the truth and the dreadful part is, it’s us that have bastardised the truth.

  410. Delicateness is our natural language, our normal way to move and our true way to speak. If we are not feeling this in every cell of our body, then all we ever need to do is stop, reconnect and come back, to our fragile and sweet quality. Going on, full steam ahead hoping it will magically turn around does not work – I can certainly confirm that. The more we choose to embrace this essence of delicacy, the more we will flower, as you have done here Melinda.

  411. “We live this essence fully until life alters us” I feel that it is important to express that life does not alter us, it is us that choose to respond to life in such a way that we are altered. Every moment is an opportunity to evolve, it’s just up to us if we utilise it or not.

    1. I agree, because nothing that happens can really affect us. I know that when something happens, my first instinct is to observe, however a second later I begin to analyse and create a scenario as to how this situation has affected me. It’s interesting to realise just how I’ve started to use my mind so much, and this wasn’t always the case when I was younger.

  412. So much beauty and love is emanated from babies, maybe one day that level of preciousness will be held and accepted as normal, even for adults. Could the question be how is it that we get lost in a world of make believe (even though it is real), so that existence keeps us from our true tender and precious self? Then how do we stay connected to who we are, which is a tender, precious and loving being? Maybe the answer lies in the way we can move and express love in all we do and not to waver from that expression to the best of our ability? Then as we parent our children and ourself it is important to share with decency and respect so that true love is the base we all stand on.

  413. ‘Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’ – We would all be missing out on so much. Flowers pop up wherever they can grow, sometimes right on the edge of a cliff where it’s hard to imagine how they survive, but they do. They clearly don’t worry about feeling protected, simply sharing their exquisite delicate beauty wherever they can, for as long as they are able. A gorgeous reflection for us all.

  414. ‘There is power in delicateness, and we feel this when we are moved by the beauty of a flower’ – so true, in connecting with the delicateness of a beautiful flower, we are reminded that we too share the same quality.

    1. When I was younger, I really didn’t even notice flowers – my mother would always talk about them and how this one is growing and showing its petals and how that one isn’t feeling so well, but I used to completely ignore them. Now, I can’t get enough flowers, my room is full of them and I absolutely love being surrounded by flowers.

  415. I love this invitation – “And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers, always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within, so we were always present and on show”

  416. Beautiful Melinda, how gorgeous you are to see the potential for so much delicate beauty in every person, like a field of flowers.

  417. If we honoured our delicateness more, what kind of a society would we experience? Would there be less abuse, less suffering and more understanding and acceptance of each other?

    1. Imagine the kind of relationships we would have if what you’re suggesting was lived by the majority, wow…

  418. Flowers are a great comparison to represent our delicateness and just how ridiculous it is to try and be hard when everything in our nature is to open and reflect our innate qualities.

  419. The way we instinctively are with flowers and babies tells me that we know exactly how to be with delicateness and appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. There is no bullying or taunts to toughen up or jealousy that another living thing is able to be delicate and just be who it is. If we focused more on the beauty and a lot less on that we may get hurt, we would see a lot more of it – a sea of delicate flowers in society.

  420. So beautifully presented Melinda and indeed it would be an experience that would overwhelm our hearts with joy, should we walk into such an immense field of delicate power. When we realise that what we had always considered to be our biggest failing is, in fact, our greatest strength is an immense and deeply life changing revelation, one that empowers us to begin taking down the shields and letting this delicate beauty shine for all to see.

  421. It is non sensical to expect a flower to be tough so why when I feel my delicateness I have decided it is not ok to be this way in the world? Flowers grow in the most extreme places and shine their beauty with no holding back.

    I remember feeling really down a fair few years ago and looked at a flower in the grass and felt it shine up to me and I cried feeling the beautiful reflection it offered. That we are all from and of love.

  422. I love the analogy of our delicateness and the beauty of a flower Melinda. There is such a range of gorgeous flowers as there is a range of gorgeous people. The size and shapes of different flowers and people may vary but are all equal in delicateness. With people that is not always felt because of protection, and it is so clear how that blocks and hides the delicateness, which remains inside us all.

  423. A world where both men and women live the Delicateness naturally. A dream or fantasy? Or a purpose to aim for. All together. What if we support the delicateness in our children? What if delicateness and so many other innate qualities we hold within, were celebrated and confirmed every day we go to school or university? And what if this than continues in our workplaces? This would change my world definitely for the better. Toughening up has never been a true answer and will never be. History up until today has shown us. Are we (part of) the generation that puts energy in changing the tide?

  424. There is great strength in delicateness and nature offers a wonderful reflection for us.

  425. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show?” Wow now that would be something, we are so used to walking around hard, protected and pretending to be something we are not, when we do drop our guard and allow that delicateness to show we show others to that its ok to be delicate and tender.

    1. Yes indeed, Samantha. The more we live in our delicateness, the more others will follow suit.

  426. This is such a powerful contrast and how delicately and sensitively written, “We can choose to move people away, or we can choose to move them with our beauty.”

  427. I love this sharing of this analogy of the flower and how they are designed to be in full bloom and shine in their beauty and delicateness.

  428. I love this as to me is asks what would the world be like if there was no delicateness? And also how despite our surroundings no matter how hard they seem we can still be delicate. ‘Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’ And indeed what would it be like walking in a field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.’ … It would be pretty Awesome I say so … lets be this ✨

  429. Thank you Melinda for a beautiful celebration of our delicateness and beauty. Indeed, what a world it is when take down off our armour and do not hold back from showing our essence, our delicateness.

  430. “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.
    What would it be like walking in that field every day?” Instead of the misery and struggle the large majority of us have created and chosen to live in, being reflected to us, confirming us in our own struggle and reasons for protecting and hiding ourselves, we would at every turn see reflections of our magnificence, our divinity, our power, our beauty and our delicateness (amongst others). No room for misery, we would have the space to feel our contraction if/when it happened and make a different choice. No different in the responsibility we have to make that choice, but so much simpler when we are supported at every turn by the reflection of Love.

  431. A flower is so delicate, yet the power and glory it emanates when in full bloom is stunning. Imagine a crowd of people emanating the same quality… how beautiful that would be!

  432. I am coming to understand the immense strength of delicateness and this article confirms this and inspires me to consider how I can develop the honouring of delicateness in my life.

    1. I am too deeply inspired by Melinda’s blog to develop a relationship with delicateness and to honour my body like a beautiful flower.

  433. This is one of those blogs simply written but very powerful in it’s presentation reminding us all of our delicateness and fragility and how the flowers like everything in nature are always reflecting back to us who we truly are. I always marvel at the Tree Peony as the flowers are so beautiful, the petals remind me of brightly coloured tissue paper and yet so strong at the same time and so glorious to behold. Now I shall behold them in a different light, that they represent humanity, we are all delicate and fragile in our essence and yet so incredibly strong.

  434. Flowers always bring a sense of grace, beauty and delicateness when ever I see them in gardens, fields or woodlands – each bringing its particular quality to be enjoyed. How amazing Nature is –constantly reflecting these divine qualities that are within our essence.

  435. Thanks Melinda. I love how you describe our delicateness as often being encased by our protective hardening, which illustrates that even the toughest criminal has the most exquisite beauty within.

  436. It is true flowers are very beautiful and delicate and offer us a reflection that we all have our unique way of expressing. Some are strong and bold like a sunflower and others sway gently in the breeze with the delicateness of a butterfly. The world would be a very different place if we chose to open up and show our inner beauty unashamedly and unprotected for the world to see.

  437. Flowers are a great reflection with their beauty, openness and tenderness. It is an amusing thought considering ‘what if they decided to stay closed or to toughen up in order to protect themselves’ and ‘what a flower went into self doubt and comparison because it noticed a beautiful flower next to it’? Thanks Melinda, a great expose of some of our crazy choices.

  438. Although ‘delicateness’ is a great word to describe our essence, the more I experience being in my essence the more perplexing it is to describe it. It is so very known and yet at the same time there is a certain newness to it. There are many words that when put together seem to be able to describe it but at the same time don’t even come close. It feels somewhat of a conundrum.

  439. Beautiful analogy made here Melinda, indeed we live in a world that does not celebrate fragility and sensitivity or see it for the empowering quality it has to honour all that we deeply feel.

  440. Opening up like a flower is a saying we hear a lot and perhaps we forget what simple truth this truly relates to. Your blog reminds us of the simple truth reflected to us everyday, something I like many may not fully appreciate simply because we do not always want to see what it is reflecting back to us that may expose what we are not living even though we in-truth want to.

  441. ‘a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty’.. that field would feel Divine and what a beautiful way to have our delicacy reflected to us.. from flowers.

  442. There is bounds of beauty in every living cell. How easily do we recognise this within ourselves and within others?

  443. Our bodies can take a lot of rough handling, or so we think, but although our bodies are very strong and adaptable, their delicate internal balance is one we would do well to pay attention to.

  444. This is a gorgeous description Melinda of the delicateness that we all carry within us.

  445. Thank you Melinda. I have always adored flowers and you have put the words together to explain why is such a beautiful way. Thank you for reminding me how much I cherish delicateness.

  446. A beautiful piece of writing Melinda, flowers are such a powerful analogy for delicate beauty, yet how often do we allow ourselves to feel this within our own bodies.

  447. I love this analogy Melinda, of a flower bud staying tightly shut being in essence the same as us not allowing our true essence to shine out and blossom for all the world to see, feel and delight in. How much are we all missing out on, if even just one of us keeps ourselves hidden in this way?

  448. The simplicty and intelligence of nature is simply humbling and puts everything back into perspective, a perspective that allows us to see who we are in truth and how to live that in a world that still needs to learn what that means.

  449. Great points Jane. We try to meddle to have too much control. I love the surrender to the rhythms in nature. Such an awesome reflection for us all.

  450. Daring to be the delicate flower in a stormy world seems to be a stupid thing to do – but only from a point of protection where we are disconnected from what delicateness really is as in hurt we confuse it for vulnerability and cannot feel the power that naturally goes with it.

  451. I love how you remind us that flowers bloom and open up in their delicateness, a beautiful celebration in a way – no holding back or retreating from life to ‘protect’ themselves…

  452. Love this analogy Melinda, there is so much we can learn from nature and all its symbolism.

  453. I love reading your blog agin Melinda, this is such a beautiful blog. The magnificent and beauty in nature and in people is always present. The only difference is nature doesn’t hold back expressing its delicateness, its beauty and power but a majority of people I know, including myself hold back.

  454. When people allow their delicacy to be seen it does stand out because so many of us walk around in our guarded protective armour. I sometime see it in children walking around at school. They seem untouched by the often harsh rough and tumble environment that school can be and they are a reminder, just like the flower, that we can be our delicate selves in this world.

    1. Indeed Fiona, that is a way of being we can learn from the flowers, which they show to us every year and season over and over again. Until one day we understand that it is actually our strength to show and live the delicacy we are wherever we go and join the flowers in this so needed expression on earth.

  455. ‘If the flower were to keep itself closed to protect itself from possible harm, the world would be missing out on profound beauty.’ Absolutely awesome analogy – an inspiration to let go of protection allowing my delicacy and fragility to be seen and celebrated.

  456. “There is never one beautiful flower and the rest are average – they are all beautiful” – Can you imagine if this ethos and value was truly taken on board by the media? Everything would turn on it’s head, but the fact that the media is so perfectly the OPPOSITE of this means we must know in enormous detail how to live in a way where everyone IS appreciated and valued….

  457. “Imagine if we too as human beings celebrated our delicateness and always had our beauty on show?” for most of my life I saw delicateness as a weakness, yet I love what you share and say about the strength of delicateness, what a difference in makes when we see things for the truth of what they are and not what we think they are.

  458. I also really appreciate your words on how every flower is beautiful. At home, we have a small patch of land that is a wild flower meadow. I find it impossible to tell the difference between “flowers” and “weeds”. They all seem amazing and beautiful to me!

      1. Love that. Tip top gardening advice with a dash of truth. Imagine if that level of acceptance and understanding were brought to humanity; dissolves all nationalities, borders and cultural differences.

  459. The bit you have written about wrapping the flower up in protective armour ran especially true for me. Only when I drop the protection and control, does me and the world get to feel my true delicateness.

  460. Thank you Melinda it is so clear when we see the delicate beauty of a flower that this comes from its openness and lack of protection so why do we forget this with ourselves? Here’s to celebrating the glory of our delicacy and walking with openness every day.

  461. The exquisite, delicate, beauty in a flower is a great marker of reflection. It can let us know how far we have strayed if we are willing to be honest and acknowledge but it can also confirm who we truly are and where we are from.

      1. This is akin to the re-parenting that I have been doing to myself inspired by all that I have learnt from Universal Medicine. This has been a huge re-calibration for me and re-understandning of what being a true adult is – a constant work-in-progress whilst accepting full responsibility for all of my choices. It’s humbling, but also very empowering as I begin to feel free from the illusions, shackles, hurts and beliefs that I had chosen to align to.

  462. Wow Melinda I love this article, it would amazing if we as humans were open, delicate and not hiding our delicateness – this is our natural way; ‘always taking great care to support and nurture the beautiful being within, so we were always present and on show? What kind of world would that be?’

  463. I have wondered what a true festival of light would be like, with thousands of us meeting up without taking drugs,drinking alcohol or completely checking out to the music to be feasted upon by astral energy and instead listening to true soulful music and everyone would be free to show their true beauty and delicateness. You have taken this to a global level Melinda which would be beyond words.

  464. The delicate beauty of a flower is also held in knowing that the petals are not permanent but blooming for a while before the cycle of life returns before they will blossom again.

  465. This is a quality we often times keep under wraps but when we allow ourselves to connect to this and express in this quality we bring a great blessing. Since reading your blog I am focusing more on this and letting it have more space in my body. Thank you Melinda.

  466. I like the analogy of a rose hiding it’s beauty – imagine if all the beauty in nature one day decided to hide itself – it would never do that because it knows it has a job and what it’s here to do – but then isn’t it crazy that we often hide or protect our beauty or our delicateness? And what if us being open and transparent has the ability to inspire another person to let their own beauty out?

    1. Yes I agree – we also have a job to do and that is to flower and be all that we are.

  467. Beautifully insight-full Melinda. I have just had a very up close experience of working with the extreme delicateness of flowers in an orchid business. While preparing these exquisite blooms for export the handling and the care that needs to be taken is immense and if not, the damage is instant and irreparable. It had me thinking quite often about the care I take of myself and asking if it is as deep as the care I was taking of these delicate flowers, probably not all the time, but definitely a loving work in progress.

  468. Beautiful Melinda, your words make me realise how much I brace myself when I’m around things in this world that are hard and rough to feel. Yesterday I attended a speech where the presenter swore repetitively and was very angry indeed. Like someone without a coat on a chilly day, I found myself flinching and contracting in my cells, as if, should they become more solid this way, then it wouldn’t feel so bad. But as you beautifully show this numbness we induce comes at a substantial cost to us -our delicacy and preciousness. This is now so valuable to me, I can see that from here on in feeling the discomfort and displeasure is what I actually prefer.

  469. There is nothing ever ugly or frustrating about a flower, I know seems ridiculous to even say but as human beings we tend to only look at the ugliness and get frustrated and annoyed at each other. We have reduced ourselves so much from the grandeur of who we are, that it takes an enormous force to do that and a lot of hard work to show the opposite. The sweetness, beauty and absolute delicateness of a baby is a reflection of what we all are inside, waiting patiently to hold ourselves in that way again.

  470. It’s true you never just see one flower there is always an abundance of beautiful delicate flowers and this reflects to us that when we too are open, tender and unafraid to show the world the depth of delicateness we hold the world would be shining and bountiful with blooms of people from all walks of life sharing and radiating their experiences in huge appreciation for what they have lived. That is truly inspirational.

  471. I’ve always really enjoyed working with things that are extremely delicate- like building a model airplane out of very thin balsa wood pieces and covering the wings with translucent fabric that could easily fall apart if you weren’t super tender with its construction, or working with tiny electronics equipment and wiring/soldering that is very thin and fragile. Anything that is very sensitive and subject to be damaged if not approached with the utmost care I have gravitated towards in my work and other interests (like creating bonsai trees). This blog has allowed me to realise and appreciate that perhaps my interest in these activities lies in the fact that I too am extremely sensitive and delicate and moving my body in that way feels like its natural flow.

  472. A baby in its delicateness and fragility disarms those around it. What we need to remember is that in our delicateness and fragility, we too disarm others. What a wonderful race we would be, if we chose to live ‘disarmed’.

  473. ‘We may toughen ourselves, preferring to meet the world with aggression or defensiveness, portraying a false strength, forgetting that our innocent inner beauty is much more powerful.’ In being defensive or aggressive, we are basically keeping people out, choosing instead to hide within our walls of defense, which continue to harden and thicken, suffocating our exquisite essence. There is tremendous strength in allowing our delicate nature to be seen and felt. Dropping our protection incites a feeling of trust and allows others to feel that same tender nature within themselves too – the power is in the pull for us to unite together as the enormous family that we are.

  474. What a stunningly gorgeous blog, Melinda, thank you for reminding us all of our precious delicateness.
    ‘Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.’ – pure divinity. It’s how we are constellated to live together, a way that innate within us all, it’s our choice.

  475. Melinda I laughed when I got to the end of this beautiful blog to discover you work in the construction industry… you must be a breath of fresh air every day if that is the quality and beauty of what you take with you!

  476. Melinda your sharing is exquisite as you have captured the essence of flowers quite beautifully and by capturing the essence of flowers you have also captured the essence of all of us.

  477. It would reduce a lot of heartache if we stopped trying to be accepted and recognised for our outer physical beauty and all the work that is required to live up to this image than to cherish and nurture our own inner-beauty starting with just how fragile, sensitive, tender and vulnerable we are.

  478. Gorgeous blog Melinda, reminding us about our true nature, a nature that feels like it is long forgotten. It will one day return, our awareness to the fact, that we each are as delicate as the most delicate of flowers. Our inner beauty, our Soul in expression, is what it is really all about.

  479. There was a time when the first decision would have been made to move away from our delicateness and into the world of push, drive and harshness and so this reflection began a huge migration of others toward this way. We all know that deep down this is not truly us and so we can choose one by one to begin the move back towards claiming and living our delicateness and once again by this reflection re-connect to the way it truly is. Thanks Melinda.

  480. The world so needs delicateness everywhere – hardness and protection are clearly not working for us when we look at the state of the world today.

  481. we are born delicate, fragile and helpless relying on our parents to provide us with what we need to be in this world but within us is the grace, beauty and intelligence of the entire Universe. Through delicateness We reflect all of this. However, life, as it is presently, is harsh and sometimes very cruel and we see how easy the delicate flower or person gets crushed. Protection seems to be a wise move, cover up that soft centre in case it be hurt or destroyed but at what cost? We associate delicacy with weakness when in truth it is an enormous strength. Being laden with armour of a hard body and tough emotions or control keeps us from seeing the love and beauty that is within ourselves and each other. Letting that delicate being out is a natural way and is not to be feared but embraced whole heartedly.

  482. This was just stunning to read, deeply inspiring, and filled with truly exquisite metaphors each as profound as the next… leaving me moved by the beauty of who we are and can choose to live. Love it.

  483. “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience.” Indeed, imagine the beauty that would shine forth! And it only takes one person to shine for others to recognise that in themselves, to connect to it and so the shining field of flowers expands forevermore.

  484. It can feel like we have moved so far away from our delicateness, yet the fragility and preciousness with which we come in to human life is undeniable. Actually, it’s scary to contemplate the layers and the nature of protection and hardness we take on – I can feel in this moment how foreign to us these really are. Re-learning as aware adults how to be delicate in a world that does not fully reflect that to us is a challenge. It can feel like we’re not equipped to deal with the harshness of what we see and feel. Yet, as pointed out here, flowers have no armouring and yet they flourish. After reading this article, including flowers in our lives, in gardens or in vases, feels like a lovely way to remind ourselves that delicateness is possible.

  485. Your blog Melinda is as beautiful as the flowers of which you write… and as beautiful as the humans to whom you compare those flowers. The image of a global field of beautiful, delicate and open people emanating their natural beauty is divine. It’s reminding me to appreciate other from their essence first and foremost. Thank you.

  486. A flower cannot bloom without the light. So too is it for us. Thus our delicateness is the light of our Soul, made manifest for all to see when we live the truth of who we are.

    1. So true Liane, without the light of love, flowers will wilt and die, this is the same for people.

    2. True, Liane. I love to see how flowers turn towards the light, as we too inevitably will all do as a part of the return to the full bloom of our soulful nature.

  487. I love this. Melinda you have captured the essence and expression of delicateness beautifully.

  488. Interesting analogy and I can relate to how a simple flower can move you and how seeing a bunch or field of flowers can bring you to a stop or have you get the camera out for a photo moment. It’s funny even writing this I can recall flowers or moments with flowers that have touched me, the holiday when I saw a round about full of red flowers, the field of purple on a drive the other day, the yellowness of spring in the area near where I live it all comes back to me now from reading this article, powerful.

  489. ‘And what if we dropped the self-neglect and nurtured ourselves like precious flowers…’ Dropping the self neglect – well that would change the face of this world in a heartbeat, quite literally.

  490. What a gorgeous observation. Thank you for sharing the beauty and delicateness of a flower, and how we would be missing out if they chose to hide their beauty. A great message to every single person – if we hold back we are holding back our beauty and strength from the world.

  491. Oh my, what an incredible piece of writing. You have taken the simplicity of a beautiful and delicate flower and introduced great wisdom to us about how we can be in the world. I loved reading this today and was moved to tears, thank you Melinda.

  492. A beautiful appreciation of the quality of delicateness in flowers – it amazes me how strong and solid delicateness is – these delicate flower petals simply dance and blow around in the strongest of blustery winds and maintain their connection with their stem.

  493. “Babies remind us of an innate purity we were all born connected to.” – and a purity and delicateness that stays alive within us waiting for us to re-connect to.

    1. I was travelling on the underground yesterday and a woman with a baby got on. Instantly, all eyes were on this baby as she gurgled and smiled with everyone. It was a moment where we all melted and dropped our guard and began smiling at her and each other, just for the sheer joy she was exuding. I agree Henrietta that the delicacy is always there, waiting for us to connect to.

  494. Thank you Melinda for reminding us that it is OK to be delicate, and in this lies our strength.

  495. Life might seemingly batter us but the choice is always ours, whether to give in and succumb to the toughening on offer or not.

    1. I loved reading this and being reminded how absurd it is to attempt to harden and hide delicateness when I can feel how powerful and beautiful it is.

  496. The beauty in a flower is innate. Yet, that does not mean that just anybody will see it as something beautiful and treat it as the beauty it is. With human beings is the same thing. We carry an immense beauty inside which we may choose to share or to hide. If we choose to relate to it and to share it, others may choose to acknowledge it, surrender to it and cherish it or not. Independent of how others relate to it, the beauty will always be there anyway. No one will take it away from us.

  497. Beautiful analogy Melinda,’ Imagine a world with no roses or lilies because all the flowers stayed closed to protect their delicateness?’ How silly are human beings and what an amazing reflection we get from nature and in this case flowers in particular.

  498. As we go about our daily lives it’s easy to forget how fragile the human body is.. we throw so much at it, expecting it to just get on and do life, and then complain when it breaks down. I’ve heard so many people say that illness was the best thing that ever happened to them because it made them make the changes they knew they needed to make, but weren’t able to – but what if we listened to the body before we got ill, and respected its fragility and delicateness? The more I allow myself to feel the fragility and vulnerability of my own body, the more I learn to accept and appreciate it, and work with it, instead of against it.

  499. I happened to be walking through an enormous rose garden yesterday, with hundreds of varieties of roses, and what struck me the most was that as well as being very beautiful and delicate, each flower was absolutely unique, and I could have spent hours stopping to appreciate every one of them.

  500. Melinda your words are music to every cell in my body: “Imagine an ocean, a global field of human beings glorious in their natural beauty, emanating their innate gorgeousness for all to experience. What would it be like walking in that field every day?” my heart knows that world intimately and is behind you all the way. My mind and spirit is still learning to let go of the protection and control, and I loved reading the delicateness reflected in your blog.

  501. Absolutely gorgeous to read Melinda. I love the analogy of a rose holding back its flowers because it is afraid they will get hurt and how silly it seems to do that for a flower as who would want to harm a beautiful flower? Yet it is the same for us, no one, when they are with themselves, would hurt us when we are letting our delicate beauty out in full.

  502. I like how you describe our delicateness by the delicateness of a flower. A beautiful way to remind us of our beauty, sweetness and preciousness.

  503. What a lovely analogy and blog Melinda. Something that is naturally delicate and beautiful is not made to be closed up or in protection!

  504. When we accept how delicate we naturally are, there’s quite simply a ripple effect. The power is in the communication that just like the petals of the flower, handle me with care, with presence. Toughness attracts more toughness, which is why the fortresses we build around us will never work. It is the rawness of our true beauty that offers the one real way if you will, of protecting ourselves. We protect ourselves in the knowing that our pristine essence when we let it come out and be seen, so fragile, so delicate, so pure, in all its glory, can never be tainted by something that is less than this quality.

    1. Katerina I love what you have shared and your expression ‘the rawness of our true beauty’ felt especially true. Our true beauty does feel very raw, much like a flower in the wind, but oh so beautiful in its stripped back way.

  505. Wow, you have so clearly described why delicateness is not meant to be hidden – a flower could so easily hide away, for fear of being hurt. Often to our surprise, that delicateness can be respected and honoured for its and those who do not and are harsh and rough, reject it or try and abuse it, it is a great reflection for where they are at in their own rejection of their delicateness, and doesn’t need to harm, taint or damage the delicateness of another if they hold steady.

  506. I hadn’t connected to the power of delicateness so clearly, deeply and physically until now. Feeling the connection between the delicateness of a flower and the power it has to move us is a perfect way in for me to deepen my relationship with my own delicateness. Thank you Melinda.

  507. I have often thought about the beauty of a flower in full bloom, in all its delicateness, as synonymous with the delicateness of human nature. To harden and protect ourselves simply does not work, as we mask the truth of who we are. As a result, no one gets to see the truth of our nature.

  508. The beauty of the flower and its delicateness is not only when it is in full bloom, but also while it is a bud and unfolding. We need to remember this while we are unfolding and know that it is okay, no matter what stage of growth we are in.

  509. Sometimes a reflection from nature e.g. a sunset, feather or leaf dropping down in front of us, deer, bird etc. can inspire us to let go of any complication and self-criticism we were in and appreciate the tangible beauty in front of us, which we immediately feel within. Who says conversations can’t offer the same reflection?

  510. “I have seen whole fields of flowers… an ocean of colour, form, and beauty so moving it completely stopped me. I could not be more with my heart to see such grandeur – so simple and so powerful.” Yes so beautiful yet each flower is also unique in its expression – unlike any other flower, just like us.

  511. Beautiful blog Melinda, what a gorgeous reminder of who we are and that our delicateness is something to be celebrated and shared with everyone. The protection and hardness we tend to project means we are all missing out on the divine beauty that’s within us all. Thank you, Melinda I love it.

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